Who would you consider the 10 best WWE superstars right now?

In no order

Cody Rhodes
Daniel Bryan
Mark Henry
Alberto Del Rio
Rey Mysterio
John Cena
CM Punk
Dolph Ziggler
Randy Orton
Ezekiel Jackson
Cody Rhodes
Alberto Del Rio
R Truth
Rey Mysterio

Kind of in order
10 - Cody Rhodes
9 - Wade Barrett
8 - R-Truth
7 - Jack Swagger
6 - Sheamus
5 - Alberto Del Rio
4 - Christian
3 - The Miz
2 - Dolph Ziggler
1 - CM Punk

If Kevin Nash comes back full time he'd probably be make my list same goes for Jericho.
Things rapidly change in FCW. It's the nature of developmental. Guys who were green as fuck mature and I'm a fickle bastard. For that reason I'd like to make an updated list and explain why I ranked them as I did.

1) Leo Kruger: This guy is easily the best guy in FCW. He outwrestles the entire roster and outspeaks most of them too. In 5 minutes he can tell a better story in the ring than others regularly given three times that. Also, he has a damn good rear naked choke.

2) Damien Sandow: Like Kruger he's a ring general and when given time he's great at using the ring and ref as parts of the story. After his "best of career match" with Bo he had to go way up. Why he's been in developmental for over 6 years at this point is beyond me.

3) Bo Rotundo: Once upon a time I thought Bo was mediocre as they come. Bland, boring and just so average. But after a string of good-great matches with Kruger and Sandow and doing his damndest to carry Curtis he's won me over. He plays his role as champion to perfection, and is still damn young and will only improve. Sadly he's injured at this time, but for the next few episodes he'll be there due to FCW's wierdass taping schedule so he's included, damnit.

4) Richie Steamboat: Richie keeping his spot in a place where people are moving up is impressive. And he does it because the one thing he's always lacked up until now he's got. He's found himself a character and taken a level in awesome. Richie Steamboat is a fucking badass and I love him for it.

5) Hunico: He also stays in spot because he's also made an effort to change himself now a more heelish character, foreshadowing that he's the Sinner Cara.

6) Husky Harris: And a new entry at number 6 is Bo's big brother. For a man of his size, Husky Harris is pretty damn good. He's athletic and just plain solid in the ring. Like Bo, he plays his part well, even if he's playing Ricky Morton for a guy half his size.

7) Seth Rollins: Mr Rollins has taken quite the fall in my eyes. He just doesn't seem to grasp the difference between wrestling in the indies and wrestling in front of a WWE audience and it shows. His matches with Ambrose just highlighted the problem and made it impossible to miss because he was working with someone who has less of a clue than him about how to tell a story. He'll do a big spot and then not follow up on it, go for illogical moves rather than ones that could win him the match. As I said on Twitter, he just doesn't get it. If he doesn't get it by the time he's called up he's going to fail. You heard it here first folks.

8) Ricardo Rodriguez: Ricky Rod keeps his spot for just being an entertaining guy. Currently the mouthpiece for a stable and (apparently) ADR's boss he's doing well for himself. He's also not too bad in the ring either.

9) Brad Maddox: Oh, I don't like Brad Maddox at all. But I will acknowledge that he's been instrumental in Richie's transformation from bland to badass, so he gets props for that. He can talk well and plays his part well too.

10) Briley Pierce: This guy has wrestled all of one match (he was squashed, by the way) but yet I love him. He's charismatic as fuck and I did his self depricating humour (he introduces himself by saying "I'm Briley Pierce and I STILL work here!" How can you not love that?). Ziggler's little brother has got a bright future ahead of him if his ringwork can catch up with his mic skills.

Honourable mentions go to:

Leakee: Another guy I hated for the longest time but he's doing a good job and is improving by leaps and bounds

Mike Dalton: He's done all of shit all since coming to FCW but job. But from his tag match this week I see a lot of skill and potential. I hope to see more from him in the future.

