Who should Daniel Bryan face at Extreme Rules?

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Championship Contender
Ok, so right now we know Cena and Wyatt are definitely having a rematch at ER. What should happen in the WWE WHC picture?

The obvious opponent to me would be Brock Lesnar after the momentum of ending the streak. However, he is taking another hiatus with his part-time schedule and likely won't even be on the card at all.

The next on my list would be Cesaro. Make his winning the Andre battle royal have almost a MITB feel to it, with him being automatically propelled to main event status. Bryan and Cesaro are probably the 2 most over superstars in the company atm, and there's no question they'd put on an amazing match. But, given Cesaro's count out win over Swagger this past Monday, it leads me to believe that they'll extend their feud to the ppv.

So who should it be? Kane? I would certainly hope not. A small possibility of a Sheamus heel turn could make him a decent opponent. I think the answer has to be Orton though, considering he wasn't beaten for the title at WMXXX. I'd personally love to see Evolution vs The Shield at Extreme Rules, but I think for now they need to have Orton invoke his rematch clause and put Kane in his place vs The Shield. After holding the WWE WHC since TLC, and the WWE Title since SummerSlam (minus a couple very short Bryan reigns), it would be crazy to me for them to write him out or the title picture this soon.

For the record though, I do think Lesnar will be the one to take the title from Bryan (at SummerSlam I believe). Up until that, I believe he'll face each member of Evolution/The Authority at a ppv.

My best guess: Orton at Extreme Rules, Batista at Payback, Triple H at MITB, and either Kane (or a Fatal 4-Way/gaunlet match against all of Evolution at Battleground).

So post your thoughts on what what direction WWE will go in concerning DB and the WWE WHC.
Basically a guarantee that it's going to be either Orton or Kane (I see Batista getting his match at either MITB or Battleground) but since Orton didn't get pinned at Mania, he makes the most sense at this time as I feel it's way too soon to have Lesnar vs Bryan, especially at a minor PPV. That match is MONEY and has to happen at SS, Survivor Series, or the RR imo.

So yeah I'd say Orton because I can't think of any other legitimate contender that would make sense at this point.
It's difficult to call. I think there are only really three logical opponents - Randy Orton, Batista or Triple H. With that being said, I'm really digging the idea of an Evolution reunion to take on The Shield, and replacing one of Evolution with Kane really hurts that match, in my opinion. Realistically, though, it has to be one of those three and I'd be inclined to lean towards Triple H, with Batista, Orton and Kane teaming to take on The Shield. The only other potential option is doing Evolution/Shield to open the event, with whoever takes the pinfall getting a title shot later in the night. Then, of course, there's an obvious parallel to be drawn between Extreme Rules and Wrestlemania so it's probably too soon to reuse a stipulation of that nature.

There isn't really enough time to launch somebody else into the title picture within the space of three Raws and expect it to be widely cared about. Lesnar is the potential exception to that, I suppose, but so much has been invested in him that I don't think that he can lose a match until Wrestlemania 31, so it's far too early in the year to think about him in relation to the title.
I would have Evolution face The Shield, as planned, and slot another challenger in to face Bryan. Maybe have a 20-Man Battle Royal on RAW next week to determine a #1 Contender, and have someone unexpected like Rob Van Dam or Alberto Del Rio win, to give Bryan a non-Authority contender (which would make sense since The Authority is occupied with The Shield) and someone he can beat clean to build momentum for when he does face Triple H, Randy Orton, and/or Batista again.
I think Triple H will be facing Bryan at Extreme Rules. They had a classic match at Mania and this feud has really picked up some steam in the last few months. They will obviously have some type of gimmick match like a No Holds Barred or a Cage match.
Orton and Batista tagged together twice last week on Raw and Smackdown which leads me believe they are going to team with Kane to face The Shield at Extreme Rules. They can save Orton and Batista's rematch clauses after Extreme Rules.
Triple H vs. Daniel Bryan in a Cage Match for the Title would be great.

But I also like the idea of HHH/Batista/Orton vs. The Shield with whoever getting the pinfall (on either side) gets a World Heavyweight Title shot. You could build off of the Wrestlemania similarities.

But I want them to save the Evolution/Shield match until they have an arena big enough to do the War Games match, so I don't know . . .
I would have Evolution face The Shield, as planned, and slot another challenger in to face Bryan. Maybe have a 20-Man Battle Royal on RAW next week to determine a #1 Contender, and have someone unexpected like Rob Van Dam or Alberto Del Rio win, to give Bryan a non-Authority contender (which would make sense since The Authority is occupied with The Shield) and someone he can beat clean to build momentum for when he does face Triple H, Randy Orton, and/or Batista again.

I really like this. A match between Daniel Bryan and either RVD or Del Rio would be a damn good match. Unfortunately, the whole battle royal thing was done kind too recently at Wrestlemania. They'd have to have some other way to establish #1 contendership. RVD is a former world champion who has credibility and can put on one hell of a match especially at Extreme Rules, given his past in ECW.

