Who's Next to go in EV2


Pre-Show Stalwart
With Sabu and Raven fired from TNA and Rhino now working with Immortal EV2 is down 3, Fortune is still as strong as ever with the core intact and Jeff Hardy behind them.

I see Tommy Dreamer being the last to go considering what he said about WWE and with how Hogan/Flair/Bishoff have been going about things I see Tommy being the last one to leave and with how 'Evil' Immortal is they would wanna see him suffer.

I ask again who's next?

Rob Van Dam?
Stevie Richards?
Mick Foley?
Brian Kendrick?

Remember Taz might be behind the desk now but he is still a part of ECW and has to be a part of EV2 in some way.

If you wonder why I'm saying Tommy is going last just watch the last 4 to 8 weeks of him in WWE and the first few weeks in TNA leading up and after Hardcore justice and you should see my point.

What are you thoughts on this.
I think Stevie's on his way out. They'll somehow twist this "botched" Styles Clash into an injury angle. Then I see Dreamer going to hell and I have a hunch that TNA might fire Kendrick. They're not using him at all.

As far as Mick Foley goes, he's not even on TV so I doubt they'll do anything to him. And Taz .. well ... I'm by no means fan of his work. Personally, I want Don West back.
Yeah easily its going to be stevie richards. I mean brian kendrick aint really part of EV2, hes just a weird guy who hangs round with them and helps them out, he no hardcore original. There is every chance that foley wont even appear on TNA again or if he does it'll be after all EV2 has left, remember foley is a star in his own right, BEYOND ECW.

Taz, seriously? He wasn't even part of hardcore justice where there were guys like F.B.I who we never really even saw again. Taz can't be considered part of EV2, closest he got was that opening introduction speeach AT hard justice, despite clearly being an original hardcore. Taz won't go. RVD is too much of a star in his own right also just like foley and good enough for his age to hang for a while. Mind you it's weird cos stevie richards is good for his age as well so honestly even if he goes now, the only guy I bank on not having a job at the end of this is dreamer. It would seem that richards will leave then dreamer bhut richards may come back, may not.
EV2 still has Stevie, Dreamer, Kendrick, Foley(?), and RVD(?). I hope I didn't miss anyone...actually, I don't care.

Foley really isn't apart of what's going on right now, so I don't think he's going to get fired anytime soon. RVD is sort of with EV2, but not really. He doesn't trust any of them, and let's face it, he's too big of a name to be fired (kayfabe or in reality).

Taz isn't apart of this group, hasn't been from the start. If they fire Kendrick, I'll be surprised. I would expect him to be more "lost in the shuffle."

I really think we're only looking at Dreamer and Stevie getting canned, and it probably won't be kayfabe. When this EV2 thing is over, I doubt either will be kept around. Personally, I say the sooner the better. This entire EV2 angle has been garbage, and they pose no real threat to Immortal. They have been a complete waste of time, and the less I have to hear Tommy Dreamer "pour his heart out" each week, the better.
Stevie might be going. Outside of him, Foley is a likely candidate as I think he is looking to really slow down his career (again) and retire (again). Dreamer will also slowly fade away, probably becoming an agent as I feel this is Dreamer's last real go in wrestling. Kendrick is unlikely to go. RVD is certainly unlikely to go.
more then likely its going to be Stevie next. Tommy will be backstage, Foley is an important part of TNA backstage and for PR. Kendrick I think they could really do something with, they just arent sure what yet. Taz is an announcer, he's not going anywhere.
I believe RVD & Foley will stay, they are both big names. RVD still has a lot of good time left.

Stevie as Dr. Stevie was pretty big but sadly I think he was wasted during the RTC years and not pushing him in WWE as a main heel.

Kendrick is young & has a great future, so hopefully he stays. Dreamer seems destined to do backstage stuff. I think he'll wrestle on & off.
RVD, Foley, and Dreamer aren't going anywhere. RVD has always been over huge, as has Foley been. Dreamer on the other hand is working backstage as an agent as well and working close with the writing team, learning the ropes, to become part of the creative team when he retires.

