Who Was The Greatest Woman In Professional Wrestling


The Shark Should've Worked in WCW
Vickie Guerrero joined the WWE out of a positive invitation by the WWE and developed into the most charismatic female ever in my opinion.

These were the words of a poster that led me to think, and remember fondly.... Hopefully not too fondly... The women of professional wrestling. Sure, this quote was completely incorrect, and Vickie Guerrero is not the greatest woman in pro wrestling, though I'll aceept an argument if you make one. But as soon as I read it, I thought of all of the great women in the history. and it led to wonder... Who was the greatest woman in wrestling?

Mine is very simple... You don't top an original, and this woman was the first lady of professional wrestling:


Miss Elizabeth was one of the classiest women in the history of pro wrestling, both in and out of the ring. She was sophitication defined, with an alluring grace that immediately attracted you to her. She had such a nature to her that attracted all of the spotlight, and she never even tried to grab any bit of it. Miss Elizabeth's decorum made her loved by all. Men wanted her, and women wanted to be like her.Yet, she still could express herself just by the look on her face. You could easily tell just what this woman was feeling, and you instantly sympathized with her, no matter what the situation. She had a certain dignity to her, even such that she rarely interfered on her man's behalf. She never wrestled, or got physically involved with the wrestling, because she never had to. She would never stoop to the likes of manager's before her, choosing instead to stand by her man. Yet, she always happened to be right at her man's side whenever he needed her, and always there to provide an inspiration for her man. This woman personified everything that was woman, without having to ever get in the ring herself. She was class, respect, and dignity all embodied in one persona. And, strangely enough, it wasn't even that much of a character, as much as it was her normal nature. She was always said to be the nicest of ladies, not only backstage, but also to her fans. She always made an attempt to reach out to the fans of the WWF, and provide a dignity that the WWE was in dire need of. She was the inspiration for many a women that entered the WWE, and even more so to women in general.

not only that, but she was absolutely beautiful. Read: Not hot. Beautiful. In a land of giants and savages (no pun intended), Elizabeth was easily the most alluring character in the WWE during it's zenith. I know many a fan that will tell you that their first crush was on Elizabeth, and admittedly, she was mine. The WWE fans went simply gaga over Elizabeth, and they had every reason to. The funny thing was, she never had to take off her clothes to seem attractive. In a way, she was more attractive in a sequin dress than she actually would in a bikini. The allure was that she was classy in her apparel. She never showed more skin than she had to. And we absolutely loved her for it.

But enough of my ramblings. What say you all?
I think this comes down to two women, Chyna and Trish.

I think the reason why I pick Chyna is the same reason why I wouldn’t pick her, her crossover ability. What I mean by this is, she crossed over from dominant female competitor to a competitor in a male division. First female in the Royal Rumble, first female Intercontinental Champion, all great accomplishments, but was it too much?? Was she booked too strong for her own good??

This brings me to my other, not second, but other choice, Trish. She stared out as an updated version of Miss Elizabeth and somehow, some way, became the Ric Flair of Women’s Wrestling. She was the Heel manager turned face with a Vince rub (NO PUN INTENED AT ALL) and became the Queen of Queens. Beauty, strength, smarts and everything else there is to be wrestler, she had it all. I always thought a, not the, good mark of a wrestler was the ability to flip face to heel and get the correct reaction and she sure as all hell did that.

Does anyone really measure up to these two??
I agree with you Patrick...Chyna and Trish were probably the two best female competitors.

I don't think that Chyna was pushed too much at all. I mean, you have to look at it this way, WWE must have had a lot of faith in her to push her beyond the women's division, and for good reason I think. I think after awhile, Chyna's whole gimmick was based off of how she was capable to be in either the men's division or women's (after she destroyed most of it). They put Chyna in the ring with Jericho and Mankind and how many others? Chyna was even thrown into a number 1 contender match for the WWF title, and won! Like you said, she was in the Rumble and won the IC title. There isn't any other woman in WWE right now that could do that, MAYBE Beth Phoenix if she wasn't so sloppy in the ring. Chyna was probably the most dominant in the ring and pretty decent on the mic when need be, so I think WWE pushed her in a good direction. Chyna has definitely done more than any other diva in WWE.

I think that another honorable mention would be Lita. Lita was the high flying type that I don't think can really be duplicated by any other diva right now in WWE.
You can go this route but there is one that I'm going with who is above the rest.
Going to cooperate for this one...

