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Who should get the Mick Foley rub?

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Uncle Sam

Rear Naked Bloke
Mick Foley is accredited for making some of the biggest names in wrestling today. Randy Orton, Edge; even Triple H. If you want someone to look good, he's generally considered the man to go to.

He's got to drop the TNA title sometime. Probably. Rather than wasting such a loss on Kurt Angle, Sting, Jeff Jarrett, AJ Styles, Samoa Joe or, God forbid, Rhino, he should probably give someone his patented rub on the way down, no?

My personal pick is James Storm. Christ knows Sting had the opportunity to put him over. They were halfway through what I thought was a quite a good feud when "the Icon" took his ball and went home, so to speak. Despite being a part of not just one but two of the most significant tag teams in TNA's history - America's Most Wanted and Beer Money, Inc., in case you were wondering - people (well, me) seem to think a lot of him as a singles prospect.

I reckon Foley and Storm would have pretty great chemistry together. They have the sort of styles that I think would gel, particularly in a hardcore environment. Famously, James Storm had an incredible Texas Deathmatch with his ex-partner, Chris Harris. He donned a real crimson mask - a 1.0 on the Muta scale. Have Storm go over Foley in a hardcore match, and you've got yourself a main eventer.

Anybody who bests him from then on gets a little rub of his own. Hence why I didn't go for Hernandez instead.

So, who do you reckon?
i am probably going to get a lot of heat for this one but here goes....

first off Foley sucks....I loved his feuds in WWE with the Rock, Austin, Undertaker etc but come on folks TNA champ? I am not a TNA fan but i flipped through on dish and saw this dispicable match he had with the "Icon". Terribble match. Foley is good for 2 things which is takinng massive bumps, and yes taking those bumps and hurting himself so much he forces his opponent to look amazing. Has he put over a ton of guys? Heck yeah i agree with the poster of this thread he helped make a lot of WWE guys but he is overrated, washed up and shouldnt be in the title picture even in TNA.

With that said he should put someone over because he is champ now and it shouldnt go back to Angle, Sting etc. So who would it be...hmmmmm....i would say give it to Matt Morgan... from what i hear they have been pushing this guy and i loved morgan in wwe.....

PS. this is one of many problems in TNA...i want WWE to have some healthy competition but i dont see it in TNA, the storylines suck and commentary sucks, a lot (not all..chill) of the wrestlers are crap worn down WWE fired talent...If TNA is so great i ask you who do they have that would be able to make it to main event status in WWE in all seriousness? I couldnt name more than possibly Matt Morgan....

PPS this is just my opinion-lets see how long it stays up here
I think AJ or Joe would be more than viable candidates. But thinking outside the box (and past Hernandez), I think Robert Roode would be just as viable a candidate. Nash recently pointed him out as a talent. (A natural babyface were his exact words.) IMO he is just as talented as Storm, maybe lacking on the experience front as Storm has been through two of the best tag teams of the Noughties.

I think it is a little too premature. I think he needs a bit more singles experience. He probably is not ready wherea Storm is the one a bit closer to the top.

It has to be AJ for me. He is the future, he has waited patiently long enough. Joe had his run and the WWEe offcuts being TNA champ has gotten old.

I think Foley should drop the belt sooner rather than later, but if it had to happen, give it until Slammiversary. Let AJ win the KOTM and have a good run, maybe even beyond Bound for Glory.
first off Foley sucks....

I'm a Foley fan primarily because he's probably the nicest guy you could ever hope to meet and because of his incredible talent to give unproven talent legitimacy.

I haven't seen the match yet - and probably won't for a while - but I can't imagine Foley has worsened much. Angle didn't get a good match out of Sting and so I didn't expect any more out of Foley. I can't imagine Foley having got much worse in the time he's been inactive - his style was never based on finesse, agility or strength.

i would say give it to Matt Morgan... from what i hear they have been pushing this guy and i loved morgan in wwe.....

You loved Morgan in WWE? That's odd. I've been converted somewhat with Morgan. I think he's decent, but he still has some way to go before he deserves being elevated.