That leaves Stevie and Kendrick. Stevie can still go in the ring as he has shown and I like him but he just seems to be missing something that really makes me want to get behind him completely. So Stevie will go next. Kendrick is kind of weird but is pretty good in the ring, people just dont get behind him. So those two will be the two going, RVD will go on as he always has, Foley will find his own niche as he always has, and Dreamer will continue working in the back and putting over young guys in the ring.
Lets see. Why not all of them?

Now I know Foley, RVD and Dreamer are going nowhere. But the question is what is the purpose of keeping EV2 together? Yeah nothing. So even if RVD, Dreamer and Foley are going to stay why not stay as individuals. And I don't see RVD as a part of the stable. He has friends in EV2 but he is not a part of the stable. He did not come to TNA with them.

I feel they should be written out of the story altogether at the next PPV because as I said they serve no purpose and no one is interested in seeing them.
With Sabu and Raven fired from TNA and Rhino now working with Immortal EV2 is down 3, Fortune is still as strong as ever with the core intact and Jeff Hardy behind them.

I see Tommy Dreamer being the last to go considering what he said about WWE and with how Hogan/Flair/Bishoff have been going about things I see Tommy being the last one to leave and with how 'Evil' Immortal is they would wanna see him suffer.

I ask again who's next?

Rob Van Dam?
Stevie Richards?
Mick Foley?
Brian Kendrick?

Remember Taz might be behind the desk now but he is still a part of ECW and has to be a part of EV2 in some way.

If you wonder why I'm saying Tommy is going last just watch the last 4 to 8 weeks of him in WWE and the first few weeks in TNA leading up and after Hardcore justice and you should see my point.

What are you thoughts on this.

Sorry but they wont get rid of RVD, Dreamer or Foley in my opinion the only way theyll go is if they want to go. RVD and Dreamer are too valuable to Tna like it or not and i think theyll just shoot the angle into another direction.(what your guess is as good as mine) Now I like RVD but Dreamer i think is a bit boring and annoying the way he crys all the time. Foley is obviously done in the ring but he should still be a onscreen presence in some way shape or form.I thought Kendrick in wwe was awesome with his crazy dancing ect but his TNA gimmick doesnt work for me. Stevie they most likely get rid of in a shot because lets face it...he sucks lol So Stevie will be the next and last to go imo.
So you are asking who they will get rid off and included three guys that TNA will definitely keep and a guy with a bunch of talent in Brian Kendrick but then you included the next fired wrestler?

But any ways it is obviousness that TNA will fire Stevie because he is pointless in keeping in TNA for the simple fact that he was never a main eventer in any company including ECW (When ECW was in it's prime) and never carried anyone or put any talent over for the crowd so the simple fact is that after TNA relies he will do nothing for them they will simplely fire him like they have done Raven, Sabu and the FBI from this E.V 2.0 rubbish.
Richards will be the next to go. Dreamer needs to go also IMO, he is clumsy in the ring and his little 'heart felt' ramblings on the mic annoy me. I think Rhino will ends Dreamers run in TNA as part of the new feud developing we saw on Impact. Not sure what will happen with Kendrick, he was a part of TNA before EV2 so maybe he will stay but become a target for Kaz on behalf of immortal/fortune?

The EV2 thing should be dropped now. It never should have extended past hardcore justice.

RVD will stay as he was and still is a big draw for TNA, before EV2 made an appearance.
If I had my choice it would be Dreamer. His whiny promos drive me nuts, the only time I like to see Dreamer is when he is getting beat down by Fortune. But like most others so far, I think Richards is the next one to bite the dust. It is a bit of a shame because he is the only one in EV2 (I'm not counting Kendrick) that is in good physical shape. He was never really a draw, and he isn't one now. A lot of what he as been doing now is dark matches before the Impact tapings. He could be useful in the back but I have the feeling the back is getting overloaded so he may loose his job altogether. I know they want to use Dreamer as an agent and maybe in creative. I would like to see him disappear kafabe so I wouldn't have to look at or hear from him again. RVD, as much as I think he is over-rated, is too big of a draw to let go. He isn't officially a member of EV2 and he is involved in fighting Immortal, so he will stay. Foley hasn't been around and probably not be back until EV2 is gone. I don't want to see him in the ring but I like his commentaries and promos.

