Who should Cena and Bryan drop the title to?


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I think Cena should drop the championship to Sandow. After ending his feud with Rusev at Payback, with Rusev winning at Extreme Rules and Cena winning back the title at Payback, he competes for the world championship ladder match at MITB but comes up short, while Sandow competes in the MITB ladder match and comes up short. Sandow comes out the next night and talks about how his career was damaged after losing to Cena, and they can have a slow build for the match heading to Battleground, although I'd save the match for Summerslam, where Sandow beats Cena to win the title.

Daniel Bryan after feuding with Barrett and Sheamus, can start a long summer feud with Ziggler, probably for 3-4 PPVs, starting from Summerslam.
They can have a singles match at Summerslam, a ladder match at NOC, a hell in a cell match at Hell in a Cell and finally an iron man match at Survivor Series, with Ziggler finally winning the championship from Bryan. Or, they can have Bryan regain the title in the last match and have him drop the championship next year at Wrestlemania or before that to someone younger, like say... Neville?
Well, Bryan is dropping it to Sheamus, that seems obvious. I'd guess in June after the Barrett match and PPV match with Sheamus which ends in a DQ.

Cena will lose to Rusev at Extreme Rules. I'm fairly certain about that.

As for who they should drop them to, it should be guys that need establishing. So probably not Rusev and Sheamus. Probably somebody like Reigns and Wyatt would be good options to take the belt off either whilst giving the belts some credibility and helping both to prepare for headline roles.
I actually don't think Cena is dropping this title any time soon. In fact the way this US open challenge is going I expect more mid carders to have good matches on Raw and somewhere around SSlam someone is going to be anointed as the guy to take the strap.

At this moment, could be anybody. But If Im to guess maybe Dean or Sandow ye.
I'm under the assumption that both Daniel Bryan and John Cena will be keeping their respective championships until SummerSlam. That seemingly is the way things are looking like they are going from my perspective. The summer months are typically WWE's weakest months, and I think having these two as the mid-card champions would only be a benefit to the WWE.

Daniel Bryan as the Intercontinental Champion is a major benefit as a big fan favourite. He can have his feud with Bad News Barrett, Sheamus and perhaps Dolph Ziggler, and they should be good feuds, matches and crowd pleasers. I don't see Bryan dropping the title to Sheamus though. I could be very wrong, and while it would make total sense and benefit Sheamus, I'm not sure. Either that, or both exchange the titles over the summer. As for Cena, I don't see him losing to Rusev. If a Last Man Standing stipulation or something is added to the match at Extreme Rules, it only benefits Rusev in losing again and therefore he can move on from this anti-America stuff. He can do more and should do more.

I think WWE will want Bryan and Cena to walk in to their "second biggest" event of the year as champions. I personally think a feud between Daniel Bryan and Rusev would be magic. A submission-style match maybe? Anyway, the matches would be great to watch I think and Rusev as Intercontinental Champion sounds good. Have him dominate the mid-card before being pushed up further. And who do I want to see dethrone Cena? Dolph Ziggler. Whether he is world champion again is debatable, but you cannot deny his abilities and popularity. Ziggler as the United States Champion after Cena may not sound like "money" when compared to Cena, but who does? Ziggler as champion again sounds good to me, and beating Cena would be a major win.

I will say though: after WrestleMania 31, I am really excited for the future of the mid-card titles as a lot could happen, and just in the next few months. That isn't really something I've said in a long time.
Two words: Unification Match. :icon_cool:
I'd love nothing better than to see one of the midcard belts go. They did it with the World titles and it was the absolute right thing to do, now it's time for the midcard belts to become a rare commodity again as well. So technically, I guess I'm saying Cena should drop the belt to Bryan. :p

Beyond that I think it's too early to think about who should beat the champions. Let them have good, healthy runs with both belts. Cena and Bryan are excellent vehicles to bring some relevancy back to them, but only if they don't drop them to the next best guy that comes to mind.
The IC title has been passed around with this same group of mid carders for a little over a year now. I'd like to see it dropped to a guy like Sandow, he's got kind of a blossoming new gimmick, is hot with fans and needs a push now to become a bigger face. Maybe he can use the title to gain prestige for himself with a run.

I like Cena's open challenge for the US title. This actually wouldn't be a bad thing to continue as part of the duties of a US champ. Every week you must defend it with an open challenge. Whether it be held by heel or face, it is defended weekly. This would give the superstars a chance to get over with the crowd better. Guys that aren't famous for their mic work can be established as stars this way. Imagine how fast Finn Balor would get over if he held this title and was able to put on an in ring clinic every week.
I don't care who it goes to, but I believe it should be used to help get young talent over, almost exclusively used for that purpose. Whether young talent takes on a veteran champ, or goes out each week in defense of it.
I’ve said it before, I’ll say it now, and I’ll say it again and again until it finally happens. I think Daniel Bryan should drop the Intercontinental Championship Title Belt to John Cena…OR…I think the John Cena should drop the United States Championship Title Belt to Daniel Bryan. They should finally unify the Intercontinental and United States Championships Titles and create the United Continental Championship Title (because “Inter-States Championship Title” still doesn’t sound right to me). “United Continental Champion” has that “World Champion” feel to it, but with a touch of “Mid-Card Champion”. I’d even go as far as having the main plate of this new United Continental Championship Title Belt feature Pangaea (or Pangea).