Linda Mcmahon

Linda Marie Edwards-McMahon (born October 4, 1948), the wife of the Chairman of World Wrestling Entertainment (WWE), Vince McMahon, serves as the CEO of World Wrestling Entertainment, Inc.[1]

Edwards-McMahon has served since 1980 on the Board of Directors of WWE (known until 2000 as the World Wrestling Federation or WWF). In addition, she has extensive involvement with the charitable work of WWE. Edwards-McMahon graduated from East Carolina University with a Bachelor of Science degree in education.[1] This was changed[by whom?] in 2008 to a degree in French when a Stamford Advocate investigative reporter discovered the actual major.[2] In May 1993, Edwards-McMahon became the President of the WWF, a job she kept until May 2000, and would later become the CEO of the company in May 1997.[3] McMahon has been appointed to the Connecticut State Board of Education

Shes been on the board of Directors since 1980 which is nearly 30 years, that makes her one of the greatest women in professional wreslting.
you guys are nuts if you think Chyna was a top women in wrestling. she was booked strong thanks to who she hung out with in the locker room.
while i do think Trish and Lita both have strong arguments for me it is Mickie James. she still gets huge reactions from the crowd. she is not even on T.V. half the time and still draws a crowd. she is like the next Trish and look who she learned from Trish. she is strong in the ring and is all around great talent to have.
Miss Elizabeth is a nice mention as well as she changed the way a manager could get somebody over with male/female. she is number 1 in looks for sure as she did not have to take her clothing off to get people to like her. she did it as a manager and a dam good one.
Come on, Linda McMahon doesn’t count. That’s like saying Vince is the Greatest WWE Superstar / Champion ever. Put in terms of sports. A coach can’t be M. V. P. If you’re going to stick with that, then who’s your pick for second Greatest Woman in Pro Wrestling history??
This brings me to my other, not second, but other choice, Trish. She stared out as an updated version of Miss Elizabeth and somehow, some way, became the Ric Flair of Women’s Wrestling.

Oh my.... To say this completely off the ball is like saying Randy Savage is paranoid.

The modern Miss Elizabeth? King, you're a good poster, but by no stretch of the means was Trish a modern day Elizabeth when she started. The only thing that these women had alike were vags, and being managers. Where Elizabeth was too dignified to get involved in her men's matches, Trish was pretty ruthless as a manager. She would use her T & A (no pun intended) to distract opponents. The closest Elizabeth ever got to T & A was revealing a bikini bottom underneath her dress. While Trish let her.... tools.... In the open for everyone to see, Elizabeth got over by being a classy lady, and having too much dignity to portray herself in such a matter.

Trish is a very good woman in wrestling. But she is nowhere near the realm of Miss Elizabeth
Good topic you get rep for this.... While many women come to mind I find it hard to name just one or two so I'll do it like this in no particular order this is my list with explinations

Fabulous Moolah: The 1st Ever, Longest Reignning, Multi Time women's Champion in recorded history. (While not the 1st Womens Champion she is the 1st wwe womens champion. Longest reining NWA/WWE champion in history as well as a 9 time Womens champion and 2 time womens tag Champion)

Madusa/Alundra Blaze: A former 8 time womens champion and one can make the arugement that she was one of the most well known women in wrestling from the late 80s to eairly 90s. She had a massive fan base and crossove appeal. as well as one of the 1st true beauties of wrestling

Lita: A former 4 time womens champion Lita was known for her high-flying as well as her off screen antics. While she'll be remembered more so for her affair with edge than her wrestling abilities her contributions will not go un noticed

Trish Stratus: One of the best lookin women I've ever seen in my life trish brough grace elegance and over all talent into the ring se is a former hardcore champion and 7 time womens champion (the most in WWE history)
Oh my.... To say this completely off the ball is like saying Randy Savage is paranoid.

The modern Miss Elizabeth? King, you're a good poster, but by no stretch of the means was Trish a modern day Elizabeth when she started. The only thing that these women had alike were vags, and being managers. Where Elizabeth was too dignified to get involved in her men's matches, Trish was pretty ruthless as a manager. She would use her T & A (no pun intended) to distract opponents. The closest Elizabeth ever got to T & A was revealing a bikini bottom underneath her dress. While Trish let her.... tools.... In the open for everyone to see, Elizabeth got over by being a classy lady, and having too much dignity to portray herself in such a matter.