I like this idea because I do think that it should be Orton, Batista, and Trips against the Shield at Extreme Rules. Replacing any one of them makes it so it's not really an evolution reunion.
I really like this. A match between Daniel Bryan and either RVD or Del Rio would be a damn good match. Unfortunately, the whole battle royal thing was done kind too recently at Wrestlemania. They'd have to have some other way to establish #1 contendership. RVD is a former world champion who has credibility and can put on one hell of a match especially at Extreme Rules, given his past in ECW.

I like this idea because I do think that it should be Orton, Batista, and Trips against the Shield at Extreme Rules. Replacing any one of them makes it so it's not really an evolution reunion.

Good point about the Battle Royal. Keep the idea I had, but replace the Battle Royal with either a one-night tournament (maybe even a one-night King of the Ring), or a multi-man elimination match, like a 6-Pack Elimination Challenge. I'd prefer the tournament personally because I've always been a sucker for tournaments. Alberto Del Rio, Dolph Ziggler, Rob Van Dam, Jack Swagger, Kane, Antonio Cesaro, Sheamus, and Big Show. Then have ADR or RVD win it and go on to Extreme Rules to lose to Bryan in a close match.
I'd say have Orton fight two matches in the same night the same way Bryan did to win the belt! Evolution vs. The Shield then Bryan vs. Orton for the belt! Only difference is, Orton will fight for the belt no matter the outcome of the first match and has arguably less difficult matches.

The only idea I have for Bryan to face at one of the minor ppvs is Kane, simply because it could spin off from the current feud AND revisit their Team Hell No days. Other than that, I hate recycling matches or predictable finishes... BUT I think he should face Cena at Summerslam in a rematch of their great match at last years Summerslam! Since Cena was injured during that match. It would have a unpredictable and big match feel to it.

I think Bryan should lose the belt to Lesnar though, at either Survivor Series or Royal Rumble. But only if Lesnar shows some respect for the company and would work more dates as champion. If not, I wouldn't mind Bryan losing it to Cesaro at next years Wrestlemania!!! (or Roman Reigns, or Bray Wyatt. Depending on who's most over by then.) Bryan can probably put on a good match with anyone, but we need new blood in the title picture!
Bryan vs Triple H is still the hottest angle WWE have, if the title is on the line then I think this is the match we will see, probably as an 'I Quit' or 'Last Man Standing' match. You don't put all the effort into establishing Bryan that WWE have at Mania and then have his first PPV defense be a cold match with a mid carder.

If they go this route I still think Reigns vs Kane and Ambrose & Rollins vs Orton & Batista would be the smart matches to book, don't do a 6 man until you can use the 3 Evolution members. However I wouldn't be surprised to see a War Games match with The Shield & Bryan vs Evolution & Kane, that simply uses the HIAC as opposed to the double cage.
Kane's mask is still locked in authority office so I'm hoping we see the authority turning Kane back into the destruction and he becomes Steph's "monster to unleash". Kane vs Bryan makes sense given their history, and it also allows Orton, Batista & Triple H vs The Shield.
My hope at least that Dolph Ziggler will be the one to get the shot.You can have a tournament tonight on Raw with Ziggler winning the tournament and earning the title shot.
That will be a great match with 2 great wrestlers fighting in it.
Then the ER card will look great like this {in my opinion - without stipulations}:
Ziggler vs Bryan {C} - WWE WHC
Cesaro vs Swagger
The Shield vs HHH & Orton & Batista
Wyatt vs Cena
The Usos vs Harper and Rowan
Paige vs AJ
Big E vs Fandango - IC Title
Big Show vs Kane

Now this is a PPV show and I still did not place Cody Rhodes & Wade Barret & ADR & Sheamus & Mysterio etc..
Does Bryan have to defend the title? I can almost see them having a 4 on 4 streeffight between HHH/Orton/Batista/Kane vs. The Shield/Bryan.

Then save Bryan vs Orton and Batista for some of the upcoming PPVs before Summerslam. Then save Lesnar/Bryan for Summerslam with HHH vs Reigns, and Ambrose/Rollins vs Batista/Orton. I think even putting the tag straps on Batista & Orton in June or July would be interesting and up the stakes a bit for my proposed Summerslam tag match.
My hope at least that Dolph Ziggler will be the one to get the shot.You can have a tournament tonight on Raw with Ziggler winning the tournament and earning the title shot.
That will be a great match with 2 great wrestlers fighting in it.

:banghead: :lol: :banghead: :lmao: :banghead:

There is no fucking way Dolph Ziggler is getting the fucking shot at Extreme rules.

I can't really decide who I want, I really want to see Evolution re-unite and take on the shield, i would buy the PPV for just that match, but that leaves only Kane to take on Bryan to continue the Authority vs the Yes! movement storyline, can't see that happening.

Which leaves...

