Who still buys VHS

Does anybody besides me still buy VHS tapes?

These everybody all about blu ray and HD DVD but I can give a rat's ass about the both of them. I don't really care about HD I care about the actual movie itself. I don't plan on ever owning a blu ray. Maybe I'll get one in the year 2045 the same year i finally I get an IPhone 1 when blu rays and IPhones are considered retro. I'm a big supporter of the DVD all I need is a movie where I don't have to rewind it and have a chapter selection also it's always fun to watch a movie on the commentary. Even though I'm a big DVD collector I still have most of my old VHS tapes and still buy movies on VHS to this day.

I don't get why everybody doesn't care about VHS tapes any more. It's still the same movie that we love I never liked HD that much because I felt when the picture wasn't as clear and it had the old film look to it just made the movie experience better. Makes you feel like the good old days when computers and HD didn't mean a thing. I have over 200 VHS tapes and around 400 DVDs.

Just recently I was at the thrift store and bought Meatballs, Encino Man, Critters 2, and the Idle hand on VHS for 2 dollars I also bought two horror classics Blood Sucking Freaks and From Beyond due to be being rare hard to find the movies the VHS copies are much cheaper then the DVDs. I mean how else I am supposed to watch great movies like The Brain, Spookies, Silence of the Hams, Ghoulies 3 Ghoulies go to College, Terror Vision when they were never put out on DVD. Also if you want to buy Raw head Rex on eBay on DVD it's like over 100 dollars and for VHS it's only 20. I've wanted to see Raw head Rex for the longest time it looks so cool. I still have a lot of old wrestling tapes like Stracade 92 1992 royal rumble and 1991 survivor series and most unusual matches ever. I also taped the Benoit and Eddie guerrero tribute shows. Even though I know i will never sell it I wonder if I would make money if I sold the Benoit Raw tribute show.

I own two VCRs one was a DVD/VCR and I broke the VCR side by stepping on it the funny thing about it that Home Alone 2 is stuck in the VCR it still plays fine just won't come out. I guess you can call that the best of a bad situation I have a VCR that you can only watch Home Alone 2 and another one that I got at the thrift store for 5 dollars. Has anyone bought a Blu Ray for 5 dollars? I mean what’s the big deal if you watch a movie on VHS we all use to watch when we didn't have a choice so why not still watch them. Who else still buys VHS tapes? Anyone buy laser disc?
Does anybody besides me still buy VHS tapes?

These everybody all about blu ray and HD DVD but I can give a rat's ass about the both of them. I don't really care about HD I care about the actual movie itself. I don't plan on ever owning a blu ray. Maybe I'll get one in the year 2045 the same year i finally I get an IPhone 1 when blu rays and IPhones are considered retro. I'm a big supporter of the DVD all I need is a movie where I don't have to rewind it and have a chapter selection also it's always fun to watch a movie on the commentary. Even though I'm a big DVD collector I still have most of my old VHS tapes and still buy movies on VHS to this day.

I don't get why everybody doesn't care about VHS tapes any more. It's still the same movie that we love I never liked HD that much because I felt when the picture wasn't as clear and it had the old film look to it just made the movie experience better. Makes you feel like the good old days when computers and HD didn't mean a thing. I have over 200 VHS tapes and around 400 DVDs.

Just recently I was at the thrift store and bought Meatballs, Encino Man, Critters 2, and the Idle hand on VHS for 2 dollars I also bought two horror classics Blood Sucking Freaks and From Beyond due to be being rare hard to find the movies the VHS copies are much cheaper then the DVDs. I mean how else I am supposed to watch great movies like The Brain, Spookies, Silence of the Hams, Ghoulies 3 Ghoulies go to College, Terror Vision when they were never put out on DVD. Also if you want to buy Raw head Rex on eBay on DVD it's like over 100 dollars and for VHS it's only 20. I've wanted to see Raw head Rex for the longest time it looks so cool. I still have a lot of old wrestling tapes like Stracade 92 1992 royal rumble and 1991 survivor series and most unusual matches ever. I also taped the Benoit and Eddie guerrero tribute shows. Even though I know i will never sell it I wonder if I would make money if I sold the Benoit Raw tribute show.