Trish is a very good woman in wrestling. But she is nowhere near the realm of Miss Elizabeth

What I meant was, they were both Women mangers and that’s about it. Sorry. I didn’t mean Trish was the as over rated, did really nothing, but look and caused drama just by standing there and smiling like Miss Elizabeth. As far back as I can remember, all Elizabeth really did was stand there and smile and cry and say “Oh Yeah” like the Macho Man. As far as I remember, she didn’t even take a bump, except for the one accident that cause the Mega Powers to explode. Even in WCW, she really didn’t do much. First Lady of the WWE, okay fine, but Greatest Woman in Pro Wrestling history?? Really?? Eddie’s wife, I think, did a better job in her run. Don’t get me wrong, Elizabeth was cool and all, but what did she really do, besides, well, looked beautiful, not hot, beautiful?? HAHA!! Remember, we're talking about Wrestling here, sports and entertainment, not good morals. There really wasn’t anything sports-like or entertaining Miss E. did.
What I meant was, they were both Women mangers and that’s about it. Sorry. I didn’t mean Trish was the as over rated, did really nothing, but look and caused drama just by standing there and smiling like Miss Elizabeth.

Oh boy... It looks like we're about to go into detail on exactly what Elizabeth did for women in wrestling. Jesus, I thought everyone could appreciate the radiant Miss Elizabeth.

As far back as I can remember, all Elizabeth really did was stand there and smile and cry and say “Oh Yeah” like the Macho Man.

Look, I'm going to put it simply; without Liz, there would be no Trish Stratus, there would no valets, there would be no Divas whatsoever. Well, at least the aesthetically pleasing ones, especially Trish Stratus. Elizabeth was the first woman to actually, well, look like a woman in modern day wrestling. She was the first to bring actual attractive qualities to women in any wrestling organization. Before Elizabeth, most women... Well, they looked like this.


And that's nothing against Moolah the wrestler, because she was a great wrestler. But without Elizabeth, there would probably be no female valets in the WWF. And without female valets, there are no divas.

As far as I remember, she didn’t even take a bump, except for the one accident that cause the Mega Powers to explode.

She didn't need to take a bump, Patrick. That's what made her as dignified as she was. Not all women need to be trained to wrestle, and in some cases, it'd probably be beneficial if they were never trained to wrestle (cough.... Kelly Kelly).

Even in WCW, she really didn’t do much..

What woman really did anything of worth in WCW?

First Lady of the WWE, okay fine, but Greatest Woman in Pro Wrestling history??

Ok.... You're really going to have to explain this. First, let me walk you why this is so damn confusing to me.

1. You have given Elizabeth the crown of "First Lady of the WWE". Thereby implying that, not only did she lead for the way for such women as Trish to enter the WWE, but that she was the best at what she did in the WWE.

2. You then go on to make a case for Trish Stratus, a fine wrestler, and a fine example of a woman in wrestling... But also, from the WWE.

3. Thereby, you have given the title of First Lady to Elizabeth, thereby not giving it to Trish. So Trish is the greatest woman in wrestling.... But not the greatest woman in her own damn company. What kind of sense is in that?

Really?? Eddie’s wife, I think, did a better job in her run. Don’t get me wrong, Elizabeth was cool and all, but what did she really do, besides, well, looked beautiful, not hot, beautiful?? HAHA!! Remember, we're talking about Wrestling here, sports and entertainment, not good morals. There really wasn’t anything sports-like or entertaining Miss E. did.

I see where the issue lies here.... For you, this is all a testament of a wrestler's character, or gimmick. Vickie is better, because she played a better "character".

Here's the thing, pal.... Elizabeth didn't need to have a gimmick. She was the first of her kind in the WWE. All she had to be was herself, and she got over. Yeah, she didn't do much in the way of actual wrestling.... She didn't have to, because even if she was just standing in the corner, she was getting a massive pop.

Let me ask you a question... Do you honestly think The Macho Man is nearly as over if he didn't have Miss Elizabeth? Miss Elizabeth was a good portion of the reason Randy Savage got over.

And as to the concept that Liz didn't do much in WWE, I'm going to point out just how wrong you really are.

Here are some moments that Liz singlehandedly caused:

The Creation of the Mega Powers:

Remember, it was Elizabeth standing in front of Honkey Tonk's guitar swing that prompted Hulk Hogan to come from the back, and beat up Honkey and The Hart Foundation

This, in turn, leads to savage winning the World Championship at Wrestlemania IV. Classic moment, and one of the most memorable teams in WWE history.

