Who will win the Rumble?

Really? Talking about the Royal Rumble already? It's like 4 and a half months away. Ugh, I suppose I better give some input on the whole thread though.

I'm thinking CM Punk, because he's been so active lately, and he hasn't been seen in the main eventing area for a while.

Either CM Punk, or John Morrison.

John Morrison's so overdue it's just beyond a joke now. Either use him to his extent like he should have been 2 years ago, or give him to Dixie Farter. :)

That's all I got.
There are 2 ways to win the Rumble.

1) Have more momentum going for you than anyone else. That would be Orton right now. One could say Miz fits that role, but he already has the Money In The Bank.

2)To come back at the Rumble from a long term injury and get an instant push. Triple H would fit that role if he is still out by January. But I dont see Triple H main eventing a Wrestlemania this year, not with his new position within WWE management. The optics of it would just look bad.

If Orton isn't already champion by the Rumble, he's the likely winner.
im going to go by who i want to win, who deserves to win and who needs to win (career wise)

Who i want to win the rumble is Cm punk this guy is the best heel in the wwe at the moment in the last 5 royal rumbles only one winner has been heel (randy orton) the guys talented and i just think Cm punk should win the royal rumble :p

Who deserves to win the royal rumble is christian , i think christian is very talented and deserves to have a wwe world title under his career achivements list

Who needs to win the royal rumble to boost there career is john morrison at the moment morrison is in the midcard and im surprised he hasnt had a US title shot and i believe he at least should (imagine that at NOC miz vs bryan vs morrison) anyway if morrison wins the rumble it would put that whole hes turning into janetty rants at rest and give him his main event spot he deserves :)

on a side note: if Cm punk, John Morrison and Christian were the final 3 i think i would jizz! :P :lmao:
Not the Miz. No. Please no. That would be absolutely terrible. Why would anyone want a mediocre in-ring performer with the look of a Womens Title Holder not a WWE Title Holder in the main event of the biggest show? Not this guy.

I've thought about this and I like the thread. My gut says Undertaker or Jericho. Possibly HHH. Jericho might go on a vacation/hiatus soon and I could see him making a surprise entry to the Royal Rumble and winning like Edge did this year. Same goes for HHH if his injury pro-longs his return. Otherwise, I'll say Taker. If they are really going to unify the titles, adding Taker into a triple threat match and having him walk out undisputed champion would be awesome.
Yoshi Tatsu :wtf:

Goldust :rolleyes:

Beth Phoenix :worship:

Primo :p

LOL.. WWE changes the storyline very often.. Wrestlers who have moemntum now may be dumped to midcard before Royal Rumble.. Look what happened to Jack Swagger? FHS, I dont want John Cena again :banghead: Or any new wreslter of 4-5 months odd wins RR.. Del Rio? :blush: Or Sheamus who is no more WWE champion, the fella does the hella like the bella :lmao: Stop guessing, the thread can get the kick-off a month before RR
Hello Fella's i personally want Drew mcintyre to win RR just so he can brag about being the chosen one and headlining wrestlemania but unless he gets a little more credibility even though he has improved his in ring skills he wouldnt be credible enough to headline WM so i see Miz as the most likely canidate and if wwe did do this it would be one of the strongest push that they have ever done in the past 5-10 years with him having MITB and winning RR and i dont really see anyone else that can gain from winning RR (currently)go ahead and prove me wrong
im going with Chris Jericho because in his legendary career he has never won the rumble and hes one of the few long term main eventers not to win it. also if they do unify the titles the man has history in doing it and it would lead to some awesome promos so id like to see him involved in the match.
If WWE does decide to do the unification thing, then I could see them doing it like this...

If they're going to unify the belts at mania it needs to be a singles match! not triple threat BS! The wouldnt introduce the idea of unifying the titles until after the rumble. So the rumble would still have meaning.

This years rumble should end in controversy similar to the way of Rock/Big Show did. and my picks for the two guys that would be are Y2J and Cena.