Brock Lesnar as HHH turns to Heyman knowing Brock is truly the only person to break the streak problem with that is there is no point having Bryan beat Lesnar as it crushes his momentum and legitimacy but if Lesnar wins Bryan's reign is pointless.
It's simple, a War Games match. You have The Shield, Bryan, Evolution, and Kane; make it happen WWE. This is your chance to get fans locked in for a while. Anything else would such in my opinion.
Daniel Bryan (c) vs Triple H for the WWE World title excites me much more than any combo the WWE could do right now besides Bryan-Lesnar or Bryan-Cena in a rematch but I think that's down the line and not right now. Add a stipulation the HHH vs Bryan title match and you have yourself a good main event for an always solid level PPV.

Daniel Bryan vs HHH was supposed to be the main event of Raw but that got cut short because of The Shield caper, so with that being said I think it'll be Batista, Orton and Kane vs Evolution at ER, HHH vs Bryan and Cena vs Wyatt again. The stip should be a steel cage match IMO, it only seems fitting and it keeps out any of the BS from Batista or Orton and Kane.
But I want them to save the Evolution/Shield match until they have an arena big enough to do the War Games match, so I don't know . . .

What if they did a War Games match for the Title? Here me out.

The Shield & Daniel Bryan VS Evolution & Kane
Last man to survive gets title. You could make it if multiple members of a team survive they immediately face each other.
It continues Shield vs Authority and DB vs Authority.
I like the idea that The Authority has more than one rivalry at once, just like a boss wouldn't focus on only one person at a time.
But you could have it end with a member of the Shield (Assuming Reigns) getting a title match. Even if they lose, it'd be something. And WWE could see how the crowd would react to a face-face matchup.
Personally, I see HHH taking the belt via a dirty cheat win at ER, then Bryan wins it back at Payback, tapping HHH clean.
I definitely want to see Daniel Bryan vs. Triple H again. I usually hate the rematchfests WWE like to put out, but considering the circumstances, Triple H vs. D-Bry has been the hottest feud all year, and it would be great to see them cap it off with a hardcore fight. It doesn't necessarily have to be at ER, but after Monday's Raw, it's clear Triple H is going to continue his beef with Bryan and I'd rather him do it in the ring instead of heckling him from the ramp like he did in all of 2013.

Now as for the stipulations, I'd like to see a Last Man Standing match. It would be great to see Triple H try everything he can to just murder Bryan, while Bryan can hit a Knee+ onto a table and grab the win.

Either that, or maybe a Steel Cage match. Bryan is great when he etches a win out of nowhere. I'd love to see Triple H dominate, Bryan makes his comeback, Triple H does his own for the false finish, and then Bryan escapes. This way, we're also guaranteed a 3rd match down the line, probably at SummerSlam.

We can also have a Ladder match, but I don't know if they'll want to do that so close to Money in the Bank. It would definitely be a cool visual to see Bryan grab the titles.
A traditional War Games style match would be sweet but it is not likely that the E would now begin to use WCW related gimmick matches. On the other hand that mysterious Sting character could show up and act as the guest referee for such a match. If they would go the War Games rout they should not put the WWE WHC on the line. It just confuses matters and makes the team dynamic useless.

Realistically we are looking at Triple H vs. Bryan for the title in a big time blow the roof off the building gimmick match. I’d like to see a No DQ Fall County Anywhere match where Bryan coaxes Triple H into a stipulation where he must win the title or never be given a future title shot.

Filling out the rest current program between Evolution/Authority vs. Bryan and the Shield I think we get Reigns vs. Kane, its looks like that is where they’ve been building, and Rollins/Ambrose vs. Batista/Orton. I do not expect Ambrose to be the US Champion headed into Extreme Rules.
I think Bryan has to face Orton at Extreme Rules. The Bryan/HHH thing is closed, and HHH is now in a program with Reigns. Shield/Evolution seems interesting for ER too but I don't see how they pull off Orton/Bryan and Shield/Evolution at the same PPV.

It's way, WAY too early for Cesaro.

Kane would be an interesting opponent down the line but they need to remind everyone of Bryan's history with Kane to do it right. That story will take time to build. ER is too soon.
Realistically, it will be Randy Orton. He wasn't the one pinned at mania, plus he has the "rematch clause". I could see it being a triple threat with Batista again, but with Batista taking the loss at Mania, it would seem more likely a 1 on 1.
It would have made sense for it to been a triple threat between Orton, HHH and Bryan since both Orton and HHH lost to Bryan.

Batista, Kane and somebody like Sandow/Barrett could have used the exposure as a legit threat to The Shield.

It looks like Kane is getting the title shot. I'm surprised they're going with Kane in the main event on such a big PPV vs. a less important pay per view like Payback
Looks like Kane. As I said in the Raw review thread, this is smart.

It changes Kane's character back to a monster.
Given the stipulation it may have provides DB with a very strong first challenge.
It prolongs the DB/HHH/Authority storyline without pounding it out too fast too soon.

Plus I can see it being a good match. Also as I suggested in the Raw thread I'd like to see a strap match.
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