The Destruction of the Mega Powers:

This one kind of speaks for itself. Long story short, Hulk gets too toucy feely, Savage gets pissed, Liz gets bewildered, making for one of the greatest angles in WWE history.

Oh, and Hulk wins the World Championship. In a classic, No less.

The Reunion:

Wrestlemania VII. Savage has just lost to The Ultimate Warrior in a retirement match, and Queen Sherri turning on Savage. As Sherri is tearing savage a new one, it is Elizabeth that comes to save the day, and the two have a touching reunion in the ring. One of the greatest Wrestlemania moments ever. Which of course leads to the Wedding at Summerslam 1991. I can't tell you many montages the WWE fills with the stuff from this wedding. Plus, it was a truly great moment.

This of course leads to


This feud was memorable, if not only for the fact that it reinstated Randy Savage into the wrestling ring. But you see, something funny happened here. Roberts was doubled by this dubious looking character. Ominous looking guy. They say he's called The Undertaker. After one match between Savage and Roberts, Savage goes into the back, promising to hit the first person that walks through the curtain with it (It would have been Liz, by the way). But lo and behold, there's that Undertaker feller. Rips the chair right out of Roberts hands, and begins his face turn. The WWE would continue to ride that pont for a good eight years before turning him demonic and shit.

Bottom line, Liz was pivotal to so many moments in WWE lore. And Trish is responsible for....... Vince VS. Shane at Wrestlemania 17? Sure she won a lot of Women's championships. But except the win in her retirement match, how many had a lasting impact on the WWE? Honestly?

I thought so.

Point, Elizabeth.
I think Trish was the best woman in Professional wrestling. She won the title 7 times and also grabbed the hardcore title as well. Excellent on the mic and was a fitness model. She was one of the best looking woman wrestlers of all time and because of her fitness skills she was extremely athletic and was able to do legit moves as oppossed to hair pulling and face slapping. She managed Test and Albert as well and even though they werent much to speak of it showed that she could be a manager as well. She was actually selling t-shirts on wwe.com, and not many divas actually had thier own shirts. To add to that she was able to pull off programs with a variety of wrestlers. Look at some of her fueds: she made Mickie james as popular as she ever was and they had a fued over mickie being the #1 fan and obsessed over trish to the point of being dressed up as trish and having a fake title. She had a fued with Christian while she was faking as Jericho's girl only to flip it on Y2J and hook up with christian. She was also in a fued with stephanie over jealousy on HHH and a different one over Trish being invloved with her father vince. She had yet another great fued with Lita that went back and forth and revolved around the title. She is one of the few divas that if she makes a guest appearance the crowd blows the roof off the place. She is respected enough throughout the company so much that she was actually allowed to retire with the championship. Trish is definately the greatest woman in professional wrestling. Miss Elizabeth Alundra Blaze, Chyna and Sunny laid the foundation and of course we have to respect that, but thier careers are not better than Trish's.
Oh boy... It looks like we're about to go into detail on exactly what Elizabeth did for women in wrestling. Jesus, I thought everyone could appreciate the radiant Miss Elizabeth.

Look, I'm going to put it simply; without Liz, there would be no Trish Stratus, there would no valets, there would be no Divas whatsoever. Well, at least the aesthetically pleasing ones, especially Trish Stratus. Elizabeth was the first woman to actually, well, look like a woman in modern day wrestling. She was the first to bring actual attractive qualities to women in any wrestling organization. Before Elizabeth, most women... Well, they looked like this.


And that's nothing against Moolah the wrestler, because she was a great wrestler. But without Elizabeth, there would probably be no female valets in the WWF. And without female valets, there are no divas.

She didn't need to take a bump, Patrick. That's what made her as dignified as she was. Not all women need to be trained to wrestle, and in some cases, it'd probably be beneficial if they were never trained to wrestle (cough.... Kelly Kelly).

What woman really did anything of worth in WCW?

Ok.... You're really going to have to explain this. First, let me walk you why this is so damn confusing to me.

1. You have given Elizabeth the crown of "First Lady of the WWE". Thereby implying that, not only did she lead for the way for such women as Trish to enter the WWE, but that she was the best at what she did in the WWE.

2. You then go on to make a case for Trish Stratus, a fine wrestler, and a fine example of a woman in wrestling... But also, from the WWE.

