Who will wear the gold in 2015?


Championship Contender
Now that there are only a few days left in 2014, I thought it was time to ask this question. Who will win the WWE World Heavyweight Championhip, Intercontinental Title, United States Title, Tag Team Championships, and Divas Championship throughout the upcoming year?

I've named every superstar I expect to capture gold this year and even at which event I think the title changes will happen. Feel free to do the same, although you don't need to go into great detail. I'm just interested in everybody's comments on what new champions we'll see in 2015.

WWE World Heavyweight Championship: Brock Lesnar

4 title changes

1. Roman Reigns (WrestleMania 31)
2. Seth Rollins (WrestleMania 31 via cashing in MITB)
3. Roman Reigns (SummerSlam)
4. Bray Wyatt (Survivor Series)

As you can see, I expect Reigns to win the Rumble and dethrone Lesnar at WM31. But in my opinion, Rollins will be the first to cash in his MITB briefcase at a WrestleMania, making Reigns'...well reign very short-lived. Reigns will chase the title in an awesome feud with Rollins that is long overdue and finally recapture the title at SummerSlam. This will make the fans appreciate it that much more if they have to wait for it, much like Daniel Bryan's 7-month chase before having a true run as champion. We can see how strong Bray Wyatt is being booked since his return at Hell in a Cell. We've all heard the rumors that he's been chosen for the high profile match versus Undertaker at WM31. That says to me that Wyatt is someone they're putting a lot of stock into the future of. That's why he's my choice to be World Heavyweight Champion this time next year and to possibly headline WM32.

Intercontinental Championship: Dolph Ziggler

3 title changes

1. Bad News Barrett (WrestleMania 31)
2. Dean Ambrose (Payback)
3. Cody Rhodes (Night of Champions)

Bad News Barrett is a no-brainer choice for the man to take the IC Title away from Ziggler. Barrett was never beaten for it, as he had to forfeit the title due to a legitimate injury. I think he and Ziggler will have a terrific feud that hopefully makes the title feel important once again. The reason I don't see Barrett holding it for long however, is because he's my pick to win MITB in 2015. Dean Ambrose is a great choice to take over from there. Finally, I picked Cody Rhodes to be the one to defeat Ambrose because I feel it's only a matter of match before he goes solo again. The Dust Brothers have grown stale and should split any time now. Cody and Dustin could have a program as opponents anytime between Mania and SummerSlam, in my opinion. After that, Cody should once again become a very good midcarder.

United States Championship: Rusev

4 title changes

1. John Cena (WrestleMania 31)
2. Rusev (Extreme Rules)
3. Daniel Bryan (SummerSlam)
4. Cesaro (Hell in a Cell)

Some people might think I'm out of my mind to think Cena would take a step down to hold the U.S. Title, a belt that hasn't meant much in a VERY long time. However, a match between Cena beating Rusev at WrestleMania would be about much more than a title belt, it would be accomplishing what has been impossible for any other superstar who has stepped foot into the ring with Rusev. It would be a great Mania moment, and a great patriotic moment. I don't expect Cena to go on this long run with a midcard title though. In the rematch at Extreme Rules, I believe Rusev would regain the title and lay claim to Cena winning at WM31 was nothing more than a fluke. Rusev would then go back to believing no American can defeat him...until Daniel Bryan's return. I'm taking a wild guess on the timeline, but I'll say SummerSlam is when a Bryan/Rusev program would take place. They hinted at it when Bryan guest hosted Raw a few weeks back. Most might think Bryan would get inserted right back into the main event picture upon his return, but I disagree. With his health a concern, they can't risk gettting the fans' hopes up right away about him possiblly becoming WWE Champion again. Once he has shown he can get to that point again (and if), I believe that's when he'll drop the U.S. Title to either Cesaro or a heel Sheamus. I'll go with Cesaro since a heel Sheamus is nothing more than speculation.

Tag Team Championships: The Miz & Damien Mizdow

6 title changes

1. The Usos (Royal Rumble)
2. The Masterns of the WWE Universe: Tyson Kidd & Cesaro (Extreme Rules)
3. The New Day (Money in the Bank)
4. The Ascension (SummerSlam)
5. The Usos (Survivor Series)
6. The Ascension (TLC)

I believe the tag team championships will be the potato title of 2015, much like the IC Title was in 2014. We have some up and coming teams that could help the tag division be in the best shape it's been in years. We all know Miz & Mizdow will be going their separate directions soon, and it's even likely that they'll be opponents at WrestleMania. So that means it won't be long before they drop the titles. I think the team that makes the most sense is The Usos with the storyline involving Miz trying to get Naomi into Hollywood and the indecisive finish at TLC. There should certainly be a rematch at the Rumble where The Usos come out on top. Next up, I have The New Day winning the straps at Money in the Bank. Not because I'm a big believer in them, but it appears there are plans for them as they have gotten quite some tv time as of late. The Ascension are making their main roster next week and I don't think it'll take long at all before their top dogs of the division. Come SummerSlam, I believe they'll be new WWE tag team champions. Before the year ends however (let's say Survivor Series), I think we'll see The Usos regain the titles just to remind everyone that they're not going anywhere. And at the very next ppv TLC, The Ascension wins them back and we'll be off and running with maybe the best tag team feud in years between these 2 teams.

