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Who should turn face?

Magic Mark

Former WCW TV Champion
If you guys haven't figured it out already, there is a buttload of heels in the WWE, and only a handful of really good Babyfaces. So how do we fix this? Simple. Get some of the IWC darlings and turn them Face!!! Hell, if Ziggler can do, anyone can! So let's take a look at some wrestlers who I believe should turn face...

Drew McIntyre- This may seem like a stretch, but I believe Drew can be a great face. He's been a heel pretty much all of his career, so a turn should freshen him up. So here's the plan. 3MB goes on to have a pretty long losing streak, Drew says that he deserves better and takes out Jinder and Slater. He goes on to regain his IC title and becomes one of the best Top-mid carders on the face of the earth, Maybe even a WHC title run?

Roman Reigns- I really like Roman. He's good in the ring, a little meh on the mic, but has a GREAT build. Vince saw something in Roman that few others did, and giving the lineage that he has with the business, a great push or two shall be expected (He has already gotten one with the Shield). He dosen't have the Rock's charisma, but he can certainly be a good enough babyface.

Seth Rollins- Whenever the Shield finally disbands, Rollins may very well be the one that flourishes. He reminds most of the people of CM Punk, which is a good thing. But I do think he should switch to some more basic Kickpads, he just looked weird with the ones he wore in NXT (Just my opinion). Anyway, he's a great wrestler and could probably sell diet pills to Matt Hardy. Plus, he is only in his late-twenties, so he still has time to mature/develop into a main eventer.

Darren Young- This is a stretch. Mainly because Darren is pretty good as a heel, but you have to be realistic here, Titus O'Neal is 35 years old, so time isn't on his hands. This means that PTP will come to a stop sometime soon. Maybe Titus can pull a Shad and turn on Darren, making Young babyface. They then have a loser leaves the company match at a PPV which Darren Young wins. He will probably stick to being a mid-carder, but as long as he dosen't go the JTG route, i'm perfectly fine with giving him a couple of US title runs.

(These guys are all I can think of at the moment, but I will probably add some more whenever I can.)

So who do you think should turn face?
WWE just needs to actually push the faces they have instead of just using them to job to the heels. There's no reason why Zack Ryder, Justin Gabriel, Santino Marella, Ted DiBiase, Tyson Kidd, Alex Riley, R-Truth, Brodus Clay or Tensai can't be credible faces in the midcard
Fandango - He would work as a great face in the company, him and Summer Rae are very entertaining and would be great to see more of them in the future.

Cody Rhodes - Like many of you know, his face turn is expected around SummerSlam and again, everybody is excited for his face turn because he has great mike skills, plus he is a great in-ring performer.

Damien Sandow - Hope he doesn't turn face anytime soon, but in the future he could be a top face. Plus, I think right now he is one of my favorite's in the company and he is a great heel and someday will be a great face.
WWE just needs to actually push the faces they have instead of just using them to job to the heels. There's no reason why Zack Ryder, Justin Gabriel, Santino Marella, Ted DiBiase, Tyson Kidd, Alex Riley, R-Truth, Brodus Clay or Tensai can't be credible faces in the midcard

I guess it depends on how you define "midcard". To me there are 2 levels of midcard. The lower level consists of everyone you named in your message + more. The UPPER midcard level is Christian, Chris Jericho, Miz and now RVD (if WWE falls true to form). Over the years, the WWE has gotten rid of the lower tier, so you don't have Brooklyn Brawler types around any more to lose. So those wrestlers you named have to lose to make heels credible. Just like their counterparts, 3MB for example have to lose to faces to make the faces credible.

I'd turn Rhodes face. Sandow/Rhodes has run its course I think and now they have reason to feud.
Given his performance last night, I think WWE is setting the stage for Cody Rhodes to turn face. He stole he WHC MITB match last night and seemingly had it won, only to be screwed over by his "best friend" and tag team partner, Damien Sandow.

I read an article on wrestlinginc.com this morning saying that Rhodes & Sandow might have a match at SummerSlam, possibly for the WHC MITB briefcase.

A face turn for Drew McIntyre certainly couldn't hurt his career at this point.

Rollins & Reigns are both doing great in their roles as a strong, heel tag team. Makes no sense to turn them.

Darren Young is the least entertaining and charismatic member of the Prime Time Players, so a face turn probably won't do him much good.

Fandango going face would almost certainly result in him being comedy jobber. With his gimmick & character as a face, you might as well just pair him up as a three person faction with Tons of Funk.
I guess it depends on how you define "midcard". To me there are 2 levels of midcard. The lower level consists of everyone you named in your message + more. The UPPER midcard level is Christian, Chris Jericho, Miz and now RVD (if WWE falls true to form). Over the years, the WWE has gotten rid of the lower tier, so you don't have Brooklyn Brawler types around any more to lose. So those wrestlers you named have to lose to make heels credible. Just like their counterparts, 3MB for example have to lose to faces to make the faces credible.

I'd turn Rhodes face. Sandow/Rhodes has run its course I think and now they have reason to feud.

