who will be the gm of raw?

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Well, who's to know when it will happen? We were promised a new GM a year ago and instead got Vince deciding he would run RAW himself just to further his feud with Shawn Michaels.

Then we get Coach installed as "Exec. Assistant" which seems to be the new fancy word for GM because it looks very much like Coach is the Authority Figure on that show and unfortunately doesn't look like changing. WWE writers seem to think fans actually like Coach.
WWE writers seem to think fans actually like Coach.

I think this is proof to WWE writers how far Jonathan Coachmans character has actually come. Coach was this little interviewer guy who know one really was interested in, yeah we knew his name and watched The Rock lay into him but that was as good as it got. Now he is a hate figure. The way all heels should be. Sure I will go on in a second and give my views about General Manager but I just thought I would give some brownie points to Coach because I hate his character but I appreciate it. On to the person above me, Triple H. Would be great to have DX run the show but won't happen, not critising for your opinion, no way am I doing that but logically I don't see it as a possibility. Triple H's return is going to be like it was the last time, amazing! Let's face it, weather you love him or hate him, he generates goosebumps up and down your spine. I remember waiting on his return the last time, hearing his music then seeing him. It was a case of "Man, I wish I was there live!". When he returns later this year, in my opinion it will probably be Raws biggest ratings of the year. Right now, like I said I would never criticise any one's opinion and I ask you don't for mine. Mines I recon has the same chance of happening as me winning the lottery. Which would be nice! ;) But I recon a good Raw General Manager would be Stone Cold Steve Austin. He is still under contract by WWE and has been advised by doctors and surgeons not to continue wrestling due to his knee problems, which as we all know he has listene to. Just Steve Austin is a character that people can relate too and he is a character to who is based on, "I'll do what I want, when I want". It would be a good boost for Raw. We all know Raw isn't what it used to be, I doubt it ever will be because the wrestling boom is over. WCW brought out the best in at the time WWF. Unless TNA gets major investment there is no chance they will ever compete. Yes, I am WWE through and through but I am being un-biased. TNA reminds me like ECW, not in the extreme sence or anything. It is low budget and occasionally fun to watch but at the end of the day who always watch the big boys. I think if your honest, most of you occasionally watched ECW back in the day and thought it was fun but you wouldn't dedicate yourself to it over WWF (Or perhaps WCW depending on your preference). Just to me Stone Cold being general manager has so many positives over negatives. Two main positives in my opinion are ratings (which I don't think is all that important as to what it was during the 90's, particularly 1996) but still Vince likes the networks to be happy and secondly merchandising. As far as Vince and well his bank balance goes, its a win - win situation. On the note of Raw however, sorry for changing course of the topic but its a discussion after all. I recently had a chat with some friends about WWE, particularly Raw. What could get Raw viewable again. I don't know what you guys think but I thought, well firstly Steve Austin as general manager then I thought. Vince is a rich guy and he claims he loves the business and the fans. Why not break the bank and bring back The Rock and Chris Jericho. I mean I know personally alot of people who used to just watch for The Rock and some for Jericho and when they left, so did there support. Just I have read alot recently about The Rock vs. Michaels. Icon vs. Icon at Wrestlemania, thats appetising but I don't think it would ever happen. I am a huge Rock fan and followed him since I was a kid and I have read numerous reports that michaels was mean to him and that The Rock respects Bret hart to much to enter the ring with Michaels. Anyway, side tracked again. Just I think bring both these guys back will make people put there butts in the seats. I mean these two can make promo's worth watching more than matches. Just they could be the difference from an average Raw to a Great Raw.


who cares who the g.m. of raw is? Having an on air authority figure(for any wrestling promotion) has been done to death and the whole concept needs a break for a good 5-10 years.

Does knowing that 'person a' is g.m.really make you want to tune in that much more?
I really don't get that.Do i miss seeing the rock ,scsa,Bret Hart..etc .. on wwe shows? sure. Would i want to see them back on t.v. as a g.m.? no because all any on air g.m. does is (if its a heel g.m.) screw the top face(s) whereas if its a face g.m. they favor the top face(s). Same scenario's different g.m.'s nothing changes which is why the whole concept needs took off the air.
I would like a legend to come back from retirement and be the new GM. Somebody like Bret "The Hitman" Hart or maybe the Rock. I think it would be cool to see the Rock as GM.
RIght now, I really don't see a need for change on RAW when it comes to GM. First off, if they bring back Austin or some other big name on that position, to me that is a big waste. You can bring Austin back and have him do just about anything and the ratings will go up. Having him be a short term GM makes no sense and has no logic behind it. WWE already tried doing that when he was RAW's sheriff but that didn't work too well, neither. Plus, it would do Stone Cold no favors to be an authority figure now after making his career by fighting authority figures.

Secondly, if you bring someone new in, again, it wouldn't make much sense. Coach is doing fine as GM. I actually like his character becuse it makes sense. He is an ass kisser, a heel. You ARE supposed to hate him. And because people do I like him as he is doing his job well as a performer. Bringing someone new in and firing Coach wouldn't do much good because whoever you bring in you are telling that "hey Coach did a good job and we fired him so you have to do better." It just wouldn't make any difference.

As long as authority figures being washed up goes, I somewhat agree on that. When you must have an authority figure on your show just for the sake of having one then yes, it is getting washed up. But there are times when having a good GM on the show can help other people get over. Example: Chief Morley. I still don't know why WWE dropped that character as it was getting mad over when Bischoff was GM. Other examples would include John Cena. Even though the fans booed him he still got somewhat over because he feuded Bischoff. Eugene also got over because of Bischoff. If having Coach on the show can get performers like Nitro, Jeff Hardy, Cryme Tyme, etc over then I am all for it, but if everything he does becomes repetitive than it is better not to have him or anyone else as GM.
A GM is the last thing Raw needs right now, they need talent and fast!
If RAW needs a GM, It would have to be none other than, the Mouth Of the South Jimmy Hart, See, He's a loud mouth, no one would like him, thats why he would make an interestign chatacter as a GM.
I swear this thread is made atleast twice a day.. If you've watched Raw, you would know Coach is playing that posistion right now..

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