Who will be stars in WWE in 10 years time?


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Hey. I was thinking WWE is filled with stars such as Cena, Undertaker, HHH, Orton, Edge. But in 10 years time who will be the stars in the WWE? I was thinking to myself and I ahve thought of a few names of people that will be the future stars

Seth Rollins - Extremely talented athelete still in FCW. One of the best wrestling talents around. Will expect him to be one of the main faces of the business in 10 years.

Cody Rhodes - Currently 25 years old and is carrying the fued with veteran Rey. Great mic skills and good in ring ability and I feel he will be a big heel and a future world champion. He has a great future.

Bourne - Hopefuly will be pushed and become WWE's best highflyer. Young and extremely talented.

Peter Orlov - Another talent still in FCW. Extremely talented athelete and hopefully will be called up to the main roster in 2011 and pushed. Would prosper more with a lightweight division but hopefully still be a big star in 10 years time.

Sin Cara - Multi talented. Shouls be pushed to a great extent in the future. Future world champion without a doubt.

Richie Steamboat Jr - Talented wrestler inside FCW. Son of Richie the dragon Steamboat. Very good wrestler and will be a big star in 10years time.

Percy Watson - Very charasmatic. Wrestled a lot of dark matches and should be called up to the roster soon and hopefully will be pushed.

Daniel Bryan - Pure wrestling talent. Enough said.

CM Punk - For me the very best at the moment. Must stay as a heel. Srwas a ton of heat. Gold on the Mic and should be the face of the company instead of Cena.

Miz - Hopefully will be the afce of the company and a multi time world champion in 10 years.

Dibiase - Young and good talent. Hopefully will be pushed. Needs to be more charasmatic and he will shine.
I think Cody Rhodes should get a proper mask, like a coloured one, and he'll be an awesome heel. Maybe take on a very intimidating persona, like Kane. Would also like to see him feud with father Dusty Rhodes, and brother who is also a wrestler, Dustin Rhodes, aka Goldust.

Let's not forget Wade Barrett, Drew McIntyre, Zack Ryder, Mason Ryan 4 guys who I think have potential to be big in 10 years time.

On the other hand theres the guys who I don't think will go very far, and that's the likes of Kofi Kingston, Yoshi Tatsu, Alex Riley, Heath Slater, David Otunga...
I have to agree with Seth Rollins, extremely talented.

The more i see of Cody Rhodes new character and in his feud with Rey, i like him a lot more...big future if booked right after Wm27.

I actually see them going futher than drew mcyntyre, kingston, swagger and the like.

Daniel Bryan as we know is the one of the best technical wrestlers around but i feel he needs to improve his mic work.

I reckon eventually Cena will opt out to Hollywood, ala Rock style and not be around. My question to further this thread is if Cena were not around, who would be in line to be the next face of the company?
I reckon eventually Cena will opt out to Hollywood, ala Rock style and not be around. My question to further this thread is if Cena were not around, who would be in line to be the next face of the company?

The Miz...already doing the rounds for make a wish etc...very fan friendly from reports ive read, has the charisma to be a top face and his wrestling has improved steadily
The Miz certainly is in the hot seat, tho he'd need a face turn i think which would be difficult in the near future. I think orton is a viable option but the way cena has won over the kids creative wouldnt chose him because a complete face turn for him would be awful. its difficult to see any of the current face superstars being able to gain the same success as cena.
God, how are so many people forgetting Orton?

He might have been with the company for 8 (or 9 already?) years, but he's still just 31.
In 10 years, he's probably going to be what HHH is now to the company - and that's a 41 year old legend, who's still in a good condition and has had numerous world championship reigns. And yes, you can say HHH isn't that much of an active wrestler those days, but hey, if Randy Orthon is tough enough, he sure as hell can wrestle great at 41. Look at HBK, how old was he when he retired?
Yes i agree definitely with seth rollins (tyler black), daniel bryan, the miz, cm punk, jack swagger, drew mycntyre, dolph ziggler, ted dibiase, alex riley, derrick bateman, curt hawkins, trent barreta, sheamus and alot of people belive that miz will be the next "face of the wwe". I do believe he will be the face of the wwe but certainly not alone possibly along with john morrison, although the miz is a little ahead of him as far as publicity and already holding the wwe championship but perhaps morrison and ziggler being put in the match with snooki is for publicity so miz and morrison could be the face(s) of the wwe much like th rock and stone cold.(& nooo im not suggesting that they'll be just as big as austin and rock but the face(s) of the wwe like they were)
This question will never be accurately answered. No one on the planet would've said Stone Cold Steve Austin when you asked in 1987, and the same goes for John Cena in 1995 or Bret Hart in 1984. The Rock in 1989? Who knew about him!?

