Who should be the new face of WWE?

Simple. John Cena won't be in WWE forever. Who should be the face in 2025? It was supposed to be Reigns, and it still can,but the crowd isn't getting behind him. Daniel Bryan will be about 44 by then so he will be close to retirement. Who should it be?


He is that Dude. All you guys hating on him for NOTHING ARE RIDICULOUS. It's funny because ROCKY SUCKED too before he became the Man.

Reigns has the looks, background and bad ass persona.

He should and will be the next face!!!!
WWE needs to stop looking for "THE" man and make multiple top stars. Not since the Hulkamania Era has there been only one top guy. The New Generation Era had Bret Hart, Diesel, and HBK. The Attitude Era had Stone Cold, The Rock, and The Undertaker. The Ruthless Aggression Era had Triple H, Brock Lesnar, John Cena, Randy Orton, and Batista. And so on and so on. There will never be just one top guy again. Right now WWE still has John Cena, Randy Orton, and occasionally Triple H (let's call them Team 1) at the top. Guys like Daniel Bryan, Dolph Ziggler, Sheamus, and The Miz (Team 2) are below them, main eventing when needed, and waiting for those top spots to open permanently. After them are the guys like Roman Reigns, Seth Rollins, and Dean Ambrose (Team 3). The problem with WWE is that they're skipping over the time for Team 2 to be the top talents, and trying to move right to Team 3, who are nowhere NEAR ready to be in those main event spots.
roman reigns be the next face of wwe. Dont complaint he is not mature and experience. He is similar to lesnar. Lesnar became youngest wwe champion. After debuting to main roster he gets massive push. He defeat rvd (kotr), hogan and rock(title).
Roman has more than 2 year of experience in main roster. He wrestle with all top wrestlers. He is ready for top spot. Some people hating him for no reason. Its absolutely ridiculous.
WWE needs to stop looking for "THE" man and make multiple top stars. Not since the Hulkamania Era has there been only one top guy. The New Generation Era had Bret Hart, Diesel, and HBK. The Attitude Era had Stone Cold, The Rock, and The Undertaker. The Ruthless Aggression Era had Triple H, Brock Lesnar, John Cena, Randy Orton, and Batista. And so on and so on. There will never be just one top guy again. Right now WWE still has John Cena, Randy Orton, and occasionally Triple H (let's call them Team 1) at the top. Guys like Daniel Bryan, Dolph Ziggler, Sheamus, and The Miz (Team 2) are below them, main eventing when needed, and waiting for those top spots to open permanently. After them are the guys like Roman Reigns, Seth Rollins, and Dean Ambrose (Team 3). The problem with WWE is that they're skipping over the time for Team 2 to be the top talents, and trying to move right to Team 3, who are nowhere NEAR ready to be in those main event spots.

I totally agree that this obsession with WWE finding one top guy is too much. By all means, have Reigns by "a" top guy, he can be the guy on the cover of the programmes, on the cups, on the Wrestlemania posters etc etc. But it doesn't mean the spotlight can't be shared with Rollins, Ambrose, Ziggler, and looking to the future, a Sami Zayn (who in my mind, is undoubtedly a future WWE champion) and more to come. Different types of superstars at the top of the tree creates fresh feuds, uncertainty in a good way, and not getting the same old thing for years on end. I'm hopeful Reigns won't get the Cena booking all the time, as in this day and age with so much talent there, it's just not necessary. If anything, it benefits Reigns to share the spotlight rather than be in our faces every single time like Mr Cena.
I'm not sure. So much can happen 10 years from now. Just looking at the WWE now, among the top stars in the WWE today, only Brock/Orton/Cena were in the WWE in 2004. I assume it will be Reigns. He's young. His durability is a concern though so maybe the new face isn't in the company right now.
So much can happen 10 years from now.

For sure. Really, 10 years is too long a period for these type of predictions. When Rock and Steve Austin were in their primes, we speculated who "the man" would be 10 years from then....and of course, we didn't have any idea it would be John Cena because he hadn't joined the company yet.

Remembering that many thought there could never again be anyone like Rock and Austin, we should realize there's always someone out there to carry the mantle at a future time. We just haven't met him (or her) yet.
2025? thats way too far off more than likely someone we don't even know yet maybe even a current superstars son.
Like Meltzer said, nobody is "the guy" right now to put the entire company on, but the best alternative to that is Daniel Bryan, who people at least seem to like and want to cheer for. That is their safest bet. If he wins the main event at Mania most people will be happy, and fans in Philly wont boo Bryan. They will rip Reigns, Cena, Batista etc a new asshole

It would be a disaster to have Reigns and Lesnar booed out of the building, and in Philly..that is a very realistic scenario
Like Meltzer said, nobody is "the guy" right now to put the entire company on, but the best alternative to that is Daniel Bryan, who people at least seem to like and want to cheer for. That is their safest bet. If he wins the main event at Mania most people will be happy, and fans in Philly wont boo Bryan. They will rip Reigns, Cena, Batista etc a new asshole

