Who still buys VHS

Does anybody besides me still buy VHS tapes?

These everybody all about blu ray and HD DVD but I can give a rat's ass about the both of them. I don't really care about HD I care about the actual movie itself. I don't plan on ever owning a blu ray. Maybe I'll get one in the year 2045 the same year i finally I get an IPhone 1 when blu rays and IPhones are considered retro. I'm a big supporter of the DVD all I need is a movie where I don't have to rewind it and have a chapter selection also it's always fun to watch a movie on the commentary. Even though I'm a big DVD collector I still have most of my old VHS tapes and still buy movies on VHS to this day.

I don't get why everybody doesn't care about VHS tapes any more. It's still the same movie that we love I never liked HD that much because I felt when the picture wasn't as clear and it had the old film look to it just made the movie experience better. Makes you feel like the good old days when computers and HD didn't mean a thing. I have over 200 VHS tapes and around 400 DVDs.

Just recently I was at the thrift store and bought Meatballs, Encino Man, Critters 2, and the Idle hand on VHS for 2 dollars I also bought two horror classics Blood Sucking Freaks and From Beyond due to be being rare hard to find the movies the VHS copies are much cheaper then the DVDs. I mean how else I am supposed to watch great movies like The Brain, Spookies, Silence of the Hams, Ghoulies 3 Ghoulies go to College, Terror Vision when they were never put out on DVD. Also if you want to buy Raw head Rex on eBay on DVD it's like over 100 dollars and for VHS it's only 20. I've wanted to see Raw head Rex for the longest time it looks so cool. I still have a lot of old wrestling tapes like Stracade 92 1992 royal rumble and 1991 survivor series and most unusual matches ever. I also taped the Benoit and Eddie guerrero tribute shows. Even though I know i will never sell it I wonder if I would make money if I sold the Benoit Raw tribute show.

I own two VCRs one was a DVD/VCR and I broke the VCR side by stepping on it the funny thing about it that Home Alone 2 is stuck in the VCR it still plays fine just won't come out. I guess you can call that the best of a bad situation I have a VCR that you can only watch Home Alone 2 and another one that I got at the thrift store for 5 dollars. Has anyone bought a Blu Ray for 5 dollars? I mean what’s the big deal if you watch a movie on VHS we all use to watch when we didn't have a choice so why not still watch them. Who else still buys VHS tapes? Anyone buy laser disc?


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