Who will leave in the next clearout?


Occasional Pre-Show
As we've seen before, WWE Superstars are often future endeavoured in batches. Eg, Luke Gallows, Vance Archer and Caylen Croft a couple of years ago.
The next clearout could be anytime, but who do you guys think is currently in danger of being released?

For me, it would have to be:
Hunico - Camacho seems to be wrestling more and as they don't team so much I think Hunico is looking vulnerable. He needs a feud if he's to be saved.
Drew Mcintyre - Do I really need to explain this? Personally, I think he's a good wrestler but he really hasn't done that much since moving to Raw, even after he moved back.
David Otunga - Apart from occasionally jobbing to whoever has annoyed Laurinaitis, Otunga isn't getting much ring action. If he splits from Big Johnny he could forge a decent career as a midcard face.
Heath Slater - Fairly bland at best. Unlikely to do anything notable in WWE and will almost certainly be released.
JTG - Was considered the weaker partner in Cryme Tyme and rarely gets any TV time.
Mason Ryan - Thus far unable to make an impact in WWE despite being a better worker than American fans have given him credit for. He needs a manager or tag team partner, unless he becomes an enforcer for someone else.
Trent Baretta - One of my favourite wrestlers, but doesn't get enough time to show what he can do. He, too, needs to get back into a tag team.

Anyone I've missed? Anyone who disagrees with my comments?
As far as your list goes:

Hunico - Honestly needs to be released. Only reason he might not be is because they need somebody to lose to Sin Cara every week that can actually sell/assist his moves the right way

Drew - I'm actually afraid you might be right. I will never understand why WWE refuses to do something with Drew, but they just don't seem to wanna get behind him

Otunga - To me there's no chance he gets released. First off he's engaged to an actual celebrity and Vince probably loves that fact. Second, he's HUGE and has the type of body Vince loves. And third, he actually has charisma/personality and a character that he plays well. Yes he's a jobber, but people forget that pro wrestling NEEDS jobbers. When you look at jobbers there's two kinds: generic/bland ones that fans don't care about (see Yoshi Tatsu), and then there's the ones that never win, but they get enough of a reaction that fans actually care about them and WANT to see them lose.

Heath - Another Jobber that may be saved just because he at least gets some reaction, even if its via cheap heel heat (insulting home crowd)

JTG - Either bring back Shad or let him go. Crime Tyme could help the new tag division since they're trying to bring it back, but solo he's not worth much

Mason Ryan - Have never cared about him a day in my life. I'd cut him, but they probably won't.

Trent - Honestly have no idea. Haven't seen much of him.
I would go with

Alex Riley since he got in dog house in WWE he has done nothing more than be in squash matches and jobbing

Evan Bourne Nobody has seen him since his suspension and nobody misses him

The Great Khali really do i have to explain? He is horrible

Trent Barreta nobody has seen from him in months and does anyone really care? He is another Zack Ryder without the charisma

JTG since the break up of Crime Tyme he has been nothing
i think you are right for a lot although guys like Otunga and Heath may survive another year just because they fill a spot now that they need. but i think we need to look at a couple higher profile guys. Unless he got released and i missed it, don't be surprised to see Evan Bourne released too. with them bringing in other crusierweights and with how easily he was replaced in his tagteam by R-Truth, i don't see them needing to keep him. depending on what happens with NXT, Regal might be released. If they released Golddust, who seemed to be helping develop the new talent on tv, why would they keep Regal? i would like them to do more with him but when you look at htings, he is just getting too old to be used properly. i also wouldn't be surprised to see the Usos released. again, depends on NXT but they seem to have used them very poorly so i could see them being cut.

better question is who should they cut that you know they won't. Santino is a joke character and should be cut. there is no way you can reinvent him as something serious at this point. Otunga and Heath fit this too.
All of those guys will end up getting released except for Otunga, Slater, and JTG. The only way for Hunico not to be future endeavoured, is if he drops the Mexican thug gimmick, and maybe redebut as a masked luchador, and team up with Sin Cara in the tag division. Heath Slater and JTG won't get released due to that they will probably be reserved for NXT. It's pretty sad where JTG is at because he continues to improve on NXT, but nobody gives a damn about it, and say " Put him in the tag division or release him." He also got rid of the Cryme Tyne gimmick. Mason Ryan will probably get released unless he will be Dolph Ziggler's enforcer. Otunga won't get released either, since he is a key part of the roster, working for John Laurenitis kayfabe wise