"The Ascention": FCW loves its stables and this is the latest. Fronted by Ricardo and Raquel Diaz (Shaul Gurrerro) and consisting of Kenneth Cameron, Tito Colon and Conor O'Brian (who's dropped the ratboy gimmick and just decided to kick some ass) they should provide some pretty good television if they're booked well. It's the FCW version of Nexus with two managers, basically.
Mysterio's out? Well shucks.

1) CM Punk
2) Daniel Bryan
3) Christian
4) John Cena
5) Evan Bourne
6) Randy Orton
7) Tyson Kidd
8) Trent Barretta
9) Alberto Del Rio
10) R-Truth

If that last one was halfway as worthwhile in the ring as he is on the mic, this would be a different list.
No particular order...

Mark Henry
Rey Mysterio
Daniel Bryan
The Miz
Cody Rhodes
Mysterio's out, JGlass. Do you not read Coco The Monkey's posts? Don't answer that - I know you don't.

Otherwise, all I gathered from his post was that I should start watching Superstars.

I'd post a list but A) it would be entirely too homogeneous for my liking, and B) people might get angry for including Ezekiel Jackson solely for his theme music. But really, who isn't a fan of a good torture rack?
Just so we're clear, I'm not endorsing Truth's ring work. There's literally nothing endearing about it.
1. CM Punk
2. Orton
3. Cena
4. Cody Rhodes
5. Sheamus
6. Christian
7. Del Rio
8. Bryan
9. The Miz
10. R-Truth

EDIT: I'd put Mysterio at #11 by the way, if it counts for anything.
Top 10 overall? Top 10 on Raw Top 10 on Smackdown

1. Triple H 1. Triple H 1. Triple H
2. Cena 2. Cena 2. Orton
3. Orton 3. Punk 3. Christian
4. Punk 4. Miz 4. Henry
5. Rhodes 5. Ziggler 5. Sheamus
6. Ziggler 6. Del Rio 6. Rhodes
7. Del Rio 7. Kingston 7. Dibiase
8. Kingston 8. R Truth 8. Sin Cara
9. Nash 9. Morrison 9. Bryant
10. Kelly Kelly 10. Nash 10. Phoenix

Triple H has done exactly what he's planned to do the entire career, be on the show as much as possible and he's doing a fantastic job at it. He's not stealing the as a wrestler, he's just stealing as much air time as possible.

Probs to the Nose...errr Triple H for ya know doing exactly what we expected, robbing the show
1. CM Punk.
2. John Cena.
3. Randy Orton.
4. Alberto Del Rio.
5. Christian.
6. The Miz.
7. Mark Henry.
8. R Truth
9. The Boom Squad (Kofi and Evan (I think thats their tag name.)
10. Sheamus.
1) CM Punk
2) Rey Mysterio
3) Daniel Bryan
4) Sheamus
5) Randy Orton
6) Cody Rhodes
7) John Cena
8) Christian
9) Wade Barrett
10) R-Truth
These are fun even though they're pointless. Of course, most fun things are. I'll join in.

1) Cena
2) Orton
3) Punk
4) Del Rio
5) The Miz
6) Sheamus
7) Mark Henry
8) Christian
9) Cody Rhodes
10) Dolph Ziggler

Honorable mentions to all main-eventers not already mentioned (Rey, Show, Kane etc.) and also Barrett, R-Truth and Daniel Bryan. Also, I felt the midcard champs should be on the list.

Daniel Bryan is god awful in the WWE.

First time I've ever disagreed with something Hamler said. I just see this particular viewpoint as a bit extreme, though I agree his character needs ... something. More. Also, Barrett and McIntyre take note, because this applies to both of you two, as much as I like you guys ... there is little place for subtlety in WWE, this is a WORLD! OF! HAM!
In no particular order:

1.John Cena
2.Randy Orton
3.CM Punk
5.Mark Henry
6.The Miz
7.Cody Rhodes
8.Daniel Bryan
10.Alberto del Rio
Based on Wrestling and Entertainment

10. Evan Bourne
9. Kofi Kingston
8. Dolph Ziggler
7. Cody Rhodes
6. Daniel Bryan
5. Mark Henry
4. John Cena
3. Randy Orton
2. Alberto Del Rio
1. CM Punk

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