Who was the most abysmal world champion in WWE/WCW history?

Who was the most abysmal world champion of all?

  • David Arquette

  • Vince Russo

  • Vince McMahon

  • The Great Khali

  • Jack Swagger

  • The Miz

  • Other

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Creepy Old Man

Championship Contender
Ted DiBiase, Roddy Piper, Davey Boy Smith and others can't lay claim to having done what David Arquette did: hold a WWE- and PWI-recognized world title.

Which reign did the most to make the term "world title" meaningless in wrestling?
Gotta go with Vince Russo. Sure, Arquette was bad, but at least they had a reason for it (albeit a dumb one). What did Russo being champion accomplish, exactly?
It's hard to argue with either Russo or Vince McMahon as both were clearly ego trips... they "could make themselves" champion so they did. Arquette wasn't great but there WAS a marketing idea behind it at least, however damaging it actually was.

Vinny Mac had no need to win the title having won the Rumble, that in itself was enough of a "landmark" for the character. Him taking the title seemed sell-aggrandizing at its worst. Expecially when the logical move would have been to give Shane the title, as he actually could go in the ring enough to make a "shock win" stick.

Russo had literally no reason other than "he could so he did". He'd always wanted to be one of "the boys" and failed to grasp that by giving himself the title they all worked so hard for he was probably gonna ruin his credibility with all of them... he genuinely was that clueless.

But I'm not going with those two or any self booked reign, so that takes out Nash's win over Goldberg only to lose to Hogan too... it happened for decades where the booker got himself into the title position, so it's not really on to pick one over the other... all the two Vince's really did was what Nash, Duthty, Flair and others had done.

It's also easy to pick someone like Khali, who was horrid in the ring but offered a legit physical presence that made sense... it's fairer to say Rey was worse than Khali... at least Khali was bigger than most of the roster whereas major suspension of disbelief is needed for Rey to beat anyone at all.

So to me here are the contenders:-

Sgt Slaughter: As a worker he wasn't terrible, but the whole title angle was so misjudged and hurt the WWF rather than helped it. Sure the numbers for Mania were "good" but they had to move down from the outside venue planned, not for safety of Slaughter as they claimed, but cos successive bad champs in Warrior and Slaughter had killed the desire of fans to attend. It also cost them talent like Rick Rude, who felt slighted that the next stage for him was taken away and given to a Hogan crony, that had a knock on effect for several years. Rude winning instead of Slaughter means that guys like Bret, Perfect, Smith and the like all come along quicker...and thus more talent is "over" to main event level. Slaughter's reign was never about him, his abilities or even the Iraq war...it was about Hogan making a power play that backfired and led to him being gone... You can imagine Vince wanting someone like Rude or to go different and Hogan doing the "trust me brother...this will be huge..." it wasn't...

The Miz - This was the ultimate WTF? more so that Rey who at least had the storyline following Eddie's death. Miz is the same size as your dad, as annyoing as your little brother and as good in the ring as your mum. There was no reason for him to get the title other than the "conveyor system" WWE has used fruitlessly for nearly 30 years... if a talent DOESN'T get the World title within 2 years of their mid card title, they failed and get fed to the next one... it doesn't work as a system and Miz is the best example of how badly it doesn't. Talents that should be secure, valued and happy in the midcard get thrust into spots that are never gonna work, thus damaging them forever. It'd be like making Rick Martel WWF champion in 1990 and beating Hogan at Mania... it just wouldn't have worked. Miz has improved since, probably in the hopes of another go but hopefully he's worked out that the midcard is not some "desolate place" but a great place for a long, lucrative career... a title run/Mania match might have been good for one payday... but it's taken him YEARS to get back to being relevant and even now it's Sandow who is actually over, not him.

Shawn Michaels - Before you tear me down... I am talking pre-hiatus Shawn... we can all acknowledge that there were, in reality 2 versions of HBK... the one in 2002 was infinitely superior to the first. That first title reign for Shawn, indeed the first 2 were the most misguided thing WWF EVER did and it nearly cost them the company. Shawn was horrible in that face role, unrealistic as a champion considering the monsters he was facing and he screamed "It's FAKE" through his actions... this is the guy who only jobbed the belt to Sid..and Austin when Taker was in the wings in case he didn't... he didn't lose his lower card titles, always having to be suspended or hand it over... pre "retirement" Shawn was an awful champion... only the DX/Screwjob angle managed to get him any traction at all...and then he was hurt and gone. His later work, top notch... he learned... but those early runs, utter garbage and like Slaughter, cos them talents like Vader.

