Who Will Be The New ECW Veteran?

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Y 2 Jake

Slightly Autistic
This isn't another Benoit thread. But the fact remains that ECW needs a vertaerain. They need somebody to fill the spot that was chosen for him on ECW. Who do you think will make the move? They wont let it all rest on Nitro's shoulders.

My guess is Finlay. He's done pretty much everything he can on Smackdown. And he's a good wrestler. He will be able to train up some of the greener superstars. And he's not a really high profile superstar. So he can work with them in the mid card and people wont complain that he isn't getting the push he deserves.
Finlay is a great option seeing as they clearly use ECW as a developmental program, he can train anyone and help out a lot. With it being mostly a developmental territory it won't matter that he doesn't have much star power.

I think they should make it a little less obvious that ECW is the C brand because they still count the ECW belt as a World Championship, so I would hope a few bigger names would step up and give that belt credibilty. Its just wishful thinking but someone who has star power but not in a program could jump over there. Whats wrong with Batista moving other than he thinks he's to good. They should move Finaly to help train them how to wrestle than Batista to draw ratings. Without Benoit ECW has next to no draw power.
I like the idea of Finlay on ECW. He's a good wrestler, he works well with the younger people, he can wrestle a fairly extreme style if he needs to, and he brings the required oddity to ECW in Hornswaggle, lol.

I would actually be very intrigued to see a Finlay vs. Punk program as I think he could bring more out Punk than we've seen so far.

Besides, Smackdown is loaded on heels until the injured wrestlers start coming back, and Finlay's stuck on the midcard anyway, so it doesn't hurt anyone.
i think finlay would be a bad choice because he doesn't suit the new ecw feel. Besides, hes backstage with them at all the shows anyway so its not like he cant help them lol. Defenitly not Batista.

I dont know who they could send but i think for now ECW is fine, Benoit was the perfect pick.
I really feel like Jeff Hardy could be a reasonable pick here. He would definitely add interest and credibility to the brand, and plus, he's going to get lost in the upper-midcard shuffle with the recent draft lottery.
Finlay is awsome and would thrive in extremem rules. He needs to get rid of little bastard tho that midget is so pointless. Finaly would be a real great ECW champ tho because he has really good in-ring skills.
I'm all for Finley as this guy has been off Smackdown for awhile for a break and that fan thing, but as has been said he has done all that hey can on Smackdown as he wont be champ. Least in ECW he can work with younger stars and get them over and well if they dont then WWE knows that can worth it. But Finley could do an awesome Angle with Punk. I think they will go this route but besides Finley would be Regal but thats not happening so I will say Finley...
I will agree with everyone that Finlay would be the right man to go over to ECW to help to train and further get over the guys they have in the main event picture at the moment. He is a great wrestler, has already had good programmes with the likes of Lashley, and as he isnt a huge name then there wont be such backlash at the fact he would be putting guys over.

As well as this I think there are a couplke of other guys that could also possibly go to ECW to not just help the younger guys but also to add a little presitge to the show.

I htink a guy like Super Crazy would be a good fit, he is an ECW original, people know him but he hasnt really ever gotten the push he requires on Raw or Smackdown, yes he is injured but why not bring him back to ECW??

The other to me is Jeff Hardy. With the recent draft it seems the main event is clogged and there will be less time for the midcraders. So what happens to a guy like Jeff, who IMO was wayover when he came back and has shown he has stepped up his game since his return. Get him out definately on his own and in the main event scen, even though its ECW. We have seen him have good matches with Nitro in the past Ims ure he could do the same with Punk, Cor Von and Burke.

PLus with the heels in the ECW main event picture atm they are in need of some faces.
I really see either Jeff Hardy, Finlay or Regal making the swap to ECW. I could ECW taking in Jeff Hardy, not that he is the best choice, but he has an established built in feud with Johnny Nitro.