To me upper midcard is guys like Kofi, Swagger, Cesaro, Rhodes, Sandow. Guys like Christian, Jericho, Miz, and RVD are more "lower main event".
With Cena, Punk, Ziggler, Bryan, Sheamus, Orton, Christian, Kane, Miz and RVD I think there are plenty of faces already in the WWE, what is lacking is a truly strong heel or two.

I imagine we will soon be adding Cody Rhodes to the face side as well after a couple of weeks of teasing friction and then last night's MITB, it's clear Cody is being positioned for a face turn.
Orton COULD be that monster heel. He has been before and could do it again in my opinion. Go back to punting people in the skull, that was the Randy Orton I liked. Sandow as a face? Nah, he fits the heel mode well. Arrogant better than you, smarter than you type. Cody Rhodes will be and should be the face of that group. American Dream Jr? haha
The problem with some of the faces listed above is that RVD is part time and Ziggler and Miz arent excatly over as faces. 'm not sure if Cody can make it as a face either. Orton will be the #1 heel before you know it. I think Rollins after the Shield would be a good choice. As far as Drew I feel there isn't anything that will hurt his career right now. The only 3MB member that should make a face turn is Slater because he actually draws a reaction from the crowd. I could care less about the face turn of Black Cena. The only thing keeping the PTP on the map is Titus. I'd say Wade Barrett is my top pick as a face but he needs to be repackaged badly. The whole fight club act is stale and kinda sucks.
I think WWE did some good thing by turning Ziggler and Rhodes face, WWE seems more even right now.

Why not give Henry a face run before he retires? He don't need to crack jokes or pander just do hat he do. :p
Why not give Henry a face run before he retires? He don't need to crack jokes or pander just do hat he do. :p

Mark Henry's face turns are usually pretty good. He gets positive reactions pretty quickly, problem is, he generally can't maintain the momentum and gets switched back to heel within months.

But yeah, before he retires, I think a face turn for his last run would be good. He's known to be a good dude, let him be that dude.
I'm gonna have to agree with everyone that has said the quite imminent face turn of Cody Rhodes is the one that should happen right now. It has been hinted for months going back to before WM. He was given center stage in the closing minutes of last night's WHC MITB match and the crowd was hot for him winning, followed by attacking Sandow on Raw tonight. He has the tools to be a very good face but in reality it all comes down to mgmt and creative staying behind him and giving him a chance to stay relevant at a higher level. He and Sandow could feud for months, even over the briefcase if you wanna spice it up more. I've always been a fan of him and look forward to a shift in his character and seeing if he can run with it.
To me upper midcard is guys like Kofi, Swagger, Cesaro, Rhodes, Sandow. Guys like Christian, Jericho, Miz, and RVD are more "lower main event".

Stupidest thing I've ever read. We all know that Christian, Jericho, Miz and RVD and very much upper midcarders and can be maineventers at a moments notice. Cesaro and Swagger and a midcard tag team, Rhodes and Sandow have some buzz about them now so they're elevating, and Kofi is pretty much the definition of 'mid card'.

As for the topic, I'd say that;
Fandango has a future face turn it for him, he gets cheered quite a lot and has people dancing to his music. Hopefully he gets a character change then so he's not a silly dancing smiling face.

And I personally cannot wait for the official Cody Rhodes face turn :)
It looks like Rhodes is turning face but this is a mistake in my opinion. I understand that he is getting stale and needs repackaged but he is going to get lost amongst the top stars. Just as The Miz.

I look at all the heels and I really can't see the worth in turning any of them face. They have recently made Punk and Ziggler face. That adds to Cena, Bryan, Orton , Sheamus, RVD, Christian, Kane, The Miz, Kofi Kingston and Rey Mysterio. Plus, part-timers such as Y2J, Taker and Triple H.

How on earth is someone like Cody Rhodes or Drew McIntyre going to go anywhere with that kinda talent. They are both talented but would be completely overshadowed by the other talent. There is an obsession with turning people heel and face but sometimes the grass is not greener. The Miz as a heel - involved in the main-event of WM with the Rock and John Cena. As a face, on the decline.

The current heels are generally young or still trying to break through: Sandow, Barrett, Swagger, Cesaro, Fandango, The Shield, Wyatt, Ryback, Big E, Axel and the exceptions of Del Rio and Mark Henry. Someone like Rhodes or McIntyre has a greater chance of becoming a top-heel than a top face.
I don't see anybody on the roster right now that I would turn face. I feel that Cody Rhodes and Damian Sandow both work better as heels and can have a jealous heel feud, but no need to turn Rhodes face when he can flourish later on as a heel. Seth Rollins will be a face once The Shield splits, it is inevitable. He has the look of a face, and I feel he can feel the void of Cena or Punk with their demographics once they decide to hang it up. My wildcard to turn face would probably be Heath Slater on the under card. I think he would work a good comedic tag team with Santino when he comes back or even Zack Ryder. 3MB is not over and has never really been allowed the chance to get over as anything other than a comedy routine. Time to push Drew as a heel, Heath as a comedic face and send Mahal back down to NXT.
As for who should turn face definitely it should be either Swagger or Cesaro once either of those men split from Zeb Colter because it would be built up so properly especially with Colter saying if one of them should leave that they weren't a real American to begin with

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