But even then he isn't the worst...

Again a controversial view but I am gonna go with:-

Dolph Ziggler - Another product of the conveyor, someone who had no business EVER being a World Champion but cos guys HAVE to be elevated or let go, he got 2 goes at it... His first was blink and you'd miss it... indeed I am amazed they refer to is as an actual reign. But his "big push" last year, which ended with the concussion was so misguided... Remember he got MITB by injuring someone else, so he was not the first choice... but the guy who was next. When he got his chance, while you can blame injury for ruining it it was HIS style that meant he was at risk of it.

Match wise I get why people rate him highly, and he IS improving, this push I think WILL stick... but Ziggler's "runs" have actually damaged his career, to the point now where you'd almost want them to "reset the clock" if they are seriously going to have him pushed this time...just like in some ways I and Shawn would probably take those early reigns off if they could... but all you can do is "not focus on them". Again it's cost them talent in some ways, as in the original plan Barrett would have been a champion by now, and a much better main eventer. Thwagger kind of fits this too, his reign while not as bad as people make out actually hurts his chances of a "proper one" more than his faux pas before Mania...even though he now could probably handle it, people don't remember the DUI but they remember the shit reign...

Basically ANYONE associated with that conveyor system is immediately gonna struggle unless they are ultra talented... those that get past it are the legends and HOF guys like Jericho, HHH, Rock, Austin, Angle, JBL, Eddie, Cena and Edge... the ones who struggle are the guys without that extra "It factor" who are just given it cos they are next in line... Christian, ADR, Dolph, Swagger, Jeff Hardy, Rey, Big Show, Miz, Orton and Batista (their earlier runs were also the drizzling shits) and even Shawn in his early incarnation.
Arquette, Russo and McMahon all "accidentally" won the title, and then either lost it or vacated it almost immediately.

The Great Khali and Jack Swagger never held the top championship in the company, they had the "B Title", the "Upper Midcard Title" and were never relied on to be on top.

Jeff Jarrett was a pretty abysmal WCW Champion. Having four reigns for only a combined 58 days. Rob Van Dam and Jeff Hardy are also weak former WWE Champions, at least in my opinion. RVD was really only because of the ECW One Night Stand revival. Hardy's initial win was big, but the reign itself was pretty abysmal. Ivan Koloff, Stan Stasiak and The Iron Sheik are the definition of transitional champions in the 70's and 80's, but not exactly undeserving as that was about all heel champions were at the time.
The absolute worst of all was Vince Russo. The fact that he ever held a belt was an abomination and a disgrace. Arquette's reign deserves the hate it gets, but at least a tiny miniscule argument can be made for it, to help promote an underrated movie that WCW played a big part in. Vince McMahon's reign also should never have happened. In McMahon's case, he can at least work matches. Russo had no business being anywhere near the belt and NOTHING justifies that reign. Arquette and Mr McMahon are not far behind Russo though.

Now, if we narrow it down to only the actual wrestlers who held a world title.... As much as Khali or Swagger may get brought up, they were believable in the role of being at the very top. The worst in-ring competitor to ever hold a World Heavyweight Championship was The Miz. He can talk, but that's it. Great promos are all he brings to the table. Miz is not gifted in the ring and unlike guys such as Khali he is NOT believable in the world title tier. How he got pushed over Morrison is beyond me. Don't even get me started on how Miz, a guy who never should have won the belt in the first place, defended on PPV against a retired 60 year old announcer. Worst world title reign of the past decade is an understatement, and the worst if you disregard reigns of non-wrestlers like Russo and Arquette.
Russo obviously. The man is a cunt for putting the belt on himself. McMahon was understandable because they needed to keep the feud going; building heat for Vince yet giving us a break from Austin/Rock but Russo had absolutely no business inside a wrestling ring.

Arquette is another bad one but at least he may have got some extra eyes on the product. Absolutely shameful, yes, but not as bad as Russo.

If we focus strictly on wrestlers then I'm inclined to say Khail. He was a fine heel but his matches were generally of a low quality and he was pretty boring. Swagger had a lot of potential and had a few good matches.

I actually rated The Miz. He was a good heel, that is for certain, and he deserved the belt. His promos were consistent and he could always get a reaction from the crowd. His in-ring work was average at best (that was his biggest flaw) but, if I remember correctly, he had a decent match with John Morrison and maybe one with Orton too. Plus, he held his own in the Cena/Rock feud even though he was the third most important party involved.

