Who's Better? Ep. 2: The Undertaker vs Shawn Michaels


Dark Match Winner
Okay so the last thread was [Justin] Roberts vs [Lillian] Garcia. It was completely dominated by Garcia. Well so far it is.

Anyway, I now give to you a tougher pair to choose from. This time it's:


Shawn Michaels



The Undertaker

Now before anybody asks why I didn't do Sting instead of Michaels, is simply because I'm so sick of that name. That's all I hear/see these days....

I say Shawn Michaels. He's a legend and always has been in my book. Unlike Undertaker's his gimmick was actually something realistic. And I despise of Undertaker.

The discussion is yours.
What the hell? I been doing these, comparing two wrestler threads in the old school section and now you want to come in and copy me? I actually do it way better and break it down to mic skills, or in ring skills, or who deserves a Hall of Fame spot more. Now to answer your question, I have to go with Shawn Michaels. I loved him his whole career. He was very entertaining on the mic and in the ring. I am glad to see him going into the Hall of fame this year as he deserves it more than anyone.

And next time, post some smaller pics.
I'm going with The Undertaker. Shawn is a legend and truly an amazing performer but Undertaker takes it for me.

Undertaker has been in the main event for most of his career and it has lasted for 20 years. He has one of the if not the greatest gimmicks of all time. His Wrestlemania streak is amazing and has gave us some great matches defending it (HBK has helped here too obviously though). He has had great feuds throughout his career and has made matches like Hell In a Cell, Casket match and Buried Alive. Now he is at the end of his career he is not as good but he can still pull out big ones for Mania and such.

The two of them are some of the most deserving for the Hall of Fame.
I have to go with 'Taker as well. He was a main eventer when he debuted and is today. He could be plugged in against anyone and would be instant main event, top of the card. Not to take anything away from Michaels, he is deserving of every accolade that is bestowed upon him. I just think UT's gimmick and the length og time he's been a main eventer put him over the top. Plus, with HBK, that whole Rocker thing has to take a point or two away.......
I have to go with the Undertaker in a landslide...the guy is a one of the most recognizalble characters on planet earth.. wherever you go people know THE UNDERTAKER...plain and simple...I can't say the same for Shawn.

To be fair, nobody compares to the Undertaker...maybe HBK vs HHH battle of DX
I prefer Michaels in my opinion, but Taker is just too big to overcome. People who don't watch wrestling won't know who the Heartbreak Kid is, but they will know who Undertaker is! He is easily a face which will be remembered for eternity both by fans and non-fans
I say Undertaker but not by much. I mean a few statistics

Undertaker- 18-0 at Wrestlemania and has defeated some of the all time greats including HBK twice and the last ending his career

HBK- One of only 2 men to enter #1 in the royal rumble and win (other being Chris Benoit). Great rivalries with Bret Hart, of course member of DX pulling pranks on Vince McMahon among other great matches.

I give Taker the slight edge only because he beat him twice at Wrestlemania, and ended his career, but take nothing away from HBK, he's one of the all time greats, which is why hes a HOF his first year after retiring.
no contest

hbk not on takers level..few people are

hbk is a fake he broke the code and screwed bret, althoguh they seemedto make up thats just bs.

TAKER 18-0 at mania nuff sed

Tough One, but Ima go with Shawn Michaels.

Shawn is a great overall wrestler, and faced off with almost everybody that stepped foot in a wwe ring, as well as Taker. Yeah Undertaker is 18-0 at wrestlemania. He Beat Shawn Michaels at the Last 2 wrestlemanias. But let us all not forget In Your House Badd Blood Hell in The Cell Match, Oct. 1997. Who helped make that Match? Shawn Michaels. Who won that Match? Shawn Michaels. Now a few months Later to Royal Rumble 1998. Although he got his back messed up, who won that match there too? Shawn Michaels. Im saying that to say this; all cause Undertaker defeated Shawn Michaels 2 years in a row doesn't make him no better than Shawn Michaels. And not just that, but who's been innovative in the HIAC, and Elimination Chamber Matches? Shawn Michaels. Who put the Ladder Match on the Map? Shawn Michaels. When they play the Wrestlemania Rewinds this year, who you gonna see on them the most? Shawn Michaels. Why? Because Although Shawn Michaels is not Undefeated at Wrestlemania, he had more Wrestlemania Memories than the Undertaker. So basically Shawn Michaels is by far a better Wrestler than the Undertaker. He's quick on his feet as well in his mind. Shawn knows all the tricks to the trade, and knows how to adjust his gameplan to win matches, not to mention bring out the best in his opponets. Don't get me wrong, Undertaker is one of the Best, but he does not have the same appeal to wrestling fans as HBK.
my pick would have to be Shawn Michaels.

