Who Should Foley Give His Golden Touch?

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Uncle Sam

Rear Naked Bloke
Mick Foley has a reputation for making other stars look good and elevate them as a by product of being in the ring with him. From The Undertaker to The Rock to Edge, Foley rarely fails.

That in mind, after Foley's match with Angle. Who could use a bit of a hand.

The obvious answer is Samoa Joe, but I reckon Sting will lay down for him, so no problem there.

Personally, I'll pick Hernandez. Hernandez may well be having a singles push soon and being in a match with Foley (AND BORDER TOSSING HIM THROUGH A BARBED WIRE TABLE ON FIRE, OH MY FREAKING GAWD MIKE!!) would help him both short term and long term.

Hm, kinda ran out of steam already. Go nuts. Someone talk about James Storm.
alright, i am gonna go out on the limb and say Christian. Why? I'll tell you. Christian is very charismatic but he's never found the right character to excel. He is a former TNA champion, but nothing is memorable. If he'd feud with Foley, Foley would make him look gold. It could do so much for a character especially if he won a gimmick match. Foley has done wonders for people who are/were on the brink of greatness. Christian isnt young, but he's not old either, so with the right booking this feud could work, and it could propel Christian into a legit maineventer. Not one that goes from Title Matches to tag team feuds.
I think Foley could help the Monster Abyss establish himself as a top heel once again . Abyss has lost a lot of momentum since his weak title reign. He would get good heel heat feuding with Foley. They could have a series of gimmick matches such as Hardcore, barbwire, 10 thousand thumbtacks.
I will say Matt Morgan. Although Im not really very fond of the guy, I guess alot of insiders say he's the next big thing. Right now though he's just beating random jobbers and toying with Abyss. I think Foley should take Morgan under his wing(as a heel) and after Foley has mentor him have Morgan turn on Foley destroying him, maybe then Morgan would be taken seriously.
id love to see foley involved in a monsters ball type match
while abyss looks like the logical choice, for some reason i feel like him and styles could have a good program together
I would say BOOGER T. Wait, Mick tried that before and FAILED. I guess that he should try again. I mean, Booger needs to get off his STUPID ASS KING GIMMICK. He sounds like a hobo gargling toliet water when he speaks and looks like the next president for the Hairclub for men. I noticed while watching iMPACT that his hair line is receeding faster than a midget trying to run track. Booger T is by far the LEAST ENTERTAINING in TNA TODAY. I would rather watch Abdul bashir or Davari, whatever you wanna call this nugget anymore than watch Booger. Will someone in TNA PLEASE TELL HIM to learn some more moves and for godsake, a new GIMMICK ALREADY! WOW YOU SUCK BOOGER.

Mick needs to do it with AJ. AJ is a legit wrestler that needs that last bit of credibility to push him into a spot to be able to become one of the greats of all time and be recognized as it as well! AJ is ALWAYS entertaining both on the mic and in the ring. He UNLIKE BOOGER, Mixes things up in his matches and makes the fans excited to see him wrestle. Unlike that god aweful Scissor Kick, Seeing the Pele Kick NEVER GETS BORING as AJ can do it at any time and fans don't always see it coming! AJ is the man. For once TNA, do it the right way.
Although I would have to agree that Foley does have that magic I would also argue that Foley has never made a wrestler outside of WWE. So what Im trying to say is that yes with the correct booking Foley can make anyone look good, but with TNAs booking whoever it is doesnt stand much chance. But if he was to feud with someone and give them that magic touch I would say AJ. I think he has so much potential and hasnt been used that great recently I think hes ready to carry TNA into the limelight and if Foley could put him over then wow.
Well I hate to sound like a mark with this, but I think the answer is AJ Styles. AJ Styles has been great in TNA before, but that was a different time for the company. AJ Styles needs to become something great again. The best way for him to do this is against the greatest footstep to the main event ever in wrestling history, Mick Foley. A long feud against Mick would be very similar to a feud Mick had with Edge or Randy Orton. Look what happened to those two afterwards? If Mick doesn't give away all of his magic by bleeding night after night for TNA, and they save it for something big, the could make AJ Styles bigger than anyone elese on the roster.
I think Rhyno, it's been a while since Rhyno has been considered a main eventer. His feud with Kute Kip is going to take him nowhere. If he were to turn heel, and feud with Foley, it could do him some good. Plus the two could put on some good hardcore matches.
Mick Foley has a reputation for making other stars look good and elevate them as a by product of being in the ring with him. From The Undertaker to The Rock to Edge, Foley rarely fails.

That in mind, after Foley's match with Angle. Who could use a bit of a hand.

The obvious answer is Samoa Joe, but I reckon Sting will lay down for him, so no problem there.

Personally, I'll pick Hernandez. Hernandez may well be having a singles push soon and being in a match with Foley (AND BORDER TOSSING HIM THROUGH A BARBED WIRE TABLE ON FIRE, OH MY FREAKING GAWD MIKE!!) would help him both short term and long term.

Hm, kinda ran out of steam already. Go nuts. Someone talk about James Storm.

Uncle Sam - I think you are living in the past mate. Mick Foley in this day and age rarely pulls of a good match and this is simply because the guy is near to being past his sell by date.
The only way anyone is likely to get a great match out of Foley is if the continent is brutal, and Foley ends up getting smashed up badly. This of course doesnt apply to a match against the greatest wrestler of all time Kurt Angle, as Kurt is so good in the ring that he could make even the worst look good.
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