Who would you cast?

I was watching Step Brothers the other day and i started to think who could play the roles in the movie better than the people actually playing the role. I came to the conclusion that they did a pretty good job of casting. But it got me thinking. What characters in a movie should be re-casted? Who would you choose to play the part?

I cant think of any right now, but what do you guys think?

oh im sorry i guess i worded the question wrong. What i meant to ask was if you could recast any character in ANY movie, who would you choose. I didnt mean it to be specific to step brothers.
Im not sure if anyone should be re-casted, the movie was great the way it is any change to the characters would be dissapointing, and why would you wanna mess with the greatness.

But to go with the thread, if there was a person to re-cast maybe let Jane Lynch play Nancy Huff-Dobeck, she was great as Ricky Bobby's mom and is funny as hell in most of her other roles, but then you would have to rewrite her part to make Nancy funnier, but then we couldn't see Mary Steenburgen's fine ass (not bad for being 55 when it came out). I guess if you wanted change the 2 biggest stars of the movie Brennan and Dale, I would use Danny Mcbride as Brennan and Zack Galifiankis as Dale or vice versa.
What i meant to ask was if you could recast any character in ANY movie, who would you choose.

Thank you, made it easier that way.

Quite simple, I would boot Timothy Olyphant faster than.. something.. either way I would have him kicked off the Hitman cast, replaced him with Jason Statham, I've always believed that Statham was the PERFECT choice for that role, why? because of his roles in the Transporter movies, those two characters seem very a like, and Statham of all people has the perfect Hitman look, shaving Timothy was a mistake, and he didn't look like Mr. 47 by a long shot.

And just because of Timothy's role in the movie, it ruined everything for me, and the fact that (yes I'm a Hitman fan, and I will damn well complain over this) he missed his target, and surrendered himself to Interpol.

It kinda saddens me that they're actually bringing back Timothy for the 2nd movie, and I have a feeling they'll somehow make it as bad, if not worse than the first.

Another good choice perhaps to replace Timothy would've been Matt Damon, why you ask? The Bourne Trilogy, simple, kinda alike characteristics of the agent, I liked the movies a lot and while I don't think Matt would look like Mr 47, his role in The Bourne films were perfect for the Hitman movie(s).
I would have almost completely re-cast Batman and Robin starting with George Clooney as Batman, what a fucking disgrace he was. I wouldn't have Arnold as Mr. Freeze and I wouldn't have made Mr. Freeze a sympathetic or comedic character. Also, I would have left Alicia Silverstone out of the fucking movie too, she was completely unnecessary. Sure, they worked subplots in for her character, but the story would have been more powerful, and nothing would have been lost from the movie without her roll.

This movie was shit from the ground up, the scenery was horrible, and defied the look Gotham was supposed to have. Batman Forever strayed away from the look too but didn't make it an abomination to the Batman series. I would restore the darker, more sinister look from 1 and 2. The next thing would be the Batmobile. Let's get a real fucking Batmobile for God sake, not that over embellished plastic piece of shit they used that you could even see flimsy plastic parts shaking on.

Mr. Freeze would be overhauled all the way. He needs to be more like Mr. Freeze in Batman the animated series. He needs to be a sub-zero bad ass, not the moping, one liner dropping, comedic relief that Arnold played. The suit was the only good part of the character, and that was way too over the top too.

Bane was a joke too. This movie also should have centered around Bane as he has such a huge role in the comics. Instead we get this lame ass excuse in a foam suit or something to make him look big with air brushed veins, who can't talk right, and is basically useless.

Uma Thurman and Chris O'Donnell played their roles well, but I wouldn't have even had Poison Ivy in this movie. This should have been all about Mr. Freeze and Bane. I guarantee I can write that movie in 3 hours, it's not hard. Just go off of what material you already have at your disposal with all the comic book history, and the 2 really successful movies Batman 1 and 2.

I don't know who should have played Mr. Freeze, Bane, or Batman, but I know they could have done a lot better with the casting and the rest of the movie. This should have been a bad ass movie but they fucked it up. What do the rest of you think?
I'd have recast pretty much the whole Raimi Spiderman series...

Spiderman/Peter Parker - DJ Qualls, cast a nerd to play a nerd... I'd have made him bulk up a little, but he had the kind of look that would have made Spidey believable... totally wiry but uber strong...

Mary Jane - Kate Hudson - Totally the right look for MJ and a far better actress than the grossout Kirstin Dunst...