10 years is just too far ahead to give an accurate answer. The biggest stars of 2021 are probably in high school right now, maybe even college but we do not know who they are
No one that we know of.

Here's my reasoning: Can you remember who the WWE Champion was 10 years ago?

That's actually a trick question. The WWE didn't exist until 2002.

As far as WWF Champions go, there were four different champs in 2001: The Rock, Stone Cold Steve Austin, Kurt Angle, & Chris Jericho. Ten years later, where are these men now? All of them moved on to greener pastures (in Stone Cold, Y2J, & The Rock's case. A pasture of shit in Kurt's). 10 years is a long time in the life of a professional athlete. I honestly don't think that anyone from the current roster will be an active wrestler in the WWE 10 years from now.
I see the WWE looking like this in the next ten years

John Cena will be what The Rock is today. He's gonna be a movie man, who people want to see come back to face the new face who everybody loves to hate.

The Miz is gonna be The Top Heel of the WWE.

Daniel Bryan will be the new Mr. Wrestlemania

Drew McIntyre will still be getting pushed but will still be for the most part boring.

Wade Barrett will be The equivelant of William Regal

Cody Rhodes will be the stars inbetween guy. or the heel that everybody cheers for.

Somebody who isnt even on the scene will come in and be the new John Cena type of character, he's probably typing on a computer right now complaining about how much he hates John Cena.

Sin Cara will be the version of modern day Rey. older and about to have some guy taking his spot.

Alberto Del Rio will be a superstar.

CM Punk will be the face of the company with his straight edge stuff, and he'll most likely fued with the new Cena before the new Cena becomes the new Cena (if that makes any since).

Randy Orton will be a gm on one of the shows.

Triple H, Edge, Rey Mysterio, Undertaker, Chris Jericho, John Cena, and some other guys will be hall of famers.

John Cena will hold some kind of high authority position in the WWE office.

And people like us will be talking about who will be the stars in 2031, why the new Cena sucks and whether or if the original John Cena will come back to fight the current Cena like character.
Future WWE Superstars and Some not...

John Morrison, Kofi Kingston = These two will always be mid card talent which give us excitement in the middle of a pay per view. Kingston had his push back in his fued with Randy Orton. John Morrison has had plenty of World Title matches but only on Raw and Smackdown so if they were ever getting a push then it would have happened.

The Entire New Nexus and The Corre including CM Punk our the future of WWE. Theres a mix of Mid Carders like Justin Gabriel and Health Slater. The rest of these talented men our the future. Mason Ryan, It's Batista all over again only without Reverned D-Von. Wade Barrett showed us that he can play with the big dogs in his matches with John Cena and Randy Orton. Otunga could be built as a dangerous man with high expectations. By the time of WM30 One of these men will have held a World Title, My pick would probably be Wade Barrett.

Daniel Bryan (No, No No and No) Open your eyes guys. Daniel Bryan's run is over already. The U.S Title will be the only title he will ever hold. You will find Bryan on WWE Superstars weekly fighting Jobbers.

Sin Cara doe's have potential to be a rising Superstar. But we will be waiting at least 7 years. Look at Jeff Hardy, it took him 8 years before he held a WWE World Title...

Zack Ryder, All WWE has to do is change his character. Make him a much more proud superstar who loves the company. He can talk, Wrestle and he could run with the big dogs.
You ask a difficult question. Ten years is a VERY long time and for all we know, the big stars by that time may not even be on the current roster. And most of the credible stars at the moment are in their early thirties so it's hard to determine if they'll be around in their 40s. Some of them like Cena and Orton may still be fairly young but they've already experienced injuries. Longevity will play a crucial role if we're talking about who within the current WWE roster will be stars in ten years. However, going off talent, being over, and having connection to the crowd, I do think CM Punk and Cody Rhodes will still be in the game by that time. John Morrison will also be a multi time world champion by that time.
10 years is along time alot can change,if john morrison doesn't get better on the mic he wont be going far for the next 2 years let along 10years.
Poeple can't perdict who will be on the next WM card and now people want ot perdict a decade in advance. Ten years is wayyyyy to long to look down the road. Anything could happen. Half of the future star of the company could go to TNA, get injured or whatever. Hell, most of the guys who'll be main superstars in ten years more than likely aren't even apart of the roster at this poiint. Ten years from now the roster will be completely different and 90% of the roster will be unfamiliar at this point. I mean look at 2006-07. Everyone just knew guys like Masters, Carlito, Kenndey and MVP were the future of this company...and look how that turned out.
i agree with those who have acknowledged that 10 years is a huge amount of time in the context of a pro athletes career, and that many of todays roster wont be around in 10 years. however i would agree that Miz is certainly being groomed for the position of future face of the company, as its widely known that Vince sees him as the future of the company.

