Who's better #2: CM Punk or Eddie Guerrero?

Who's better?

  • CM Punk

  • Eddie Guerrero

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Championship Contender
Who's better #1 results: The Undertaker vs Shawn Michaels
Winner: The Undertaker (56.1%)

Eddie Guerrero and CM Punk are considered to be two of the best pure wrestlers WWE has ever had.

Their styles might be different but they also share a lot of similarities.

Both of them worked for years to get to the WWF/E.

Eddie worked with AAA, ECW and WCW between 1992-2000 before signing with WWF.

CM Punk worked with many independent wrestling promotions as well as ROH and TNA between 2000 and 2005 to get to the WWE.

CM Punk and Eddie Guerrero both won the IC title, tag titles and the WWE title.

Eddie Guerrero and CM Punk are both viewed as great technical wrestlers as well as great mic workers.

Who do you think is better The Best in the World CM Punk or Latino Heat Eddie Guerrero?

I voted Punk... but only be the slightest of edge.
Punk I thought was slightly better in ring and on the mic.
Guerrero I think had more great feuds dating back to WCW days. I still remember his feuds in WCW with Rey which were awesome. Maybe if Eddie hadn't left us so early maybe he may actually have been able to be ranked higher than Punk.
Punk is NOWHERE NEAR Eddie as far as in ring ability goes imo. Punk has a slight edge on the mic but the difference in the wrestling aspect is so huge that im gonna have to go with Eddie.
I voted for Eddie, CM Junk (IWC = bite me) is one of THE most overrated Internet Darlings ever IMO... Just because the IWC are in love with him doesn't mean he is truly the best in the World.
This is tough....

It's like comparing Video Games to Boobs.... they're both great, but for much different reasons.

Punk is the epitome of a wrestler while Guerrero is the epitome of an entertainer. While Punk is a hell of an entertainer and Guerrero wrestled as well as anybody, they both got over for different reasons.

Gun to my head, I have to pick Punk... and I'd like it on record that I originally typed Guerrero there and then went back and changed it. I loved Eddie, but I have a soft spot for Punk, as I've been able to follow most of his career since RoH, as opposed to Eddie who I didn't see until WCW.
Punk came onto the national scene with stronger charisma and mic work then Eddie did when he came to WCW. However, by the time Eddie won the WWE title from Brock, his charisma an connection to the crowd was every bit as good, if not better than Punk's. Both guys are great in the ring, but Eddie was more athletic, more versatile and more crisp; every move he did was razor sharp and purposeful. I give the edge to Eddie, not for reasons of nostalgia, but for the slight edge in ring work and his ability to simultaneously be able to use comedy while remaining a credible main event threat. JMO though.
CM Punk in almost every way. Punk is a much better talker and personality and is more marketable. In the ring they are about equally good in a different ways. Eddie was more athletic, but Punk was the better story teller.
Eddie was more travelled. His career took him many places where he got to shine. In WCW he was a mid-carder and nothing more. There he was allowed to show how great he was in the ring. In the WWE, they allowed Eddie to show his charisma. Eddie was endearing and him winning the title of Brock and his celebration with Benoit were incredible moments.

Punk is simply one of the best speakers in a long time. Punk is so natural on the mic and could deliver a stunning promo every week. The "pipebomb" is the best example of this but there were plenty of others. He was also a very good wrestler. There are countless examples of him having great matches most notably with Cena, Lesnar, Taker, Rey and Jericho.

If I had to pick one: I'd say Punk. Eddie was better in the ring; however, Punk was more impressive on the mic. It's close but I think Punk just edges it.
Punk did it without pills.

The flip side to this is that Eddie overcame his addiction. The damage done by pills might have been the cause of his death but Eddie overcame so much in his personal life and managed to get to the top despite being for a long time in temendous emotional pain.

Eddie was amazing and his ring-work was flawless. He could be intense and he could be humourous and it felt natural, like it was an easy-going charisma that really connected with audiences well. I think people are forgetting how good Eddie could be on the mic. I like Punk I do, but as good as he is I'm surprised that the poll is so close because Eddie was a special talent.
While I'm a huge detractor of Punk's work ethic and over inflated sense of self importance I would say Punk hands down. Eddie's popularity grew posthumously but no one was clamoring for another title reign while he was alive. They put the belt on him when they basically had no other choice and his reign was uneventful to say the least. Eddie was a great in-ring talent, but he was no main eventer. His HOF induction was rushed and people have convinced themselves into thinking he was some sort of icon. Before he died he spent his time shifting between tag team wrestler and a mid card heel.
ive watched both these guys and from what ive seen...

punk is better on the mic where guerrero is no slouch..
guerrero was far better in the ring though.

i can go oooonnnn and oooonnn about these guys but im going to leave it in a nutshell and this is just my opinion boys .. ima give this one to Eddie G
Without question Eddie 100%. Eddie was key part in two significant events in pro wrestling aside from being known globally from Mexico to Japan before joining the WWE.

He helped introduce American audiences earlier in his years to the Lucha Libre style of wrestling first in ECW and then on a much wider known scale in WCW with during its hay day the best part about Nitro...the Cruiserweight division.

Later he was part of one of the most recent shifts in wrestling history with the Radicals story line/angle where him,Malenko,Saturn,and Beniot jumped ship and "invaded" the WWE so to speak. The jump may not have soley been the reason WCW failed but when you had this much talent jumping at once that doesn't look very favorable for your company.

