Who's the Foil III: Shawn Michaels

Who is Shawn Michael's biggest rival?

  • Bret Hart

  • Triple H

  • Undertaker

  • Chris Jericho

  • Kurt Angle

  • John Cena

  • Marty Jannetty

  • Diesel

  • Stone Cold

  • Razor Ramon

  • Vince McMahon

  • Randy Orton

  • other

Results are only viewable after voting.

S.J. Maximus

Championship Contender
One of the most key aspects of pro wrestling is the development of feuds and over the years we've been treated to a lot of them, obviously fluctuating in both intensity and longevity. When those goodie faces battle those evil heels we love the conflict of personality and style as well as personal issues.

The point of this new series I'm starting is for you, the IWC, to tell me who you think a star's greatest nemesis was. For the third edition, I'm gonna turn up the debate and throw out a man who's had many feuds over his career:

Shawn Michaels
The Heartbreak Kid
He's the Icon, the Showstopper, Mr. WrestleMania, and the Main Event. Ever since superkicking Marty Janetty in 92 he proved that he was destined for success. He revolutionized the ladder match with Hall, started the Ironman Match with Bret, innovated Hell in a Cell with Taker, and bloodied himself with Hunter. For 2 decades he inspired us, but now as he gets inducted into the Hall of Fame let's think: who is the biggest rival of his career?
John Cena is definitely the biggest rival of Shawn Michael's career.

Shawn Michaels only main evented Wrestlemania ONCE. That was at WM 23. He fought John Cena for the WWE title in an outstanding effort.

Sadly, he was later demoted to the mid card. That was Shawn Michaels time to shine. He almost got his first World Championship, but not quite.
Shawn Michaels only main evented Wrestlemania ONCE. That was at WM 23. He fought John Cena for the WWE title in an outstanding effort.

What!?!?!?!?! You seriously need to look up some history books son. WrestleMania14 he put over Austin in the main event. WrestleMania12 he won the WWF title from Bret.

Even more recently, he was in the WM 20 main event with HHH and Benoit. come on son do some research
I personally voted Triple H though because I think every match they had was so intense I was always entertained when they went at it. You know there was gonna be blood, there were gonna be kick outs, and there gonna be stretchers at the end. A 2 year feud is pretty good, but I feel like their rivalry continues beyond that because they have been so similar in so many ways. Let's look at some similarities between the 2:

- They both have been Tag Team Champions with Stone Cold Steve Austin

- They both have faced Vince McMahon in a wrestling match

-They both have been Grand Slam Champions

- Both used a female manager early on in their heel careers only to upgrade to a better one during their main event heel careers. (for Shawn it was Sherri to Chyna; for HHH it was Chyna to Steph)

-Both have lost to John Cena via submission in the main event of a WrestleMania

-(As of next week monday) Both have unsuccessfully tried to end the streak twice

And the list continues, trust me
I have to agree say, HBK has main evented more than you listed Jerry Lawler mark. You must be a newer fan to only recognize that.

If I had to list his biggest rival it would be Brett Hart.

It started long before the WM 12 event and afterward with DX and Hart Foundation. It also was real personal after the Montreal Screwjob.
John Cena is definitely the biggest rival of Shawn Michael's career.

Shawn Michaels only main evented Wrestlemania ONCE. That was at WM 23. He fought John Cena for the WWE title in an outstanding effort.

Sadly, he was later demoted to the mid card. That was Shawn Michaels time to shine. He almost got his first World Championship, but not quite.

Dude seriously check your facts because you are VERY mistaken. He won his first world title in 96 in the MAIN EVENT of Wrestlemania 12, in the match of the year that year. He won his second at Royal Rumble 97. He won his third at Survivor Series in 97 in the Montreal Screwjob. He won the world title after his return in the first ever elimination chamber. I dont want to sound like a jerk, but damn.....

On to the topic of the thread, From a business standpoint I'd have to say Triple H. Of all the fueds Shawn has had in his magnificent career, the one with HHH was the most personal(kayfabe). We all know how close these two are and seeing them tear each other apart just feels that much more personal.

On a personal standpoint, I would say Bret Hart. The fued with Bret (onsceen and off) was very personal but they had more of a war of words, only really locking it at Wrestlemania 12 and Survivor Series 97, as well as the ocassional Superkick or figurefour around the ringpost(I miss that move). Although the match they had at Survivor Series 92 champion vs champion (Bret WWF champ vs Shawn Intercontinental Champ) was good, and you knew these two would only get better
Since we're rather early into the thread it's time to throw in the OBVIOUS answer here:


Two of the longest-tenured WWF/E wrestlers in the promotion's history going back and forth. Mind you, it wasn't dragged out over the 17+ years but when these two got in the ring, you knew there was going to be a classic in the making.