3. Thereby, you have given the title of First Lady to Elizabeth, thereby not giving it to Trish. So Trish is the greatest woman in wrestling.... But not the greatest woman in her own damn company. What kind of sense is in that?

I see where the issue lies here.... For you, this is all a testament of a wrestler's character, or gimmick. Vickie is better, because she played a better "character".

Here's the thing, pal.... Elizabeth didn't need to have a gimmick. She was the first of her kind in the WWE. All she had to be was herself, and she got over. Yeah, she didn't do much in the way of actual wrestling.... She didn't have to, because even if she was just standing in the corner, she was getting a massive pop.

Let me ask you a question... Do you honestly think The Macho Man is nearly as over if he didn't have Miss Elizabeth? Miss Elizabeth was a good portion of the reason Randy Savage got over.

And as to the concept that Liz didn't do much in WWE, I'm going to point out just how wrong you really are.

Here are some moments that Liz singlehandedly caused:

The Creation of the Mega Powers:

Remember, it was Elizabeth standing in front of Honkey Tonk's guitar swing that prompted Hulk Hogan to come from the back, and beat up Honkey and The Hart Foundation

This, in turn, leads to savage winning the World Championship at Wrestlemania IV. Classic moment, and one of the most memorable teams in WWE history.

The Destruction of the Mega Powers:

This one kind of speaks for itself. Long story short, Hulk gets too toucy feely, Savage gets pissed, Liz gets bewildered, making for one of the greatest angles in WWE history.

Oh, and Hulk wins the World Championship. In a classic, No less.

The Reunion:

Wrestlemania VII. Savage has just lost to The Ultimate Warrior in a retirement match, and Queen Sherri turning on Savage. As Sherri is tearing savage a new one, it is Elizabeth that comes to save the day, and the two have a touching reunion in the ring. One of the greatest Wrestlemania moments ever. Which of course leads to the Wedding at Summerslam 1991. I can't tell you many montages the WWE fills with the stuff from this wedding. Plus, it was a truly great moment.

This of course leads to


This feud was memorable, if not only for the fact that it reinstated Randy Savage into the wrestling ring. But you see, something funny happened here. Roberts was doubled by this dubious looking character. Ominous looking guy. They say he's called The Undertaker. After one match between Savage and Roberts, Savage goes into the back, promising to hit the first person that walks through the curtain with it (It would have been Liz, by the way). But lo and behold, there's that Undertaker feller. Rips the chair right out of Roberts hands, and begins his face turn. The WWE would continue to ride that pont for a good eight years before turning him demonic and shit.

Bottom line, Liz was pivotal to so many moments in WWE lore. And Trish is responsible for....... Vince VS. Shane at Wrestlemania 17? Sure she won a lot of Women's championships. But except the win in her retirement match, how many had a lasting impact on the WWE? Honestly?

I thought so.

Point, Elizabeth.

When I say “First Lady of the WWE” I mean she was literally the first Lady of the WWE. Not first lady in terms of best female ever, but first lady in terms of she was here first.

Next, when I think of Greatest Woman in Pro Wrestling, I immediately remove valets. Valets are eye candy. Yes Trish was one at first, but she became so much more than that. You’re telling me, that if Liz wasn’t around, Vince would not have thought to get a pretty woman some time later down the line?? Come on. You’re talking about a manager who didn’t really manage and comparing it to a 7 time Women’s Champion.

There are tons of Women in WCW who did more than what Liz, well, didn’t do. Here’s a quick, off the top of my head list. Woman, Sherri, Medusa. They took the bumps, they cheated for their respective Stars, and even had feuds of their own. Liz was there to look scared. That’s all she really did. Cry when she’s scared, cry when she’s happy. I don’t think I even remember what her voice sounded like.

I think you maybe thinking that she was so over because of the crowd reaction, but you have to remember who she was paired up with. She wasn’t with a Mid – Card / Tag Team for too long. She was with the Macho Man and then Hulk Hogan. I can get a loud pop if I walked to the ring with Hogan or Savage.

Liz was indeed apart of these great feuds you mentioned, but these great feuds weren’t Liz’s. They were all Randy Macho Man Savage’s feuds. These feuds won’t be seen on a Liz DVD, now will they.