Then at the next months ppv would be Y2J vs. The WHC(Undertaker, kane, Punk, Edge etc.) and Cena vs. WWE champ (Orton, Sheamus, Barret, HHH etc.)

Then the winners of those matches would go on to mania and compete in the main event to unify the titles....

then after the new champ is crowned Miz cashes in and wins.

the only problem is the ppv after the RR is Elimination Chamber i think so that probably wont work that way, which is unfortunate.
It still so far away its hard to say where the WWE will be at storyline wise at that point in time.
If they use the whole returning superstar angle, then I cold see it being Jericho or maybe Triple H if he has not made his return yet. This is a good way to get former main event talent right back into the spot that they were in before they left.

If they are going to unify the Heavyweight Titles they could have one of the champions enter and win the Royal Rumble. Lets say the WWE Champion wins the rumble, he could say just cause he already has a belt dose not mean he lost his shot at the other belt. It could add something to the event having one of the champions being involved in the rumble.

Another option is The Miz. I do think it is to early for him to main event Mania, but I would mark out if Miz one the Royal Rumble. I could just imagine Miz with his M.I.T.B. shot and having a shot at a title for winning the rumble, having him use both on the same night would be classic, he doesn't even have to win and I'd love it.

The final way I can think of and the least likely to happen would be to let a up in comer win the Royal Rumble. I would like to see Alberto Del Rio get the win. He has impressed me a lot in his very short time in the company. This would show that just about anything can happen in the WWE and that fans should buy the PPVs so they don't miss out.
Like I said earlier it is still way to early to tell who is going to win, at any time we could have a suspension, a injury, or god forbid a death that could alter the stories that we think are all set for down the road.
For possible contenders, I would say Christian but Vince isnt high on him, Miz has MiTB but unless he doesnt win the title or he wins it but loses it before RR, I think he's one of the favs to win. Morrison is a main eventer in the waiting, however I dont think WWE are ready to put him there, if they were, they wouldnt be sticking him in the US Title picture right now, he'd be feuding with main eventers before he gets his shot. HHH is very high on Sheamus and I think WWE are attempting to make him into one of WWE's elite and the only way to do that is by adding on more accomplishments, so I wont be suprised if WWE go with Sheamus especially if they go ahead with Taker vs. Sheamus for the Unification match at WM as rumored. Jericho has never won a Rumble and I could see WWE giving him him a suprise return for the event and win it like Edge last year, if that be the case I think Jericho should cash in his shot on Orton at Elimination Chamber and win the title from him then have Jericho vs. Taker in the Unification match at WM.

Personally I would like either Jericho or Christian to win the Rumble but I see WWE going with Sheamus.
CM Punk deff should get the win. His in upper midcard now, and since the S.E.S is over, he needs to be dragged back to ME. Let him win the title on Bragging Rights or before(Yeah, i want taker to loose @ HIAC, and make Kane loose to Punk on next smackdown... a dream...), Drop the title by SS or TLC, and win the rumble, and... yeah i want him to Unify the titles, but most likely it will be Superman or HHH
my pick is y2j. he has done alot in his career and a rumble win would be the top for him. i wouldnt mind him main eventing mania either against orton which would be a good match for sure
first of all, i would absolutely be delighted if Christian won royal rumble, but he wont, well, not this year anyway. I think i'm going to be slaughtered for this one but i think Goldust or William Regal simply because;
- They can Both hold their own in a main event
- They imo are very talented wrestlers
- They both deserve a good send off

So like i said feel free to slaughter me for this but it is MY OPINION, besides i think this idea is better than one specific previous comment *COUGH*Matt Hardy*COUGH*.......

Guess I have to be the one to slaughter you... I would love to see Goldust or Regal win the Royal Rumble. They're both dedicated veterans that are very good in the ring and definitely deserves it. Now unless something is wrong with you mentally, you know good and hell well neither of those two have a shot in hell at winning the rumble, ever. This thread is not about who you would like to see win but who you think would win. I can pretty much guarantee that it will be one of these guys:

Chris Jericho - Yes, my avatar, name, posts, etc. all prove I'm a mark for the guy but he has a good shot of getting that final accolade with a return from injury storyline a la Edge this year.

