Who should The Rock face at Wrestlemania 31 (if he returns for a match)

Who should Rock face?

  • Randy Orton

  • Brock Lesnar

  • Roman Reigns

  • Batista

  • Triple H

  • Undertaker

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Dark Match Winner
I was reading Wrestlezone's main site and they were talking about Rock being the leading candidate for the 2015 class of the WWE Hall Of Fame.But we all know Rock hasn't retired yet and really never have for real.Rock also noted on twitter
"Between Vince, Brock & myself our Wrestlemania 30 plan was ROCK vs BROCK. No plans now for 30 but possibly WM 31. #RockTalk" - WWE Legend The Rock
So I was thinking who should have the honor in facing The Rock in what could be his final match.

Randy Orton-This is considered by many the one of the only dream matches that hasn't happened but still could.Rock and Orton has a bit of a past but they never faced off one on one.The build could be Rock comes out to accept his HOF induction and goes to announce retirement but is cut off by Randy Orton who RKO's him from behind and punt's him before he get's to it.Rock returns at Elimination Chamber beating up Orton.The next night Rock comes out calling out Orton for a Raw match but Orton say's they can do this at WrestleMania.Hell,they can add Falls Count Anywhere since they both put on greats matches with that stip.The story here is Orton is sick of Rock coming back thinking he is the star of Raw.

Brock Lesnar The match that was suppose to happen last year can happen this year with the same build.Only thing is we seen it before.

Triple HThe night after RR Hunter comes out stating at WrestleMania will be his last match but against who.Triple H say's who should face him in his last match.He tries to get HBK out of retirement but he won't come out.The night after EC they play a video package announcing Rock for the HOF.He appears on the tron announcing he will be at WrestleMania for his final match.Later in the night Trips say's he is still opponent less at WrestleMania and he would like to... If Ya Smell.Rock comes out and say's why don't they end their careers together at WrestleMania.Only thing is we seen it before.

The Undertaker
Streak vs Career.Only thing is we seen it before.

Roman Reigns
After Rock comes out to accept a HOF induction on Raw he retires but is cut off by Reigns.Reigns comes out claiming their family and he did some dirt to Rock last time they were in the ring together and apologises.He say's he don't want Rock to retire to he faces him at 'Mania.Rock accepts
Batista took a shot at Rock as if he was beginning a feud with him this may be where they go.I don't want to see this clusterfuck.

But who do you want Rock to face.Put an opponent,do not ruin the thread by going off topic.

I love the idea of Rock v Reigns. They are cousins and it could be awesome putting him over. However, he isn't at that stage. Maybe in a couple of years (if The Rock was still willing) this would work.

Rock v Brock is an obvious choice. It was the match originally planned for this years Mania and it would be awesome. Two wrestling draws. A massive name in Hollywood and the biggest draw in UFC history. This match simply wouldn't fail as an attraction. Moreover, Rock/Heyman would be awesome. The match itself would be interesting. Rock needs to be careful because he has an acting career to protect and Lesnar is physical.

If The Rock wrestles at Mania then Lesnar would be my first choice. Orton, Reigns and Triple H would all be fine but Rock v Brock is where the money is at.
I think the interesting thing about this question is that I'm not really enamored with any of the choices. Obviously, from the casual fan perspective Rock/Brock is big time, but I wouldn't be that excited about it. Somebody needs to step up and earn that match in the next year.
I think reigns. That's the time to put him over as a serious main
Event star and push for the title. Rock would love to do it.
If not I'd actually like to see Orton have a chance with his
Legend killer gimmick
I agree with the choices on the poll, but not diggin the build ups you set lol.

I've said a million times how it's perfect for Rock and HHH to go one on one at Mania in his final match. It makes too much sense. They're eachothers biggest rivals through many different phases of their career and it'd be great to have them in this phase...them reaching the top of Hollywood and The Corporate world. Not to mention that they've never wrestled a singles match at Mania.

I hate how people think Reigns should be the one just because they're cousins and they want The Rock to put him over. That's not a good reason to go one on one with the great one lol.

Brock we've seen and I'm sure it'd probably go the exact same way it did the first time. It was a hell of a match and shouldn't be repeated to be honest.

