Who Will Defeat the Almighty Jerishow?

Barbedwire Ropes

So its been said a million times before, Big Show and Chris Jericho have finally brought prestige back to the tag team titles. Seriuosly, how long has it been since a tag team title match has been truly exciting...1999? Though I think we do need to aknowledge the fact that bringing both the World and WWE tag titles together into one, albeit in name only, did get the ball rolling in terms of creating a certain level of prestige. But it just felt like something was missing when Carlito & Primo held the belts.

Now, with Jerishow carrying the gold there just seems to be this level of high status that follows them, and in turn the tag team titles, everwhere they go. But it seems like the WWE may be starting the demise of Jerishow in order for the Edge/Jericho fued to take place upon Edge's return. This then gives time for a short Big Show/Jericho fued to carry the momentum over until then. Im sure the single factor that will begin the Jericho/Big Show fued will be them losing the tag titles and Jericho ends up turning on Show and it seems that this will be happening sooner than later.

So, who should be/will be the team to defeat the almighty Jerishow?

To me, there seems to be only one logical choice and that is The Hart Dynasty. But with the WWE's constant burying of these talented young stars I just cant see them gaining enough momentum in time for them to capture the tag belts. But, maybe that is the reason why they were left off of Team Smackdown? But thats another question for another thread.
I think that Edge and Christian would be a good team to reunite to face these two, however personally I would like to see Jericho win the World Heavyweight Championship one more time then have Show Turn on Jericho during the Tag Team Title Match to make a possible Canada Stable to feud with the Hart Dynasty.

Carlito and Primo had a good run as the Unified Tag Team Champions, I hadn't seen prestige in the tag gold since Eddie and Chavo in Los Guerreros, Team Ego (edge and jericho) was a good example of pairing up main eventers like that of Jerishow.

If i had to chose to pick the next tag team champions it consider the following:
*Edge and Christian-As a reuniting of a Tag Team, Christian can even be on ECW still while Edge on Smackdown.
*Rey Mysterio and Batista-Because they could have it work
*Hart Dynasty
*Cryme Tyme
*MVP and Mark Henry should have another shot and either win it or just stay a mid card tag team
*Dont Laugh or go off at me but Kofi and Primo ive seen in Tag Team actiona nd they do it good

Teams that shouldn't win the titles are:
*Brothers of Destruction
*Primo and Carlito

Madico Out
I think it's pretty obvious at this point that they're going to separate the team pretty soon. They got into a heated argument on Raw, followed by them having a match against each other. Now they're on separate teams for Bragging Rights. It remains to be seen if Show turns on Team Raw, and even if he does, there's no guarantee that it even factors into the final result.

But they've already had them lose to DX, and I think they're prepping DX for a tag team title run. It's the one thing they haven't done together as a team, and they're running out of time to revive DX without the entire fanbase turning on them (they lost the smarks a long time ago). It's convenient that a potential split is taking place so close to Survivor Series... personally I think DX gets the tag titles and they feud with The Hart Dynasty for a little bit.
The Hart Dynasty would be a nice team to lose it to just so they can really get over but since they are feuding with Cryme Tyme and that feuds going back and forth, they just aren't legit enough to win it yet.

MVP and Mark Henry would be a good solid choice given that they are high in the mid card right now and even on team Raw at Bragging Rights. They didn't look too bad and would make nice champions.
Now don't get me wrong... I love Jeri-Show. Jericho is one of my favorite superstars of all time and Big Show.... well he's got his entertaining moments every now and again. But am I missing the part where they're "bringing prestige to the tag titles?"