Shawn was a terrific in ring performer. He always made me jump out of my seat. Taker really didn't do that for me. Yeah, takers last couple of WM matches were classic, but he really can't be the best between him and Shawn if he shows up for Wrestlemania, fights someone, and then doesnt show his face untim maybe a month before the next WM. :wtf:
LOL @ people who sed hbk..

ask a million people who hbk is theyll look at you like your crazy you say undertaker and theyll recognize him.

i could name tons of wresters as good or better then shaun or taker in the ring and on the mic, what makes u an icon is the aura your character brings. hbk was just a snot nose punk backstabber.

Very very hard to choose, but I got to go with The Undertaker. Both are 2 of the greatest of all time but The Undertaker is probably the biggest legend in WWE history. He had such a scary, supernatural gimmick, and of the greatest gimmicks ever, and he portrayed it so good. He's been in WWE for a very long time, you can say that he has been here through it all, for more than 20 years. The Undertaker takes this one.
Both are amazing performers and both have reached a legendary statues in the wrestling business. If your asking in 20 plus years, who will people remember? Well, to the hardcore wrestling fans its obvious people will remember both. Though I feel The Undertaker is a more wide spread name. You could ask anybody who the undertaker is and they'll tell you. My niece who knows nothing about wrestling..hasn't watched a single show of it knows who the undertaker is.

The undertaker has the perfect and most enduring gimmick wrestling ever seen, people love it and eat it up. There's just something about taker that just commands our respect, whether it be the moment the lights suddenly dim and go out and for a few moments people..in anticipation wait in silence only to erupt to the sound of that erry gong that echos throughout the arena which is followed by his the slow mythological dark and spine shivering entrance to the ring..down to the thing he does with his eyes and tongue, it just feels so surreal and it captures and emotion that only taker can bring. You know your in for something memorable when takers on the card or even just makes an appearance.

HBK is an icon,hes the showstopper,the legend,mr Wrestlemania. What ever you want to call him, you might as well just say HBK is a wrestling god(Sorry JBL) hes been the top of the mountain and has put on more 5 star matches than most people will in their entire careers. Hes a decorated champion and is loved and respected by all. He was able to come back from what people said was a career ending injury and still out preform half the roster..even leading into his retirement days. Just like Taker, when ever you seen Shawn on the card..you knew you were in for a roller coaster ride. Sure hes captured more titles than Taker, but taker has never really needed a title to get over, he was always over.

From a wrestling stand point, its hard for me to say. Both are amazing in the ring. HBK is without a doubt the more athletic of the two but that's not to say Taker is a slouch in the ring though. I've never seen a man like taker jump over top ropes as high and far as taker could. Both are amazing at what they do, put them together and you get something special(as we've seen). So both are amazing, but I think Shawn has the edge in this case. Not to take anything away from taker hes just as amazing.

On the Mic I would also say Shawn is the better of the two. Undertaker seems to stumble over words sometimes but I always loved a taker promo of taking your soul and what not. Its always good for nostalgic reasons. Shawn knows how to draw of the energy of the crowd and use it to deliver any kind of promo you can think of. Taker doesn't rely on trying to capture an emotion. As far as his gimmick goes, he doesn't have any.

However, like I have mentioned before, undertaker brings a type of presence with him that just makes the hairs on the back of your neck stand up. Taker has, and most likely will always be a draw. People love seeing him, they love to cheer him. The Undertaker could tombstone a basket of baby kittens and the crowd would just go nuts. HBK is a draw no doubt but I feel hes not quite on the same level as taker in terms of being able to draw a crowd.

Overall I think both are equal and amazing in their own rights but some aspects are a bit over shadowed by other abilities but their almost far to minuscule to even notice. A lot of people have said HBK. So I'm just gonna go with The Undertaker just because I've always like him a lot more. So that makes me a little biased but whatever. Both are pretty equal once you break it down but there both great in my mind.
no contest

hbk not on takers level..few people are

hbk is a fake he broke the code and screwed bret, althoguh they seemedto make up thats just bs.

TAKER 18-0 at mania nuff sed


HBGAY? That is one of the worst posts I have seen in a minute. It looks all illiterate too. HBK not on Taker's level? Ridiculous! The Montreal Screwjob has NOTHING to do with ranking Shawn Michael's career.

Both has/have an awesome career. They both did unbelievable things for their size. I give the edge to Shawn. Though, I think it is very close. To me, Shawn was probably the best in ring performer of all time. I take nothing away from Undertaker, he is one of my all time favorites.

I just believe HBK is better at every stage of the game. He is better on mic, just barely. I think Taker is GREAT in the ring, especially given his size. He did awesome things and redefined what a big man was supposed to be like. Shawn did the same for smaller guys. He redefined the criteria of the size of a World Champion in Pro Wrestling.

Both have numerous accomplishments. They share some of the same achievements. WWF/E Champion, World Heavyweight Champion, Royal Rumble Winner etc...

There are so many comparable angles to this. But to keep it simple, Shawn is the one that is untouchable by everyone at this point.

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