Batista is intriguing especially with the whole Hollywood persona they have in common. Even before Hollywood, Batista used to have somewhat of a similar style as Rock...I used to think he was swagger jacking for a while back in the day. Would like to see this but not at what will likely be Rocks last Mania match.

Final answer: Triple H
I don't know as if I am interested in Rock V Brock - it means nothing in the story of either men's on screen WWE characters. The only reason Taker v Brock is interesting this year is cos of the streak being on the line (and WWE would be crazy to end it to a very part timer with nothing to gain at all - save it for the Cena match).

The Rock should face Roman Reigns and put him over. But this should wait til WM 32 when Roman Reigns is more established.
Rock can sell a match with anybody. I voted for Randy Orton.

Randy deserves a notable feud, lately he's been the unfortunate title holder during a huge paradigm shift regarding what the live crowd's expect to see. He's a Hell of a talent in the ring and I can see him giving The Rock an awesome finish to his career.

I would make the story one where The Rock hand picks Randy Orton as the man he wants to fight at Wrestlemania 31. Video packages recognize that they're both descendants of legendary pro-wrestlers, that the business is in their blood. They're not fighting because they hate each other and they're not fighting to prove who has the better ancestry. They're fighting because it's The Rock's last match and he wants it to be memorable.
The Rock vs. Randy Orton doesn't interest me in the least. I like Orton, I think he gets a lot of unjustified hate because the guy's damn good, but I also agree that Orton's pretty stale. As I've mentioned in other threads, however, it's not really his fault but the fault of WWE management because they've pushed him so hard for so long and all the various hot potato title reigns have made him less interesting. Half of his 12 World Championship reigns came about before he was even 30 years old, so how do you keep a guy fresh that's been to the top of the mountain so many times? He doesn't feel fresh in the main event picture and both fans & Orton himself would probably view it as an insult if he was put into a mid-card title picture. Also, The Rock MIGHT also get a hostile response and then WWE would be faced with a situation very much like the one they had with Orton vs. Batista for the title at this year's WrestleMania.

The Rock vs. Brock Lesnar would probably be viewed as a clash of two giant mercenaries who're only there because they're getting giant paychecks. The Rock's popularity since the post Raw WrestleMania last year SEEMS to have slipped if the reaction he gets when his name gets dropped is any indication. If that's true, then you'll have another Orton vs. Batista situation here in which the fans don't wanna cheer for either guy.

The only one on the list that interests me is Roman Reigns because Reigns is the only one out of the entire group that has anything to gain from feuding with The Rock. Reigns is a young up & comer in WWE and it LOOKS as though he MIGHT have a promising future. We ultimately won't know until he gets out on his own as a singles guy. There's also the possibility of The Rock getting the same treatment as Batista upon his return because The Rock returning to wrestle means he'll get a prime WrestleMania spot ahead of someone that's been busting his ass. As a result, it could be a huge opportunity to elevate Roman Reigns all the more, if he's over by the time it comes around.

The Rock vs. Batista...yeah, fans just aren't gonna give a shit. They're gonna crap all over this match more so than any of these other possibilities.

The Rock vs. Triple H....pretty much take what I said about The Rock vs. Batista and apply it to this one.

The Rock vs. Taker could be interesting but, again, there's nothing really to be gained for either guy. They feuded during the Attitude Era and The Rock doesn't "need" the streak. Fans would also be pissed if someone who had nothing to gain by ending the streak wound up ending it. I don't believe fans would hate this match because fans still love and respect Taker, I personally believe he'd be wrestling much more frequently if his body was up to it.

Another possibility I'd add to this list is Daniel Bryan. After all, a few years back, The Rock did deliver a Rock Bottom to Bryan on the 1,000th episode of Raw. If Bryan's still hugely over by that time, which I think is a strong possibility, then this is another match that fans wouldn't crap all over because they'd want to see Bryan go over. It'd also be a way to continue to play up the underdog role a bit.
The match of interest to me is The Rock vs Brock Lesnar because both guys are amazing athletes that can go in the ring. Reigns would be cool bu lets face it, how are we supposed to believe that Roman Reigns can beat The Rock with the lines of choices in this poll? Reigns would not be able to go with the Rock on the mic anyway.

Batista- No thanks, the match would be horrific and Batista would be killed on the mic. Possibly as an absolute backstop should anything unexpected happen but not the first choice.