Divas Championship: Nikki Bella

5 title changes

1. Natalya (Royal Rumble)
2. Charlotte (WrestleMania 31)
3. Paige (Survivor Series)
4. Naomi (Night of Champions)
5. Charlotte (Survivor Series)

Nikki Bella is not a bad Diva's champion at all. There have been far worse, that's for sure. Yes, she's an awful actress, but not decent in the ring. Once more is known about AJ Lee's situation (if she's still an employee), I will definitely add her to this list. Some would argue Natalya is the best female wrestler that WWE has. If she's not the best, she's certainly very high on the list. So I think she deserves another run with the title and it will happen as soon as Royal Rumble. However, Charlotte is one of the future divas of the company, and will likely be making her main roster debut very soon. Her match on Raw a couple weeks ago was proof of that. Charlotte and Paige will be the Cena and Orton of this division, and will have their chance to to put on a fantastic match at SummerSlam (if not Mania) where Paige comes out the victor to become a 3-time Diva's Champion. Eventually, likely in the fall, Naomi will get her run with the title and deservedly so. Finally, at Survivor Series, I see Charlotte regaining the title and taking it into 2016.
WWE World Heavyweight Championship:

1. Brock Lesnar
2. Roman Reigns
3. Seth Rollins
4. Dean Ambrose\ Daniel Bryan

Year of the Shield imo. If Bryan makes it back I think he may replace Ambrose.

Intercontinental Championship:

1. Dolph Ziggler
2. Bad News Barrett
3. Ryback
4. Luke Harper/ Bray Wyatt

United States Championship:

1. Rusev
2. *Ryback/ John Cena

I don't know if Rusev will lose it at all tbh. If he does I think either Ryback will take it before Mania or Cena will take it at Mania.

Tag Team Championship:

1. Miz and Mizdow
2. The Usos
3. The Ascension

I think The Ascension will hold them for a while.

Diva's Championship:

Not a clue.
i agree with u. But reigns chase title that long wont expected. We have lots of title changes between reigns and rollins.
May be after wm they debut new stable from nxt. They may win mitb at mitb and gets a new champion from nxt guys.
Cena winning us title at mania is perfect match. After rumble rusev confornts Hogan and thretens to attack hogan. cena made save and promise to beat rusev at mania. After wm cena handed the belt to hogan and good bye to that belt.

Even cena as us champion vs bryan as ic champion unification match is big boost for ic title.
First of all sorry for the long absence,i have had some stuff going on in my life.. But Reigns is probably the favorite to win the title at WM against Lesnar. I personally think its a year too soon,but he will win the WWE WHC at WM. I can see Roman barely able to stand,and have lesnar attack him after the bout,resulting in Seth coming in and cashing in MITB..

This will set up a awesome feud and long long overdue between Roman and Seth.. I suspect this match will have Match of the Year qualities,as im sure these two will have great chemistry together..

The US title,i can see Cena dethroning Our Russian Hero Rusev.. Really Cena is the only one left that Rusev hasn't targeted and its bound to happen.

The IC Title Ziggler is a fine champion for the belt and a excellent choice.. Barrett never lost the strap,he got hurt.. I would love to see Wade capture the Belt but with his recent injury history,can the WWE trust him for a lengthy run with the title? I will look forward to seeing Bad news at WM time,ruining Zigglers night..
Gee this is a hard one. With all the injuries right now and the uncertainty of who will come back and when, hard to know what they'll do. I don't think to be honest they even know. By the bookings it looks like creative is flying by the seat of their pants. I'll have a go at it anyway.

WWE World Heavyweight Championship:

1. Seith Rollins - I think he'll cash in at the Rumble
2. Dean Ambrose - Rumble winner, will beat the hell out of Rolilns at Mania
3. Roman Reigns - Might be Summerslam

These three will hold the title for most of the year, and if that happens it's good for us as fans. We'll get to see some crakerjack matches out of them.

Intercontinental Championship:

1. Dolph Ziggler
2. Bad News Barrett
3. Mizdow
4. Luke Harper

I have no idea when the titles will change, sot the list is in no apparent order. It all depends on Barrett and when he comes back. I'm hoping that these four will keep the title going this year.

United States Championship:

1. Rusev
2. Ryback

This is could a hell of a feud it they can keep it going. Just keep Big Show and Mark Henry out of the mix and we'll be fine. Both Rusev and Ryback are power guys so I'm expecting good things from both of them.

Tag Team Championship:

1. Miz and Mizdow
2. The Usos
3. The Ascension

I'll have to go with this as well. The Dust Brothers have been jobbed out lately and buried by El Torito. The three teams on the list are the most accomplished and once Miz and Mizdow go their separate ways, I could see Kidd and Cesaro in there.