Finlay or Regal fit the mold perfectly. Two guys that deserve to be around the main event spot light, and two guys that could fit that "Benoit" Breaking your ass in mold.
I like the idea of Finley going to ECW but the idea of SD! losing another top talent, why not Kane, I know he's a SD! guy and I just said I didn't want to see SD! lose another guy, but they don't really use him over there, so it wouldn't really leave a hole that can't be filled by sending someone like Lashley back to SD!, they could also go and send Booker over their if they wanted to send a Raw guy over
Why not have Rey Mysterio or Super Crazy go to the brand? I mean both are fantastic in the ring and both have worked with ECW in the past, and Rey already has a deep fanbase behind him that would tune in to watch him
I believe I mentioned Finlay as a good choice for ECW in another thread,
so I won't repeat whatever opinion I've already shared.

As another idea, why not Batista?
He won't be in a title picture on smackdown anytime soon?

And there's no one for him to really fued with on Smackdown.

Why not send him to ECW and have him get involved with the younger superstars?

Plus it'd be nice to see him in a hardcore stipulation match of some kind,
and a B-list wrestler like him would really help out the C-list show.

Especially since Nitro lost all his champion credability to Cena.
I love the idea of Jeff Hardy going to ECW. He fits what the brand is looking for. I would love even more if both Hardys got moved to ECW. Jeff VS Matt for the ECW World Title would be amazing.
finlay hands down would be the best choice for all the reasons stated before, the most important, he could help TONS the young guys over there.

jeff hardy?? I would prefer him to move to SD, but that's not going to happen, I think we saw enough matches between him and Nitro on RAW, so it would be pointless to move a bigger star than the ECW champion and not giving him the ECW title.
Regal is out of the equation, and the reason have a name: Triple H.

I would move Umaga, i mean,he is not a veteran kind of guy, but he's done on RAW, he is over with the fans...(Last Sunday Vengeance, anyone??)could be a freshen up switching brand, get the title off of Nitro, and be an indestructible hardcore machine again, until CM Punk steps up and eventually win the belt.
I agree bring Kane, knock the title onto him and then start up a huge three way rivalry Kane vs Vicera vs Kevin Thorn.

3 feaks fighting it out in steal cages, inferno matches or barbewire matches. Now that is extreme.
I agree with sending rey over there since hes been out for a while plus smackdown has batista and edge so rey isn't really needed over there. Rey could have some amazing matches with cmpunk elijah and even the alpha male (I refuse to refere to him as marcus corvon)
Don't know about Kane, is there anyone near his size on ECW apart from Thorn? Would seem a bit mismatched anddon't think his in ring skills compliment the others.

Finlay and Rey are a good idea but there's a couple of others for me.

Booker T - Been a champion, round the block in a variety of matches, wrestled all the top guys, think he could fit in well

Chavo - Has plenty of experience, can see him fitting in with the other guys styles and plenty of feud potential.

Thing is, most of the guys mentioned so far are heals, who else is a face on ECW apart from Punk? Then again there dosen't seem to be many faces on any of the brands these days.
Jeff Hardy to ECW wouldn't work in my opinion.
The main reason being Nitro has jobbed to him so many times on RAW before as previously mentioned. It would seem weird, and it would be lame for Hardy to just come in and take the title from Nitro.

Rey going to ECW wouldn't work for me either,
I really don't want to see a cruiserweight as the heavyweight champion ever again.
I think he's fine on Smackdown.

It's obvious I believe Finlay is a grat idea,

as for Kane, not so much.
Kevin Thorn is the "monster" of ECW,
and Snitsky is now going to the be the "monster on RAW.
Kane is fine on Smackdown, they just need to utilize him more.

Umaga going to ECW could work,
he's shown now that even with a crazy gimmick,
he still has the ability to put on some good matches,
and a good bit of the fans are now starting to take to him.

Chavo on ECW would be something new,
he's been a lower mid carder on Smackdown now for a long time.
Plus he technically is a vetern of the ring,
he could get hands on wit the newer guys and when he's pushed right,
he can pu on some awesome matches.
I would say bring King booker to ECW because, He is a wrestler from way back in WCW, Wrestled pretty much everybody, and I dont think he belongs on raw, the king gimmick gets kind of old!
Take from RAW, all that useless top tier talent they keep over there. What about Foley as a manager for some stable... about 10 more wrestlers then the 14 they have that actually wrestle and another singles belt (TV Belt)....