So yes, Russo takes this particular honour. From a wrestler only point of view, I'll say Khali.
David Arquette & Vince Russo, in my eyes, are the two best examples of a World Championship being at its lowest.

In Arquette's case, it was done as part of promoting Ready to Rumble, which featured several WCW stars. As a fan, I can at least understand Arquette's desire to go along with this. Arquette was a lifelong wrestling fan and as a lifelong fan myself, I can't say that I wouldn't be thrilled to genuinely be recognized as holder of one of the most coveted titles in all pro wrestling history. At the same time, that still doesn't mean it was a good idea because Arquette wasn't a wrestler, never paid any dues, never trained and was essentially handed a 12 day title run. Think of the slap in the face that is to all the greats who've never been World Heavyweight Champion in any company. Say what you will about Vince McMahon and his love of celebrity involvement, but at least he's never sunk so low to put any of his company's titles on celebrities.

As for Vince Russo's run, if that's what you wanna call it, I thought it was the worst of the worst. Russo signed with WCW on October 5, 1999 and WCW was sold to WWF on March 23, 2001. Now while I don't agree that Russo "killed" WCW, as the show was still drawing well, I do personally believe he obliterated the quality of the product to the poin where it was unwatchable. That goes especially for the WCW WHC as in the 1.5 years or so when he came on board 'til WCW was sold, there were 22 different reigns and the title was vacated 8 different times. Many of those reigns didn't even make it into double digits, including his own. On October 2, 2000, 3 days shy of his 1 year anniversary with WCW and 1 week after "defeating" Booker T for the title in a cage match, Russo decides that he's not a wrestler, tosses the title down and says he doesn't want the championship.

While David Arquette was a D list actor and fanboy, at least he did appreciate the title d what it'd had meant to so many people.
Tie between Russo and Arquette. Got to go with Russo since I actually like Arquette and if you hear what he did with the money he got from WCW it wasn't all for nothing I guess. Plus he didn't want to win the World Title in the first place. Russo like someone said was an ego-trip, so was Vince, but I think nothing good came of Russo having the title
David Arquette & Vince Russo, in my eyes, are the two best examples of a World Championship being at its lowest.

In Arquette's case, it was done as part of promoting Ready to Rumble, which featured several WCW stars. As a fan, I can at least understand Arquette's desire to go along with this. Arquette was a lifelong wrestling fan and as a lifelong fan myself, I can't say that I wouldn't be thrilled to genuinely be recognized as holder of one of the most coveted titles in all pro wrestling history. At the same time, that still doesn't mean it was a good idea because Arquette wasn't a wrestler, never paid any dues, never trained and was essentially handed a 12 day title run. Think of the slap in the face that is to all the greats who've never been World Heavyweight Champion in any company. Say what you will about Vince McMahon and his love of celebrity involvement, but at least he's never sunk so low to put any of his company's titles on celebrities.

As for Vince Russo's run, if that's what you wanna call it, I thought it was the worst of the worst. Russo signed with WCW on October 5, 1999 and WCW was sold to WWF on March 23, 2001. Now while I don't agree that Russo "killed" WCW, as the show was still drawing well, I do personally believe he obliterated the quality of the product to the poin where it was unwatchable. That goes especially for the WCW WHC as in the 1.5 years or so when he came on board 'til WCW was sold, there were 22 different reigns and the title was vacated 8 different times. Many of those reigns didn't even make it into double digits, including his own. On October 2, 2000, 3 days shy of his 1 year anniversary with WCW and 1 week after "defeating" Booker T for the title in a cage match, Russo decides that he's not a wrestler, tosses the title down and says he doesn't want the championship.

While David Arquette was a D list actor and fanboy, at least he did appreciate the title d what it'd had meant to so many people.

Arquette's run was covered well on the latest MNW show on the Network, with DDP explaining that Arquette was the one saying "They can't do that surely?"... Arquette knew the issues it could cause and was the most reluctant participant in it, but of course the "fan" in him wouldn't refuse it. He was reasonably hot at the time in Hollywood from the Scream movies but of course the main angle was a play off of his relationship with Courtney Cox, it was a re-run of the John Favreau Friends episode almost...except David WON the title...

If there was any backstage heat, it wouldn't have been on Arquette, DDP would have been a good buffer on that if anyone DID have a problem, being able to say "hey it's not his idea...he didn't want to do it..."
I respect D.A for actually suggesting that they not go through with it because he knew what the title meant. Although if I was in his shoes (being a life long fan) I would have gone through with it too. He's certainly not the one to blame.

