Who Will Joseph Park Represent?

It seems that Joseph Park's feud with Bully Ray is over or at least on hold, due to Ray being tied up in the BFG Series. Last Impact we saw that Park is still around and said he had several wrestlers seeking legal representation.

This means that hopefully Park is now going to be used in some sort of manager capacity. The question is, who would you like him to associate with? It will most likely be a face, although him managing a heel could lead to some funny segments!
Imagine him as the guy AJ Styles hires to get Daniels off his back. lulz. It would seem that's were that convoluted storyline is going. How legal stuff isn't brought in yet to prove the accusations true is beyond me, but Joseph Park would make that disaster fun to watch.
It doesn't have to mean the end of the Bully Ray feud. Bully Ray will NOT be the winner and getting the title shot so I see no problem with Abyss/Joseph Park to continue to cost Bully series matches leading to an Abyss match at Bound for Glory.

However if you are correct and this is the end for that feud, I'm hoping this means the Abyss character returns. I'm a fan of the Abyss character has I feel he is able to evolve and change seemlessly from heel to face depending on TNAs needs and to me the Joseph Park character just seems bland. If the whole gimmick of Park is essentially that he crawls under the ring and Abyss crawls out, why not just use Abyss as the gimmick? Park/Abyss is not that good on the Mic (his biggest weakness IMO) so I wouldn't want to see him as a manager.
Joseph Parks and Robbie E have been going at each other like crazy on Twitter. I'd preferably like to see them have a feud, as it has potential with comedy segments and interesting matches. It could also be used to further the rare aggressive/Abyss side to Joseph Parks character. Have him squashing a jobber in their blowoff match could be a handy segway to something greater.
The KO's hire him in a class action suit against Hebenr's obvious biased referring.
That sounds dumb doesn't it?
Imagine him as the guy AJ Styles hires to get Daniels off his back. lulz. It would seem that's were that convoluted storyline is going. How legal stuff isn't brought in yet to prove the accusations true is beyond me, but Joseph Park would make that disaster fun to watch.

Exactly. Even though I won't be too excited for an AJ Styles and Park VS Daniels and Kazarian match, anything Park is involved in is entertaining as hell and LORD knows this storyline needs some entertainment. Claire's voice makes me wish my mom's abortion had succeeded. (oh snapz)

Plus it helps Park grow into an even bigger face by aligning himself with AJ.
Exactly. Even though I won't be too excited for an AJ Styles and Park VS Daniels and Kazarian match, anything Park is involved in is entertaining as hell and LORD knows this storyline needs some entertainment. Claire's voice makes me wish my mom's abortion had succeeded. (oh snapz)

Plus it helps Park grow into an even bigger face by aligning himself with AJ.


The whole AJ/Claire/Daniels/Kaz storyline is painful although Daniels' performances have been pretty good. But it's a terrible thing for AJ to be associated with.

It just seems the most logical answer that the wrestler seeking legal representation is AJ Styles, as he needs help with the situation he has found himself in. I wouldn't have any issue at all with Park becoming the legal advisor of AJ. At least it would make this awful pregnancy storyline a bit more interesting.

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