Who will have the better debut? Big E. Langston or Fandango?


Team Finnley Baylor
Simple question really...

Big E. Langston's going to be tagging with Dolph Ziggler against Team Hell No for the WWE Tag Team Titles while Fandango squares off with Chris Jericho in some sort of Pants off, Dance off kind of match. Just kidding, but Fandango's taking on Jericho.

It's going to be the debut for both parties. Who makes the bigger impact? Big E. or Fandango?
In theory, big e will have a better debut. You can't get much better than a title match as your first match, no matter what title it is. However, I'm calling a loss on Dolph's end which leads to big e dropping him like its hot.

Fandango will likely beat Jericho a long time veteran. Even if he doesn't, all he needs is a good showing. He does that, he gains respect. Those chants of "you cant wrestle" disappear and his debut is therefore...better.
I'm going with Fandango to have the more impressive debut. They might both crash & burn but, personally, I don't think they will. In past shows, both Bryan & Ziggler have been crazy over with New York audiences, which are usually very hot in the first place, so Big E. will be covered well. Whatever shortcomings he might still have will be more easily concealed in a tag team match.

Fandango, on the other hand, has a singles match against Chris Jericho. If anything, I think there's far more pressure on Fandango than Langston. Fandango is having his first match on the main roster at the biggest show of the year against someone who, from an overall standpoint, is one of the best wrestlers in the world. Jericho is someone who can have great matches with damn near anybody, so I've little doubt that this match will be entertaining. At the same time, Fandango has to carry his own weight.

Fandango has more to prove than Big E. Langston. If Big E. doesn't do all that hot, WWE can still keep him as Ziggler's heavy for a good while longer while Fandango's character could wind up being scrapped.
This is actually a harder question than it appears to be. I think I have to say it's going to be a push. I think both guys will impress, but I don't think either will blow us away. Both have great talent to work with, but neither will likely get a lot of time.

When it comes to having veterans to put you over as a new guy, it doesn't get much better than Chris Jericho, Daniel Bryan, Kane, and Dolph Ziggler. Each will elevate their respective rookie and do their best to make them look like a million bucks. I don't expect Jericho/Fandango to get much time, and while I think the tag title match will get a good amount of time, I imagine Big E will spend a lot of it on the apron. Fandango has a gimmick that potentially limits his in-ring repertoire (or at least make him look like a poor, poor man's Antonino Rocca), while Big E has a gimmick that can do the same (or at least make him look like a middle class man's Ted Arcidi).

I guess I'd give a slight edge to Fandango, simply because he's in a single's match, but despite my criticisms of Big E, I have no doubt that he and the 3 vets he's working with will have a great match planned out. I look forward to both guys making their debuts and wish them both luck.
I am not sure why, but in the little I have seen Fandango he has impressed me. Big E just doesn't. The fact that Fandango is going to have a singles match against one of the greats in Jericho makes me think he is going to impress us. I could be totally wrong on this, but I think Jericho and Fandango are going to give us one hell of a match with Fandango gaining a lot of respect.
I think Big E will likely get lost in the shuffle, as the only way they could have created a "moment" for him would be to do that weird finisher to Kane, and they gave that away on Monday. Even if they win the titles, I don't think his debut will be particularly memorable.

Fandango on the other hand, has the benefit of one of the best wrestlers on the planet working with him and a gimmick that's getting serious heat. Especially in New York, I think he's gonna get a great reaction. The second he does anything effeminate, that city will eat him alive. As far as the match quality goes, that's up in the air. No question Jericho will carry him, but can it impress? Either way, good or bad, I think Fandango is who we will be talking about on Monday, not Big E.
Fandango/Johnny Curtis.

Big E. is going to be overshadowed by the three other big names in his match. They've made intrigue over what he'll be like in the ring but for me or anyone else who used to watch some episodes of FCW or even NXT now, we know what hes like and hes a good strongman in the ring, but nothing more than that. Agile for someone of his size too. I wouldn't be surprised if they picked up the titles via a Langston pinfall cause they've made him out to be a much bigger threat that Ziggler, which he is.

While Johnny Curtis has nobody to battle except his opponent, which is Chris Jericho. While most are interested in the match because it features Jericho and less for Fandango, he'll still be put over whether he wins or loses. Jericho stated on a podcast for F4WOnline he wants to steal the show when nobody expects it and if Jericho has thought anybody anything over the years, when he wants to do something he can usually do it, as long as his opponent is even semi-capable in the ring, which Curtis is much more than.
Neither guy has been sold short. They are in the ring with top class talent who will undoubtedly make them look very solid at the very least.

I'm expecting Jericho-Fandango to probably be the best 'wrestling match' on the card. I imagine that Jericho will probably win, but Fandango will get some sort of revenge after the match. I'd expect a wiley veteran move from Jericho to seal the victory, but then Fandango will attack him, possibly putting Jericho on the shelf, and also making himself look more dangerous in the process.

Big E won't be sold short either though, your first Mania match being alongside/against two of the most talented younger stars on the roster, and a guy the company has relied on for years. A couple of high impact spots with Kane, and possibly him obliterating Bryan at the end of the bout leading to Ziggler getting the pinfall will probably be the way it goes...

Although, they may choose to put Team Hell No over one more time, but have Ziggy cash in later in the night... either way, Langstons character could develop from here, he could be the reason that Ziggler wins the title... or he could be his first challenger.

Either way, these two have been smartly matched up at Mania, hopefully the booking is the same.
I am not sure why, but in the little I have seen Fandango he has impressed me. Big E just doesn't. The fact that Fandango is going to have a singles match against one of the greats in Jericho makes me think he is going to impress us. I could be totally wrong on this, but I think Jericho and Fandango are going to give us one hell of a match with Fandango gaining a lot of respect.

Big E. is a character we've seen a thousand times before: the big powerhouse bruiser/bodyguard. It's a good role for Big E., one that he can pull off believably, but it's not fresh.

Fandango is genuinely something different. I haven't really jumped on either being for or against him, but I do have to say that I like the effort Curtis has put into the character. To me, he gives off this creepy kind of vibe that makes it easier to root against him.

I also agree that Jericho & Fandango will have a good match. I just don't see WWE putting him in his first match on the main roster against someone like Jericho if they weren't confident in what he could do.
I think that Big E will loose his match and Fandango wins. That suggests Fandango has the better debut. His match with Jericho will be good. I think that it will be one of those matches that people are shocked by.

I'm sure Big E will look dominant. He will throw Kane and Bryan around but will be ultimately pinned.
Big E will be very well protected with the quality workers in his match carrying the load and him only needing to pop in for some power spots, if he hits them well he'll be fine regardless of the result.

Fandango is more exposed because he has to work the full ten minutes, but Jericho can pretty much get a good match out of anyone so if Curtis follows his lead and has some ability he can come out looking the more impressive as he will have had a full singles match at a Mania.
I think Big E. will make the bigger Impact because not only is he having his debut match at WrestleMania, but it is also a Title match against a future Hall of Famer. Can you image the impact he would make if him and Ziggler win the titles, he will be remembered as the superstar to win a title in his debut match at Mania.

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