Guys like him, Russo and Vince's "runs" are more like angles than title runs so with that being said, I have a tie for the answer to the OPs question :

Jeff Jarrett and The Miz.

Both are pretty similar in the way that they both get Xpac heat, neither could ever draw a dime, and both got wayyyy too long - or In JJ's case too many reigns. These two guys are the very definition of mid card for life yet they were both shoved down everyone's throats and nobody ever gave a damn about either one of them.
A lot of the choices were obvious picks but I would have to with Rey Mysterio. Unlike most here I fully supported Rey Mysterio winning the World Title at WM22 inspite of Eddie Guerrero's passing. He has proven he could carry top billed feuds and work with former champions like Orton, Angle, Big Show, Kane, and Eddie Guerrero.

The problem was that the booking once he did become Champ was down right pathetic. They booked him so bad getting squashed and losing matches that it killed any chance that he could be seen as a credible champion again.
Jarrett wasn't terrible, indeed if Eddie and Benoit could step up then on paper there was no reason Jarrett couldn't have done. The issue was more that he was a classic case of being a "writer's darling" in this case a Russo guy. Austin spotted this and refused to work him but in WCW there was no filter.

If a lower talent is being elevated it has to make sense and be the right tale to tell. Eddie was over as champion because his story was done right, the journey' wasn't a "surprise" even if actually beating Brock was. Jarrett was not in the picture and then the moment Russo showed up he was, no logic to it, no build just suddenly JJ was part of the main event.

They tried with Miz but WWE has relied on the MITB for FAR too long. They really need to remove the title shot stip to any title or stop using it to denote their next champion months in advance. Miz suffered for it as no one really wanted him to have it, no one wanted to see him cash it in and when he did, he was ill prepared. There was no "build" just teases. Like with Ziggler and Sandow, he was a midcarder with the case rather than someone growing into a main eventer.
Russo. Hands down. He is a nobody in front of the camera to almost every single wrestling fan. The IWC know who Russo is; but that is it. Russo's booking of WCW never made any sense at all; it was a catastophic appointment which destroyed WCW. One of the key mistakes was making himself World Champion; he had never been on TV before; and most WWF fans only knew him as Vic Venom from the WWF magazine days (which to be fair was a nice character he played and actually he came up with the idea and he advanced WWF storylines through the magazine).

David Aquette is not to blame but his reign was awful but at least he had name value whereas Russo did not. So Russo goes ahead of David Aquette.

Vince McMahon winning the WWF title made sense at the time and I did not find that an issue. It enhanced the VM Vs. HHH feud.

I feel that the worst one not on the list; was Jeff Jarett in WCW. He was awful and he was pushed ahead of others when he was not even a deserving mid carder. Thats JE Double FF, JA, ha, Double RR, E, haha, double T! Jeff Jarrett. That run put the final nails in the WCW coffin.
By definition, this subject is distasteful (which is actually a tribute to the OP for coming up with it!) and I suppose the choice comes down to either Arquette or Russo.

Especially after reading "The Death of WCW," any thought of Vince Russo makes the lip curl with disgust. He was most effective at his job when he had someone (Vince McMahon) to oversee his work in WWE, but when he became an example of "The Peter Principle" (involving an employee "rising to their level of incompetence" in an organization) in WCW, where his ideas became what we saw on our TVs, it just figures he wouldn't be able to resist installing himself as a world champion. Ugh.

Still, Russo at least worked in the pro wrestling industry, as did everyone else on the above list, except for David Arquette. Since he didn't, it makes Arquette the most abysmal champion ever, imo. From what I've read, even the actor himself agrees with that viewpoint.

Yes, pro wrestling is a theater of the absurd, in which any-damn-thing can be made to happen.....if not look feasible. Yet, the way it was staged by WCW, they managed to strain the credibility of the entire "sport" by having an actor win their highest honor. Double ugh.
I don't understand the hate for the Miz. He's a solid worker in the ring, he's charismatic both in and out the ring, and he can talk. He was pretty hot when he won the title, but it's a shame how the WWE misused him after he lost the belt.

As for the thread I'm going with David Aruqette. Russo and Vince were bad but at least they're in the business. Aruqette was an actor.

As for actual wrestlers. I'm going with Khali. At least guys like Miz, Jarrett, and Swagger can actually wrestle. Khali was awful it was definitely a low point for the World title.
Jarrett wasn't terrible, indeed if Eddie and Benoit could step up then on paper there was no reason Jarrett couldn't have done. The issue was more that he was a classic case of being a "writer's darling" in this case a Russo guy. Austin spotted this and refused to work him but in WCW there was no filter.