They've been champions for what... ALMOST 4 months and who have they beaten? Yes they've beaten some big names... but they still haven't beaten a tag team that's been solidified as an actual tag team on a roll. Legacy... they were still getting dumped on each week when they had their match with Jeri-Show. Cryme Tyme... need I say more? MVP and Mark Henry? Thrown together last minute so Jeri-show could have a match. Batista and Mysterio... just because they got the gold once doesn't make them a legit team. The WWE has FEATURED the tag titles more regularly which is a plus, but that doesn't mean "prestige is coming back to the titles" whatsoever. I mean Jeri-Show is a team just thrown together too and yes they're working out quite well, but I still have a hard time taking them seriously. Floyd Mayweather still beat the Big Show. Cena repeatedly made the Big Show look like Barry Harowitz. Mysterio still pins Jericho more times than he doesn't. How does pairing these guys up make them unstoppable? I'm just kinda lost on it. Having 3-4 title defenses only on PPVs (maybe there was a random Raw or Smackdown one) hardly qualifies as "pretigious." These guys need to be defending the titles at least once a week to prove they really are unstoppable. Hart Dynasty, MVP/Henry again, hell... I wouldn't mind seeing them tangle with Jackson and Kozlov for a match or two just to pick up some wins. Give me Kane and Drew McIntyre. I don't know... but give me SOMETHING. Jeri-Show needs to go on a tear where they challenge someone every single week for the titles and just rack up wins. Clusterfuck teams are welcome because at the end of the day... a win is still a win. But just once a month is not quite good enough for me.

Dollars to doughnuts DX takes the titles off Jeri-Show at Survivor Series and then they start to get thrown around again like worthless pieces of garbage. Yes I enjoy Jeri-Show as much as the next person, but I'm still not buying this unstoppable force of a team that creative is giving them.
I think one of the reasons they have kept the titles this long is that the writers love having Jericho interact with the celebrities on raw, and when they lose, unless he's "traded," he can't anymore. I mean, other than Santino, he's really the celebrity altercation go-to.
I'm intrigued to see how the book this split. The way it looks, is that they'll have them split in the match where they lose the titles, and if that's the case, literally anyone can walk away with the gold, although it wouldn't really count as a "win" over Jerishow.

If they just book the split, and have them drop the belts, it gives them a nice chance to book a tournament, or better yet, a 5 or 6 team Survivor Series match, with the last team standing grabbing the belts. This would let them showcase all of their teams, and give them stuff to work with for a feud following the match-up.

If I didn't see a split coming, I'd say Legacy, only because they've impressed me a lot over the last few months, and I could finally see them wearing the belts for real.
So its been said a million times before, Big Show and Chris Jericho have finally brought prestige back to the tag team titles. Seriuosly, how long has it been since a tag team title match has been truly exciting...1999? Though I think we do need to aknowledge the fact that bringing both the World and WWE tag titles together into one, albeit in name only, did get the ball rolling in terms of creating a certain level of prestige. But it just felt like something was missing when Carlito & Primo held the belts.

Now, with Jerishow carrying the gold there just seems to be this level of high status that follows them, and in turn the tag team titles, everwhere they go. But it seems like the WWE may be starting the demise of Jerishow in order for the Edge/Jericho fued to take place upon Edge's return. This then gives time for a short Big Show/Jericho fued to carry the momentum over until then. Im sure the single factor that will begin the Jericho/Big Show fued will be them losing the tag titles and Jericho ends up turning on Show and it seems that this will be happening sooner than later.

So, who should be/will be the team to defeat the almighty Jerishow?

To me, there seems to be only one logical choice and that is The Hart Dynasty. But with the WWE's constant burying of these talented young stars I just cant see them gaining enough momentum in time for them to capture the tag belts. But, maybe that is the reason why they were left off of Team Smackdown? But thats another question for another thread.

Can someone please explain the belief that the Hart Dynasty should be the team to take the gold off of Jerishow? I must be missing something because I don't see anything special about them. BTW, if I had to guess I would say they were left of the SD team because they needed at least two faces for the team.

I agree with what someone said earlier about DX taking them from them at Survivor Series. At that point DX will hold them for a brief amount of time before losing them to some other make-shift tag team of top-tier guys.

I honestly don't see teams like Cryme Tyme or the Hart Dynasty getting a decent run with the belts because of the fact that they can be defended on both shows. Neither of those teams are big enough to warrant being on RAw and SD.
I think one of the reasons they have kept the titles this long is that the writers love having Jericho interact with the celebrities on raw, and when they lose, unless he's "traded," he can't anymore. I mean, other than Santino, he's really the celebrity altercation go-to.

You're partially right dude. Jericho and Show have the belts because with all the injuries in the past year to main eventers, they need a team that can headline on any show.

