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Who Was The Most Charismatic WWE Superstar Ever?


The Cerebral Assassin
So, its a simple question. Who do you think was it?

I would have to say, hands down, the Rock. Even though this guy could have gotten by with the facts that he was a 3rd gen. superstar and a good in-ring worker, he elevated himself solely one thing: his larger than life personality, his abrasiveness, his charisma.

No one, and I mean NO ONE, could ever beat the Rock on the mic. If the Rock was one the mic, you listened, simple as that. If someone tried to challenge the Rock on the mic, they lost, pathetically. The Rock was involved in some of the best promos of all time (This Is Your Life w/Foley comes to mind).

The Rock got over with his charisma, and he sure as hell had alot of it. IMO, he was the most charismatic WWE superstar of all-time.

Who's your choice?
im going to go with one of the three triple h the rock or stone cold

Triple h when the guy was a heel his mic skills were awsome his wrestling were good and he had dx to help him out and evolution

the rock i agree what you wrote about him up there so i dont need to go any further

stone cold he gain most of his charasma when he had that fued with the boss his wrestling skills at the time were just as good as rocks maybe better and his mic skills were the best out of the 3
Your other two choices are very good.

Triple H as a heel is Triple H at his best, IMO. His heel promos of him being that damn good and unbeatable, and criticizing any sorry excuse of competition are pure gold, and really underscore what his character is all about. He always delivers these such promos fantastically and believably, especially when DX or Evol. was there to have his back.

Austin is another great choice, although maybe not so much with the mic, but just with his overall outward personality, feel, and attitude. His "dont give a damn" and "raise hell" persona was always expressed by him every time he walked trhoguh the curtain, especially during his feuds with VKM.
Well I'm going to have to go with Hulk Hogan here. He's the most well known and popular wrestler there ever was. The best face AND the best heel of all-time which is a testament to how good he really was at interacting with the fans..not to mention that his big heel run was 12 years after he got to be a huge cultural icon.

The Rock runs second but I have to put Hogan ahead for one reason. At WM18, Rock was in his prime and Hogan was just old. Rock was face and Hogan was heel with the nWo. And Hogan stilllll got more cheers. I could not believe it considering all that, but I think that proves he was far and away #1.
I completely agree with Rock. Another name I'd like to mention is Roddy Piper. This guy's rivalries were 10 X more interesting because of his mic skills and charisma. For example, the instance when he painted his body half-black before his match with Bad News Brown. Even when Piper makes his occassional appearances, he still is damn entertaining.
I would go with The Rock, purely because there was an unpredictability of where his next promo would take you, we would wait in anticipation for some new insult he had in mind. How many superstars would get the fans waiting in hype for the word "FINALLY...", he was a superstar that entertained the people, he had the crowd in the palm of his hands and gave the promos the people loved. Not to mention everyone goes wild for the People's Elbow, purely cause some want his elbow pad.

I put him ahead of Hogan purely because Hogan's charisma came from the ring rather than a mixture of ring work and promos, he really only had one phrase that people would go wild for and that always ends his promos. Austin is different because his persona comes from him being a badass, no-one will forget his 3:16 speech and the mike work he had with the likes of Vince, but he was very straight to the point and made his fists do the talking.

With the exception of maybe the DX (second outlet) period, I don't rate Triple H's charisma, purely cause he thinks he's great and I only get laughs when he tries to impersonate people.

Two others I'd like to name would include Chris Jericho, mainly first run/face. He may not have had some of the greatest lines as the Rock, but he knows how to get the audience on his side or against him. The other is Captain Charisma aka Christian. I seriously think where Edge is great on the mike, but working as a heel, Christian could really go over with his return and face run, he works for his peeps!
I am going to say 4 wrestlers,3 whom have been named already and who hasnt been named until now.

Hulk Hogan-People just loved his super hero/american hero type of persona.he sold out arenas because people wanted to see him.he knew how to play the croud and make them cheer him more than they already where.

The rock-He was pure gold on the mic.He could have serious promos or funny promos.he knew how to get the croud hooked and intrigued to see what was going to come out of his mouth next.

Stone cold-people wanted to see him because he represented what many people where and wanted to do.many people wanted to beat up their boss yet didnt have the balls to do it,when they saw what austin had going for him in his feud with VKM they were instantly hooked because he wansnt a larger than life character,he was just a simple ol' redneck who wanted to raise hell and whoop some ass and then toast to it with some good ol'beer.

My last final choice is:

The undertaker-While people may disagree i think he had a very strange charisma that not many have.people wanted to see him,discover him and learn what he was all about.he has this aura about him that made you say wow,look at the size of that guy and look at what he is doing in the ring.when he walked to the ring everyone would just turn and look at him because he was very impressive,especially with his size and all.just imagine if he was pass 7 foot and was still doing all these moves,how impressive would that be.
The Rock hands down. He had the ability to cut awesome promos, probably the best, and he could make a crowd cheer for him whenever he wanted and made everyone else look amatuer.