I own two VCRs one was a DVD/VCR and I broke the VCR side by stepping on it the funny thing about it that Home Alone 2 is stuck in the VCR it still plays fine just won't come out. I guess you can call that the best of a bad situation I have a VCR that you can only watch Home Alone 2 and another one that I got at the thrift store for 5 dollars. Has anyone bought a Blu Ray for 5 dollars? I mean what’s the big deal if you watch a movie on VHS we all use to watch when we didn't have a choice so why not still watch them. Who else still buys VHS tapes? Anyone buy laser disc?

Your arguments are completely ridiculous. Let's go through them.

Does anybody besides me still buy VHS tapes?

These everybody all about blu ray and HD DVD but I can give a rat's ass about the both of them. I don't really care about HD I care about the actual movie itself.
I'm sorry, but I must have missed the jump in technology when broadcasting a movie in HD lowered the quality of the movie itself.

I don't plan on ever owning a blu ray.
Okay, certainly your decision.

I'm a big supporter of the DVD all I need is a movie where I don't have to rewind it and have a chapter selection also it's always fun to watch a movie on the commentary.
This is where you confuse me again. You don't support Blu-Ray, but do support DVD? How can that make sense? DVD and Blu-Ray are FAR more similar than DVD and VHS. DVD and VHS has basically NOTHING in common, aside from the actual movie. Blu-Ray is basically the natural evolution of DVD...DVD is a completely different platform than VHS.

You seem to be derisive towards Blu-Ray, but you're a big supporter of DVD. That makes no sense.

I don't get why everybody doesn't care about VHS tapes any more.
Because VHS is a pain in the ass. You yourself said you like a movie you don't have to rewind and has a chapter selection. I'm pretty certain VHS doesn't have that. Plus movies aren't released on VHS, both the picture and sound quality are inferior, and most VHS tapes you may find can also be found on DVD for roughly the same price. There's no reason to look for VHS anymore.

It's still the same movie that we love I never liked HD that much because I felt when the picture wasn't as clear

You're putting down Blu-Ray for image quality in favor of VHS. There are so many things wrong with that statement.

Makes you feel like the good old days when computers...didn't mean a thing.
This has never been true in your lifetime. Even if you grew up unaware of computers, computers were still very important in life.

Has anyone bought a Blu Ray for 5 dollars?
I have. Three of them in fact. :shrug:

Here's an entire list of Blu-Ray movies you can get from Best Buy for $5.


I mean what’s the big deal if you watch a movie on VHS we all use to watch when we didn't have a choice so why not still watch them.
Uhh...because we DO have a choice. If you take the image from my 100x100 avatar, and you blow it up to fit completely on your computer monitor, it'll look like shit. It will be incredibly grainy, maybe even to the point you won't be able to tell what you're looking at. However, if I sent you an original copy of my image, which was roughly 400x600 (I believe), and you have it fit the screen, it will look SOOO much better than the 100x100.

That's VHS vs. Blu-Ray. VHS is the crappy 100x100 image, which when you blow it up on a screen larger than 13 inches, looks terrible. Blu-Ray looks great on my mother's 70" TV. So unless you're packing a 13 inch TV, VHS is going to look horrible.

Who else still buys VHS tapes?
Not me. I wish the damn things would die.
DVD and Blu Ray are different from the fact that DVDs don't have HD image. I don't really care about HD the way people act about it though seems like they care more about the quality of the picture then the actual movie itself. I personally don’t like watching anything in HD.I watch movies that look like they were shot and a 80s home movie cam corder. I find those types of movies more fascinating because of the whole do it yourself ethic these are people that just wanted to make a movie and they did it. I always liked that grainy look it gave it more of a movie feel.