The people I see getting released. Hunico(unless gimmick change), Camacho, Evan Bourne, Alex Riley( He seems to have some potential, I would ship him to NXT before getting released) , The Great Khali, Drew McIntyre (sad, but true).
Hunico - I think they're going to keep Hunico. He was an asset when they picked him up and he'll continue to be one when the Cruiserweight show kicks off. I feel like he doesn't really have anyone to go up against, though. The whole reason they brought him in was to work with Sin Cara, and now that SC is back, I'd expect to see Hunico a little bit more, whenever Sin Cara gets ready for another feud.

Drew Mcintyre - I've always felt as though Drew has been overrated by the IWC. His best quality was that he sold pretty well and he had a good look, which are valuable assets for a jobber, not a main event star. His fatal flaw is that he can't really tell a story on the mic, and that will always be his problem. You can't be a star in the wrestling industry unless you can act well enough, and Drew is a bad actor. I know he's had a lot of other stuff happen outside of the ring, but his ceiling was never that high, IMO. If he were to get released, I wouldn't really care. He probably is on a short list in the WWE office of guys getting paid too much.

David Otunga - Now try not to spit on me for saying this, but I think Otunga has a future. He's not that good, but I think he's okay. The biggest perk about Otunga (aside from his girlfriend/wife, whatever she is) is that he has a usable character. I don't mean a good character, I just mean that the lawyer gimmick can fit into a lot of storylines. Imagine if after this Johnny Ace thing is over, that Alberto or Ted DiBiase, or some rich guy gimmick, hires him as his personal attorney and confidant. It's that easy to keep him on screen. I don't think he can be a star like the WWE might think he can, but he could be a good midcard heel and a decent on-screen character. I wouldn't cut him.

Heath Slater - I'm biased because I've said before that you could turn this guy into a somewhat comedic, sympathetic midcard babyface and maybe get the crowd behind him, maybe even make a midcard title run with him. He would surely just end up being a poor man's Zack Ryder, but in a midcard full of heels, I'd say there's room to try and develop some in-house talent. Even if you think that idea is horrible, Heath better than just about anyone and makes for a good jobber. I say keep the kid.

JTG - I would say cut JTG. I forget he's on the show until someone turns on the video game. I think he works in FCW, though. Maybe they could just keep him there, since he has experience.

Mason Ryan - I think this guy has some potential. He's too green to already write off. I would keep him and pair him up with Dolph, or something. He's a body and he has room to grow, so long as they would use him.

Trent Baretta - This is another guy that I think has just been demoted to FCW. I think they keep his name on the main roster so they can use him as a jobber when they need to. They could cut him and I wouldn't feel bad, except for the fact that they never really gave the Dudebusters much of a chance. If they were to rehire Caylen Croft, get the Dudes back together, and use them to try and rebuild the tag division, I'd say he could work. Otherwise, I don't see the point of having this guy on your main roster payroll.

As for my personal mention:
Randy Orton - Just cut him, already. I've said before that they could cut him and I'd be fine with it. I've never thought Randy was very good, going all the way back to Evolution, and I think he gets by on-screen with a good look and a decent pop from a crowd that is just starved for babyfaces. If they wanted to cut him, I'd trust the WWE on this one.
Hunico - If they're gonna be starting a cruiserweight show I can see Hunico being the perfect jobber to the high flying stars.
Drew Mcintyre - I love McIntyre. It's sad that they don't utilize him to his full potential and probably will be released.
David Otunga - No. He's not going anywhere any time soon.
Heath Slater - Hate his gimmick. He's a decent jobber though, pretty good in the ring.
JTG - Surprised he's still in WWE
Mason Ryan - Another bland muscle man with no character.
Trent Baretta - Never really seen him so I can't speak on his ability or lack there of.

One person I would of added to the list is Ezekial Jackson. No real character to be found. Nothing special in the ring.
Has anyone said a single thing about Jinder Mahal? D.O is doing a great job I think with his gimmick and should stay, and Drew Mac. Should be in the WWE/WHC title picture by now but isn't.
I'd add these two to your list:

Jinder Mahal - There's nothing good or redeemable about him. He's pretty useless.
Evan Bourne - I like him, but WWE seems like he's out the door.

