Who Was More Entertaining: Archie Bunker Or Fred Sanford?

Who Was More Entertaining? Archie Bunker Or Fred Sanford?

  • Archie Bunker

  • Fred Sanford

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Mitch Henessey

Deploy the cow-catcher......
Staff member
Archie Bunker and Fred Sanford did have a lot in common. They were grouchy old men, who worked dead end jobs. Both men were racist, they loved to argue, but Archie and Fred could show a sensitive side in certain episodes. Also, both men represented the common hard working man. Well, Archie probably represented the blue-collar American a lot better, because Lamont did most of the work in the junkyard. Still, Carroll O'Connor and Redd Foxx portrayed two of the most famous characters in the history of television sitcoms, and both men always delivered some great laughs. But who was more entertaining? Fred or Archie?

It's a tough choice for me, but I have to go with Archie. Archie's arguments with Michael Stivic (or the "Meathead") about religion, society, government, and politics were hilarious. Also, the arguments really have some good depth, and both characters provided an intriguing point of view.

Plus, Archie could deliver some memorable tirades, and his confrontations with George Jefferson were just priceless:


Archie could be a jerk most of the time. He constantly insulted Edith, but deep down inside, Archie was a hard working man, who took care of his family, and Archie could show a soft side every now and then.

I love Fred, but the "BIG ONE!!" routine can feel tiresome at times. Esther is Fred's #1 rival. The fights between Esther and Fred are more than capable of providing some great laughs, but their arguments can't compare to Archie's arguments with Mike and Mr. Jefferson. And Fred's insults towards Lamont and Rollo provided some memorable highlights for certain episodes (the episode where Lamont and Rollo try to become "real" Africans is a prime example), but I still give the nod to Archie.
This was a tough poll. Both Archie Bunker & Fred Sanford were great characters who did break social and comical barriers in their respective times. I watch both shows from time to time when they are replayed in syndication on TV Land or other channels. Redd Foxx was more intellectual with his comedy approach with subtle and not so subtle racial type of jokes while Carroll O'Connor played the fool with a heart of gold. That's why I voted for Archie Bunker. He was a character that said ignorant and racist things, but was ultimately relateable with his logic[or lack thereof]. Fred Sanford was funny and witty with his back-and-forth banter with Aunt Ester but was more of a gruff and tough character. He wasn't as transparent as Archie Bunker and not as easy to understand. Plus, he didn't have the Jefferson's type of stereotypical family to play off of like Archie Bunker did.

I like both shows, just with All in the Family being a bit better than Sanford & Son.
I couldn't tolerate All in the Family. Never made it past the theme song before my ears began to bleed.
But, seriously, I just found Sanford more entertaining.
My favorite scene from S&S, ever:
I found AITF too cheesy. S&S was more funny IMO. Fred Sanford > Archie Bunker, IMO.
As to say the more entertainer from both Archie Bunker Or Fred Sanford is a bit difficult because of similarities exist in both
I find always both as funniest as i think anyway if i ask to choose one then i will go with Archi

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