Who's the Foil IV

Who is Chris Jericho's biggest rival?

  • Triple H

  • The Rock

  • Shawn Michaels

  • Edge

  • Christian

  • John Cena

  • other

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S.J. Maximus

Championship Contender
One of the most key aspects of pro wrestling is the development of feuds and over the years we've been treated to a lot of them, obviously fluctuating in both intensity and longevity. When those goodie faces battle those evil heels we love the conflict of personality and style as well as personal issues.

The point of this new series I'm starting is for you, the IWC, to tell me who you think a star's greatest nemesis was. For the fourth edition, I'm throwing out a name that has been a consistent option for every other edition so far:

Chris Jericho
The Ayatollah of Rock n Rollah
He broke the walls down in 1999 and has headlined 2 WrestleManias since then with Triple H (X8) and Edge (26). As the winningest Intercontinental Champion of all time, he's had extensive feuds over the title with Rey Mysterio and his fellow tag team champion Christian. Does anyone remember his many battles with Shawn Michaels? What about his verbal and physical battles with the Rock? There's a plethora of options, but I only want one, so tell me who is the single greatest career foil of Chris Jericho?
although he has had obvious one's like the rock or scsa , but for me it's gotta be H...B...K!!! they have had great match's quite a few year's back but the more recent one's like the ladder match at umm...no mercy if im correct , and the match at unforgiven! was great
My pick went to Triple H because they faced off in singles competition from 2000-2005 and then again in tag team competition in 2001 and in 2009, meaning that they've had a feud that has continued over a 9 year span. It may not have been personal in 09 the way his feud with HBK was in 08, but it still showed the animosity between them and brought back fond memories of the intense HHH/Y2J feud of the McMahon-Helmsley Era
Chris Jericho's greatest foil was Stephanie McMahon. No matter how confident "The Billion $ Princess" tried to portray herself, leave it to Jericho to humiliate her, calling her a "sleazy, slimy, dirty, disgusting, brutal, bottom-feeding, no-good, two dollar trash-bag ho!" My favorite was still the one where Jericho pointed out Stephanie's boob job to the world.

I hated it when they became "business partners" during the build-up to WM 18. It had him look bad and overshadowed.
ill make this quick cuz i have to get to practice soon but i picked CENA (im not a huge cena fan altho i do like some of the stuff hes done) because they had a big feud on raw when cena first came over and the two had a loser leaves WWE match which forced jericho into retirement. then when he came back, after playing a face for a while, he won the WWE title and feuded with cena again, this time with cena returning at survivor series (i forget which one but watever).
with little time to think, i cant put my full attention on jericho's greatest rival however cena was the first to come to mind
I would have to pick The Rock.

His fued with The Rock during the invasion for the WCW Championship was his first fued cementing him as a main eventer. Leading to him becoming the first Undisbuted Champion.
For me, it has to be his fued with HBK, for the simple reason that that fued was the only PERSONAL fued. The rest were battles over titles, but Jericho's fued with HBK was built on pure (kayfabe) hatred. Also, both the promos and matches in this fued were far better than any of the other fueds.
Its really a toss up between The Rock and HBK. I would say HBK becuase the fued they had in 08 was absolutely GREAT. There matches were phenomenal and promos were excellent. You actually believed they hated one another. They took kayfabe to a whole new level. But then you have The Rock. From Chris Jerichos debut those two were destined to clash. They've had countless battles, numerous times winning titles over each other, and there promos are second to none. Even though the invasion angle was terribly written the fued between them two kept it alive. In the end i would have to say THE ROCK
i'd have to say none of the above... i am not sure if this is bad or not but I really can't think of a definitive feud for Chris Jericho as I can almost any other superstar. Really, stephanie mcmahon is the closet thing to a major feud for him so I'm inclined to agree with eastcoastfan... the matches he got into with rhyno and others because of her were pretty cool and had some good moments. But aside from that I can't think of a great nemesis for y2j. A lot of his feuds were so short and maybe just overshadowed by the fact that those other guys all have another bigger nemesis than jericho... Now I'm not taking anything away from jericho, he's pretty entertaining. Although I personally enjoyed the whiny and eccentric y2j over this no country for old men version he's got right now, jericho is still pretty damn good and gets guys over like crazy and himself as well. But as for doing it off of one major feud I can't think of any, he's just gotten to where he is off a million moments with everyone combined... maybe chris jericho's biggest nemesis is everyone who is not chris jericho, which is why he has the lasting power that he does.
I'd kind of agree with the conclusion that bigbootydaddyV came to. Chris Jericho's greatest foil is everyone else. His entire career he pushed himself to be the best, showing time and time again that he is the best there is at what he does. It didn't matter if it was the Rock, or HBK, or Stephanie McMahon, or anyone else, 9 times out of 10 whoever he was against, he made himself look better than he was before in the outcome. And I'd also agree thats why he has the lasting power he's had, because every fued he makes seem cool in some way, and he DOESN'T have just one guy you always want to see him wrestle, you want to see him wrestle EVERYONE.

However if I HAD to pick a name, it'd be either Stephanie or The Rock. Both of those people helped make Chris Jericho big time, The Rock for his debut and many matches to follow, and the respect they developed for each other. And Stephanie McMahon for helping to show the world that Jericho really was a talker, and could get you behind him in the big time.
without a doubt it would have to be Shawn Michaels because these 2 have had many epic battles over the years including their wrestlemania match which i thought was amazing! honestly everybody else on here hasnt had as much of epic fueds with Y2J as the showstopper HBK so yeah my pick would have to be HBK
I'm going to throw out a name that most people probably wouldn't think of: Dean Malenko. They had a great feud in WCW. Go to Youtube and search for Chris Jericho & 1004 holds, and you'll find some hilarious segments from WCW. And their matches were pretty great too. Maleno left for a while & came back to win a battle royal while wearing a mask, & he beat Jericho that night for the Cruiserweight title. Jericho also had a classic segment where, during a match, he ran away from Malenko & out of the arena in Baltimore. I know you probably meant to focus on Jericho in the WWE, but I think his feud with Malenko was a classic.

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