But I'd take away Otunga(he's been working well on TV now and he's enjoyable), Slater(useful jobber and it's hilarious to see him get owned) and Drew(I'd like to see him get one final chance from now and give him the deadline of WM29).
Trent Baretta - when was the last time he was on tv?
Yoshi Tatsu - keeps getting buried every weekwhich is sad because tatsu is really talented
Riley - See Yoshi
The Great Khali - why is he even still around? He only does like a few moves a chop Chokebomb and maybe a big boot
Ezekial Jackson - Not real entertaining on the mic and just like Khali only does a few moves
JTG - pair him up with shad again or release him
The Miz may get released because of his losing streak and has alot of backstage heat
The Great Khali will NEVER get released. He makes WWE too much money and gets them a ton of exposure in India. Though he should he won't!

My list is:

: seriously WHY does he even get exposure time let alone have matches with Cena. He's there due to his celebrity wife ONLY.

Washington- Appears the group he was forming is not going to happen so what's the point of having him around.

Aksana- Seriously WHY is she even drawing a check? She can't act and she probably the ugliest of the Divas.

Drew McIntyre
- FINALLY I HOPE! It's sad when you're even more boring than ADR. He is useless and not even a good jobber.

Tensai- Worst signing EVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The guy is worse than watching paint dry. Cut your losses WWE.

Bourne, JTG and Slater can stick around as jobbers. Bourne will be great for the new cruiserweight show as a jobber. Ryback, Big Show and others will always need a JTG and Slater to job for them.
I think Hunico and Camacho aren't bad. They should just quit doing singles matches and be included in the tag division. WWE needs tag teams, and there's one right there.

Heath Slater should stay, and yes, I'm a fan of his. He's good at what he does and that's being a jobber. He sells the moves pretty good.

They have so many guys that are doing nothing, why not just start creating tag teams with them and kick the division up a notch. Justin Gabriel and Evan Bourne could maybe form a tag team.

I also like Trent Barretta, just wish he'd do a little something. I don't watch NXT or Superstars so i never see some of these people. Maybe Trent B could team with Heath Slater and form another tag team. :)

For who I think should be future endeavored..

Yoshi Tatsu
Hornswoggle (yeah, I know, it's not going to happen)
Jinder Mahal (He's very boring, every time I see him, I just want to change the channel)
Johnny Curtis (is he even doing anything??)

Aksana- Seriously WHY is she even drawing a check? She can't act and she probably the ugliest of the Divas.

Seriously? Are you kidding me. Aksana is one of the hottest divas in WWE. Probably is the hottest, next to Layla. If you said Alicia Fox, then I'd agree. Or even Kharma. But Aksana? I love seeing her on my TV, it would be a crime to release her. :(
Trent Baretta - when was the last time he was on tv?
Yoshi Tatsu - keeps getting buried every weekwhich is sad because tatsu is really talented
Riley - See Yoshi
The Great Khali - why is he even still around? He only does like a few moves a chop Chokebomb and maybe a big boot
Ezekial Jackson - Not real entertaining on the mic and just like Khali only does a few moves
JTG - pair him up with shad again or release him
The Miz may get released because of his losing streak and has alot of backstage heat

Miz isn't going any time soon, WWE wouldn't stick him in their movie if they plan on getting rid of him.
Khali is there only because of his reputation in India.

I could see the following: (keeping in mind Raw has an extra hour soon)
- Jackson, too many of his type around and offers nothing to the table
- Rey - depending on when this clear out takes place
- Tensai - They have given up on him
- Ryan
Thats it and then just a clearout in the lower ranks
As far as your list goes:

Drew - I'm actually afraid you might be right. I will never understand why WWE refuses to do something with Drew, but they just don't seem to wanna get behind him

You know they have tried many times and just like Ziggler he's never got over with fans who aren't on the internet. I don't blame them not wasting their time anymore. I think this will be Ziggler's last shot also. They can only try so much before they have to cut their losses. Which is why I don't get why Swagger is still around. I can assume because of VKM's obsession with Big Guys.

Back in the day when people didn't get over they'd pull them from TV a few weeks to months and repackage them with a new gimmick and TRY a new look, not anymore it seems.
I think Hunico and Camacho aren't bad. They should just quit doing singles matches and be included in the tag division. WWE needs tag teams, and there's one right there.