I would place the Bella Brothers-In-Law in a Best of 7 series, having matches only on Pay Per View.

Night Of Champions – singles match
Hell In A Cell – Hell In A Cell match
Survivor Series – The CeNation vs. the Yes Movement in a 5-on-5 traditional Survivor Series match
TLC (Tables, Ladders, and Chairs) – TLC match
Royal Rumble – Cage match
Fast Lane – Submission match
WrestleMania – singles match with a Bella in each corner

This would:
keep the women and kids happy having Cena featured on the card
keep the men happy keeping Cena at the middle of the card
keep the SMarks happy having Bryan featured on the card
keep the WWE SuperStars happy keeping Cena and Bryan away from them, and opening spots up on the card
keep the Bellas happy that they are featured in a Main Event at WrestleMania
keep me happy because I would have a new Championship Title Belt to buy
Summerslam is a good place for them to drop the belts. In Bryan's case I could see it being merely temporarily but either of these two can be used in the main-event scene. Now it looks fine but after a few months they will need fresh faces and having these two in the mid-card may begin to look stupid.

There are a few potential names. Ambrose, Wyatt, Owens, Neville come to mind. Even Ziggler, Rusev, Zayn, Balor, Sheamus and Harper.

For Bryan, I think him dropping the belt to Ambrose at Summerslam would make sense. It would give him a big moment and some momentum. I see a big Summer ahead for Dean and the IC title + MTIB would be massive. Bryan could easily win it back a few months later.

As for Cena, it almost certainly has to be Kevin Owens. He is doing great in NXT and is a fantastic heel. Cena keeps doing his open challenges and Owens comes out to accept. He beats the shit out of him and they have a big match at Summerslam. Owens wins through whatever means and the WWE now have a great heel mid-card champion. Cena can move on to greater things while Owens immediately finds his place on the main roster.
Two words: Unification Match. :icon_cool:
I'd love nothing better than to see one of the midcard belts go
. They did it with the World titles and it was the absolute right thing to do, now it's time for the midcard belts to become a rare commodity again as well. So technically, I guess I'm saying Cena should drop the belt to Bryan. :p

Beyond that I think it's too early to think about who should beat the champions. Let them have good, healthy runs with both belts. Cena and Bryan are excellent vehicles to bring some relevancy back to them, but only if they don't drop them to the next best guy that comes to mind.

I used to feel this way but now I look at the US title as an entry-level proving grounds division and Cena is the right guy to test your mettle against.

I think Cena holds the belt until a debuting Kevin Owens takes it off him. Rusev will move on and up the card into the IC division.
I would keep the IC title on Bryan until WM. Let him have 20 plus minute matches defending the title. I don't know who I would have him drop the title too. But it would feel like a big deal when he does. Thats how you elevate the IC title imo.

I don't think you can elevate the titles and make it feel more important without these two having long reigns as champion.
I'm not a fan of either man dropping the title to anyone anytime soon, otherwise it just seems like a bit of a waste to make them mid-card champions in the first place. John Cena has been the undisputed corporate "face" of WWE since the mid 2000s and Daniel Bryan's arguably the single most over babyface in WWE since the mid 2000s. The entire novelty of taking two men, one who's been THE main event in the company while the other's the most liked "good guy" in many a year, who're already solidified or should be solidified as main eventers is to elevate the overall dreary status of WWE's mid-card titles.

In my opinion, Rusev did a good job as champion, but Cena's status within the company all but guarantees a more prominent spot for the title. Cena's spent the last 2 months preaching on how important it is for him personally to "represent" the United States of America and restore the title to a place of honor & dignity. In terms of the Intercontinental Championship, probably the last truly relevant & meaningful run was Cody Rhodes' first reign of 236 days from August 9, 2011 to April 1, 2012. It wasn't a perfect run, but there've been a total of 19 different reigns with the title in the last 3 years mostly due to WWE playing hot potato with the championship by having the wrestlers essentially take turns carrying it. Currently, the past 9 days Bryan has been champion have already generated more interest in the title picture than arguably anyone that's held the title in the last 10-12 years. Booking Bryan as a strong, relevant champion with a meaningful run is WWE's best shot at elevating the title.