I've watched VHS tapes on my 65 inch screen in my living room TV before and it looks fine I didn't see a problem. When I say blu ray for 5 bucks I'm talking about an actual blu ray player I bought a VCR with a remote for 5 bucks. I don't pay attention to about 80% of the movies out today because most of them are bad on their own or just a crappy remake. Majority of the movies I watch range from 1922-1999 the 80s were the best time for horror movies and a lot of those types of movies were never released on DVD and if they have it on DVD on EBay it's super expensive due to being so rare. It's much cheaper when I can just watch the VHS.

I favor DVD over VHS but doesn’t everybody I just don’t have a problem with VHS and still watch movies on my VCR I watched Meatballs last night I got it at the thrift store. I could kill the person who owned it before me. He wasn’t kind and didn’t rewind

I always wanted to own a laser disc player. I still kick myself for this one at a pawn shop by house had a laser disc player with 50 movies for 40 dollars. I was so mad when I went back the next week some else bought it. I wish I would have bought it when I saw it. I bought a friend Big trouble in Little China on laser disc once for Christmas. You can't get a better present then that.
I used to buy VHS tapes from thrift stores / used book stores, because it was cheaper than renting. Usually like 50 cents to $1. I won't pay more than $2 unless it's a pretty rare find. Eventually it became a sick obsession and now I have stacks and stacks of movies, some I don't even necessarily want to watch. I just bought "3 Men and a Baby" a month or so ago, for instance, because I think the cover is timelessly 80s.


For certain movies, I think the "grainy aesthetic" works better. Pretty much any 80s horror movie I think looks great on VHS, and frankly I'm distracted watching them on crystal clear DVD/Blu-Ray for some reason. "Eyes Wide Shut" is probably better on DVD, though, for example.
Oh yeah, big time. I love watching a film and then the picture starts to wobble and then two big old lines come at the top of the screen while everyone starts shouting "THE TRACKING, YOU NEED TO SORT THE TRACKING!" "NO, IT'S JUST THE TAPE!". I also like only being able to watch things that were made in the 20th Century.

Sometimes, the sound is a bit dodgy and everyone sounds like a robot, but that's fine because I get a wax tube with the soundtrack on and load it into the Gramophone.
I actively preach the superiority of record players, hardback books and Lou Thesz... and even I don't miss VHS.
DVD and Blu Ray are different from the fact that DVDs don't have HD image.
And...that's a positive for you? You like inferior quality?

I don't really care about HD the way people act about it though seems like they care more about the quality of the picture then the actual movie itself.
Not at all. That's like saying if I'm eating a 12 oz filet mignon instead of a 6 oz, I no longer care about the taste of the steak itself, only how much it is filling me. That's stupid. Just like I can savor every taste of a 12 oz filet mignon, I can savor the quality of a movie when it is in high definition.

I watch movies that look like they were shot and a 80s home movie cam corder.
So you like movies that are less realistic?

I find those types of movies more fascinating because of the whole do it yourself ethic these are people that just wanted to make a movie and they did it. I always liked that grainy look it gave it more of a movie feel.

They didn't shoot their video to be put on VHS "for the love of it", they did it because it was the best available product at the time. It's not anymore.

I've watched VHS tapes on my 65 inch screen in my living room TV before and it looks fine I didn't see a problem.

Then you must be nearly blind.

When I say blu ray for 5 bucks I'm talking about an actual blu ray player I bought a VCR with a remote for 5 bucks.
No you didn't, at least not new. Buying things at a garage sale is not a legitimate argument. Want to know why? Because I was given a Blu-Ray player for free. So, clearly, Blu-Rays are less expensive than your $5 VCR, right?

I don't pay attention to about 80% of the movies out today because most of them are bad on their own or just a crappy remake.
You realize the flaw in your logic right? That's a circular argument. How can you know what the quality is if you don't watch them?

