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Who would you give a title run to?


Championship Contender
If you could give the world title to anyone on the TNA roster who would you give it to and why?

I would give Mr. Anderson a world title run. I would rather see him have the run as a heel but it wouldn't really matter I just want the title around his waist. I think he should be the guy to take the title away from Hardy after a Hardy/RVD feud. Anderson and Hardy were friends and everyone thought Anderson would screw Hardy over but it ended up being the other way around. Anderson would make a good champ and could take TNA a long ways. With his charisma and in ring ability he could go a long ways.
My pick is a little unorthodox, but hear me out.

I would put the belt on Jay Lethal.

Lethal is a good guy with no background problems, loads of charisma, great in-ring ability, and has the great story history. He can be much more interesting than he's been booked, and if TNA really gets behind him, they could make him their version of Cena and Hogan: the goody two-shoes hero that people can cheer for and will to victory. He's a dedicated guy that could be the underdog champion that barely wins and earns the respect of his peers, and could even cross the mainstream line and do movies and make loads of public appearances.

TNA needs to expand out and the first step is to market a hero for the masses. Jay Lethal could be that guy given the chance.
TNA should give a title run to Hernandez...he would be a legittament champ he's big, great in the ring, has been in TNA for a while and with some work could be good on the mic..I mean Hardy has zero mic skills and he's champ. Also Hernandez could help TNA cross into the Latino community something the WWE has done with the likes of Rey Mysterio and Alberto Del Rio.
Maybe Matt Morgan. I see the man as a versatile kevin nash. he fits the typical rpofile of being a big guy and in one a one man army-esque figure. This means he could hold the belt for a long time which is good for business if someone looks like they are capable of actually doing it. He fits in well with fortune especially with ric and looks dead set in place there, but eventually he will break out from that, and when he does I would like him to have a run. I really think he could do good things with that belt.

Kitter guy, I do like your jay lethal suggestion. He could be a major face because he is a genuinely likeable guy in real life just like cena except he can wrestle well!! And not only that he looks like a real underdog but better still he could be a good hell as we witnessed during his embodiment of flair, he really took on the role to the point where he almost looked like a bad guy.
Without a doubt, I would give it to Robert Roode. I think the guys got everything: look, in-ring ability, charisma, and mic skills. I know two of his favorite wrestlers are Rick Rude and Curt Henning and I think he's the perfect mix of both of 'em. Given the right storyline he could easily rise to the top of Fourtune and be a great heel champion.

The only problem is that it would mean the end of Beer Money, who is one of the best tags in the company.
For me and perhaps a debateable choice I'd say Goldust...The guy is a veteran, arguably in the best shape of his career and is a multiple mid card/tag team champ...

One would presume he is approaching his final years and should perhaps be rewarded for his loyakty, in the process he could put younger guys over...

Sadly enough I love his music and envisage a goldust entrance complemented by a world championship gleaming around his waist!!
You didn't really make it clear whether this is limited to people who have never held the title before. I would really like AJ Styles to hold it again, but I'd like to see him keep it as a face this time. I think he would make a much better face champion than a heel champion.

As for people who have never held it before... I agree with Funkydr79, I would love to see Roode with the belt. I really enjoy Beer Money but I also miss Roode being in singles competition. Seeing Roode become the top heel of the company would really be interesting imo.

The other wrestlers that were suggested in this thread were also choices I would like to see eventually. Jay Lethal is great when TNA decides to push him, Matt Morgan could be a good choice in the future, and Anderson is my favorite so I would obviously want to see him with the belt.

Also, when/if Wolfe comes back from his 'injury' it would be great if he were to get the title at some point (of course he would need to be given a good push first since he was pretty much jobbed out before he abruptly left)
The Pope- Ok so he went 1 on 5 and right now can become a leader of the faces that go against Hogan and Immortal. Get a couple of faces which dont include RVD, Anderson, Joe or Angle. I would use Ink Inc, and a returning Hernandez. Ink inc because Shannon Moore and Hardy are friends and this is well known also this is a way to create a character for Jesse Neal and then establish these guys as a legit tag team. Hernandez because the faces need a big guy also Hernandez and Morgan have a history he can come back and say he was tired of the politics from Hogan and Bischoff sending him to AAA now he wants revenge.

So what do you guys think?
Goldust? I think you must mean someone else. Goldust was a character in WWE played by Dustin Rhodes, so that name couldn't even be used in TNA.

I think maybe in a few years I could see Jay Lethal as an option, but right now I'm not sure I even buy him as main event material. he has a lot of tools that could elevate him, but right now he is so unknown. would people tune into TNA to see Lethal as champion? people say AJ Styles wasn't drawing as champion, I don't think Lethal would do better.

Matt Morgan is someone I would love to see as champion in the future, but also someone right now that just wouldn't fit with the role he is in.

RVD has a reason to be upset at Hardy for turning heel while being his BFF, but then RVD just recently had a title run and I don't really want to see him again.

I'm going to have to go with Anderson. he too is someone who was friends with Hardy and would want revenge. I don't know, but Anderson(Kennedy) was never champion in WWE right? he could win and say that this is what he has waited for his whole life, to be the champion, to be the best of the best.
TNA: Mr. Anderson, I would love to see him have himself a title run. I can also stand to see Samoa Joe have himself another World title run.

Smackdown: ALBERTO DEL RIO, I can't seem to get enough of this guy.

Raw: CM Punk or Goldust. I'm loving the Goldust/million dollar belt angle. It's not exactly a strong storyline but it's an obvious push him.
I think it's certain that Bobby Roode should be a world champ. I actually don't think he should be a one time champ as he's good enough to be a long-term main eventer.