Hell in a Cell, Kane appears and destroys Taker, allowing HBK to sneak away with a win and bring DX to the heights it reached.

WM 25 and 26: Instant classics that ultimately ended HBK's career after a jumping spike tombstone.
John Cena is definitely the biggest rival of Shawn Michael's career.

Shawn Michaels only main evented Wrestlemania ONCE. That was at WM 23. He fought John Cena for the WWE title in an outstanding effort.

Sadly, he was later demoted to the mid card. That was Shawn Michaels time to shine. He almost got his first World Championship, but not quite.

I AM FLABBERGASTED!! :wtf::wtf::wtf:

These 12 year old John Cena marks.. Give them a net and they won't even let us IWC rant about him in silence even here... ;)

To the topic then, Shawn had an epic career consisting of some legendary feuds.. Bret Hart, Undertaker, Cena, Austin, Orton, Jericho but the one that I believe was his most intense and emotional feud was with his best buddy Triple H..

I mean honestly when Shawn returned from his career threatning injury and Trips cam out, you could literally smell something.. Trips was a heel at that point of time and you would have thought how can he turn face like this.. And a Pedigree later he proved he wasn't turning face any time soon.. This paved way for one of the best SS matches in that Street Fight and later elimination chamber and best 2 out of 3.. Even though they were best friends they carried the feud like the professionals they are, and I believe their work should be lauded and this should go down as Shawn's best rivalry..

Just my $.02 :)
Without a doubt, Bret Sergeant Hart is HBK's biggest rival. It started in 1992 and went on until 2010. If you are a fan of wrestling or know anything about the WWF/WWE, you have to know what I'm talking about. They had their typical title matches with each other at the Survivor Series and all the segments where HBK made fun of the Hart family; not to mention all the backstage stuff and personal jabs at each other. This was all prior to Mania 12 where the plot thickened. Bret put Shawn over just to be told to "get the **** out of my ring" by HBK because it was his moment. This all paled in comparison to Survivor Series 97; anti-american heel tweener Hart vs DX HBK. Factor the WCW equation into this as well. You should all know by now that story and how it affected and factored in to everything going into that match and the result of the match. Bret leaves and HBK still godes him and soils the Hart name and the Hitman character. Fast forward to 2005/2006 when HBK teases the the whole Bret Hart return by playing his music on RAW and saying he was in the back. HHH was a part of all this too. Then the buildup to HBK/McMahon at Mania 22 was solely based on the Montreal Screw Job and Micheals not being too proud of it but doing what he felt at the time. HBK told Vince that he should let it go because he had already done so. Prior to RAW on 1-4-2010, the only thing left on the HBK plate was the whole Bret Hart ordeal which all concluded that epic night which was 12 years later from the night that changed the WWE forever. Needless to say, Bret Hart is and will ALWAYS be HBK's most known and biggest rival/feud period.
John Cena is definitely the biggest rival of Shawn Michael's career.

Shawn Michaels only main evented Wrestlemania ONCE. That was at WM 23. He fought John Cena for the WWE title in an outstanding effort.

Sadly, he was later demoted to the mid card. That was Shawn Michaels time to shine. He almost got his first World Championship, but not quite.

What What What?! you must be like 8 years old cause this is the wildest thing I've ever heard on this board.

John Cena was by far THE SMALLEST rival of Shawn Michaels

Shawn Michaels main evented WM 12 w/ Hart & WM 14 w/ Austin

And his first World Championship?! I can't even get dumb enough to answer this..
Ultimately, I think it comes down to 2 guys: Bret Hart & HHH. The feud with Hart really set the stage for the Attitude Era in that Michaels was a completely different personality than Hart. He was the in-your-face type of performer the WWE relied on during the Attitude Era, while Hart was the traditional wrestler who did his talking in the ring. There was also the personal animosity between the 2, eventually ending with the Montreal Screwjob. Of course, that event was vital to the history of WWE, as it opened the door to the creation of the Mr. McMahon character that would play such a huge role in the Attitude Era.

The feud with HHH was personal in a different way. There was no heat between the 2. They were close friends who knew how to act like they hated each other brilliantly. They beat the hell out of each other for the better part of 3 years, putting on some classic matches.

If you ask me, who's the 1st person I think of when I picture an HBK match, it would probably be Bret Hart.
WITHOUT A DOUBT IT'S BRETT HART. these two hated each other with a passion, they even fueded outside of wrestling because of how they felt about each other, all having to do with the screwjob, Shawn is the reason Bret left the WWE in a way. Shawn may of had other fueds with Ston Cold, Undertaker, Jericho but none of them stand out as much as with Brett Hart.