If a lower talent is being elevated it has to make sense and be the right tale to tell. Eddie was over as champion because his story was done right, the journey' wasn't a "surprise" even if actually beating Brock was. Jarrett was not in the picture and then the moment Russo showed up he was, no logic to it, no build just suddenly JJ was part of the main event.

Yea, if you want to elevate a midcarder to the main event... you have to build them up. You can't just throw the title on a career midcarder. And that's exactly what happened with Jarrett. It wasn't believable, and literally made WCW look like the B show in comparison to The Rock or Triple H at the time on the other show.

Guys like him, Russo and Vince's "runs" are more like angles than title runs

This is exactly my point. They all "accidentally" won the title and lost or vacated it right away as part of an angle. It doesn't change the fact that in the record book they go down as former world champions, and that can devalue the championship. But they were never meant to be taken as a serious championship win or reign.

However, I need to ask to everyone who is choosing Russo's title win but not McMahon's. How are they any different?
Big Show's first title run in 1999 was absolutely horrible. Lets list the guys Show fought for the title : Big Bossman, Hardcore Holly. Yup, Hardcore Holly had a title match, I unfortunately saw it live. Thank God Triple H had the belt back by the Rumble
I don't have a problem with Vince McMahon as a champion because the guy was built better than some wrestlers, lol. If anything they should have had Vince squash jobbers and have him show off his wrestling skills and physique. Russo was pretty bad because he had no credibility what so ever. From the actual wrestlers I think Miz was the worst.
Worst champions.
1) Miz: This guy is one of the worst wrestlers I've ever seen. He can't wrestler, has no charisma, mediocre mic skills and bad overall. He is not championship material and it showed.
2) Great khali. Enough said. Cant wrestle, talk or do anything. He was a crippled giant.
3) Jeff Jarrett. "He broke 1000 guitars, never drew a dime." He is a midcarder at best. Boring wrestler, no charisma, mediocre mic skills and overall boring. No wonder wcw failed. He reminds me of the miz and hhh.
4) Big show 1st and 2nd reign. Good god it was bad. He could of been booked better. Big show only good reigns was when he was WCW champion and WWE world heavyweight champion. I enjoyed his wwe world heavyweight champion reign.
5) Jack swagger. Booked wrong and rushed.
6) I know I'm gonna get hate for this but HHH. I'm not a fan of hhh at all, I've found all his reigns mediocre at best. I've always said HHH was a midcarder at best. I don't find him to be a great wrestler. He is a mediocre wrestler, not a draw, boring on the mic and just overall bad. He reminds of JJ. To me he will always be a midcarder at best.
Taking into account the fact that they weren't even wrestlers, Arquette, Russo and McMahon should top the list. I'd say Arquette as number one because he had no experience with wrestling at all. Then Russo, followed by McMahon, who at least had a wrestlers build. But the way the title was passed around at that period in time, none of these reigns really shocked or offended me. Being a champion didn't mean much. The title reign I found most surprising is probably Tommy Rich's, who won the belt when very few had the chance. And I'll give an honorable mention to Rugged Ronnie Garvin.
This isn't even close... David Arquette.

Comes off the street and you put the WHC on him? To promote a shitty ass movie? Just pathetic. It's one thing to involve celebrities in certain feuds with nothing at stake except pride or whatnot, but to put a title on a celebrity is just plain stupid.

Russo was at least in the business... so I'd rank him just below Arquette, but there's no comparison to anyone else's reign than to Arquette. I watched it live and vowed to never watch WCW again... I didn't until their final episode.
I would also wanna add brock lesnar's title reign now is pretty bad as well. Serves no purpose.
His reign as champion is pretty bad
i just love how WWE marks justify Vince McMahon holding the world title but shit all over Russo doing it when they were the exact same thing and just as bad as the other, david arquette was worse because it was more visible to the general media and that was not good for business at all
As much as we all hated the WCW World title reigns of Vince Russo and David Arquette, the truth is, had it not been for Vince McMahon strapping himself those other reigns wouldn't have happened. McMahon reduced the championship to the point that it was okay for non wrestlers to hold them. No matter what his reasoning was, be it ego or if he felt it helped further the story (I'm inclined to believe the former seeing as he would later strap himself again this time with the ECW title) he should have known how this would devalue the title. Sadly, I don't think he cared.

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