In conclusion, I’m not disrespecting Liz and her accomplishments. I’m just saying she is not the Greatest Female anything in Pro Wrestling history. There are far too many others that did far too many things to even consider Liz in a top 10 list. If the list was maybe Greatest Woman manager, but again, she only really managed Savage and Hogan and still just really stood there. I can’t get over the fact that she really just stood there. (Remember Summerslam 89, when Hogan and Beefcake cut that ridiculous promo about “the Secret Weapon”. I was expecting someone strong enough to take Sherri out, and of course it was the obvious) She’s pretty, but even Kelly Kelly got a few Title shots.
Patrick, you raise some very valid points to your argument. We can keep at this all day, and as I've said many a time, I love a good debate. If I could, I would green rep you, because you are a legitimately good debater. (Not a master, per se. But who wants to be a Mas... Aw, Hell, I won't even bother with that joke). However, I do have to say this: Again, how many classic moments did Trish Stratus inspire?

You see, in this argument, I believe that the woman who had the longest lasting impact, and the most importance to the wrestling business, deserves the title of greatest woman of wrestling. Doesn't that seem like a legitimate grading scale? Sure, Trish had numerous Women's Championship reigns, but honestly, how many of them do you remember? How many stick out as "greatest moments of all time"? Sure, she's had some great moments, but the fact is, she doesn't have any moments that pop out instantly as a "greatest moment", or that matter, perhaps even a moment we'll remember in ten or twenty years.

People today still discuss the break up of The Mega Powers, and for that matter, the creation of The Mega Powers is just as famous. Arguing that these are Savages moment's doesn't really do the trick for me Patty, my boy. You see, without Elizabeth, those moments never happen. Savage becomes, at best, a mid-carder, constantly vying the the IC title. He was a terrific wrestler, but the fact of the matter is, Randy savage was always too small for Vince's liking. Especially in an era, where wrestlers such as The Ultimate Warrior, Hulk Hogan, Andre The Giant, etc. All abounded, Vince was particularly interested in having giants in his main events. No, Randy didn't start to get a legitimate push to the top until he united with Elizabeth. Without Elizabeth, we would be sitting here, wondering what could have been on the case of Randy savage, and curious as to why Vince's love of big wrestlers pushed him down the pecking order. It wasn't until Savage was paired with Elizabeth that he started getting mega pops, and from there, he was treated as a main event performer. Which, of course, leads to Hulk Hogan wanting on the action, and thus The Mega Powers are born. I'm not saying that Randy was nothing without Liz. But simply enough, without Liz, Randy wouldn't have had a chance to taste the spotlight, at least to the amount that he did.

Now, it is true that Madusa, Woman, etc. Were all around at this point, so true Elizabeth wasn't the only beauty around. But here's my question; if any of these women had the charisma, charm, and appreciation from the fans as Liz did, wouldn't have easily been dubbed The "First Lady of Wrestling"? f anything, that quantifies my point that Liz was more than a pretty face, because you did have anumerous amount of pretty faces around. There was something special about Elizabeth, even more so than these women you mention. And these women are natural hall of famers, to be sure. Yet for some reason, when people talk about first's, these women are rarely mentioned. Why? It was through no fault of their own. They were overshadowed that was far prettier, more charismatic, and more over than they could have ever imagined. That woman was the one and only Elizabeth.

Beulah McGillicutty

Oh, how I love this woman. Not only is she gorgeous, but she's by far the baddest fucking lady to ever step foot in a wrestling ring.

Her career as a valet was simply phenomenal. She entered the company as Raven's girlfriend, a woman from Raven and Tommy Dreamer's past. At 12-years-old, all three were at camp and she had a crush on Dreamer, but Dreamer rejected her because she was fat. Raven, not having any standards, took her out instead. She debuted in ECW, with this storyline as her backing, helping Raven get the best of Dreamer on numerous occasions. And then she became apart of one of the best moments in wrestling history, when Tommy Deamer gave her a piledriver. Not before or after that, has a woman in pro wrestling took a better bump from a man in the United States. Soon afterwards she would betray Raven, by becoming Dreamer's girlfriend.

While Raven and Beulah together was pretty cool, Beulah was just perfect for Dreamer and his character. They just meshed so well and their chemistry together in real life showed on-screen whenever they came out. As a team, they did some awesome shit. From the Lesbian angle all the way up to her last moment in ECW, getting the Dudley Death Drop, those two time together were just entertaining as hell, and a pleasure to witness.