The Miz - He keeps his MITB briefcase and somehow wins the rumble leading to the eventual unification of the world titles.

Triple H - If Sheamus manages to regain the title before the rumble then I can see them doing the return from injury angle with HHH instead.

Kane - He's never won and reportedly they're discussing him for Undertaker's final WrestleMania match.

CM Punk - Bit of a long-shot but WWE can not ignore how amazing this man is on the mic. Not sure why they feel he needs more practice laying on his back in all his matches lately but hopefully this changes by the time the rumble comes closer.

John Cena - ...because he's John Cena.
If they're going with the unification match at WM i can see the Miz winning the rumble while already holding money in the bank. After winning the rumble he would cash in the briefcase and win one of the titles, then use the rumble win to challenge the other champ making it champ vs champ at wm!
I think I have to go give this one to Triple H.

For me, it just seems as though this year will be his year. When he returns to the WWE, he will come in hot and there will be no stopping him. I would imagine that the WWE are going to try and have him back by Survivor Series but I can certainly imagine him staying in the wings until Royal Rumble rolls around and having the same effect as Edge did this year. When he came back, there was simply no one who could get in his way and he won the Rumble. Having Triple H do that would certainly be something that the WWE would be looking at, I feel.

That being said, I don’t think Triple H needs it. I mean, he will likely go right back into a feud with Sheamus when he returns and after that has been completed, you can pretty much rest assured that he will be feuding with someone like Randy Orton or The Miz for a while. Depending on who the Champion is at Royal Rumble, I think we will have a pretty good look at who is going to win the actual Rumble match.

Triple H might want to face Sheamus at WrestleMania but if that feud has already been done to the death, the only logical place for him to go is the main event and that means a title match.

I am hoping that they give it to someone who probably deserves it. Wade Barrett might be a good shout depending on how his form goes over the next couple of months. Of course, he already has the guaranteed title shot anyway and he could save that for WrestleMania. Of course, the same could be said of The Miz. There is a lot of factors that play into the decision about who is going to win the rumble but at this early stage, my money is on The Game.
I think I have to go give this one to Triple H.

For me, it just seems as though this year will be his year. When he returns to the WWE, he will come in hot and there will be no stopping him. I would imagine that the WWE are going to try and have him back by Survivor Series but I can certainly imagine him staying in the wings until Royal Rumble rolls around and having the same effect as Edge did this year. When he came back, there was simply no one who could get in his way and he won the Rumble. Having Triple H do that would certainly be something that the WWE would be looking at, I feel.

That being said, I don’t think Triple H needs it. I mean, he will likely go right back into a feud with Sheamus when he returns and after that has been completed, you can pretty much rest assured that he will be feuding with someone like Randy Orton or The Miz for a while. Depending on who the Champion is at Royal Rumble, I think we will have a pretty good look at who is going to win the actual Rumble match.

Triple H might want to face Sheamus at WrestleMania but if that feud has already been done to the death, the only logical place for him to go is the main event and that means a title match.

I am hoping that they give it to someone who probably deserves it. Wade Barrett might be a good shout depending on how his form goes over the next couple of months. Of course, he already has the guaranteed title shot anyway and he could save that for WrestleMania. Of course, the same could be said of The Miz. There is a lot of factors that play into the decision about who is going to win the rumble but at this early stage, my money is on The Game.

I thought Barrett used his title opportunity at Night of Champions.