Undertaker, HBK, Batista, Edge, Kane, Mysterio, they have all missed time over the last year. For different reasons, be they injuries, suspensions or time off, etc etc.

As for the topic at hand, yes I do feel eventually Jeri-show are going to drop the belts.

Possibly at Survivor Series? Or in the weeks leading up to it, but definitely before the Royal Rumble for sure.

Who will they lose them to? That's a good question. I would say DX, but in all likelihood if they were going to give them the belts, they would have done it on Raw 2 weeks ago. I see that as a potential title match, down the road.....but that non-title match clearly is a set up for a Jeri-Show win.

Seeing as I think Cena is gonna turn heel and go to Smackdown. I can see CM Punk and Cena winning the belts. Or CM Punk and Batista, one of them is going heel at bragging rights and either of those combos is a possibility.

But in all honesty I think Kofi Kingston and Evan Bourne are going to win the belts and eventually drop them to either Legacy or The Hart Dynasty. For awhile there I thought Henry and MVP were headed in that direction, but for whatever reason their push seems to have fizzled.

Gotta wait and see I guess.....it really depends on what they are doing at survivor series. Are they having traditional SS matches or just matches. Or possibly a fatal 4way elimination match?

Personally, I like Jeri-Show. I think they make a near perfect team. I just hope they are planning to elevate a team rather than just add more credentials to already established stars.
Honestly, it SHOULD go to Cryme Tyme. They are the most over tag team in years and are WAY overdue for a tag title run. The momentum they built during their feud with Jerishow created the perfect chance to give them the tag belts. A win over them would've been huge for Cryme Tyme, but instead of continuing the feud after Summerslam, they WWE dropped them...again.

Not only that, but Cryme Tyme is the only face tag team. On paper, it makes perfect sense for Jerishow to drop the titles to them, then have the Hart Dynasty win it off them afterwards.

As far as who I think it WILL go to, probably the Hart Dynasty. A month ago, I would've picked Legacy but they look to be breaking up in the near future so it's pointless to give them the tag belts. If the Hart Dynasty do win, it'll probably be in some multi-team tag title match since I doubt they'd do a straight up heel vs heel tag team match.
i really don't wanna see them split. i really like big show and up until recently wwe did nothing with him that was really entertaining. if they split i see him being used less and less, and i don't like.
For the first time in a while, I would be completely shocked if Cena loses and goes to Smackdown. I don't see him leaving as Raw's type babyface for a long time. I can't say i like that, but kids do, and so that's the way it is. BUT, if they do the unthinkable, and he DOES lose and go to Smackdown, then I can see Cena and some good guy over there (Batista, Rey, Morrison,... whoever) becoming champs. That way, even though he can't challenge for the title, there is nothing Randy can do about the fact that Cena can be at Raw whenever he wants. That could set up some manipulation to the celebrities to put Team Cena in some un-winnable matches against Legacy and other make-shift monster teams that could make for some pretty good tv that kids would always tune into to see Cena and Co. beat the odds and keep ruining Orton's reign as champ.
Hey Sean Valjean,

Cryme Tyme isn't the only face tag team! MVP and Mark Henry are also a face tag team.

To answer the question about who JeriShow will drop the titles to?

I think JeriShow will lose there titles against the winning team of a tag team tournament. The teams would be as follows: Hart Dynasty,Cryme Tyme, MVP and Mark Henry, DX, Legacy, Rey Mysterio and Batista(if neither captures the World Champ), Eziekel and Vladimer, and finely Kofi Kingston and Primo Colon.

With the winning team being DX !!!
and DX defeating JeriShow at Survior Series.

That way DX could have the tag belts one more time before either one of them (dx) retire. Besides, the WWE is supossed to have a .DX envasion tour soon. This would help push DX even more during the tour.
At Bragging Rights, I think it will come down to Big Show & Hunter or Shawn against Jericho. The Big Show turns on the Raw team to help Smackdown win. The next night at Raw, the guest host trades him to Smackdown. But not before they have a tag title match against DX, which they will lose. And then DX can be on both shows and still feud with Jerishow.
I will be very pissed if they don't drop the belts to a young team. No established teams need the push, the tag team division needs time to build itself until it can self sustain without the makeshift, two main eventer tag teams.

