Who was the greatest Tweener of all time?

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gully side adidja

Pre-Show Stalwart
This is a question that has been on my mind for a long time:

Who is the greatest Tweener? Presonally i think it was Stone Cold Steve Austin,he was presented as a face but technically he was a tweener, he hardly if ever allied himself with no one, fought anyone and everyone regardless if they were heel or face,and just generally did not trust anyone(just like people could not trust him).

that's my opinion,want to hear yours.
I say the Undertaker. He's got a 17-0 clean winning streak. A 7 time world champion. Deafeated all the greats. And has longevity and credibility under his belt. But I'm pretty sure most people will say Steve Austin, just because of the impact he had in the WWF. But I strongly stick with UT because I think someday 'Taker will surpass Austin. I don't know I just feel his legacy and longevity will conquer Austin's impact. 'Taker all the way!
That would be Ric Flair. Flair, believe it or not, got pops from the crowds during the NWA days. He was so respected that during his last run with JCP, he was cheered even over some of the faces. A good example of this is his match at Starrcade 87 with Ronnie Garvin. Garvin was booed by the end of the match. Unique for its time because back then, kayfabe was really important. And the protocol was to boo Ric Flair. But Flair's been cheered on more than a few occasions and can be considered a great face when he had to be. But he was also one of the greatest heels of all time. He was very versatile as both a face and heel , which is why I'd give the nod to Flair. But Austin's a close second.
Really good topic!

First person that springs to mind is Bret Hart. Going from the straight-laced face in to the tweener who slowly got sick of his dwindling reactions from the 'disresepectful' Americans. Then pulled off being a fully blown mega face in Canada, whilst being a top heel in America.

I also think Shawn Michaels. Think back to the start of De-Generation X (or The Clique as I think they were known for a few weeks or so?) when he was alongside the new side of Triple H, Chyna, and Rick Rude. Michaels walked the tightrope of bringing in the new 'attitude'/rebel material. Obviously this was new to the casual viewer, so it was received with mixed reactions, until finally the people accepted this new movement and DX turned fully face.

But I also have to agree with suggestions for Steve Austin. He was also bringing in the 'attitude' that personified WWF between 97-2000. The gem of it was, all of this actually crossed paths around the same time with Bret, Austin, and Shawn.

And by 'tweener' we do mean someone that walks the line of heel and face, right?

Or have I grossly misunderstood this topic?? haha

Undertaker, no doubt about it. He's feuded with faces and heels and has been the crowd favorite throughout all of them. WrestleMania 25 he beat the face HBK; 24, the heel Edge; 23, the face Batista; 22, the heel Mark Henry; 21, the heel Randy Orton..etc...

He is the ultimate tweener and everybody was on his side throughout all of it.
I say the Undertaker. He's got a 17-0 clean winning streak. A 7 time world champion. Deafeated all the greats. And has longevity and credibility under his belt. But I'm pretty sure most people will say Steve Austin, just because of the impact he had in the WWF. But I strongly stick with UT because I think someday 'Taker will surpass Austin. I don't know I just feel his legacy and longevity will conquer Austin's impact. 'Taker all the way!

You're not really making a valid point for the topic at hand. His "streak", longevity and credibility play no role in the arguement. As for him passing Austin, that will NEVER happen. I'm no Steve Austin mark by any means, but if 'Taker hasnt passed him by now...its not going to happen.

The 'Taker came in as a heel, and played the part for many years. Over time, he became a fan favorite.

While there are many people that could be considered "Tweeners"...ultimately, its left up to the fans. Thats what was great about wrestling now-a-days; the fan decideds who he/she likes. They tried to get Austin over as a heel during his fued with Hart, but the fans just took to him. So the only logical thing was to turn Hart heel. Even when the nWo was at its peak, they were portrayed as heels, but even the fans cheered them...hence the Scott Hall "survey".

Just my opinion.
I'm pretty surprised nobody has said this guy: Kane. Yes, he's played heel very well, and sometimes has been a face. But usually he's neutral. One week he could be stalking Mysterio and beating him to a bloody pulp with a significant amount of boos, and the next week he can interrupt an annoying Miz and beat the hell out of him to the crowd's liking.
Shawn was a great tweener even before he was in DX. The fans loved to hate him, and from Survivor Series 1996 one the reaction was always a big pop but it was usually 50/50 cheere/boos. When he came back after the backstage fight with Bret Hart he was playing the tweener role perfectly, and then DX he was just being himself and it was a tween character. He started to get over in the ladder match at MSG in WM10 and I thought from then on out he was a tweener, just it was up to the audience on how much to cheer him.
I think you guys need to look at the definition of a tweener it isn't someone who can be a heal or a face it is someone who does things like a heal and is still cheered the best example I would say is Eddie Guerrero, he would use illegal weapons, attack the ref, and fake injuries and the crowd loved it and wanted more he was the exact definition of a tweener
The first name that popped into my mind was Kane. But then I really thought about it and decided on this: Vincent Kennedy McMahon. Think about it. He was a champion multiple times (WWE & ECW), is the chairman of probably the top wrestling promotion today, and has been in the most controversial feuds up to date. Stone Cold/Vince, Rock/Vince, DX/Vince, Randy Orton/McMahons+HHH, and so on. I'm pretty sure VKM is the top Tweener of ever.
i'll say Sid. he could turn every week and still be entertaining. during the end of WCW, that's what he was basically. his gimmick also helped his tweener status because it was unpredictable
I would have to say HBK. He was gone back and forth so many times. Face with the Rockers, heel when he turned on Janetti, face/heel when he beat Bret in the iron man match(they were really both heels). When DX feuded with the Hart Foundation, they were faces in the US, but heels in Canada. DX has always been on the edge-they do things heels do, but the crowd is still behind them. Look just this year when HHH pedigreed Hornswaggle. Anyone else would've been booed, but not DX.