I know that there's sort of this mentality among a lot of fans in which, despite the complete lack of logic, that everybody deserves a push or should be pushed and I think this thread is sort of an example of how completely contrary it is and would be to WWE elevating the titles. The way it happens in this case in particular is by giving the champions credible, high profile feuds against relevant opponents that fans can invest in and making the champion look strong while the challenger looks strong in defeat. Given the overall state of the mid-card title scene and where it's been for quite a good long while, WWE's not going to accomplish the goal by playing hot potato and/or booking the champion to look like he's paper because these are exactly the reasons why the mid-card title scene, again as a whole, has been floundering. Cena dropping the strap back to Rusev only to get it back a month later doesn't do that, nor does Bryan dropping it back to Barrett. Rusev MIGHT be ready to head further up the card while Barrett's just flat out damaged goods as Intercontinental Champion and Bryan dropping the strap to Sheamus makes it seem that Bryan's just the latest in a long line of guys who's turn it was to carry the strap around for a while.
I think both titles need to remain on a champ for a long time. I'd have Cena drop it back to Rusev who can stay champ for months. As far as Bryan, he can hang on to the IC strap for more than a year. As far as a feud, I'd have Bryan beat Barrett. I'd have Ziggler go over Sheamus to become number 1 contender. Move Sheamus along to a feud with Cena. Then do a best of seven between Ziggler and Bryan. No it should not happen on 7 PPVs (smh).
Everyone wanted the belts to gain some credibility and they put the belts on Cena and Bryan so why would you want to go back to the rotating weekly champions by having them drop the belts right away. I'm lost on that one.

People need to be fans and stop being bookers.
I also believe that both Cena & Bryan should remain champs for a long time. IMO Bryan should keep the title till Wrestlemania 32. He can be a defending champion, overcoming the challenges and proving that he's not a B+ player. I'd like to see matches and feuds with Sheamus, Ziggler, Rusev, Stardust, Ambrose and some NXT guys like Neville, Owens and Zayn. I want Bryan's run as a champ to end with him dropping the title to a big heel, like Rusev (if he's still red hot by WM 32) or a NXT guy.

As for Cena, I'd like him to keep the title until Summerslam or some point after, and drop the title in a big babyface vs babyface match against Ambrose or Ziggler. Cena's more of a heel so those two IWC darlings could gain huge momentum by beating Cena for the strap in a big match.
To keep it simple both Bryan and Cena should lose the titles to NXT guys. Neville should answer one of Cena's open challenges, he has put him over in NXT before. Kevin Owens would make a huge impact if he came in and destroyed Bryan or Cena. Sami Zayn could be a good choice to challenge Bryan. Whatever happens neither one should lose the titles til, at the very least, Summerslam.
Why is it as soon as someone gets the title, we are immediately asking when will they lose it and too who?

I thought the thought process was to give Cena and Bryan the titles, and have them elevate them. Cena is trying through his open challenge each week, and Bryan is defending the IC title as well.

Now I was pissed that they got them in the first place. I didn't think Cena should have beat Rusev, he's the last person on the roster that needed the rub. Reigns was the choice to end the streak and get the fans back on his side. Bryan didn't need it either, Ambrose or someone else should have had that win. But it is what it is and the WWE is all knowing and smart, or some bullshit like that.

Anyway before i go off on another rant, they should hold them for at least another few PPV's until maybe Summerslam or thereabouts. By that time the WWE will or should have had time to sort themselves out, and we should have a clear direction of where they're heading.
Unification match. Unify the belts and retire the US Title. I agree that more titles are needed, but there needs to be a clear hierarchy for the titles. And with John Cena and Daniel Bryan as champions, the only guys who will get a chance are the guys on the fringe of the main event and former world champions like Ziggler, Sheamus and Miz. None of the proper midcarders will be seen as realistic contenders for the belts.

There needs to be a proper Midcard title for guys who aren't necessarily "best for business" but are still good enough to have their work rewarded with some kind of gold.
I think unifying the titles is a great idea but wait it off until Wrestlemania 32. It won't be as big of a match as Cena vs Orton to unify the WWE and World titles so putting it on The Grandest Stage of them All would make it mean so much more.

Personally I would like to see Stardust with one of the titles, but that's unlikely. If they don't go with Bryan vs Cena in a unification match down the road I could see Bryan being the one to drop the IC title first to a debuting Kevin Owens, then have Owens go after Cena.
I'll go out into left field here, and say that I wouldn't mind seeing a heel Dean Ambrose take the title off of Daniel Bryan around Survivor Series. Ambrose has been on sort of a losing streak lately, and it's a great time for WWE to turn a key player. I get that Ambrose is over, but he seems to have stagnated as a face. I think a heel turn can give Ambrose a great chance to develop his character more fully.