PPS this is just my opinion-lets see how long it stays up here

You expressed an opinion? Good God, are fucking insane!?

I think AJ or Joe would be more than viable candidates.

AJ and Joe are just as over as Jarrett or Angle. It wouldn't be as much a waste, but it'd still be a waste. I also get the feeling that Foley will get to them in due time.

But thinking outside the box (and past Hernandez), I think Robert Roode would be just as viable a candidate. Nash recently pointed him out as a talent. (A natural babyface were his exact words.) IMO he is just as talented as Storm, maybe lacking on the experience front as Storm has been through two of the best tag teams of the Noughties.

The Storm/Roode thread seemed to suggest that Storm was better. Even Will thought so. I was hoping he wouldn't, for the sake of an interesting argument, but there you go.

It has to be AJ for me. He is the future, he has waited patiently long enough. Joe had his run and the WWEe offcuts being TNA champ has gotten old.

Let AJ beat Storm then. Or whoever Storm drops the title to. I'm not saying AJ shouldn't get the title - I'm saying he doesn't need the rub. He's incredibly over, even by TNA standards.

I think Foley should drop the belt sooner rather than later, but if it had to happen, give it until Slammiversary. Let AJ win the KOTM and have a good run, maybe even beyond Bound for Glory.

Having Foley lose the belt in a ladder match is even more of a waste. Nobody looks good after that.
Mick Foley is accredited for making some of the biggest names in wrestling today. Randy Orton, Edge; even Triple H. If you want someone to look good, he's generally considered the man to go to.

you forgot to mention Vader. he made him look like a complete monster.

but anyway, Foley, as bad as it sounds that hes TNA champion, should drop the belt to Aj styles. hes over, and he'd get even higher by picking up the win over foley. hes a great all around wrestler.i seriously see no noe else getting the rub from foley as long as foley is TNA champion.
listen Uncle Sam i am not here to bash Foley altough my thread probably deemed most to think otherwise....i am just saying i think ive seen enought out of him....he shouldnt be a fulltime wrestler and being world champ means he will be out there more often then not.....he was good like i mentioned for 2things, yes he made other look good but enough is enough he didnt need the title to put somebody over....

As per Matt Morgan.....this is a guy who i liked in WWE. I didnt like necesarily the way they used him but he had all the potential in the world and could have been great there in a Diesel, Big Show, type powerhouse gimmick. They dropped that ball but i thought he had a truck load of potential.

As per me sarcastically stating my opinion ive had my threads deleted and certain posts removed because i shared my opinion....it was more of a jab at Wrestlezone not you...

lastly i disagree with you all that A.J styles should get the rub simply because he is already in their main event picture....use this to push someone else.....
I am not a TNA fan but i flipped through on dish and saw this dispicable match he had with the "Icon".
Well Legend Killer if I am not mistaken you have to order a ppv to be able to see it not just flip through your dish....thus meaning u must have ordered the ppv.......however on to the topic at hand I think a Mick Foley vs. James Storm or Robert Roode angle would be great. However I dont think that will happen. He will probably drop the title to Jarrett honestly and that should not happen. Someone who could benefit from a Foley bump would be Jay Lethal imo. Lethal already beat Angle but got used poorly after that so if he beat Foley as well he would be able to claim that he beat both. Possible turn him into a heel and I think it would work great.
I don't think anyone here honestly thinks that Foley wrestling at all nowadays is a good idea let alone him being champ. But it's happened. There's nothing we can do about that. So now that's it's happened, the question (I assume) that's being asked is how can TNA make the best of this situation and allow Foley to do what he does best and put someone over. This isn't a debate about Foley's talents or lack of talents. This is a question of how TNA can get the absolute most possible out of Foley getting the TNA title.

That being said, it's harder to pick someone than you might think.

Styles and Joe could use big wins but they're already massively over. This push should go to someone who absolutely needs it. They don't. Daniels' style doesn't mesh well with Foley's and he's still fairly over as it is. The best situation would have been for Daniels to beat Sting for the belt but sadly that didn't happen.

