Who would each NXT Superstar fued with should they win?


The Chosen One
The winner of NXT will receive a championship match on their choosing. Who do you think each NXT superstar would fued with should they go on to eventually win the competition?

Realistically, I would say that Darren Young, Michael Tarver and Skip Sheffield do not have a chance in hell of winning the competition, despite the fact of having a much better record than the current number 1.

The only definite fued should he win would appear to be Daniel Byran, who would obviously fued with the Miz, possibly over the currentley pointless United States Championship, but other than that, no NXT potential NXT winner in my opinion has shown to fued with a superstar.

So who do you think each potential winner of NXT would go on to fued with should they win the NXT competition.
Bryan: Beating the Miz would symbolise him overcoming his doubters and probing he deserves to be in the WWE. Obvious choice.

Barrett: He wants the biggest check, meaning he wants to go for the biggest belts. He'll also go for Jack Swagger becuase he A took the belt from its rightful owner (he could possible see the WHC as his lineage as he's going to take his mentor's place on the throne one day). Obvious choice.

Gabriel: He'll want to continue working with his Sensei, making the unified tag team titles an obvious choice.

Otunga: He's the A list, so he wants one of the big belts. Because he's the A list he wants to be on the A show, with the bejewled title. So he'd go for the WWE title.

Slater: Not a clue.

The rest: It doesn't matter what they want because they arent getting anywhere near the title shot.
I would say that Sheffield, Tarver and Young have no chance of winning. They should be dropped back down to the minors (or let go).

Barrett: IMO, he is one of two guys I would like to see win. He is big, strong, and can move around. I would like to see him run with Jericho for a while after NXT, even if he doesn't win. His feuds could be with a mid card guy, because that is where I see him for a few years.

Justin Gabriel: This guy has talent. He is the other guy, along with Barrett, who I would like to see win this thing. He has great big-spot ability, and a frame that can easily have weight added to it. After adding some muscle, I think the sky is the limit for this kid. Start off in the mid card somewhere, and see how the crowd reacts.

Heath Slater: I am not big on this guy, but the NXT crowd is into him. I would job him out for a while, judge his reactions, and then place him. Might need more time in the minors. I just don't like him, so I guess I'm biased.

Otunga: I don't like this guy, as a man. But as a competitor, he has potential. Good on the mic, and can improve in the ring. He has all the tools, including a great physique. I would send him to the minors again, but that won't happen. Look for him to feud with some good mid carders, possibly hold the US/IC title in the next year or so.

Daniel Bryan: I think he's the best in-ring wrestler of the bunch. And he doesn't NEED to win NXT to get over. He's already over, and he has a fan base from his extensive indy days. Place him in a feud with the Miz after NXT, that should be some good stuff.

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