The only guy to come close to The Rock would be Hogan, these 2 are by far the standouts for me. Stone Cold, Undertaker and Y2J etc are awesome characters and wrestlers but in terms of sheer 'charisma' no one gets close to The Rock or Hogan.
i have a few choices because its hard to narrow it down to just 1....

The Rock-ditto to the guy and what he wrote above

Triple H-damn when he was a heel and would say "i am that damn good" triple h fan or not everytime it would send chills down your spine and you would actually believe what he was saying.....

Stone Cold-He had the crowd in the palm of his hands..example "What?, what? what?" he had some of the best promo's ever ever ever!

Hulk Hogan- he doesnt even require an answer brother!

Randy Orton- althought he isnt there YET...he is the next big thing (step aside lesnar) he has te mic skills and the look and the in ring ability.....he has shown soe of his best work as of late (the look in his eyes when he punted mcmahon.....he looked like he actually heard "voices in his head") Damn he is good!
While he couldn't cut promos like The Rock or Austin, I will always think of Rob Van Dam, from 1998 until late 2003, as one of the most charismatic wrestlers to ever step foot in a wrestling ring. Net fans always want to say bullshit like the only reason he got over was because he could do flips, blah blah blah. And while his athleticism was heavily admired by fans, it was his charisma that really got him over. People really dug his cockiness, just like they dug The Rock's cockiness. People also dug the way he would carry himself; you know, as under the influence of marijuana. Every entrance, promo, and match, the guy just had charisma oozing out of him and the fans adored him because of that.

Also, must give a mention to Kerry Von Erich. Like RVD, he wasn't the greatest promo cutter, but no one could denounce his presence and the charisma he had while in both WCCW and the WWF.

Mr. Perfect was another guy who had uncountable amounts of charisma, I must say to end this.
Hogan was the king of charisma sorry, noone came close to him for 10yrs
Despite the fact he couldn't wrestle for shit, just a few angry words and a few poses and a point of the finger everyone lapped it up. and still do

Austin/Rock/Triple H/Mick Foley were awesome with mic work and could take the talk and back it up in the ring. So they were the complete package.

Triple H - better technical wrestler and believable ass kicker than the others and cand be heaps funny though all his comedy is really adult orientated.

Austin - b4 he flipped out, beliveable toughest SOB, had fans in his hands every time he spoke

The Rock - Awesome mic/promo work. In ring action MEH!!! but still highly entertaining

Mick Foley - Highly underrated mic work. I wouldn't put him on a clear par with say the Rock, but when he was on fire he kept your attention. Specially as Mankind he talked a sick/twisted promo like no other and as his other incarnations he was the biggest comedy act
Who else but Jeff Hardy, it says it right in the name, The Charismatic Enigma.
He hypes up the crowd as much as anyone else, he sometimes even gets A bigger pop than Triple H or The Undertaker.
And in the ring he has a fast paced wrestling style and knows how to get the fans behind him.
Sure there are others but Jeff is the most Charismatic in my opinion, but i'd say Shawn Michaels is pretty high up there too, even though im not a very big fan of his.
I know I'm leaving some others out but i cant think of who.
The undertaker--He is the most charismatic. Great gimmick with an amazing presence. He still has it.
Since the question is WAS.....I`d say:
Austin. Great character and drawer. It was never in doubt he is the toughest SOB in the WWE. Fans love him.

The Rock. Needless to mention his unique mic skills. Nobody can top him in that. Had a lot of charisma. He was really the people champion but he still played a perfect heel.

Vince Mcmahon. He is very charismatic. Wrestlers who feud with him always gain big time momentum.

There are others like HHH, HBK, Mick Foley or even Kurt Angle. Bret Hart was pretty charismatic too. Brock could have entered the league but left too early. Orton is the next big thing for sure.
Without a doubt it is Hulk Hogan. Who else could make the fans go nuts with a wag of his finger. When he talked, you fucking listened. He could captivate you in any way possible. He was the most charismatic superstar of all time. Just because of how he could react with a crowd, whether he was a heel or face. No question about it. It's Hulk Hogan.
now he might not have been around for a long time at all, and all of those above that have been said are great choices

but i think elijah burke had enormous amounts of charisma, he had me entertained everytime he talked, if i was gettin up to get water or somethin and he started talkin id stop in mid getting up to listen to him, sayin he was good on the mic is an understatement. elijah burke was just dank all around
The Rock There ain't anybody that would be able to top his mic work for a long long time. He had a shit load of potential. His ring work was great & he could play both a heel & a face to perfection. To sum it all off he was a complete package.

Triple H A great technical wrestler & is believable as a bad ass. He can be funny(mainly when he's with HBK) even though his comedy ain't really suitable for children.

Hulk Hogan Even though he couldn't wrestle for shit. All it took was a few words & a point of the finger & the fans ate that up.

Undertaker His gimmick is great with a great presense. His mic work to me is underrated.