I see Kane being the winner of the 2011 Royal Rumble. I just feel it's about time he's won it. He has so many impressive accomplishments pertaining to the Rumble except winning it. I think his current feud with Taker will end at Bragging Rights and he will move on to something else the rest of the year and then win the Rumble and face the champion at Wrestlemania whoever it may be. I think this is Kane's time.
I'm kind of hoping a middle carder wins the Royal Rumble. I've always found it very stupid that you see people like Shawn Michaels, John Cena & Chris Jericho fighting to 'earn' a spot in Wrestlemania when all of us know that they are already going. There was no way that HBK & Cena weren't going to be in Wrestlemania XXVl, they were two of the biggest stars in the WWE and were obviously going to WM.

It would be really cool to see someone who can main event like John Morrison or Daniel Bryan win the Royal Rumble. They don't necessarily have to win at 'Mania but they could certainly pull off one hell of a match at 'Mania.
I would love for john morrison to win the royal rumble but it is very unlikely because he just doesnt seem like a guy that would win the royal rumble
1.)my first pick would be CM Punk he is an amazing wrestler but he needs this to solidify him as a top main event star although this seems unlikely because WWE seems to have fallen out of love with him since last year
2.)I could see jericho win it if he comes back by then but him winning the rumble would probably turn him face
3.)another pick might be Kane if he isnt champion when the rumble comes up
4.)I dont see them repeating royal rumble winners anytime soon unless Lesner comes back (wich i highly dought)

All in All probably Punk:worship:
Maybe Miz if he loses his MITB match, or a returning superstar like Y2J or HHH. Though I would say the more likely choices here are guys like Kane, Wade Barrett, or even Punk now that he's on Raw.

WWE seems to be staying away from letting guys win the Rumble multiple times as of late, so I would say a first time winner will win the match once again.
Surprised I haven't seen this thread yet and the PPV is only a few months away. Regardless, title says it : Who should win the Royal Rumble? Its the start of the Mania season and the way things look right now its a fairly open playing field for who could win. There are no serious injuries with superstars out for a surprise return other than Triple H, who should be back before then and possibly Jericho. So does the WWE stay with their current top guys and give it to someone like Cena, Edge, Orton, HHH or do they use it to step up someone like Miz, Punk, Sheamus, Barrett?

I seriously don't have a solid pick for who should win. If Barrett doesn't win the title at the PPV and they keep Cena face, I can see the storyline going to Rumble and him winning it with help from Cena and Nexus. Then Cena getting an out for revenge by winning the World Title and finally face Barrett in a match and the storyline paying of at Mania.

If they go with Taker as champion at the PPV until Mania Sheamus might win and setup a match between the two at Mania.

They could go wildcard with someone like Punk winning and setting up a Punk/Orton WWE title feud, which would be fun and fresh for Mania.

My personal fantasy pick would be to have The Miz win the Rumble while still holding the MITB briefcase. He has backup with Alex Riley who could help keep him in the ring with a fun moment where Miz turns and tosses him out at the near end. Having the MITB and Rumble guarantees is intriguing and enough to give him the HUGE ego and move to top star. have him feud with Orton leading to Mania and setup a match. Heres the big SWERVE and FANTASY PICKS: I would have him win the WWE title and after the World Title match have him cash in the MITB and win it as well...thus unifying the titles like they been rumored to be. It would boost his profile and ego the same way Jericho did back in 2001...
Seeing as Triple H is still out, and apparently loving his time off. I see him making a surprise return at the Rumble and taking it all. Seriously, when else is a good time for him to come back? Everything is running smoothly on all brands, and it just seems like a good fit for him to come back at the Rumble and get some of his momentum back. More than likely he'd eliminate Sheamus, just to keep that feud simmering.
Im going to have to go with John Cena. Having broken free of Nexus control, he'll be able to finally branch back out on his own, and re-enter the championship picture. Have him enter around 25 and eliminate any and all Nexus members, and have it finally come down to he and Barrett, allowing him to eliminate Barrett and break free of Nexus control once and for all. I just feel that the storyline will have run its course by then, and Cena will have been out of the Championship picture long enough that he will be fresh again, so to speak.

It will allow Cena to perhaps headline Wrestlemania as a heel, and perhaps alongside Undertaker, which would be a fresh feud for both that hasnt been done to death.

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