As a wrestler, Beulah didn't have many matches, but she did have one match that beats out any other wrestling match ever that involves a woman, and that of course is her vs. Bill Alfonso. It is one of the most entertaining matches you'll ever watch. The crowd ate up every second of it, and it was just fucking brutal. Check it out if you ever get the chance. Also, a few weeks prior to that spectacle, there was an awesome match that gets forgotten by fans that involved Beulah, and that was Beulah and Dreamer vs. Francine and Douglas in an intergender tag team match. That bout was really fun as well.

So, yeah, overall... she was just terrific. As manager she participated in some of the greatest, most exciting wrestling angles/moments in history, and as an in-ring performer... she had one of the most memorable matches of all time when she faced Bill Alfonso. Her short career kills any other woman in history, as far as pure entertainment is concerned and that's why she is my favorite lady performer of all time.
For me it comes down to Trish Stratus and Sensational Sherri. Like the post above mine says, it's all about versatility for me when it comes to picking the best of all time. Miss Elizabeth is the best female manager but she was never really a wrestling. Mickie James, Beth Phoenix or Alundra Blayze might be the best wrestler but that's still only one facet of the game.

My greatest female of all time needs to be just as capable of tearing your face off as she is at being a valet. She needs to be able to command attention with a mic. Only Trish and Sherri have the total package in my book.

In the end, Sherri barely edges Trish out in my book because she seemed to switch between wrestler/manager a lot and she managed a much more diverse group of wrestlers. Trish's career was much more divided into just two chunks: first she managed and then she wrestled.
I did notice that this thread says greatest woman in pro wrestling, not the greatest female professional wrestler. There is a difference there. Basically for me it comes down to Elizabeth, Sunny, and Sable. Elizabeth's credentials have already been stated so ill skip her

With Sunny you had a woman who not only managed but basically became a face of the entire company. She managed 3 teams to the tag titles and then after became a host on livewire and did a lot of pr work. They would do all of these special things with her where fans could download some pictures for a small fee and a one point you could even have her call your friend on his bday. This was all from 95-97

Sable began as a manager but then overshadowed the man she was managing to become an in-ring competitor and even ressurected the women's title in a nice feud with jackie. She was the first wwe female to pose in playboy which started a relationship that would last for about 10 years. Idk much about her 2nd run since i was not watching at the time so i hope that didnt tarnish her career too much
For me my choice is going to be he most uncoventional one out there-
I have to say jacqueine more, shes stil around today and has been around at a steady work pace since 1992 when shewon the uswa womens title. She was golden in the "minors" and went to wcw bodyslaming men. She defeated strong men at ppv's before chyna vs the men started to happen. She kept facing men throughout her run in wwf as well even winning the womens title once from a crossdressing man and a cruserweights title.She is one of the best managers i've ever seen in terms of female participation. What is most impressive is that she was really gifted when it came to her in ring skill and put forth the best performance in a womans fued ever when she fueded with sable. I give here a 100 percent as the best diva in the long term from thestart to finish of her carrer, no one can compare.
With Sunny you had a woman who not only managed but basically became a face of the entire company. She managed 3 teams to the tag titles and then after became a host on livewire and did a lot of pr work. They would do all of these special things with her where fans could download some pictures for a small fee and a one point you could even have her call your friend on his bday. This was all from 95-97

How many of the wrestlers she managed did she get over? She stole the spotlight from everyone she managed which only hurt them. She may of been nice to look at, but as far as managers go, she was horrible.
How many of the wrestlers she managed did she get over? She stole the spotlight from everyone she managed which only hurt them. She may of been nice to look at, but as far as managers go, she was horrible.

Stealing the spotlight was the gimmick she wasnt used to get people over the teams were used to get her over and to give them something to do. the smoking guns got new life when she took over. in retrospect the only person it may have hurt was chris candido. with phineas it made the fans feel bad for him once she turned on them and imo it was a great storyline to have a manager that only went where the gold was. not saying she was a great manager but you have to think about what the point of her being there was
Stealing the spotlight was the gimmick she wasnt used to get people over the teams were used to get her over and to give them something to do. the smoking guns got new life when she took over. in retrospect the only person it may have hurt was chris candido. with phineas it made the fans feel bad for him once she turned on them and imo it was a great storyline to have a manager that only went where the gold was. not saying she was a great manager but you have to think about what the point of her being there was

And what happened to Phineas after she left? The fans didn't care about him. That's not helping him get over. The fans feeling bad for him was a direct response of carrying about Sunny. If you are a good manager, you can get someone over to the point to which you can leave and they will still be cared about.