Stone Cold Steve AustinJust an all around bad ass & the toughest S.O.B., he had the fans in the palm of his hands every time he cut a promo.
The Rock
Triple H
Shawn Michaels
Eddie Guerrero
Kurt Angle
Hulk Hogan (sadly)
'Stone Cold' Steve Austin

Those names immediatly spring to mind. Out of the list I'd say that either The Rock or The Undertaker are on top of it. The Rock was just so talented and could look completely natural in the ring and outside of it, whether he was face or heel. And Undertaker because his gimmick is so well performed and he performs like he is genuenlly an inhuman madman!
Anyone who posts a name other than "THE ROCK," then you are insane and do not understand the word 'charisma.' Mr. Johnson once, in literally 10 seconds, convinced 8,000 fans to chant YOU ARE and the other 8,000 fans to chant AN ASSHOLE, to the chariman with out working up a sweat.

To the person who said Hogan was the most charismatic without a close second.....what exactly do you smoke? What charisma did hogan have?? He had 3 lines that he said multiple times every single time he spoke....and they were the ONLY 3 lines he had.

The Rock may never, ever even be approached in this category.

Firstly, I'd like to say that I agree with everyone that said THE ROCK. I'd say Hogan is a close second. Another name that is not mentioned on here is Chris Jericho! Seriously, How awesome was Jericho's crybaby run in WCW? That gave us some pretty amazing moments like the cruiserweight battle royal in which he introduced the competitors, the Spinal-Tap-esque walk to the ring making fun of Goldberg. Then not to mention, his WWE debut in 1999 was the BEST debut ever! In terms of shock value and crowd response and the fact that he had a nice exchange in promo's with The Rock.

Also, you can make a great case for Ultimate Warrior...just saying.
Anyone who posts a name other than "THE ROCK," then you are insane and do not understand the word 'charisma.' Mr. Johnson once, in literally 10 seconds, convinced 8,000 fans to chant YOU ARE and the other 8,000 fans to chant AN ASSHOLE, to the chariman with out working up a sweat.

To the person who said Hogan was the most charismatic without a close second.....what exactly do you smoke? What charisma did hogan have?? He had 3 lines that he said multiple times every single time he spoke....and they were the ONLY 3 lines he had.

The Rock may never, ever even be approached in this category.


LOL. go watch some of hogan's old promos and see how much intensity and realism he had in them. if you don't think thats charisma or place him as one of the most charasmatic wrestlers in the WWE then you live in goofyland.

only three that come to mind is Austin, Hogan and The rock , with the rock getting my vote. I watched a few of rock's promos yesterday, and the man was simply awesome. hell, even my sister (who DOES NOT WATCH wrestling) got into his promos. the man cannot be duplicated.
Intesity does not equal charisma. Hogan (And I love Hogan so don't get me wrong) could never even dream of making millions of kids around the country calling each other Monkey Nut Sacks or Candy Asses.

ahem....cough....not to mention hogan later in his career starting to use the term 'jabroni' again after SOMEBODY already made that word a house hold name.......
This honor goes to The Rock, hands down. Mic skills were unmatched, solid in-ring talent, could connect with an audience...he is the King Midas of wrestling in that everything he touched turned to gold (hell, his mini-feud with Hurricane was awesome). The other thing I loved about Rock was he would put ANYONE over as well (see: Helms, Hurricane or Gunn, Billy). But thing is, he didn't even have to wrestle to put them over...just his natural presence and promo ability.
The Rock hands down Austin, Hogan and HHH were good but The Rock was something else as someone has rightfully said he had the crowd in the palm of his hand serious or funny he could impersonate and mock people on serious subjects.

Like when he imitated Stone Cold,HHH,Rikishi,Undertaker and Kurt angle that was him at his funniest he had the crowd under his control.Or when he insulted HHH at fully loaded about the msg incident that was a pretty sensitive subject and the crowd were still in his hands.
Like when he imitated Stone Cold,HHH,Rikishi,Undertaker and Kurt angle that was him at his funniest he had the crowd under his control.

That promo was classic! Probably the funniest promo The Rock ever did. I also loved some of the one-liners Rock used during his promos. Like when Coach was doing the Cabana and Rock screams "SWEET CREAM... ON AN ICE CREAM SANDWICH! WHAT IN THE BLUE HELL ARE YOU DOING YOU SICK FREAK?!" :lmao: That had me in stiches for ages.
Intesity does not equal charisma. Hogan (And I love Hogan so don't get me wrong) could never even dream of making millions of kids around the country calling each other Monkey Nut Sacks or Candy Asses.

ahem....cough....not to mention hogan later in his career starting to use the term 'jabroni' again after SOMEBODY already made that word a house hold name.......

are you serious? do you know how many kids imitated hulk? how many of them imititated his poses, dressed up like him? LOL...r u serious? like i said, WATCH A HOGAN PROMO. learn something about charisma man and quit being so ignorant. i'm not saying he was better than the rock, all i'm saying is i disagree with ur assinine statement of hogan.

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