Heath Slater should stay, and yes, I'm a fan of his. He's good at what he does and that's being a jobber. He sells the moves pretty good.

They have so many guys that are doing nothing, why not just start creating tag teams with them and kick the division up a notch. Justin Gabriel and Evan Bourne could maybe form a tag team.

I also like Trent Barretta, just wish he'd do a little something. I don't watch NXT or Superstars so i never see some of these people. Maybe Trent B could team with Heath Slater and form another tag team. :)

For who I think should be future endeavored..

Yoshi Tatsu
Hornswoggle (yeah, I know, it's not going to happen)
Jinder Mahal (He's very boring, every time I see him, I just want to change the channel)
Johnny Curtis (is he even doing anything??)

Seriously? Are you kidding me. Aksana is one of the hottest divas in WWE. Probably is the hottest, next to Layla. If you said Alicia Fox, then I'd agree. Or even Kharma. But Aksana? I love seeing her on my TV, it would be a crime to release her. :(

We can agree to disagree about Aksana, Are you kidding me, Kong is HOT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (KIDDING and I don't care she's called Kharma there, she will ALWAYS BE Awesome Kong). Hornswoggle probably won't go anywhere since he's going to be in the remake of Leprechaun. Though he had run his course about 4 years ago.
Miz will be safe for now cos he's in the movie... when it bombs... he'll be gone.

Drew and Mason should team as part of a UK faction with Barrett, use Regal as their manager.

Alicia is safe cos she is with Wade, and WWE wants him around for a long time.

Jinder will improve, personally I'd rather they get Davairi back but he fits a nice demographic for India when they inevitably release Khali again.

Curtis, Bateman, Slater, all should go. Gabriel is ok for the new cruiser show as is Hunico.

Orton? Personally I'd love it.
The Miz, Tensai, David Otunga, and Heath Slater are safe. The Miz is away making a movie, and will probably return as a face so he can promote it. Tensai is loyal to WWE and has been in the family for a long time, I think WWE brass will give his gimmick a fair shot. Otunga is constantly improving, and making news outside of wrestling. His wife's fame definitely helps his case to keep him on the payroll. Heat Slater is regularly featured on WWE TV and has faced some of the top stars. He is paying his dues and will be focused on in the near future.

Here's who I think ought to be cut from the roster:

AW - The name is dumb, and I doubt anyone wants to see an Obama parody character every Monday or Friday for the foreseeable future. Axe this guy who nobody liked.
Camacho - Hunico doesn't need a buddy. Camacho is lame, and Hunico was cooler under a black mask. This guy stinks, cut him.
Curt Hawkins - He's had too many chances and can never break above the undercard. Offer him an FCW trainer job and be done with it.
Drew McIntyre - So tired of seeing this borefest. Can't think of a more boring Intercontinental and Tag Team Champion. Send him on his way.
Epico - Boring beyond belief.
Primo - Average average average.
Johnny Curtis - below average.
Rey Mysterio - I love Rey, but it may be time for him to hang it up. We'll see I suppose, if he can muster a return. Otherwise, call it a day, he's already had an amazing career.
Trent Barreta - Destined to be unmemorable. Release him, into the indies!
Yoshi Tatsu - Boring, and Richie Steamboat needs his spot on the roster.
isn't that funny - i never even thought of Zek Jackson or Jinder Mahal. shows how important they are to the wwe that fans don't even remember they work there.
First off I think Khali and Mahal could be a halfway decent tag team but w/o that they should both never have stepped foot in WWE! But Khali probably wont go anywhere, now...

Who SHOULD be released:

Mahal and Khali - Read Above

Johnny Curtis - Who?

Derek Bateman - Good, then Bad, then Good again? Idc, GOODBYE!

JTG - Hasn't meant anything since his match w/Shad at Extreme Rules.

Heath Slater - The Verdict has been in since he basically debuted, HE SUCKS!

Curt Hawkins & Tyler Reks - I liked these guys for awhile but after Raw, sheesh, and people said Ryder was bad in-ring, his old partner is out of shape and even worse! Reks is better but still bad.

AW - If they are gonna have someone start a stable, why not someone who has been in wrestling prior to crappy WWECW?? or anyone fans even REMOTELY could care about?!?!