Then you have to take into consideration his family heritage and the impact they all made on pro wrestling.

That's not to take anything away from Punk. Hes a great talent in his own right but Eddie substance abuse aside was and is one of the true greats. Besides its kind of hard to hold his drug/alcohol abuse against him anyways when you consider how wide spread the abuse was during the majority of his career.
Eddie by a mile away. At least I know he never cried out of the WWE. But I respect him for beating his personal issues and for evolving his character after that. He really stepped up!
I'd have to go with Punk, but this is actually a VERY close match-up despite them not being entirely similar. On the mic, Punk connected with crowds a good deal better than Eddie, which is highlighted by the fact that Eddie never had a pipebomb-esk moment. In my opinion, what Eddie holds over Punk more than anything else is his physique. Their ring skills are about on par; I wouldn't take one over the other.

I wouldn't vocally disagree with anyone for picking Eddie over Punk, since they're both fantastic talents, but CM Punk is my personal vote.
It's because I loved Eddie Guerrero as a performer that I voted for CM Punk.

I have demons, everyone has demons. Most of us also have people who rely on us, and we rely on ourselves to keep the world turning. If I chose to over-indulge in muscle relaxers tonight and accidentally croak in my sleep, there's a lot of people in this world who will be burdened by my passing.

Eddie was loved by his fans. If you liked him, you loved him. Eddie was a grade A performer, but he also had a place in our hearts and in spite of everything he had to stand in the ring as the United States Champion and admit that people really do love him no matter what happens. He was on his way to his reign as WWE Champion.

CM Punk is loved by his fans, and I like to believe that the love we have for him is part of his motivation to stay drug free. He doesn't owe us his good health, but we rely on it to stay focused on his work in the ring. If bad things happened to him or Eddie, we'd feel bad right along with them. Making choices that reflect the fans' adoration of you speaks volumes.

I realize that CM Punk leaving may be construed as a sign that he doesn't care about his fans. I'm of the very founded opinion that he does care about his fans, and we care that he's being given a suitable place in the roster for his efforts.

As far as wrestling ability, I think Eddie Guerrero and Punk are on par with each other. They both put on extreme spots for our amusement and they both showed a passion in the ring that made it more real for us.
when I here eddie guerrero is a better worker than cm punk I call bullshit. While he is more athletic, cm punk has proved time and time again that he can put on a better match. Punk had a better mania match against rey, a better match against lesner, and if kurt angle comes back I guarantee that he will have a better match against him to.
when I here eddie guerrero is a better worker than cm punk I call bullshit. While he is more athletic, cm punk has proved time and time again that he can put on a better match. Punk had a better mania match against rey, a better match against lesner, and if kurt angle comes back I guarantee that he will have a better match against him to.

CM Punk himself said that he thought he was a pretty good wrestler until he wrestled Eddie Guerrero and thought he looked like an amateur.

Sorry, Eddie in the ring > Punk
Punk beats out Eddie by a narrow margin. If we were just judging on wrestling ability and entertainment factors alone, Eddie wins easily, but there's so many other factors to consider. Marketability, ring presence, mic skills, personality. Not saying that Eddie is lacking in any of these categories, cause he's not, but Punk just edges him out in my opinion.
Oh, man, this is difficult. I think I'd agree with those who have said that CM Punk is a slightly better speaker while Eddie was slightly better in the ring. I'd also agree with the poster who said that while Eddie was more fluid in the ring, Punk is a better story teller. Both had amazing matches with a wide variety of talent. Both were deserving champions. Both connected well with the fans. If I had to make a choice, I think I'd go with Punk. But it's a difficult decision.
Oh, man, this is difficult. I think I'd agree with those who have said that CM Punk is a slightly better speaker while Eddie was slightly better in the ring. I'd also agree with the poster who said that while Eddie was more fluid in the ring, Punk is a better story teller. Both had amazing matches with a wide variety of talent. Both were deserving champions. Both connected well with the fans. If I had to make a choice, I think I'd go with Punk. But it's a difficult decision.

I'm with you. I voted for Punk but I can't really make a strong argument against anyone who picked Guerrero. This was a great "matchup" that the OP came up with, you'd be hard pressed to find another 2 guys to compare where I'd be as torn on it as I was with this one.

I was a Punk fan from the day he debuted in WWE-ECW. I knew of his ROH days but didn't pay much attention to it. But I thought he had "it" from day one in WWE. It took a longer time for Eddie to grow on me so I think that's basically why I went with Punk.
what i love about cm punk is not only his ring psychology,selling, and story telling

but he wasn't just 1 type of wrestler

he could be a mat based submission wrestler

he could be a high flyer

and he could brawl

he could do it all
what i love about cm punk is not only his ring psychology,selling, and story telling

but he wasn't just 1 type of wrestler

he could be a mat based submission wrestler

he could be a high flyer

and he could brawl

he could do it all

Guerrero had a number of submissions in his arsenal. Punk is versatile but I wouldn't have called him a high-flyer. Doing an elbow-drop doesn't make someone an expert in aerial offense. Guerrero also showed with the parking lot Brawl vs. Cena and his bloody battles with JBL that he was able to brawl with the best of them.

Punk's versatility in the ring can be used as an argument for him being better than some wrestlers but not for him being better than Eddie.

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