Jeff Hardy is perfect as well, give them some extreme HIGH FLYIN!

Move Sandman back and give him his push... add more extreme matches too.
I like the idea of bringing Matt Hardy, if they are going to make him a mid card jobber on smackdown that gets over with the fans (as been rumored). Atleast send him to ECW, were he can get some gold around his waist.

Another possiblity would be Shelton Benjamin. It would be a reat proving ground to allow him to develope more of a persona, and work on his weaknesses. While, he still could help the newer guys in ECW develope there in ring work.
Kane is easily the most logical choice. He has been with the company forever, helps get young talent over and is a huge draw. His style can really work to benefit some of the could be stars on this brand. Burke, Cor Von and Thorne have only been able to show their stuff against people there own size or smaller, that is why none of them recieved the title. RVD was nothing to beat when he was on his way out. Everyone knew he would go out a few times on his back. Other than that who have they beaten? Nunzio? Sandman? The Major Brothers? Kane would be someone who could hold the title for awhile and should get that opportunity, but could also build up some stars and then in a few months or so start a feud with Thorne or Cor Von and put them over. He deserves this opportunity.

The next best choice is someone that will make me choke on the very words I'm typing, Batista. I know it doesn't sound like a great choice, but he can't go up against Edge for awhile and the only thing he has left to do on Smackdown is put over Khali, settle a feud, so old no one remembers what it is about, with Mark Henry and maybe have a program with Chris Masters. Well here is my case for Batista, remember during this that the only case I want to make for Batista is for him to go back over to Raw and turn heel. He is a draw, he has improved in the ring and has main event credibility. The bad part is that they would make him like Cena, but on ECW. Anyone he went up against would fall easily to him and Batista would be champion until Mania when the next "big heel" that Vince falls in love with comes over from Smackdown or Raw. I don't think Batista would be good for this roster, but he "could" work.

My absolute favorite choice is the one I don't believe will happen. That is bringing over Kennedy from Raw. He could carry the brand as a face or heel, but does he have what it takes to put over young wrestlers. Only one way to see.

They could always resign RVD and give him what he wants or bring in Chris Jericho.
Kane is easily the most logical choice. He has been with the company forever, helps get young talent over and is a huge draw. His style can really work to benefit some of the could be stars on this brand. Burke, Cor Von and Thorne have only been able to show their stuff against people there own size or smaller, that is why none of them recieved the title. RVD was nothing to beat when he was on his way out. Everyone knew he would go out a few times on his back. Other than that who have they beaten? Nunzio? Sandman? The Major Brothers? Kane would be someone who could hold the title for awhile and should get that opportunity, but could also build up some stars and then in a few months or so start a feud with Thorne or Cor Von and put them over. He deserves this opportunity.

You seem to be forgetting one simple fact. Kane cant wrestle. They need somebody who can help develope younger talent. Therefore they need a half decent worker. Finlay, Booker, RVD, Matt Hary are fine. Kane? No way. Finlay or booker would be able to have a decent match with most people on the ECW roster. Kane would struggle to have a decent match with anybody on all three rosters.
Why are we trying to figure out who should be ecw champion? I mean c'mon guys the Nitro and Punk feud just started and it has the HUGE potential. I mean ecw I think besides for the orginals it is going for a younger crew of guys. The guys on this show are put there too prove they can play with the big boys on Raw of SD if given the chance. So looking for somone to carry ecw to glory that's a big name won't happen. They put the world titles on rvd and big slow to make them legit at the start and now they have viewers and don't have to put it on a big name. Plus Punk more over than a cupcake with a fat kid.
Why are we trying to figure out who should be ecw champion?

Were not. Read the thread properly. The tread it Which vet should go to ECW. Were talking about who will take on Benoit's role as a trainer of sorts for all the young talent over there.
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