some have put sin cara and del rio forward as candidates for stardom in 10 years time but that is ridiculous IMO. del rio is 34 yrs old, with years of MMA fighting having already taken its toll on his body. hes also some1 who values family, and i would be surprised if hadnt returned to his roots by 2021. he also has a degree in architecture, so his post wrestling career is sorted.

we have seen a combined total of 60 seconds of Cara in a wwe ring, and big names have come to the wwe b4 with lots of hype and failed miserably, a prime example being ultimo dragon. he was trained by bruce lee for christs sake, and held the most world titles simultaneously of anyone ever. granted he was in the winter of his career when joining the roster, but the point is a valid 1. its far too early to be making any predictions about Cara at this juncture.

what we can be sure of, is that some of the big names of today will be playing the hhh, taker, Hbk roles of the ( guys like Miz , Orton, etc). there will be a luchador in the main event scene to pique the interest of that demographic of viewer. there will also be some young new upstarts which none of us know about yet sticking it to the veterans.

the guys who i hope and who i think have a realistic chance of being in the company in 2021 are
Daniel Bryan

Cody Rhodes

all these guys need to improve some part of their overall package, but their the guys who i see with the potential to be the stars of 2021.
realistically the only guys I could see being around in 10 years, barring any eff ups or serious injuries are:

Cody Rhodes- only 25
Drew McIntyre- only 25
Jack Swagger- relatively young, and has stated he at least wants to be around for 10 years
Wade Barrett
Kofi Kingston
Randy Orton
Sin Cara
Ted DiBiase-unfortunately lol
The Miz
Dolph Ziggler

longshot choice- John Cena
Hey. I was thinking WWE is filled with stars such as Cena, Undertaker, HHH, Orton, Edge. But in 10 years time who will be the stars in the WWE? I was thinking to myself and I ahve thought of a few names of people that will be the future stars

Seth Rollins - Extremely talented athelete still in FCW. One of the best wrestling talents around. Will expect him to be one of the main faces of the business in 10 years.

Cody Rhodes - Currently 25 years old and is carrying the fued with veteran Rey. Great mic skills and good in ring ability and I feel he will be a big heel and a future world champion. He has a great future.

Agreed on both counts here. I don't see Rollins as a top face though. He's definately got the ring skills but I question his charisma.

Bourne - Hopefuly will be pushed and become WWE's best highflyer. Young and extremely talented.

Honestly, I don't see Bourne becoming the best WWE High Flier. He's got too much competition from the likes of Sin Cara, Justin Gabriel and any other high fliers that get shgned within the next decade. High Fliers have a shorter shelflife in general, and I somehow doubt that Bourne will be able to pull off the same moves in 10 years..

Peter Orlov - Another talent still in FCW. Extremely talented athelete and hopefully will be called up to the main roster in 2011 and pushed. Would prosper more with a lightweight division but hopefully still be a big star in 10 years time.

I'm not so sure about Orlov. I haven't seen his Lucha Libre work, but what I've seen in FCW hasn't impressed me that much. Maybe that's because he's been working with Mediocre Cannon a lot of the time, but still.

Sin Cara - Multi talented. Shouls be pushed to a great extent in the future. Future world champion without a doubt.

Agreed. He's a walking, jumping, wrestling mint. WWE would be foolish not to give him several runs with the belt while he can still walk and there's nobody in Mexico that can do his job better.

Richie Steamboat - Talented wrestler inside FCW. Son of Ricky the dragon Steamboat. Very good wrestler and will be a big star in 10years time.

You're understating how damn good Steamboat is to be honest, but other than that I agree here.

Percy Watson - Very charasmatic. Wrestled a lot of dark matches and should be called up to the roster soon and hopefully will be pushed.

For the love of god no. Percy is nothing more than a clown who can jump. Maybe he'll improve with time, but I can't see him (A) lasting 10 years without people getting tired of his schtick or (B) people remaining entertained by him while remaining credible enough to be in a spot other than Santino's.

Daniel Bryan - Pure wrestling talent. Enough said.

He's got the wrestling skill, but he hasn't got the charisma to get over with a mass audience. Which will doom him to a life in the upper midcard, with the occasional foray into the ME when someone needs some good matches up there.

CM Punk - For me the very best at the moment. Must stay as a heel. Srwas a ton of heat. Gold on the Mic and should be the face of the company instead of Cena.