Diva's Championship:

If AJ is leaving then Paige or Charlotte if she comes up. Other than those three don't give a damm about the Diva's.
WWE World Heavyweight Championship: Brock Lesnar - 4 title changes

1.) Roman Reigns [WrestleMania 31]
2.) Seth Rollins [WrestleMania 31 via cashing in MitB]
3.) Dean Ambrose [Summerslam]
4.) Bray Wyatt [Survivor Series]

Intercontinental Championship: Dolph Ziggler - 3 title changes

1.) The Miz [Fast Lane]
2.) Damien Mizdow [Wrestlemania 31]
3.) Cesaro [Night of Champions]

United States Championship: Rusev - 5 title changes

1.) Ryback [Fast Lane]
2.) Luke Harper [Battleground]
3.) Erick Rowan [Night of Champions]
4.) Tyson Kidd [Smackdown]
5.) Adrian Neville [TLC(&S)]

Tag Team Championships: The Miz & Damien Mizdow - 3 title changes

1.) The Usos [Royal Rumble Pre-Show]
2.) The Ascension [Extreme Rules]
3.) Finn Balor & Hideo Itami [Survivor Series]

Divas Championship: Nikki Bella - 6 title changes

1.) Naomi [Fast Lane]
2.) AJ Lee [Payback]
3.) Charlotte [Money In The Bank]
4.) Natlaya [Monday Night RAW]
5.) Charlotte [Summerslam]
6.) Paige [Hell in a Cell]
WWE World Heavyweight Championship: Brock Lesnar - 4 title changes

1.Seth Rollins - Wrestlemania (Lesnar will only just beat the Royal Rumble winner, no one deserves to beat the one in 21-1 as the Streak should have stayed intact. Rollins cashes on Lesnar.)

2. Dolph Ziggler - Payback

3. Roman Reigns - Summerslam

4. Rusev - Summerslam (Cash in MitB contract)

Intercontinental Championship: Dolph Ziggler - 4 title changes

1. Bray Wyatt - Wrestlemania

2. Randy Orton - Battleground

3. Ryback - Night Of Champions

4. Bad News Barrett - Survivor Series (frees up Ryback as a contender for Royal Rumble in 2016.

United States Championship: Rusev - 3 title changes

1. Cesaro - Money In The Bank (Rusev will give up the championship for a MitB spot. A tournament will take place in Raws leading up to MitB. Cena vs Cesaro at MitB with Cesaro winning clean after a Cena mistake.

2. Dean Ambrose - Night Of Champions

3. John Cena - TLC (After 1 and a half years without a title, John Cena wins a championship after a torrid year of messing up. This frees up Ambrose as a contender to win the Royal Rumble in 2016.

Tag Team Championships: The Miz & Damien Mizdow - 4 title changes

1. The New Day - Wrestlemania

2. The Ascension - Extreme Rules

3. The Usos - Battleground

4. The Ascension - Night Of Champions

Divas Championship: Nikki Bella - 6 title changes

1. Paige - Wrestlemania

2. Nikki Bella - Extreme Rules

3. Brie Bella - Payback

4. AJ Lee - Summerslam

5. Paige - Survivor Series

Writing this has shown me what a screw up WWE ridding of the World Heavyweight Championship is. There aren't enough titles for the talent. In terms of the WWEWHC, in 2015 'The Man' Ziggler will surely hold it with the monster push he has been given at the moment, he's not losing on television or at house shows. 'The Chosen One' Reigns will be ready by May next year in my opinion as it gives him 2 or 3 good single feuds to test his ability, even though he might prematurely be given the title at Wrestlemania. Rollins will hold the strap, that's a certainty. Orton and Cena need a championship with the support they've maintained the last few years, and one of Rusev or Ryback deserve the main belt. The other deserves a mid card title. Wyatt and Ambrose are interesting characters but that means they can feud with anyone without a title, which means although I can see both holding a title next year I see it just as likely they actually get overlooked. Then you have Cesaro, Harper, Rowan, Bad News Barrett, Sheamus and maybe Daniel Bryan if he ever returns. I honestly feel WWE need another belt to compensate for the amount of talent.
a WHC scenario prediction

Almost, exactly like last year, We will Have Reigns vs Lesnar ay WM, but the wwe universe will really want Ziggler in it too. The guy is just as hot as Bryan was last year. He will sneak into the main event and win the title, just to make the fans happy. And as he wins, Rollins cashes in MITB and wins. Creating a triple threat or fatal 4 way the next night on raw. But all in all, all year long, I believe in 2015 we will see Lesnar, Ziggler, Reigns, Rollins, and Bryan all carry the strap. And gonna go ahead and predict a long title reign for Ambrose in 2016.

IC title
Ziggler has outgrown this title. As soon as Barrett gets back it will be bad news for anyone who has the title. I would expect to see Bad News Barrett and Eric Rowan carry the IC title for much of 2015.

Tag Titles
What a cluster this division has become. I'd expect for two new comers to hold the title most of 2015 The New Day and the Ascension.

Divas title

There a re only really 3 Diva's worthy of the title now, Natalya, Paige, And AJ, I say this because they are better in ring. They will swap it out after WWE is done promoting total divas by having a Bella as champ.

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