The Undertaker-As seen with Brock Lesnar, having a part timer challenge for The Streak just doesn't work, no believes it and no one really cares to brutally honest. The Rock would be absent too much for the build for anyone to give a shit.

Triple H-this would be a sick option for The Rock, I'd love to see this match both guys have amazing chemistry but probably won't happen.

This leaves Brock Lesnar which is the only viable and logical option for Rocky at this point and that's assuming he even returns next year. It makes for an ideal situation too because you can't really have part timers challenge The Streak and The Rock has never beaten Brock Lesnar so it would be epic IMO.

You already have your top two matches on the card for WrestleMania 31:
John Cena vs The Undertaker
The Rock vs Brock Lesnar

You also have the possibility of some new contenders to the WWE World title including Reigns and Wyatt who seem to be the next two guys WWE are looking at as the future.

but looks like sting will face undertaker at wm31 after he comes out on raw after mania this year. So maybe WM32 Sting vs The Rock

But Sting could come in and say about how the rock made that comment to booker T which was the reason why Sting didn't come over to WWE
(people who have seen the youtube video will know what i'm on about)
The Rock will always be cheered no matter what, what ever happened a year ago is now history and carries no relevance or meaning at this point.
Fine topic.

I'm gonna go against the grain on that one, and go with Rock vs Triple H.

Why? Well let's break it down:

Rock vs Taker: Now that would be quite an intriguing matchup, because if there's one thing even "The Great One" hasn't done yet in the wrestling business, it's beat the Deadman at Mania; because no one's done it. This could be a great matchup with lots of false finishes, but then again Taker is getting up there in age, and Rocky is not a regular to the ring, which showed in his matches against Cena, as he got gassed pretty quickly. So the match might not live up to the expectation.

Plus, I believe that next year's Mania will be Taker's last one, as he'll be 50 years old by then (he's actually turning 49 today ;) ), and I don't really see him carry on beyond that threshold. It's getting harder for him every year, and though I believe he would love to make it 25-0 at 'Mania, I'm not sure he's got that much left in the tank.

And if WM31 is Taker's last ride, I'd actually love to see him go up against John Cena, who still is the biggest star of his era. If one of the current crop of WWE stars were to in fact beat Taker at Mania, he would have the best shot, keyfabe speaking of course. Of course, being a Taker mark, I'd want to Taker to go over Cena.

I would also heavily suggest Undertaker headlines next years Hall of Fame class. If he doesn't go in yet, Rock's probably the second best choice though - even though he could still wait 2-3 years.

Rock vs Brock Lesnar: Well, we've seen that before at a Summerslam I believe? And while it's not a bad pairing, again it's one between two part-timers who very rarely appear. It will be hard to make people care about that matchup, with neither guy being a regular on WWE TV, and on the fans' mind on a constant basis.

Rock vs Roman Reigns: That's an interesting thought, but I'd say it's too early for Reigns, especially if it really was Rock's last match. If Rocky still has 2 or 3 in him at Mania, I guess you could "sacrifice" one for an up-and-coming star like Reigns. But in reality, we all want to see those "big" dream-matchups between the top marquee names - and Rock vs Reigns just doesn't scream that to me yet.

Rock vs Batista or Randy Orton: To be honest, none of those matchups interest me that much. Neither guy is good enough to get anywhere close to matching Rock on the mic, so the buildup to the matches will probably be limited to lots of spears or RKOs being exchanged. Batista is also getting up there in age, and not getting any better in the ring, so I'd expect a pretty bad match, even against The Rock. Rocky was definitely a well above-average in-ring wrestler in his prime, but he isn't wrestling as a routine, so he also lost a step or two, quite naturally.

Orton is still very solid in the ring, so him reactivating his "Legend Killer" gimmick might actually work for this pairing, with Rock being the face in this setup obviously. But as said, I have doubts Randy's mic work could get me excited for this matchup.

So finally, that leaves us with Triple H vs The Rock. And I'll be damned, but I'd pay to see that match. Two of the biggest stars of their time, two of the best in-ring wrestlers as well, and two of the best talkers still - they have so much history together, all of which could translate perfectly into a great wrestling match.