I'm not sold on Morgan. He has zero personality, his voice is ridiculous and his wrestling has yet to really impress me. He's like Test to me. He can move for a big man but his offense is less than inspired.

I know some people dig Robert Roode but I just don't get him as a singles player. He just comes off as a strange, amalgamation of other wrestlers. He can cut a promo but he looks like a dime of dozen indy guy.

I LOVE the James Storm idea. As much as I think Beer Money has at least six months more in the tank James Storm is a guy I've been waiting to see break out for years now. I always dug him more than Harris. Based on the Death match they had Storm could be great in those hardcore situations. Foley/Storm would definitely earn my dollars.

This is what disappoints me the most about TNA. On top of Storm both Hernandez and Daniels are screaming to be main eventers that would absolutely freshen up the product. Yet the World title is traded between Sting and Foley? The guys they've feuded with the most are Angle and Jarrett? Crap like this is why people sometimes compare TNA to WCW. There is a wealth of talent begging to be used and instead they go to the old standbys.

I don't want to see Jarrett back in the title picture. Give me Foley vs. Storm in a Death match for the TNA title and THAT will put butts in seats.
Indyjon 22!

Well you are about half correct....sometimes you do have to order a pay-per-view on dish but then sometimes you dont....

Get your head out of your ass! this isnt about you and me its about Mic Foley and who he should elevate so again as mentioned before Matt Morgan is my opinion...Morgan should run that company like Diesel did back in the WWE days...he is young, powerfull his mic skills suck but he doesnt need to jab on for hours get on get off... its matts time IMO..

TNA is a bunch of washed up stars like Steiner, Sting etc... do they have potential heck yeah...The X-division is supposed to be great and this whole MEM angle is not how i would play it out but i love the idea of stables in wrestling....

TNA is a far cry away from WWE...is TNA appealing well thats obvious but to what extent? they arent taking a piece out of WWE's pie yet just a crump that fell on the floor....does Vince look scared?
aj styles. he's the best in tna, majorly over with the crowd, and tna can use this opportunity to unify the legends championship and the tna championship. sorry, the legends title and its concept isn't working for me. if you think about it, if booked right, a foley vs. styles match could be pretty wicked.
IT'll never happen, but it would be nice for the rub to go to Robert Roode. In my opinion he is the best choice to be TNA champion (Mic Skills, Wrestling Skills, Good Heel Heat, Look and Charisma. Roode has them all and would make a strong champion).

It will probably end up being Angle winning the Gold, and they will continue his program with Sting over control over the Main Event Mafia
I have to agree with Sam, Ive always been a fan of James Storm, IMO he should be the next big heel in tna, but from what ive seen with Foley Vs Sting I see Foley as the heel in all of this, I just dont see Foley playing face, hes got powers and he will abuse them just like he did to get this title match, so IMO unless they turn storm Face i see Foley giving the big rub to honandez or even to be realistic Jeff Jarret
One thing I've always liked about Mick Foley is the fact that he always helps the new guys make a name for themself.
Look at what Foley did for Randy Orton and Edge, two of the best heels in wrestling.
Personally if he's going to be heel, I'd to see him give Eric Young, Chistoper Daniels the "rub". I would add A.J. Styles but he's already on his way, he just needs that one match to put him on the map. Maybe that match is with Mick Foley. Kaz is another on on the brink of wrestling success. Maybe a feud with Foley to see what kinda sac he has.
As a baby face It be great to see him put Robert Rood over. I'd like to see Consequences Creed turn heel and take a mvp-like role and feud with Mick Foley.
Foley never made those guys? first off. He had big knock down drag out affairs with them no doubt but that was more to the benefit of his character than theirs, they woulda been huge with or without the programs with Mankind/Mick Foley

With the exception of maybe Foley is a master of cutting a promo and they could've learnt from that.

now he's in TNA trying his hardest to make them look good. And the segments he did of late ranting like old were good. TNA just plain sucks 98% of the time it's like they got Bi-Polar disease one storylined and attitudes change from one segment to another. Thats' another story.