HBK even did it outside DX. His mini-feud with Hulk Hogan, he turned heel on him, but right after the match they made up, and he became a face again. There was a similar dynamic when he retired Ric Flair. After that in his feud with Batista, he faked the knee injury to win. Heel move, but people really didn't turn on him.

Another guy who hasn't been mentioned is Randy Savage. He was a heel for a while, then teamed with Hogan, then turned on him. When he went to WCW, he was in the match agaisnt the Outsiders, but then later he joined the NWO. There are very few guys who can pull this type of thing off.
I think you guys need to look at the definition of a tweener it isn't someone who can be a heal or a face it is someone who does things like a heal and is still cheered the best example I would say is Eddie Guerrero, he would use illegal weapons, attack the ref, and fake injuries and the crowd loved it and wanted more he was the exact definition of a tweener

Exactly, a lot of people here aren't apparently clear as to what a tweener is.

My vote goes to a tag team that beat the schitt outta everyone heel or face alike and their attitudes remained the same throughout their careers. The Road Warriors.
Anyone who doesn't say Flair needs to go back and watch him at his peak. He was the leader of the greatest stable ever, who happened to be heel. The fans cheered/booed for him with a great mix. The ladies truly did love him, and everytime he mentioned them they cheered. He was the perfect cool heel. In the ring you hated him, on the mic you wanted to hate him, and in the end you wanted to be him.

Someone mentioned Shawn during 96'. Only problem I see with that was he wasn't supposed to be a tweener. He was the face of the company. He was suppose to get cheered. The fans turned on him, much like Cena. So Shawn of that time I disagree with. Shawn of 97, beginning of DX is more accurate.
Undertaker no doubt. Debuted at Survivor Series as a heel and faced Hogan, the uber mega face of the company at the time, stayed a heel well into the 90's and over time everyone loved him because he simply just destroyed everyone and he'll forever remain a face.
I liked Jake. In the WWF he was supposed to be a heel to start with, but he became too popular. One of the best characters of all time never aligned himself with anybody. If it wasn't for his personal problems, he would've had a long and great career.
Big sexy kevin nash. Its not in everyones taste. But this guy is the definition of a tweener even now, as a heel when he walks out people go crazy.. Why? He is not the best wrestler. A horrific booker. But come on its big sexy who wants to boo him he is too a character to be a face or a heel, his character is all about himself and no one else.. He would stab his best friend in the back to get ahead and thats when he is a face. Ha ha!
Everyone who doesn't say Ric Flair obviously knows nothing about wrestling. This man like Lariat said, was booked as a top heel. However got cheered at every avenue ever. He would match pops with Dusty Rhodes almost all the time. He was the first "cool" heel. The fans loved that. They loved to hate him, but they respected the hell out of him and it went so far that they couldn't help but cheer him.
Bret Hart! A Face in Canada and a Heel in USA back in 97 served some damn good promos for anyone who's said Bret couldn't cut a good promo, HA! What was so great about Bret's heel turn was that it wasn't rushed, it basically started with the emergence of SCSA. The infamous "this is bullshit" speech after the cage match with Sid on a Raw through other temper tantrums were just classic. He could go from being booed out the building down here 1 week after a bs sneak attack on Austin/Taker/Mankind or whoever to being beloved the next week in his home of Canada for doing the same damn thing. The Raw where he I believe officially turned heel saying "all the American wrestling fans coast to coast can kiss my ass" that was great stuff, but even better reconciling with Owen, aww man that was awesome.
You all forget Andre the Giant?????

He was beating the trash out of three and four guys at a time. He was a spectacle and could do whatever he wanted in the ring and be cheered all over the world. And he did it in the '70s before it was cool. So he was the best of all time!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
You all forget Andre the Giant?????

He was beating the trash out of three and four guys at a time. He was a spectacle and could do whatever he wanted in the ring and be cheered all over the world. And he did it in the '70s before it was cool. So he was the best of all time!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Andre is a legend in his own right, a original pioneer. But Andre couldn't Wrestle for shit or cut a promo, sorry. I knew his physical presence spoke more then words but still. Alot of people crap on the skills of a big man such as Big Show, but honestly Show is 5x the Wrestler Andre ever was, and it helped he speaks in clear English.
Ric Flair easily. Back when he joined up with Triple H, even though he was teamed up with Satan an' his minions (When Evolution started) he was cheered NO MATTER what. I don't bring up anything really before that point cuz alot of you already made points when he was in JCP and WCW and yada yada yada.

But one big cheer Flair got even though he was doin' heelish crap was Summerslam 03, when he locked Triple H's elimination chamber pod so Goldberg couldn't get him. Everyone was cheering him an' goin' WOo! Even though he was stoppin' Goldberg from grabbin' HHH, no one cared cuz it was classic Flair. So Flair, bar none.
I dont reckon anyone will say my person and that i Finlay, because i remember at one point he would be on RAW with hornswoggle and get cheered but on Smackdown he would get booed, i know a lot of people would disagree but thats my opinion. Also i do agree the Undertaker is a great tweener aswell.
Am I missing something here? Why has no one even mentioned The Rock. they guy as a heel could cut a promo and the whole building would recite it with him. He was loved even when he was hated and to this day they may not have been a more popular heel than The Rock.
Jericho's one of the more prominent Tweeners of all time.

I've lost count on how many times he's turned Heel and Face throughout the WWE.

Eddie Guerrero's another one. Before he died, he was definitely a tweener in his feud with Batista.

Fighting with himself on whether to cheat or not.
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