The same thing happened with Billy Gunn. The moment she left, no one cared about him anymore (Which they did care about prior to their association together). It took two new gimmicks to finally get him over to the degree he was back in 1995.

Now, if you compare Sunny to Miss Elizabeth, Elizabeth got over while getting Savage over. Once she left in 1989, the extra heat that Savage had from leaving her helped his Macho King days.

There's a way of being in the spotlight while still helping your client. However, Sunny is not an example of that.
Interesting thread, though the topic seems kind of vague. Wrestling aside, I'm not sure whether or not the thread starter wanted the emphasis in this topic to be on ionic female managers and valets or ionic females in professional wrestling in general.

So I'll do both

The most important female manager to me was Sherri Martel.


Her portrayal of the nasty, twisted, often demented female heel manager was done to perfection. Her role was a sharp contrast to someone like Elizabeth, who portrayed the sweet, innocent, pure face manager. One thing that attracted me to Sherri was her charisma and her dedication to her character. She managed dozens of different high profile superstars and teams, everyone from Randy Savage to Terry Funk to Shawn Michaels to Harlem Heat. Her character never changed from its original core, sure, her name changed, but her personality never really did. As a result she was often matched up with a male heel that could mesh with her persona. She was easily the most compatible female heel manager in the industry.

Now the most ionic woman in professional wrestling period has to be Mildred Burke. Not only was she one of the very first female wrestlers to be trained but she was arguably the first woman to gain any sort of major popularity in the territories. This woman has about 20 years on the Fabulous Moolah.

And while Burke wasn't a manager, as popular as she was it was arguable that she was one of the first women in pro wrestling to use their sex appeal to their advantage. Burke wrestled in carnival attractions during the 1930's. And while it was true she did wrestle men quite often, she was also shown wrestling other females in mud matches quite regularly. The whole argument that Sable or Sunny or Trish or whomever started the whole diva thing is ridiculous when you have women such as Burke that used their looks to get themselves over and draw crowds decades before these women were even born.

Burke may not be a perfect 10 when compared to some of the girls from the last decade or so, but I will say, a girl that looked like this


In the 1930's, combined with her talent, would have drawn crowds
And what happened to Phineas after she left? The fans didn't care about him. That's not helping him get over. The fans feeling bad for him was a direct response of carrying about Sunny. If you are a good manager, you can get someone over to the point to which you can leave and they will still be cared about.

The same thing happened with Billy Gunn. The moment she left, no one cared about him anymore (Which they did care about prior to their association together). It took two new gimmicks to finally get him over to the degree he was back in 1995.

Now, if you compare Sunny to Miss Elizabeth, Elizabeth got over while getting Savage over. Once she left in 1989, the extra heat that Savage had from leaving her helped his Macho King days.

There's a way of being in the spotlight while still helping your client.
However, Sunny is not an example of that.

Im not saying she was a great manager though. Like I also said it wasnt that she was being used to get ppl over the ppl were being used to get her over. As for no one caring about her guys after she left them, that is a reflection on them more so than her. The only person that wasnt established before she managed them was chris candido, so if you wanted to make a case for him you could. If this was a greatest manager thread I would not have even mentioned her, but its not its greatest woman and she at least deserves a mention
Im not saying she was a great manager though. Like I also said it wasnt that she was being used to get ppl over the ppl were being used to get her over. As for no one caring about her guys after she left them, that is a reflection on them more so than her. The only person that wasnt established before she managed them was chris candido, so if you wanted to make a case for him you could. If this was a greatest manager thread I would not have even mentioned her, but its not its greatest woman and she at least deserves a mention

Then what makes up the greatest woman ever? I see several mentioned of Miss Elizabeth in this thread. One of the biggest reasons to mention Elizabeth is her performance as a valet and what she did for the careers of the man she represented. If this was the greatest man's thread, for any wrestler, I would consider how they were at the important elements of being a wrestler (Drawing, selling, putting wrestlers over, in-ring talent, ect). So I can't really understand how Sunny can be mentioned when she couldn't even do her main job well.
It seems that you are missing the point of her job. Her gimmick was that she went with champions and didnt care about the guys she managed and only cared about the gold. Her job was to simply get herself over and that is something that she did very very well. Normally a manager is supposed to be used to get guys over but that wasnt the case with her. Can't really put the girl down for doing her job and not the job that you think she should have been doing.

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