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Who Will Put Over Newer Big Guys or Giants When 'Taker's Gone?

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The Phenom of WZ
Over the years we've seen plenty of Giants in wrestling debut with the WWE. It seems like these type of wrestlers always have to come in and make an instant impact. The WWE seems to always want to do this with their resident Phenom, The Undertaker.

We've seen 'Taker in the past try to put over guys like Giant Gonzalez, Kamala, Papa Shango, Heidenreich, and some others. Now, to be fair, these wrestlers didn't become much in the grand scheme of things, but 'Taker did his best.

With that said, he's also helped plenty of other big guys/giants get over. 'Taker is the only reason that Kane exists. When Big Show first came into the WWE he was paired in a tag team with 'Taker and Big Show himself says that 'Taker saved his career with the WWE. Khali's beatdown on 'Taker helped make Khali a top heel when he first appeared and it later led to a World Title Reign for Khali.

So when The Undertaker calls it quits, who will help to put over these types of wrestlers in the future?
Hmm I don't think anyone can replicate the rub to a Superstars career by feuding with the Undertaker. He is an amazing talent and always put plenty of people over.

At first I would have said the Big Show, how else then show your strength than by fighting the worlds largest man? Big Show is none else than the Worlds Largest Shovel. He buries talent, only real talent that came away from feuding with Big Show to jump start their career was John Cena.

Which than leads me to John Cena, the guy constantly can put on a great show when it comes to the heavyweights. He sells very well to beatdowns, and what better way to gain heat than beat on the WWE posterchild?
Big guys like Kane and Mark Henry could be utilized for the position when taker is gone. Now I am by no means saying the rub would be the same but they are big guys who don't seem to have a problem putting people over anyway. Big Show could be used aswell I don't think he really buries talent.
taker hasnt put any1 over 4 ages. cenas the one thatll be the one 2 give instant credibility 2. so long as they dont make him squash whoever the new guy is at the next ppv.
Two quick "Big Man" thoughts. If Mark Henry is the worlds strongest man and somebody (usually everybody) beats him, would that not make them the worlds strongest. I mean if I beat the worlds strongest man then I am stronger than the strongest.
Also, how is Big Show the worlds largest athlete when Khali is bigger than him.
Anyway in answer to your question I would say Kane should be the one. You would have to build him up again and make him look credible and indestructable again so a win against him actually looks like a real win. He hasn't got long left ringwise so build him up then have him start putting guys over.
I think it'll most likely be The Big Show. He's at a veteran point in his career where he has nothing left to prove and he'd make a great challenge of strength for any new giant in the business. I mean most recently he has sort of helped elevate Ezekiel Jackson (With his Hogan-esque body slam) and Mason Ryan...so he's already kinda of heading into this role. Kane would also be a good second choice but it sounds a lot more impressive to say you beat "The world's largest athlete".

Also, when I think of The Big Show, I don't think of someone who buries talent. I mean sure he made CM Punk into a jobber but Punk was already over at that point with multiple world titles and he isn't even a "giant" or monster heel. Furthermore, Taker (the man who supposedly puts over talent) buried Punk first at Hell in a Cell 2009.
What do you mean when taker is gone? Hasn't he practically been gone for the last two years of his career?

They have plenty of talent to get people over. If there is no prime big man, you get him over by making him unstoppable.
Two quick "Big Man" thoughts. If Mark Henry is the worlds strongest man and somebody (usually everybody) beats him, would that not make them the worlds strongest. I mean if I beat the worlds strongest man then I am stronger than the strongest.
Also, how is Big Show the worlds largest athlete when Khali is bigger than him.

No, that wouldn't make them the world's strongest...what does winning a wrestling match have to do with strength? Rey Mysterio can beat Mark Henry all he wants, he's never going to be as strong as him.

Also, Big Show: 485 lbs. Great Khali: 420 lbs.

As for the original question, I think they'll just keep doing what they've been doing with new guys the last few years...Khali was the last one to try to get over on Taker. But if you're looking for one specific guy, I'd say Kane or Big Show...look at what Ezekiel Jackson and Mason Ryan have done against them the last few weeks.
the only one with credibility that ive seen over the years would be orton. he does a great job making his opponent look good in the ring. perfect example-kofi-even tho he did nothing with it afterwards..his fued with orton will probably be the best we see out of kofi.
im trying my best not to be a cena hater just for the fact of miz. miz called cena out for like 6weeks and then finally hes ending a program with him now. its both good and bad with cena i guess..the good is that it will generate heat and face for the new guy but bad because cena will always come out on top at the end.
Quick note: I see a lot of people talking about guys like Cena, Punk, and Orton. In the scheme of things, these are pretty average sized people when it comes to wrestling. Now I'm not saying that Cena or Orton couldn't help put Giants or Big guys over; however, if someone the size of 'Taker beat John Cena, would it be that hard to believe? As opposed to them beating 'Taker himself or even Big Show?

I'm talking about GIANTS AND BIG GUYS. Guys that are the size of Kane, 'Taker, Big Show, Khali, and so on. Whenever a guy like this appears, it is usually 'Taker that they go after first. What I want to know is, who'll be the one that makes the crowd care about these types of wrestlers once 'Taker is completely out of the picture?
Two quick "Big Man" thoughts. If Mark Henry is the worlds strongest man and somebody (usually everybody) beats him, would that not make them the worlds strongest. I mean if I beat the worlds strongest man then I am stronger than the strongest.
Also, how is Big Show the worlds largest athlete when Khali is bigger than him.

interesting questions and here are the answers....first off mark henry won arnold schwarzzergfdfneggars competition a couple of years ago so he was labeled the worlds strongest man...and secondly khali is not an athlete the guy can barely move so big show still wins haha
Interesting question.