And title matches. Geesh thats half the issue with wrestling today, someone sais Wah Wah Wah i want a title shot, response. ok you got it and a few matches later the title changes hands in most cases. Where's the build up?

Now that Foley got a title there. He needs to put over someone new. Unfortunately who is there? AJ Styles and Samoa Joe well they are as over as they are ever gonna get and technically Foley is a face still so it'd need to be a heel you would think.

Sting/Angle no doubt are gonna get another shot cause they never stay out of the title picture.

But what about Robert Roode? He is someone who has talent and promise definately would fit the bill for a intercontinental type champion and wsince TNA doesn't have that and he isn't an x-division style wrestler that only leaves the World Title.

Another long lost memory, what about Super-Max or whatever his name is from LAX doesn't he still have a world title shot? Sure he lost but Jim Cornette said it didn't count as a true opportunity and he would get another, then they shelved it. Same with the other LAX members title shot? but thats TNA for ya.

Lastly ofcourse there's Christopher Daniels he's a main event player didn't ya know.
I don't get why people think Samoa Joe, AJ Styles or Christopher Daniels should get the rub.

Joe just needs to go away right now, he's just making everyone else look bad. He's still over though (incredibly) and so he just doesn't need the immediate rub that a Foley match/win would give him.

AJ, on the other hand, is incredibly over, and so definitely doesn't need the rub either. If there's one person in TNA that doesn't actually need momentum, it's AJ Styles.

Christopher Daniels... there's just nothing to work with there. I know Sting isn't the magician that Foley is, but their feud was a pretty big failure. I honestly think there are more deserving people in the company. Maybe even Kaz.
i like the idea of maybe storm or roode, not really aj or joe, but my overall vote goes to hernandez. i love a big man who can move. just shave that ridiculous mustache. he looks like a roided out super mario. mama mia! and matt morgan, though i like him, he's not quite on that level. give him time to get over. i still that "who the fuck is this guy?" look whenever he comes out on impact. honorable mention goes to abyss. just think of the crazy asp match these two psychos could have. not really sure what there doin with him and stevie right now though.
Maybe even Kaz.

Its a shame Kaz is stuck beneath the Suicide mask because he would definitely be one of my pics. He's usually pretty over at any given moment with the crowd and he's a fantastic wrestling talent. He's done his time in the x-division (being a fixture in it for almost the entire existence of the company) and he is deserving of a world title rub. Looking at the roster, Kaz or Storm really seem like the best candidates, although I think Abyss and Foley would put on a pretty good hardcore match (but Abyss doesn't really need the rub.) I also definitely wouldn't be against putting him up against either member of the MCMG, but that's probably just me (and they need to stay a tag team anyway...the division needs them.)
I'd love to see Alex Shelley take the title off of Mick Foley, It would make sense storywise, Due to the MCMG's disrespect for Mick in the past. Alex really isn't as over as he could be, He has the art of the microphone down to a tee as well, The fact Jarret let him talk in the ring with MEM last week show's they have faith in him, So I think he could be in line for the rub.

Alex, Or Hernandez that is.
I would LOVE to do an angle with foley and Abyss. Abyss is a very good big man who is more or less an over sized mankind. Id love to see foley take abyss under his wing and impart his hard core knowledge to him. Perhaps have abyss betray him in the end and take the strap. Or foley betray abys and abyss rescuing the belt frm foleys clutches. Either way thats my vote. Now realistically it SHOULD be someone like styles, daniels, joe, etc they are talented, young (besides daniels) are the future of not only tna but of wrestling. But watch them give the belt to suicide lmao.
Personally I think the whole point of putting the title on Foley is to put over a guy a younger guy as a legit champion. He does that so well. I could easily see a heel angle with a 'TNA Original' mirroring his classic Tommy Dreamer/Mickey Whipwreck angles of "the TNA fans, they're just not worth it, they'll be the death of you" type thing. Put over the young talent, put over the promotion, put over the difference they could be compared to the WWE.
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