HHH shouldn't even be on the list they have been friends and partners most of their time in the WWE, They only fueded once and then it was back to being buddies, I know it was intense but I just dont think he was Shawns greatest foil.
Hey Lawler Mark, I just spoke to the council of Wrestling fans.... TRUE WRESTLING FANS, you need to change your name to Cole Mark or somthing retartded like that. because you have been stripped of anything to do with real wrestling. Next time you wanna sound smart call..... Dont call just dont say anything. All these other posts have already stated how wrong you were, You also had wrestlemania 11.. Did you not know his nickname, its not Mr never mainevented WM, ITS MR WRESTLEMANIA. John Cena is not the end all be all of wrestling. This is why I have the phrase "sippie cuppers", for morons like you.
John Cena is definitely the biggest rival of Shawn Michael's career.

Shawn Michaels only main evented Wrestlemania ONCE. That was at WM 23. He fought John Cena for the WWE title in an outstanding effort.

Sadly, he was later demoted to the mid card. That was Shawn Michaels time to shine. He almost got his first World Championship, but not quite.

Wow.. Lack of research!!!

Also am guessing Bret Hart has got most voted because of the Screwjob?

As for his greatest rival, I have to pick Triple H, with the background story, how can it not be, the rivalry actually started in 2002, when HBK come back to join DX, HHH tells him to join Raw and then he turns on him.. I was abroad at the time, but when I saw it, I was SHOCKED!!! There match at SummerSlam was amazing!! and the fued lasted for 2 years.. I think HHH got the better of the rivalry coming out on top many times, including a last man standing match that went to a draw, the TLC match was great aswell, one of my favourite spots was when HBK elbow dropped the 4 tables on the outside.. lol Their hell in a cell match was the last, and that was looong but brutal.. both men couldn't even stand after this.. They knew each other soo well, and that is why they worked soo good together..

Honourable Mention
Now I wouldn't be saying this if they hadn't had them 2 Mania matches, But Taker has to get a mention.. Before this it was just their rivalry from late 97 to earlt 98.. Which IMO was actually good..
i am going to pick bret hart as well because during their rivalry shawn was literally the most hated man in the rest of the world while bret was the most hated man in the USA. People always make note of bret being booed in America and cheered in Canada and England but he had a nemesis during that time, well 2, hbk and stone cold. Even before the screwjob shawn was not too welcome in Canada and the UK when he was feuding with Bret and the Bret's boys like Davey. That crap he pulled with the Canadian flag and all, Americans loved it but had he gone up north a little bit I'm sure he'd have feared for his life if his ego wasn't so big back then.
I would proberly go with bret hart because of there intense feud but also the fact that it divides fans opinion on whos the best out of the two (in there prime).
im gonna go with Triple H being the biggest rival of HBK over the years because these 2 have been the best of friends and the most bitter of enemys! i mean these 2 against each other in a 1 on 1 match u had 2 knw they were gonna beat the shit out of each other and leave their friendship in the past! i mean come on there 3 stages of hell match was 1 of the most brutal matches ive ever seen! i loved watching these 2 top dogs going at it in the bloodiest of dog fights ever
If you ask me, who's the 1st person I think of when I picture an HBK match, it would probably be Bret Hart.

I would have agreed with either BRET or HHH, BUT just for the fact that HBK was retired by the one and only DEADMAN i have to go with TAKER on this one it's always gona be the one i remember 1st when i think of HBK

John Cena is definitely the biggest rival of Shawn Michael's career.
I think every1 has said enuf about this. All i can say is i think that WE can all AGREE that JERRYLAWLERMARK is somewhere between the age of 3-5years old to QUOTE THE GREAT ONE:lol:
1st jerrylawlermark you mustve lost your mind with that john cena. And shan michaels thing. Are you serious about the main eventing for the 1st time and winning his 1st world title if you are you must be smoking somethin real good for that comment

Anyways I was torn between triple h, Undertakerand bret hart as they each were his foil at 1 point bret hart was his foil from the start untilthe montreal screwjob in the squared circle but. They will always be each others foils forever they had classic bouts for the tag titles, intercontinental titlesand ofcourse. The world title while undertaker they battled for who is the best in the biz and taker had a revenge fued with hbk as well as for the world title and Trips do I need to say more they had 1 of the greatest fueds of all time so of the 3 I would say bret buti. Chose taker on the poll(I chose before further thinking)
He co-main-evented WM11, Main-evented WM12, main-evented WM14, Main-Evented WM23, he technically main-evented WM20 with the 3-way and main-evented WM26 with Taker cus they went on last. To me Shawn's rival will always be Bret Hart just because it went beyond the ring and everybody knew it. You could see and sense the angst they had for each other, and they always worked great together.
A nemesis is a person who ultimately leads to the downfall of the person in question, for HBK it is The Undertaker.

His best feud is another question altogether. I say Triple H, because it is the longest lasting. The only other person who had one even close was Bret Hart.

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