Who Would You See


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If you could pick one concert/performance to go to, who would it be. It could be anyone in history, living or dead, and it can be either a specific show or just a general one. The tickets would be free and you could sit anywhere you wanted to.

For me, I'd have to take the Beatles at Shea Stadium. This show was huge and may have been the apex of the Beatles popularity. It was the highlight of their American tour and Beatlemania was running wild. There's a bootleg documentary about it that I want to see as from what I've heard it's mindblowing. The Beatles were in the middle of the field but the stadium was almost shaking from the screaming that was going on. This may be the biggest single band concert in American history, so how could it not be awesome to experience?
Well the concert that I think most people would have liked to be at was Woodstock. The concert attracted thousands of members of the counterculture to take place in one of the greatest music festivals of all time. A festival we now look back as the highpoint of the counterculture in the United States. Overall, most people believe the music was poor, despite the incredible line up that was showcased, from Creedance Clearwater to Jimi Hendrix to Crosby, Stills, Nash and Young to Janis Joplin. The experience of the show however was what people will always remember, and what makes millions claim to have taken part.
If I can only pick one show, I'd pick the Song Remains The Same Concert from the movie...The only other specific one I could even pick, would be the Freddie Mercury tribute concert.

The Led Zeppelin show is legendary, and featured some of their greatest songs, and defined Led Zeppelin as a band. It shows off each memeber of the band, and never gets old.

The Freddie Mercury tribute show brought me to tears, and I had no idea who he was at the time, but it made me want to know. It feastured a ton of great bands, and some amazing Queen covers, but the important part about wanting to be there was the atmosphere of the event, and the energy that couldn't quite be defined...
Without question. It would definitely be Johnny Cash. It would Ironically be either at Folsom Prison or San Quentin. Only because I have heard it was Johnny's two most favorite shows he has ever done. Who can blame him? Playing for prisoners who respect your music more than anyone else because they are living the songs? It doesnt get any better than that. I would have loved to have been there to hear it.
Well they might not have been as legendary as the Beatles Or Johnny Cash, but i'm going to go with Blink 182. They were at one time called the greatest live band in the world, and from watching their shows on youtube i'll believe it. Tom and Mark just acted lke they were best friends on stage, which they were and cracked jokes the whole time. And they delivered their songs really well, and it always seemed like they connected with the crowd really well. It seems like it would have been awesome to go to one of their live shows. So I would have to say Blink 182.
Im a simple man with simple needs. with that being said i would absoloutley love to see Pearl jam live becouse they are my favourite band and love their live versions of songs how they add parts randomly here and there.

Also Foo Fighters. they are supposedly the best band alive to see in concert so i would kill to see them as they are another good band i like.

but if i really had the chance to see a band that wasn't possible any more it would have to be Elvis Pressley. Who don't like the King? i think a live concert would be epic. and it would give me a chance to really appreaciate the guy that used to be my hero.
Nirvana. Unplugged in New York. Front Row.

I'm tempted to say The MiSFiTs -or really any now broken up Hardcore/Punk band- while Glenn was still there but I'll be honest... they don't sound all that great live from all the bootlegs I've heard. Don't get me wrong, TONS of energy and an amazing rush in the pit but music wise I wouldn't blow it on them. Plus I've seen them a bunch live post Glenn and its still all good.
For similar reasons I would be interested in seeing The Ramones or say Television play their first gig at CBGBs but like I said above these bands were just too raw and by all accounts imploded in the first 15 minutes. So while it would be a fantastic experience it would also be a bit of a wasted opportunity. Though it would be nice to see CBGBs back before it was so rundown like I remember it during all those Sunday hardcore matinees.
LOL of course Cash, for the same reaosns monkey says, but il get off the musical high horse for a bit, and just go for a run of the mill request.

I really want to see a Rob Zombie concert. Now keep in mind, I dont like concerts at all. But from what i have seen in music videos, and heard from people, Rob Zombie concerts are totally ridiculous, and spectacular. Seems to be a TON of theatrical elements, and would mos tlikely be a lively, very different crowd. It would certainley be an experience to say the least LOL. Couple that with the fact that Zombie is one of my top 3 favorite artists, and if I can figure a way to do it, im gonna get this done someday.

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