Really they need 5-6 teams in the company as legit threats before they can take it off Jerishow and have the tag team division be by itself...

Just My Opinion
I think DX is going to take them and keep them for sometime. And then after that IDK, because you don't know whats going on with legacy, because dibiase might go on his own. And the hart dynasty i hate, i dont see whats so special about them, and i would like crymetyme with the belts.
first off i want to say that they totally made a joke of the divas championship with what they did on raw!! we already know that vince hates the divas division ..CAUSE TNAS KNOCKOUT DIVISION IS MUCH BETTER!!!

NOW I FOUND OUT THAT DX HAS NEVER BEEN TAG CHAMPIONS AND THEY DESERVE TO BE! its there time!! so i would like to see them hold the titles!! i then christian and edge can take them from dx!!

To be honest it will be another one of the fueds that wins it. Emmm that doesnt really make sense for example MVP and Matt Hardy. It will be something like that so my next bet is Randy Orton and John Cena.
My other choices would be-
Edge and Christian why? = Edge return fued with Jericho
DX why? = We all know when DX is around the spotlight is always theirs
Legacy why? = The fued with DX has finally came to an end and they were impressive and with Legacy splitting getting closer why not give them one last run.
Jackson and Kozlov why? = No one expects it
Kingston and Primo why?= Kingston has nothing going for him with Miz fueding with Morrison, he didnt even get on Team Raw i think and well Primo has had nothing to do since that fallout with Carlito and that was before night of champion he needs a storyline.
Hornswoggle and Chavo why?= We have saw for a few weeks no Chavos change of heart. I know waht your thinking it wont be good for Chavo but think of it this way he will have title run and well if the PG rating wants Hornswoggle on all the time then this would be the way forward.
Of course, everyone is gonna wanna see DX win the titles because they've never actually won the tag titles before. That would be a big deal. Since, I think HHH needs to stay away from the world title for now, DX could beat the JeriShow team. I agree that having the Hart Dynasty win would be a great thing especially for them. I haven't been able to watch SmackDown much lately but the Hart Dynasty already has an aura around due to their connection with Bret, Davey Boy Smith, and the Anvil. After JeriShow loses the titles, they could split up with one of them turning on the other. I'd like to see a Hart Dynasty/Cryme Tyme feud for the tag titles.
My idea is if edge possibly returns back to wwe frorm his injury Is that Him and Chirstain team up one more time. Face jerishow at wrestlemania and then win.
I dont think Jerishow is gonna lose the belts anytime soon, the wwe is probably gonna keep the belts on them til edge gets back. I hope DX doesn't win the belts Mark and MVP matches were awful once Henry and Show got in the ring, Cryme Tyme deserves the belts but they dont need them because they're over with the crowd no matter how many times they lose and the hart dynasty is so boring well atleast dh smith is boring,i'd rather see tyson kidd go solo and nattie become a wrestler again
I see them giving DX a title run since the two of them have not been tag team champs together before. I hope that then the Hart Dynasty comes in a feuds with them with the whole screwjob finish again and with a possible Bret Hart return could lead to a good storyline of Bret Hart wanting the Hart Dynasty to destroy the group that he hated the most in DX.
They should drop the belts to Edge and Christian and then we could have the Hart Dynasty beat Edge and Christian to become the new tag champs and then after E&C lose Edge or Christian can turn heel and we could have an epic E&C feud.
From the looks of what has unfolded the past few weeks, it's that Jerishow won't be together for years to come. They've been putting them over to make them look dominate, but I think come Survivor Series, you'll probably see DX take the tag titles. Why else would DX still be together? To throw out glow sticks? Well, maybe. But hopefully we'll see a DX/Jerishow feud after Bragging Rights.
I believe that JeriShow will feud with DX over the belts next. I have a crazy feeling that DX will take the belts off of them. Even though giving DX the belts would be pointless it would give them even more credibility as it would be a bunch of main eventers wanting the championships. Anyway.... DX will be the ones or Edge will find a partner and defeat them if and hopefully when he returns.

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