Hunter, despite his age, can still go with the best of them, and despite being a "part-timer" himself, he's still on WWE TV often enough to be part of the WWE Universe's "collective unconscious" more than, say, a Brock Lesnar or even an Undertaker would be, because neither man is on TV that much, unless it's Wrestlemania season already.

Rock and HHH are also both phenomenal on the mic if let loose, and I imagine that the exchanges of those two guys have the potential to be awesome.

Also, I agree with another post that suggested as a build up the official retirement of Rock and/or Triple H, and both want their last match to be against one another at Wrestlemania. The story basically writes itself.

And if we get even a little more dreamy about it, and since time is fleeting... why not add Stone Cold Steve Austin to the mix? I know he's pretty much stated for a fact he'll never wrestle again, but if we're fantasy booking here, why not have Stone Cold vs The Rock vs Triple H in a triple threat match at Mania, to determine who the "biggest star" of the Attitude Era was? Or, if nothing else, have Stone Cold be the special guest referee for that match.

In any case, my vote goes to Triple H vs The Rock at WM31, if Rocky indeed chooses to return.
Sadly if Rock thinks hes going to be retiring Vince needs to get Rock back for one last run with all the talent of the current and future. Get him a Summerslam match with Orton, get him a match with Ziggler, get him a match at Survivor Series in a team, maybe take on Reigns, DB, ect..

Fans long time from now may regret the fact Rock never wrestled such and such guy. I know fans of the attitude era still want Sting vs Undertaker. Rock just needs one last run, give him a few PPV matches is all, so hes in wrestling shape and can put on a better match then what he did with Cena when he did his finisher every other move.
Surprisingly no Daniel Bryan since they have history dating back to Raw 1000. I vote for Brock. Two larger than life superstars going at it.
The Rock vs. Batista...yeah, fans just aren't gonna give a shit. They're gonna crap all over this match more so than any of these other possibilities.

The Rock vs. Triple H....pretty much take what I said about The Rock vs. Batista and apply it to this.

lol this is such bs. I give a shit, and although there's only 2 votes, the posts indicate that there are more than 2 people who would enjoy seeing it in this thread.

These are two of the best on the mic, both larger than life, have a long history, and has the potential to be more than just a match. Brock vs Rock doesn't have a potential intriguing storyline. Why would they even battle? And would the build even be that good?

The first time around wasn't that great of a story...good match, but the build was about the title, and Brock playing games on Rock. That doesn't fly now at this point in their careers...plus they're really not in any way interested fighting as they are good friends. The names are both big, but other than that, what else do they even have that would be entertaining and different from the first time??

I do like the idea of Austin being a special guest ref though. They could use the fact that HHH has the reputation to use outside forces (Shield, Outlaws etc) to influence matches and that it isn't going to happen here with Austin around.

They could headline the match with "A Long Time Coming" similar to the "Once in a Lifetime" and "End of an Era" taglines.
I'd like to see The Rock vs Undertaker in a Streak Match or Rock vs. Randy Orton...

My absolute dream match would be Rock vs. Stone Cold one last time, in a Hell in a Cell match.
One of Brock Lesnar or Triple H. I think those are the two matchups that really suit The Rock, with his last run in mind. They put him in the ring against two young guys with a fast paced offence, and he couldn't keep up. A street fight against Brock or Triple H would be a change of pace, and one which I think would suit The Rock. He could spend the majority of the match selling big spots, rather than being involved in action for a straight twenty plus minutes. I'm not desperate to see him return to the ring but if he does it has to be a matchup which suits him and gives him the best chance of bowing out in style.

Of the two, purely for sentimental reasons it would be interesting to see Triple H versus The Rock, one more time on the biggest stage. If they revived the HHH/Vince angle over control of the company who better to play the knight in shining armour than The Rock?
Bring back Hollywood Rock from the outset. Based on how the reactions to the Rock's name have been, the Hollywood Rock gimmick would work perfectly,lMO.

As for opponents, I see big business in Rock vs Taker and Brock vs Rock. I don't really see much in HHH vs the Rock at this point, regardless of their history.

If Roman Reigns is booked properly and gains adequate steam with the fans behind him post-SummerSlam, then maybe a: Roman Reigns vs Hollywood Rock at WM31 might be interesting,lMO.

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