Who would you like too see turn face or heel?



After the DX run is over i wanna c HBK turn HEEL. I also wanna see Taker turn HEEL

Who do you wanna see turn Face or Heel
The Undertaker is face...
I want King Booker/Booker T to turn face.
Edge to turn Face.
John Cena to turn heel.
After the DX run is over i wanna c HBK turn Face. I also wanna see Taker turn Face

Who do you wanna see turn Face or Heel

Um.. Last time I checked they were both faces? I guess you mean heel?

Anyways... I want Batista on SD! to turn heel... Being the fact that his carear is slowly downfalling... And that may be the only thing to help him... Simply because if your getting Boo'd as a face.. Then your doing something wrong... If he was a heel... He'd be doing what he is supposed to be doing when he gets boo'd

On Raw Id like to see Kane turn back to his evil persona as a heel... I liked that angle when he took his mask off and had his fueds with Shane, RVD etc... He deserves a big push and the only way I see him getting it is by turning heel..
PauLwaLL50 said:
Simply because if your getting Boo'd as a face.. Then your doing something wrong... If he was a heel... He'd be doing what he is supposed to be doing when he gets boo'd
Just ask Cena.

As far as Face turns..call me crazy but there may be a new face manger by the name of ARRRMANDOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO ALEJANDROOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO ESTRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRADA!!!! So everybody better listen, haha, TO ME!!!
Id Like to See Cena Turn Heel..Jus cuz he was better as a heel...
Id like to see booker as a face again..
Kane as a Heel
And Nitro as a Face
I Would Like To See Matt Hardy To Turn Heel And Finally Win Some Matches!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I Would Like To See Big Show Turn Face Again
Heel- Undertaker,cena,carlito
Cena, and put him on Smackdown! But it won't happen, cause WWE is afraid that Cena as a heel won't sell any more merchandise. thats what happened with the Rock, when he turned heel, he lost all his ability to sell merchadise.

As long as Cena keeps selling his t-shirts and stupid "Chain Gang" spinner pendant crap, it wont happen.
finley turn face
booker t turn face
edge turn face, i want to see edge do all his moves instead of him cheating, that gets annoying.
batista turn heel
i think that john cena as a heel would give him back that edge that he had when he was a heel on smackdown. he should go back to doing his raps and start dissin' everyone like he did before. he needs to get that "street-cred" back and dump this soft image that he has now. it will make him more exciting and entertaining again.
They should'nt turn people for no reason, it should only be when they get stale as a face/heel.

I would turn:-

Cena: Been a face for 3 years he would be able to have different feuds as a heel.

H.B.K.: Brilliant heel but his last turn only lasted a month.

Undertaker: Boring as a face but only wrestles part time so it would be pointless.
Edge is the most convincing heel in the business and to turn him face would be a mistake

Cena needs to go heel just so we can look forward to him being funny again (since we don't look forward to his three move set)

Batista still gets such a loud pop, so I wouldn't say that he should turn heel yet. We'll see...

Undertaker turning heel would be wonderful. It would be a good way to leave the WWE

Triple H should go heel again (even though we'd all still cheer him because he's just a cool guy)
id like to see eugene turn heel !!! just to see him turn on someone and then walk away slowly with an evil smile on his face.. or something like at the end of the film Usual Suspects where kevin spacey plays that ****** but as he leaves the police station his limp starts to fade away and it just clicks in ur mind that he was putting it on all the time.. granted wwe will get a huge amount of heat.. but if u can do it in a film why not t.v.. what do u guys think??
I don't want to see Edge turn face anytime soon, he's the best heel in the business right now and it seems to suit him.
I'd quite like to see Shelton Benjamin turn face again because he gets absolutely no reaction as a heel and at least last time he was face the casual fans cared about him a little bit.
It'd be cool to see Cena turn heel, but it'd probably be bad for business as he sells a lot of merch, however, at the moment, I see a lot of fans wearing Carlito shirts so why not push Carlito as top face against Cena? (If, and its likely, Cena stays on Raw).
King Booker should stay heel because his heel promos are funny and entertaining. And I think maybe Masters should go to Smackdown to be a babyface, it can't be much worse than being a heel and jobbing to Super Crazy on Raw.
Aron Cane said:
i think that john cena as a heel would give him back that edge that he had when he was a heel on smackdown. he should go back to doing his raps and start dissin' everyone like he did before. he needs to get that "street-cred" back and dump this soft image that he has now. it will make him more exciting and entertaining again.

i def agree

seeing taker as a heel would be interesting again since i havent seen him heel since 1999, as for me.
All of you guys who say you want cena to go heel listen, i agree with y2 jake, he could have more feuds. but do u guys remember when cena was heel, he got cheered more that he got boo'd, and i bet that would happen again. some of you are probably saying ya thats a good thing he'll get more cheers. when you are a heel, you're supposed to get heat. they turned cena face cause of his popularity. wwe is about the money, and turning cena heel would lose a ton of money. i wouldn't mind seeing cena turn heel again, but talking about it at a business point of view, it wouldn't make sense
I wanna see Edge turn face
and cena turn heel and wait like a year, after cena is on smackdown and join them together and have a showdown
LanceandLaylaarecool22 said:
HBK turning heal, if does then I would want to see if he teams up with either nWo (if they are comming back) or he teams up with his student.....or what?


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