The Miz - I'll be the first to admit this is somewhat biased but this guy has always been boring and just sub-par to me. He is a stale, boring, cocky, heel in an age where you can take any guy under 30 yrs. old and have him do the same schtick. He is just bad. YES, REALLY!

Aksana & Maxine - I put them together cause I can't tell who is who. Both talk wierd, aren't attractive(Mostly Maxine[I think she is the one I mean]Aksana is just boring). They both suck, hehe, in-ring ofcourse. But in all seriousness, Spearmint Rhino has better looking girls.

Mason Ryan - With Ryback now and enough super heavyweight for now, I'd say let him go and start building up another muscle head!

Hornswoggle - Do I even have to give a reason? JUST AWFUL!!!!!!!!

I like Trent Barreta, Drew McIntyre, Hunico w/Camacho, Primo & Epico w/Rosa and think they could all be alot better, given the chance. I think Tensai and Otunga have more to offer as well but i don't really care for them.

As for some others, I can see why WWE keeps them.
Alicia Fox - Only Black Female.
Zeke - Only Big Muscle Black guy.
Yoshi - Besides Sakamoto only Asian on roster.
Evan Bourne - WWE needs cruiserweights.
Justin Gabriel - Same as above.
Khali and Mahal - Good for India relations and viewing.
I will have to disagree with a lot of what has been said.

First off:
Yoshi Tatsu: The guy is genius in the ring. By far one of the most entertaining cruiserweights WWE has right now. He just needs to be given the opportunity to showcase it. And without a doubt, with the new show coming he will be given a bit of that spotlight.

Tensai: The biggest problem WWE has had in getting him over is the character itself. The idea of Tensai is GREAT! But unfortunately Albert's look is too specific and the fans simply remember him as Prince Albert/A-Train.
The gimmick busted on his debut simply because of the fans. They kept cheering welcome back! It was a great reaction but didn't work for the character. I personally hope they get a story going where Sakamoto turns on him after all the punishment Tensai gives him. Sakamoto is a really talented wrestler himself in FCW.

Curt Hawkins and Tyler Reks: Really guys? After watching these two as a team, I am SOLD! A little more polishing of their tandem moves and more time against the higher profile guys to hone their skills for a TV audience and you have a bonafide tag team that can win and retain the titles for a long time. This duo is the start of what could be a legitimate return of the tag division IF WWE allows it.

Who do I think should get the boot?

Jinder Mahal- I agree with some of the others, he is boring as hell.
Alex Riley- Look I really like the guy and his talent is there. Bu they do nothing with him. Unless he is going to be an NXT Pro its time to cut him loose BUT with the door open for a future return.
JTG- I also agree he needs to be dropped. Nothing against his ring work but there isn't anything there for him really.
Jack Swagger- Probably one of the most high profile guys on my list but lets face it they tried to use him to fill the role of Kurt Angle and it worked for a while but now days when he and Ziggler are out I just turn the channel. I'm not a fan of Ziggler either but I think he has more upside than Swagger. Yeah they work well as a tag team and if WWE was truly trying to build that division they wouldn't be playing this storyline break up between the two right now.
Michael McGillicutty- here is another guy that WWE has really dropped the ball on IMO. Outside of being a jobber I see no reason to keep him. If he is to job, make it some higher profile opponents who a regular "local" talent just wouldn't cut it.
Zack Ryder- OK guys you can hate me all you want for this but he has out-lived his goofy rediculous gimmick. He may be a hit with the internet fans but his ring work is mediocre at best. The Eve/Cena story was fun but now the Broski is a boreski and quite frankly MOST fans could care less about...unless your 16-20 or a little kid and think jersey shore is real life.
Heath Slater- talk about a JOKE. The kid has some talent but even when given an opportunity to showcase it with guys who fight his style...ALA Trent Berretta and justin gabriel he sucks it up in the ring. I went to a house show a couple of months ago and he botched over half his moves in a bout with Trent. Trent even started mocking him in the ring.
Tyson Kidd- Need I say more?
Wade Barret- Since he has been gone has anyone really missed him? I sure havent. Hell almost forgot about him.
Byron Saxton- I used to like this guy but I don't think he has the "it" factor to make it past jobber status in WWE.
Matt Striker- Much like WWE did to Tazz, they turned a promising wrestler into a commentator and well....he sucks as a commentator.

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