Doc Connors/The Lizard - Had he survived I would have sooo cast Bill Bixby in that role... but as it stood I'd have gone with Patrick Swayze... someone who could come across as intelligent but also be convincing moving like a lizard...

Goblin/Norman Osborn - Defoe was just about right, but I'd have chosen Christopher Walken personally...

Harry Osborn - Jake Gyllenhall - Perfect for the tortured soul with daddy issues... but nice enough to be Peter's Friend...

Betty Brant - Natalie Portman - If I was recasting I'd have also given Betty more of a love interest role at the start. Natalie could have played her as smart, sexy and the kind of girl who would have given nerdy PP a chance...

Aunt May - Mary McDonnell - could be made to look the right age and would have played the greiving widow far more convincingly.

Uncle Ben - Tommy Lee Jones - had the right kind of attitude that I imagined rather than the saintly guy they chose...

Flash Thompson - Dwayne Johnson

Spiderman 2

Doc Oc - I'd have gone with Alan Rickman doing his best Hans Gruber and bowl cut...right age for romancing Aunt May too... (as in dump the wife and good guy shit...)

Spiderman 3

Gwen Stacey - Stayed with Bryce Dallas Howard, SHE WAS Gwen in that film... even though she was clearly pregnant throughout...

Captain Stacey - Cromwell gets a pass cos I can't think of anyone else who fits the comic panel of his death better...

Sandman - How they got this character so wrong was beyond me... he needed to be a bad ass, pure and simple... I'd have chosen Gerard Butler...

Venom- Topher was about the only good thing in Spidey 3... so he gets a pass...

JK Simmons gets a pass for the whole series as he was perfect...
The only ones that come to mind are Venom from Spiderman 3. Eddy Brock is supposed to be a built guy not a mule and using Topher's voice for Venom was an insult...no, both were insults to the comic book as was Kingpin in Daredevil. Really, Michael Clarke Duncan as the Kingpin when he's supposed to be a fat white bald guy? I would've probably went with Vin Diesel for Venom. I dont know much fat white guys in Hollywood except for Kevin James but I dont think he would work as Kingpin but someone like Big Show or King Kong Bundy fit the bill although they wouldnt work either.
Two I choose are The Son of the Mask and Dumber and Dumberer. I never really like when they replace the original cast members with new people. Do you know what I mean. Taking a character originally played by someone else or made famous by someone else and casting someone completely different in that characters role than the original.

The Son of the Mask-nothing against Jamie Foxx but I don't think this role fit him that great. The movie was corny and his character was kind of lame. I don't think it was a good choice. So I would have Jim Carrey come back to this role.

Dumber and Dumberer-Not only did they replace one actor but they replaced to lead actors. They replaced Jim Carrey and Jeff Daniels who nobody heard of. Once again I would keep Jim Carrey and Jeff Daniels.
I would recast the T-X in Terminator 3, Rise of The Machines.

It always really annoyed how they decided to make the "evil" Terminator for this movie into a beautiful woman. I just don't like how in sequels they often add an attractive woman just for the sake of it. I just do not think it made the storyline believable.

I think Vin Diesel would be perfect in the role that Kristianna Loken played. He is a big muscular athletic looking guy, not the greatest actor but could play a robot very well, and his voice is really deep and robotic sounding, which would have suited the Terminator role, and would have allowed more dialogue to be added to the script.

If they are making another Terminator movie with Bale as John Connor, I think Diesel should definately be a part of it, he would be excellent in the role.
Goblin/Norman Osborn - Defoe was just about right, but I'd have chosen Christopher Walken personally...

Lol, Walken? Seriously? I can't imagine anyone taking Walken seriously as the Goblin. He is a king of an actor but he is not the Green Goblin. Could you imagine him on the glider (which Willem Dafoe did himself)? "Hey Spider-Man, stay outta my way or you'll get a soldering iron to the face." Lol. I think not. Dafoe was perfect for that role.

As for my choice, Gabriel Byrne in The Usual Suspects. I liked him but not nearly as much as I would have liked Sean Penn. Penn is obviously one of the best actors of all-time and I feel he would have pulled off this role like he does in every other movie he's in.

Also one more, Guy Peirce in Memento. I loved this movie and I like Peirce but is it just me or does it seem like he's Brad Pitt in this movie. The whole time I was watching it I kept thinking his mannerisms and look were classic Pitt. Reflecting now I'm not sure Pitt could pull it off as well but I'd like to get the chance to see him do it. It'd be entertaining, that's for damn sure.

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