Who was the biggest "victim" of Triple H's "Reign of terror"

tie between Goldberg and Booker T, Booker T by all rights should have won at WM 19 and his loss left him in a spot that he wouldn't recover from for several years. Goldberg should have won the belt at Summerslam 2003 no fuss but once again he lost to an injured HHH, this took all the wind out of his sails and gave him a mediocre reign once he finally did get the belt at the next PPV.

You could throw RVD in there as well but he's a career mid card spot monkey 4 life.
Booker T for the manner he lost at WM19.

One measley pedigree .... and Triple H too an age to for the cover and pinned him with one hand.
Rock, Austin and even Foley kicked out of single pedigrees

If ever there was a message to the boys backstage by Tripper that 'I'm the dominant one' this was it.
As Vince McMahon said on the Razor DVD- Scott Hall was a shell of his former self when he rejoined WWE in 2002.

The NWO folded just a month after their WWE debut.... because Hogan was delirious of turning babyface.... and the nostalga with the fans was sky high and they refused to boo the Hulkster.

Had he controlled his substance abuse Hall would have been a midcard player- putting over younger talent (if his ego would allow it). Maybe Triple H would have dragged his pal into a fued to try and elevate him, but it would be little different to Tripper working with Kevin Nash in 2003... ie not especially memorable.

He was finished as a top liner.
Maybe Triple H would have dragged his pal into a fued to try and elevate him, but it would be little different to Tripper working with Kevin Nash in 2003... ie not especially memorable.

I doubt it. HHH had a front row seat to the extent of Scott Hall's addictions. It was Vince who brought Hall back not HHH. HHH stuck his neck out for HBK's return in 2001 (before he got saved) and HBK cut it off by coming to the RAW/Nitro simulcast show pilled up. There was no way HHH (who just started dating Stephanie McMahon if I'm not mistaken) was going to stick his neck out again for his drugged up Kliq buddies like Hall and Waltman. Nash was a different story. Nash had kicked his habit by that late '90's and certainly by the time he returned in 2002. HHH had no problem working with Nash (whom he was closest too anyway)

While Hall could still "go" in the ring he was too much of a liability outside of it. His skills at that point did not warrant the risk. As far as what 'could have been" I don't know if he was ever World Champion material. As World Champion you have to carry the entire company on your back. You are responsible for drawing the houses, moving the ratings needle, and selling the PPV's. I don't know if Hall was down for all that. No one can dispute his look, his charisma, his work rate etc...and far less talented guys have carried the strap but I don't know if he ever wanted that responsibility. Maybe he purposefully sabotaged himself to get away from ever being considered for that responsibility.

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