I doubt this one. CM Punk is good, no denying that, but he's also broken. I don't think his knees can last that long. Especially without painkillers to help him keep on going.

Miz - Hopefully will be the afce of the company and a multi time world champion in 10 years.

Yes, he'll be the face of the company. If it wasn't for the fact that Cena will likely be active in ten years and is better than Miz in every single way and is already the face of the company.

It's not even like Miz will replace him due to age. He's all of three years younger, which isn't all that significant in the grand scheme of things.

Dibiase - Young and good talent. Hopefully will be pushed. Needs to be more charasmatic and he will shine.

Hahahahahaha. No.

I'd also like to point out another few people that haven't really been mentioned who have definate star potential.

Wade Barrett:
It was clear from week one of NXT that he is destined for great things. His work carrying the Nexus later last year confirmed that. When he's given the ball again I don't doubt that he'll run with it as far as he can.

Jinder Mahal: Like it or not, there's a very good reason Khali's still employed, and it's not because of his size. Motherfucker's a draw in India, and there are an awful lot of people in that ecconomically developing country. Jinder is better, younger, smaller and crucially bilingual version of Khali. If decades of wrestling have taught us one thing, it's that foreigners in wrestling are easy to hate. Jinder plays the foreign heel to perfection and because he'll draw in India will be pushed big time when he's called up.

Skip Sheffield: On NXT his goofy "yep, yep, yep, what it do?" gimmick got over. In the Nexus, he played his role as "big, scary monster" to perfection. He works well and is charismatic. He may never put on a clinic, but he can succeed.
-Seth could be good, hopefully when he gets to the wwe level he isnt put on the back burner.
-cody rhodes he really isnt that good, i dont see him being to big.
-bourne should get a push soon now with edge mark henry, and a couple other guys nearing the end of their careers and for edge having retired.
-Peter, cant wait to see him in the wwe.
-dibiase he is very dreadful, hopefully he gets released then goes somewhere else.
-the miz, he sucks, nough said, hopefully he is tossed to the back where he belongs or fired, i would boo him as a face or heel (not that he could be a face).
-cm punk has lots of time left, could do some big things still.
-daniel bryan is a great athlete, good wrestler, good submission move (could use a new submission move or 2 to keep things fresh and a push wouldnt hurt).
-percy hopefully he gets some proper attention, give him some air time and he could be big.
-sin cara he is already getting big, he will reach rey mysterios level in a couple of years if that.
-richie steamboat, his father was a fantastic wrestler!! really hope that he gets to the wwe and does big stuff.
-awesome kong, without a doubt will be big.
-the bella twins will still be big.
-chris matsers, shall hopefully find his way to the main event once again.
-christain given he doesnt get injured to much he will be a huge star.
-jackson would be good given he disbands from corre.
-slater and gabriel make a good team and could be pretty good on their own.
-mason ryan will hopefully get his time to shine and will leave nexus so i hope he will be big.
-skip sheffield could be a big time player, assuming he returns.
Yeah, I got to say that in ten years, a lot of things could happen, Miz could turn face and become the new Cena, but in my opinion, he will be around for a while so that is possibility. Another one would be that Santino can become a world champion (face it, it might happen :p)

But I think when it comes to heels, Drew McIntyre will lead them, I would say Barrett, but I can see him turning at some point...
I dont think any of the current roster will be faces of the company, but I do think they will have a role as either a veteran with their own unique accomplishments.

Hopefully WWE will still be entertaining us all in 10 years is all I hope for lol ;)
Wade Barret= i think this guy will win the world/wwe title at least 7 or 8 times multi time i.c champ and a couple of tag titles

sin cara= this guy will spend the first few years after i.c/us title then win the world tiltle once or twice

mason ryan=the guys a beast the next batista i see tag titles and at least 5 world titles and some of the biggest matches in his future shame takers retiring soon him against mason ryan would have been a great feud i think also think he will win a rumble at some point

the miz=gonna win the world title and wwe title at least 12/13 times i would say

daniel bryan=will become a big star with the i.c/u.s title may have a run with the world title possibly a future rumble winner

drew mcintyre=he is destined to be a world/wwe champ i think 3 or 4 runs but they will b long runs also a few more i.c/us runs and tag titles a few times

Cody rhodes=i think he will be the next one to get the big push even that i think it should be wade barret i dont think they will bother with i.c/u.s title runs straight in for a world title shot will have 7 or 8 runs in the next years to come