I assume that you bought the three Ernest movies that were available.
Nah, never did get into Ernest movies. They were popular when I was a kid, but I never liked them.

Oh yeah, big time. I love watching a film and then the picture starts to wobble and then two big old lines come at the top of the screen while everyone starts shouting "THE TRACKING, YOU NEED TO SORT THE TRACKING!" "NO, IT'S JUST THE TAPE!". I also like only being able to watch things that were made in the 20th Century.

Sometimes, the sound is a bit dodgy and everyone sounds like a robot, but that's fine because I get a wax tube with the soundtrack on and load it into the Gramophone.

I actively preach the superiority of record players, hardback books and Lou Thesz... and even I don't miss VHS.
Buy VHS? No, I'm not stupid.

WATCH VHS? Definitely. I still have a ton of old VHS tapes, including things like old wrestling tapes, episodes of RAW/SD that I recorded years ago, old cartoons, and old cartoons that were recorded decades ago.

some of those include:
1. I taped an episode of the old Super Mario Bros. Super Show, and an old episode of the Police Academy cartoon on one VHS. damn right I'd watch it.
2. I have an old episode of Saturday Nights Main Event (the one where Sid and Hogan teamed to fight Flair/Taker, and Sid walked out, leading to Hogan wanting Sid before WMVIII). Immediately after that is the movie No Holds Barred in it's entirety. Damn right I'd watch them, especially since they also have commercials.
3. Countless other things I've taped over the past 20+ years.
So you like movies that are less realistic?.

I don't think it makes the movie look less realistic when a movie is shot on a lower quality camera. I think it brings more real to the movie. Look at the original Texas Chainsaw Massacre that was made with hardly no budget and that is one of the greatest movies ever made. I feel it brings more real to the movie because it looks like that anyone could have shot it.

They didn't shoot their video to be put on VHS "for the love of it", they did it because it was the best available product at the time. It's not anymore..

thats not the point I was trying to make I'm talking about the love of just makeing movies even though you know it's not going to be this big blockbuster money maker and just make a movie to have fun. Although if I made a movie I think it would be pretty cool to make a limited supply of like 50 or a 100 VHS tapes for my movie

Then you must be nearly blind...

Come over my house and we will watch Heavyweights, Encino Man, and The Garbage Pail Kids movies on my 65 inch screen TV with my VCR and I'll show you how good the picture looks
I have kept my VHS/DVD combo player simply so I can watch my TV-recorded "Ready To Rumble"...a personal favourite.

God bless WCW for making that movie, and god bless David Arquette
Still got an old VHS player at home. Sliding a Stuart Little 2 cassette into it... Feels good. Even though all sorts of lines turn up and sounds come off weird at times.
This dude is a typical, non-political conservative. He hates change. I bet he still has a record player, and ONLY listens to the band that still comes out with records.
What I really hated, was back when DVD first came out. I still had a VCR, but every damn movie I seen would say "coming soon to DVD!" and I would just be like the fuck?

I got the three original, unchanged Star Wars movies on VHS. I'm pretty proud of that.
Tommy "Two-Times" Mozzarella;3762931 said:
This dude is a typical, non-political conservative. He hates change. I bet he still has a record player, and ONLY listens to the band that still comes out with records.

I think he was trying to say I'm out dated and listen to really good bands that still put out music on vinyl how else am I going to watch Spookies when it only came out on VHS it's a movie suggest everyone should see
I honestly don't buy many videos... I have a friend who is an avid VHS and laserdisc collector. Pretty much anything that has never been transferred to DVD or Blu Ray. Watch what you like who cares.
Thats great about your friend my next buy is Rawhead Rex. It looks like a great movie never saw it just the trailer but on ebay for a DVD it's over 150 bucks the cheapest VHS is 20 I think its worth it's Rawhead Rex for crying out loud. I just got Bloodsucking Freaks on VHS since the DVD copies online are really expensive too going to watch it later tonight

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