But there's more to Taker than being the resident big man worker. The guy has always been booked like a side show attraction instead of the main event. Seems like an odd analogy, but it's the truth. A lot of people are listening Kane, Big Show, and/or Mark Henry, but these men are close to retiring as well one would have to figure.

Imma be a mark and just say Wade Barrett. The guy's size goes understated a lot, but he is one big shot of English jerkface. But more importantly he is versatile in the ring. He isn't going to go flying like Taker, but Wade bumps and strikes very well. He has helped the Big Show get over more than ever. I haven't seen Kane so motivated to whoop ass in years the way like he looks in his matches with Wade. Heck, they are using him to put Zeke over. Seems like they are already setting him up for that position the company. He also just has a presence about him that makes most watching take notice of him. He has crowd killing theme music like most of both rosters, but he has proven he can get the crowd going once the music stops.

Part of me also wants to mention Brodus Clay, but I do think fits the mold of the guy you are trying to describe Taker's opponents usually as. Not saying that is a bad thing, I just don't think he has the versatility to pull off that kind of role.
I think one thing that is interesting when people say this guy buries talent, or this guy buried him first...you have to remember, it's not just the Undertaker, Kane, or Big Show who has a say in the finish of a match. Maybe Taker or Show were BOOKED

Sorry, stupid enter key...what I meant to say is it's not totally up to the superstar who gets the win out of the finish to how the match is booked. Maybe Vince and the writers wanted it that way for some particular reason. I always hate to hear about how somebody buries somebody else, because we don't always know the reasons why the WWE chose to go in that direction. Maybe something happened backstage and that person was buried for that reason, not because it's Taker or Show that they're facing...but in an answer to the question, I think Show and Kane are perfect.

Besides...you don't want taker constantly losing and diminishing his value, because then his last few stints at Wrestlemania will make it seem very unrealistic about how he'll lose at a normal ppv and then be unstoppable at Mania. I would like to see Taker give the rub like he did with Jeff Hardy in that ladder match they had...I mean, you almost felt that Jeff had him, deep down you knew better, but for one second...you thought it.
I think one thing that is interesting when people say this guy buries talent, or this guy buried him first...you have to remember, it's not just the Undertaker, Kane, or Big Show who has a say in the finish of a match. Maybe Taker or Show were BOOKED

I understand that Show is not the one responsible for his status in the 'E and how creative sends him out to bury talent after talent. But I believe that is the Big Shows future with the 'E.

Two feuds to date that buried talent are the Corre, and the Straight Edge Society.
No one can do it the way The Undertaker did it. However, The Big Show is/was doing a decent job with Ezekiel Jackson. Still, I think the traditional way will always work if done correctly.

Big guy comes out in surprise appearance and beats down jobbers to get over. It's like the guy popping out of the wooden box. Just always seems to work. The problem is that the big men have to get the job done and keep the heat going after those moments.

That's the challenge.
To the guy who said that Taker hasn't put over anyone in years - how regularly has he been on the show to put over somebody anyway? If he works only a few months a year, it hardly gives time to put over anyone. The last time he was regular (and even that had several months time-off due to injuries), he put over Edge very well in a year-long (or even longer) feud. Edge himself stated in an interview that it was his best feud (even better than his feud with cena) since for the first time he got to main-event Wrestlemania in a singles' match and close the show.

Since then he has been trying to put over people anyways whenever he is there - he put over HHH by allowing him to win the title at No Way Out (EC) 2009, he put over CM Punk by allowing Punk to have a submission victory over him (though he never tapped out to save his character), he put over Kane (losing 3 PPV matches in a row including a clean win) and Nexus completely in 2010 for the short duration that he was there on the show. You're blind if you say that Taker has not put over anyone in years - you can't comprehend what you see.

Fact is, nobody can put over the giants (or anyone for that matter) like Taker did.
I mean if I beat the worlds strongest man then I am stronger than the strongest.

It would depend on how you beat the man.

If you beat the man in a contest of physical strength, then yes. But if you beat him due to quickness, luck, cheap shots, or what have you, then no.

As for the topic at hand..

When Taker leaves, if Big Show is still around he could be used somewhat, and so can Orton. The way they're building up Randy, it's obvious he'll be SD's Cena. So either Cena or Orton could be used to put a big guy over by the time Taker leaves. But I can't help but remember there was a time when Taker needed to be put over, and they managed to do so using Warrior. They not only built him up physically at that point, but that's when it became clear he'd also fuck with his opponents psyche in an interesting way.
Yuo just have to fit the situation to the debuting guys needs. If you want him to be monster with strength, have him attack a big guy like Kane or Big Show to show off strength like Ezekiel Jackson did when he got sent to Smackdown. If you want him to be noticed have him attack a top face or well known veteran of the business like John Cena or Christian. That is how the Nexus got noticed. Just depends on the situation.
I think they booked those guys with Taker more because they were of similar size and had outlandish characters that at the time they believed could make for good story lines. However when Taker is done and a new big guy steps on the scene i don't think they will necessarily need someone to get them over. They will be filling a void left open by Taker and all they would need to do is push them against any average height main event star. I suppose they could use Big Show or Kane for a little longer after Taker is gone because they are several years younger and as far as i know nowhere near as beaten and banged up as Taker is.
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