That being said, I really like Beer Money, so I hope they don't groom him to be champ just yet. But think about him and Pope trading the world title between each other in some epic matches?
My pick is also Roode. One of my first thoughts when Fortune was formed was that eventually, to turn AJ face again, Roode could step up and "take over" the stable much like The Rock did with the Nation back in the day. Of course I'd want AJ to have a much better career afterward than Farooq did, but that's beside the point.

What would be interesting is to see how Roode could do in a face role. He and Storm are so over right now that it's not hard to picture them as badass faces (they basically were already before joining Fortune). If he could pull it off, then maybe we could see something more like the great Flair/Sting feud where Fortune, with AJ leading the charge, kicks Roode out of the group after Roode starts to build momentum and threatens AJ's position.
I would have to say give Christian a title run. He had a good time on TNA and it just really upsets me that he has been put on the mid card. He came back to ECW wich was nothing and pepole tuned into ECW to see Christian. Put him as a main eventer I think he would shine like he did for a while in TNA.
Tommy Dreamer should get a title run. Only because he's always the jobber for the big names. So it would be nice to see the old guy have a good run. One much better than the ECW run he got.
Joe! Joe! Joe! Samoa Joe is an indy legend, but he has been wasted for the last year or so. Have Joe be dominant again, he was almost there he earned it. But he won't win the belt because he's tubby? I remember when the crowd would chant, Joe's gonna kill you. He can get over again, I believe in him. Muscle Busters, Coquina Clutches, and Chimera Suplexes are all championship winning impact moves.
Goldust? I think you must mean someone else. Goldust was a character in WWE played by Dustin Rhodes, so that name couldn't even be used in TNA.

I think he's a little confused and didn't realize the is the TNA forum.

I would definitely give The Pope at title shot. The guy is great on promo's and is good in the ring. His athleticism surpasses Jeff Hardy and they two could put on great matches if they're let loose. Combine that with the fact that he's over as hell with the fans, and is in a good position to take over as the top face in the company.

Yea The Pope is definitely Pimpin!!!
I would Love to see another Title reign from Samoa Joe. I think that with the current Immortal Storyline it would make sense for Joe to go after the Title and he also has unfinished business with Jeff Hardy after the Time Limit Draw they had on Impact. I think a Joe Feud with Hardy could give us some Excellent Matches.
i would give it to jerry lawler. that guy is king and i love him. he would be a cool TnA champion

First of all Jerry Lawler isn't in TNA. Secondly his wrestling days are behind him and even if he was to break rank and join TNA, giving him the title would be a sham, when there are others that deserve the title more than he does.

Wouldn't mind see him as an announcer though, but doubtful that would ever happen either.
in tna, i would love to see robert roode as champ. the man is great. i also like to see jay lethal, but i think it should only happen in february, since its black history month. and he is just as deserving. great guy.
i would have picked samoa joe if he would just be more ruthless as he did a few months back drop more weight and talk less shit like he did on reaction, "...murdering bitches"

on smackdown, no doubt i wanna see luke gallows as the champ... lol no im kidding. hes a joke.
alberto del rio, best talent on smackdown right now. and maybe if they trade sheamus to smackdown hed be better champ than he was on raw.
kaval in about 2 yrs. let him be the new underdog, man is a beast.

on raw, id like to see john morrison champion. i would have picked miz, but thats only a matter of time... maybe royal rumble. or in december's tlc post main event.
i would give it to jerry lawler. that guy is king and i love him. he would be a cool TnA champion

wow, now thats a bad name lol.

D'Angelo Dinero would be my choice. This guy worked his ass off in WWE only to be released. He'd be a great TNA World Champion, hes got a good gimmick goin and puts on awesome matches. He deserves a major push finally. Stupid Hogan has only pushed him down in midcard status since comin to TNA.
Its gotta be Roode. He has been bustin his ass since the near beginning of TNA. He said a true statement a few years ago to Booker T and that was everytime someone from WWE jump ships Roode gets thrown at the back of the line. This guy has been since I can remember and only has a few tag title reigns but Mick Foley has the world title. Yeah Roode needs it
I watch tna and can't stand it but ima go with robert roode. To me he is a rick rude/ted dibiase hybrid he is technical yet can be flamboyant/flashy. And he's got the size to back him up. I hope fortune screws him over and he breaks away. Face or heel don't matter this guy is the total package of what makes a champ today. He deserves it.
Actually reports have said that Hogan and Bischoff are really high on the Pope, Matt Morgan, Hernandez, Anderson and I believe Abyss was on the list as well.

Well I hope thats true and they give him the chance to shine. Im sure others would agree with me he'd make a good champion. They should have had him at least beat Anderson when they made the tournament to crown a new champion.
For me I would have to say Amazing Red, as his potential as a big time player hasn't even been tapped yet. he is, arguably, the best athlete TNA has that has been overlooked throughout his stay in TNA. His in-ring work is great, his moves are sick, and the only thing he doesn't have is promo cutting skills, but imo, he doesn't need them...he can tell his story in the ring, not on the mic. My second choice would be Robert Roode, because like someone else said that he is a combination of Rick Rude and Curt Hennig, and I definitely can see that with his in-ring work and promo skills.
Jay Lethal is brilliant, I'd love to see him get a serious main event run PERIOD.

Personally, though, I'd like to see them put the title on Angle for a LONG run where he defends the title week in and week out Bret Hart style. Bring some legitimacy to the World Title by making it a big f'n deal. Angle is great and putting guys over while still winning the match. He's also by FAR the best wrestler and most legitimate athlete in TNA right now. He can let you make the wrestling about THE WRESTLING instead of lame ass stories.

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