Ted dibiase=they need to push this guy got alot of talent shouldnt be wasted by losing all the time give him a big i.c run another tag title run with either cody if he stays heel or randy orton if he turns face then in about 2 or 3 years push into the world/wwe title chase

over the next year i see world title runs in wade barret/cody rhodes/randy orton and pssibly sheamus after christian wins at extreme rules

wwe title runs for cena who i belive seeing he has been out the title hunt for so long will get it without a doubt and maybe this is the guy who will serpase ric flairs 16 times world champion thing would have said edge but he has retired so thats out the window
C.M PUNK will get 1 more run b4 his contract runs out
THE MIZ will have alot of runs in the next few years forget about him going to smackdown with ALEX RILEY he will be on raw for along time now
ALBERTO DEL RIO will have a few runs i say 3 title runs one this year and 2 some point in the future that will be it not a bad wrestler but doesnt come across as someone who could carry the belt to much think it would bore the fans to be honest

and last of JOMO you know he is gonna get a title run at some point this year even if its a money in the bank to claim the title he will get 1 i think

also just to add i know i said about cena taking flairs record but that depends on TNA with STING as he has held it 14 times and we know how short title rains r in tna so maybe sting will win it 3 more times after he loses it this time but with flair in tna he might kick up a fuss but you never know
oh god not the miz, He doesn't even look like a champion, Looks like a midcard wrestler, Belt doesn't look good on him. Even though he is getting the push, Hope he doesn't become the face.

I could see someone from NXT like Wade barret or Mason Ryan. look credible.

But for now, I'd say cody rhodes, that guy can wrestle a good match, and is real young

I hope he wins the World heavyweight championship and has a lengthy reign as a FACE . , WWE title looks like crap. whereas the WHC is so prestigious.
Seth Rollins - Extremely talented athelete still in FCW. One of the best wrestling talents around. Will expect him to be one of the main faces of the business in 10 years.

Possibly. You can't cite developmental greatness as your only reason though. Eugene did great in developmental but was a joke on the main roster.

Cody Rhodes - Currently 25 years old and is carrying the fued with veteran Rey. Great mic skills and good in ring ability and I feel he will be a big heel and a future world champion. He has a great future.

At the rate he's going, he will be world champion some day.

Bourne - Hopefuly will be pushed and become WWE's best highflyer. Young and extremely talented.

He's jobbing to the jobbers now. Then again, anything could happen.

Peter Orlov - Another talent still in FCW. Extremely talented athelete and hopefully will be called up to the main roster in 2011 and pushed. Would prosper more with a lightweight division but hopefully still be a big star in 10 years time.

I already told you that you cannot prove future greatness based upon developmental domination. He might debut on Raw and do terribly if fans don't like him or he gets stuck in a bad gimmick.

Sin Cara - Multi talented. Shouls be pushed to a great extent in the future. Future world champion without a doubt.

Very possible if he can get past some of the heat he has been getting in real life. If he can get beyond that he will become the next Mysterio.

Richie Steamboat Jr - Talented wrestler inside FCW. Son of Richie the dragon Steamboat. Very good wrestler and will be a big star in 10years time.

Stop with the developmental guys. You have NO idea how they will do once they debut on Raw. Therefore all of them should be ignored for now in this discussion.

Percy Watson - Very charasmatic. Wrestled a lot of dark matches and should be called up to the roster soon and hopefully will be pushed.

Maybe. I didn't like him on NXT but he seems to be able to connect with the crowd. If he found a less silly gimmick maybe he could be a star.

Daniel Bryan - Pure wrestling talent. Enough said.

YES. He will be a star in the future for many years if used properly.

CM Punk - For me the very best at the moment. Must stay as a heel. Srwas a ton of heat. Gold on the Mic and should be the face of the company instead of Cena.

Probably. He has several years left in his career if he sticks around. I wouldn't go as far as to make him the face of the company though.

Miz - Hopefully will be the afce of the company and a multi time world champion in 10 years.

I hate to say it, but this will probably happen. I can't stand the Miz but he's beginning to impress even people like me who don't like him.

Dibiase - Young and good talent. Hopefully will be pushed. Needs to be more charasmatic and he will shine.

Definitely, he just needs a better gimmick and an actual push. He could be great as either a face or a heel.

You've made some good points, other than the guys who are still in developmental. The thing is, we will never be able to fully answer this question correctly. Anything can happen in 10 years. No one would have thought someone like Miz could be champion, let alone in WWE at all, back in 2000. No one would view Cena as the future face of wrestling itself back in 1996. Similar arguments can be made for guys like Stone Cold, The Rock, Trips, etc. Go back to the Undertaker's debut 20 years ago and tell someone that he will be undefeated 10 years from now. Anything can happen and you cannot completely predict what will happen such a long time from now because the options are infinite and quite literally ANYTHING is possible. The Miz is proof of that.

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