Kendrick is a good young talent that I think is under-rated. Technically he isn't an official member of EV2 either. I hope they find a place for him and give him an opportunity to show his potential.

EV2 needs to be gone and the sooner the better.

Probably Stevie. RVD and Foley wont be leaving TNA, unless Mick decides to jump back to the WWE for a HOF induction or something like that, maybe the mystery GM??? RVD is too important to TNA and too big of a name to be fired, and I think Dreamer will stay on as a backstage agent after this storyline is over. So that leaves Stevie.

I think it is time to pull the trigger on EV2.0 now, it was great seeing the guys all working together and I was happy that Raven and Sabu got another short run in TNA but its time to end the storyline. The rest of EV2.0 have nothing to offer as a faction anymore, RVD needs to go it alone, Foley needs to stay out of the ring and Dreamer needs to retire or wrestle ALOT less now
its easily richards. he really isnt useful and that styles clash may be wrote off to be the reason he leaves. durinq his time here they didnt really give him a chance to show what he has except in that match with styles which i think he did very well in. all in all ev2 iz cominq to an end soon and richards should be happy he lasted this long
Stevie Richards will be the next one to get released. As far as leave the group, I would have to say they are all going to leave. The group as a faction will probalbly be done with by the end of the year.

I say stevie Richards because well everyone else mentioned what I have to say. He isn''t being used that much and will probalbly be on his way out pretty soon and it is so obvious to everyone.

I say Ev2 will be done by 2011 because the Fourtune feud is pretty much over and they are basically just feuding with themselves. EV2 was a bad idea to begin with. Enough said.
Me personally, i think Stevie Richards will go next. I dont think the injury angle will work because he did not appear to have an injury this week on impact, so he will probably get beat by jeff on impact soon

I dont see RVD going,and i dont know what will happen with him.Maybe he will get injured againRHINO) for another time period(Kayfabe of course) and return when EV 2.0 has completely gone.

but, i do see brian kendrick going (Kayfabe) returning in some sort of invitational or something.

Taz wont go, he is not associated with EV 2.0, and at any point i have not seen him in the ring together.

Mick foley wont be fired or anything like that, he has just disappered only to return in a couple of months.

And Tommy Dreamer will be the last to be eliminated which i think is pretty obvious
I think Kendrick has fallen into the darkness because of the whole immortal things. So storyline wise, Kendrick is practically gone. TNA is probably going towards Stevie Richards leaving next. Even though he's probably the best in the ring (besides for RVD) in EV2, he isn't as mainstream as RVD, Tazz, or Tommy Dreamer. I agree that TNA will keep Dreamer because he is the heart and soul of EV2 and ECW. I can see Stevie getting eliminated by Rhyno, and sadly EV2 will probalbly die out even though a lot of them still have talent.
I would like to see them switch gears with EV2. Richards is a good talent. In great shape and can deliver in the ring. Same goes for Rhino, he's still decent and looks tough. What I would like to see, even though they would never do it, is for EV2 to get a face lift. Meaning, they ditch the whole nostalgic, sappy Dreamer style faction, and go for a more renegade, vigilante feel. Something to the effect of getting Richards, Rhino, RVD, Kendrick for a chaotic kind of comic relief as per his gimmick now (which I absolutely love) and Taz in a Ric Flair type/mentor kind of role who kicks ass when absolutely necessary together and make them a serious opposition to 4tune/immortal, but with a take no shit attitude. Make them a meaner looking, harder edged group that feuds with 4tune/immortal yet doesn't take crap from the faces either. They could tell Dreamer that they appreciate what he's done and respect his "fairy tale" ideology, but today is a different time from yesterday and they are changing their attitude to change w/the times. Dreamer could go to the back and work behind the scenes, while EV2 ran roughshod over TNA and immortal. Sort of like the Crow Sting but in faction form. If done properly this would be a great idea. However....

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