As for Cena, I'd like to see Roman Reigns take the title off of him at Summerslam. I can understand the people that say Neville or Owens should take the strap pretty early, but that really undoes all the work the WWE has put in, in building the prestige of the mid-card belts. The casuals will have very limited knowledge on these NXT guys and having them going over Bryan and Cena would devalue the straps imo.

Big, established names that are on the brink of breaking out such as Ambrose and Reigns would keep the momentum in the mid-card going, and holding the titles gives them some time and experience before stepping into the main event scene again.
SO the two belts finally have some meaning and you people want them unified.

Ugh for fucks sake men, they should both be given proper runs, the US open challenge is a great idea and people should want to claw and fight for the strap. At the moment the holders matter more, so you have to let them have it for a while so they intertwine.

Unification is not the answer
Realistically, the US title will lose focus and become meaningless again. It'll be put to the side while cena has a personal feud and he'll drop it to a random midcarder due to interference from whomever he's feuding with

The ic title will probably drop to someone from the new day due to a screw job.

Note I do t want this to happen, but wwe are like an ADHD kid in a room full of shiny things. They never focus on anything for long and move on to the next big idea before fleshing out the previous one.
I love how some guys want Cena to drop it fast, but Bryan to retain it. Cena should hold it for at least 4 months, if not more, and finally drop it to a new comer. Bryan honestly, shouldn't even be defending a title. Mark my words, his neck is going to give up.
I'd like to see Ambrose take Cena's title, perhaps with an angle that sees him consistently taking on Cena's open challenge (say once a month). Each time Ambrose gets closer and closer but can never beat Cena. Finally, at Summer Slam, he either goes over clean on his last shot at the belt or he goes full heel and uses every dirty tactic needed to take the title.

For Bryan, I like the chemistry that he has with Wyatt, and we're coming close to Wyatt making some sort of a title run. The upside of both is that it's not a hot potato title change: Ambrose and Wyatt are solid performers who can carry feuds and hold the titles for awhile in their own right.
I'd like to see Ambrose take Cena's title, perhaps with an angle that sees him consistently taking on Cena's open challenge (say once a month). Each time Ambrose gets closer and closer but can never beat Cena. Finally, at Summer Slam, he either goes over clean on his last shot at the belt or he goes full heel and uses every dirty tactic needed to take the title.

For Bryan, I like the chemistry that he has with Wyatt, and we're coming close to Wyatt making some sort of a title run. The upside of both is that it's not a hot potato title change: Ambrose and Wyatt are solid performers who can carry feuds and hold the titles for awhile in their own right.

I like this idea, but I would have Ambrose take Bryan title's instead. He's already held the US title and it wasn't the greatest run, he never hardly defended it. If he wins it again we'll hear JBL tell us every week just how awful he was before. The added bonus with Ambrose holding the belt is he can face almost anyone on the roster. I hate the expression "tweener" but he's the closest thing to being one there is.

Wyatt should stay away from the title, he's never confessed an interest in having one and I don't think I could sit thorough his promo's every week. Plus he's not the title type of wrestler, if that makes any sense. His feuds need to be drawn out in order for his promo's to work. Mind you they haven't in the past, but if they are going to keep him the same that's what they have to do.

For the US title I would have Reigns take it off Cena and then start a feud with Rusev. Reigns needs the fans back on his side and there is only two people on the roster that can do it, Rusev or the Miz. So a feud with either one of them over the US title would help him out a lot.

Now you have all three members of the Shield holding belts. I can see Rollins with a face turn and an all out war as the Authority throws everything at them to get the titles back. Great way to get the Shield back together for a short time anyway.
I think Cena should drop the championship to Sandow. After ending his feud with Rusev at Payback, with Rusev winning at Extreme Rules and Cena winning back the title at Payback, he competes for the world championship ladder match at MITB but comes up short, while Sandow competes in the MITB ladder match and comes up short. Sandow comes out the next night and talks about how his career was damaged after losing to Cena, and they can have a slow build for the match heading to Battleground, although I'd save the match for Summerslam, where Sandow beats Cena to win the title.

Daniel Bryan after feuding with Barrett and Sheamus, can start a long summer feud with Ziggler, probably for 3-4 PPVs, starting from Summerslam.
They can have a singles match at Summerslam, a ladder match at NOC, a hell in a cell match at Hell in a Cell and finally an iron man match at Survivor Series, with Ziggler finally winning the championship from Bryan. Or, they can have Bryan regain the title in the last match and have him drop the championship next year at Wrestlemania or before that to someone younger, like say... Neville?

In a perfect world, I'd love to see Bryan and Cena have lengthy reigns and have a unification match at Summerslam. Then, the person who defeats the undisputed IC/US champion, would be a bigger deal.

I think Cena will lose his title to Rusev at ER and Bryan will hold the title through WrestleMania (to keep him out of the main event picture).

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