It would be a disaster to have Reigns and Lesnar booed out of the building, and in Philly..that is a very realistic scenario

Philadelphia is a crowd that's going to cheer for who THEY want to cheer for, not who WWE wants. Roman Reigns will be booed out of the building if he wins the Rumble. John Cena and Brock Lesnar are both going to be booed. In the Rumble match, I'm thinking this crowd is going to be roughly 50% Daniel Bryan, 40% Dolph Ziggler, 10% Dean Ambrose. Nobody else will get enough of a reaction to really be considered a "favorite" for the Philly crowd.
Philadelphia is a crowd that's going to cheer for who THEY want to cheer for, not who WWE wants. Roman Reigns will be booed out of the building if he wins the Rumble. John Cena and Brock Lesnar are both going to be booed. In the Rumble match, I'm thinking this crowd is going to be roughly 50% Daniel Bryan, 40% Dolph Ziggler, 10% Dean Ambrose. Nobody else will get enough of a reaction to really be considered a "favorite" for the Philly crowd.

I agree this Rumble will be very interesting if anyone other than Daniel Bryan, Dolph Ziggler or Dean Ambrose doesn't come out on top.

Expecting Bryan to win, if he doesn't it will be because of some shenanigans on the part of the Authority to take heat off the ultimate winner in case it happens to be Reigns. Then the really work will have to start, getting Reigns ready for Mania and that's a road that will be hard for them to go down if he's facing Lesnar.
I will tell you who i want in 5 years.....

Finn Balor
Daniel Bryan
Kevin Owens
Dean Ambrose
Seth Rollins

Those 5 should be the TOP 5 guys in 5 years from now. Ofcourse you never know... Maybe in 2 years comes a rookie out of nowhere and get catapultet to the top. Oh and i did not mention Sami Zayne on that list because i dont rly believe that he will become a major star. I expect him to be a solid midcarder. Have a career similar to Kofi Kingston or maybe Ziggler IF he is lucky. But believe me i hope he prooves me wrong.

2 Guys i certainly do NOT want to see at the top are Bray Wyatt and Roman Reigns.
The new face of the WWE is going to be Roman Reigns he is the man, but for right now there are many faces ( John,Roman,Daniel,Randy,Seth,Dolph,Dean ).
They are "grooming" Reigns but truth is nobody knows. Not even WWE...

I mean 2025 is a lot of ages ahead. 5 years is too much, let alone 10 years. Heck, in 2005 Cena was just rising star and Batista was suppose to be somebody who becomes next face of the company. We dont even have to go that further, lets look at Wrestlemania 26 that was 5 years ago and see where they are now

Battle Royal: Yoshi Tatsu won :lmao:
ShoMiz defeated Morrison and Truth- In all of that Miz happened to be "breakout star" and even he didnt come that big if you dont count that he played "third wheel" to Rock and Cena
Orton defeated Cody Rhodes and TedDiBiase- Orton is still mainevent, Cody not so much, DiBiase long gone and both are heavily hinted as "next big thing"
Swagger won MiTB- was very high in eyes of WWE, won title, lost it quickly and now is nowhere near any mainevent
HHH defeated Sheamus- Sheamus, next big thing at that time. Is somewhat big and IWC calls him "midcard Cena" but still isnt as big thing WWE wants him to be.
Mysterio beated Punk(with SES)- This is my favorite, both were big in years(Punk especially) but Punk is fired and Mysterio is questionable and probably will leave soon
Divas match- needless to say, out 10 of them in it just Layla is here now
Bret Hart defeated MrMcMahon- wasnt even a match and both were geriatrics even then
Jericho defeated Edge for WHC- Jericho is still there but on semi basis and Edge retired
Cena defeted Batista for WWE title- Batista was back last year and maybe will come back again but he is not regular(with Guardians of Galaxy as such big movie and good critics on him, he would probably be more Hollywood star and almost no WWE star) and Cena is still no1
Undertaker vs Shawn Michaels- Well, was last match for Shawn and Undertaker might have his last match this year or next and he wrestles once a year last few years

So you can see, no Bryan, Reigns, Rollins, Ambrose, Wyatt and all others that are expected to mainevent this year and have big matches. Heck, if someone was gona call in 2010 and say that Brock Lesnar will be champion again almost everyone would call him nuts. :) Other then Cena and few others, most of them are gone and most people who are believed to be "next big star" are also gone or nowhere near that status. So, you cant say who will be new face in 2020(heck, even Cena might be gone before that) yet alone 2025. Heck, "Next face of WWE", "Next Cena" or all other names people are calling potential talents could be still in High School or in some development for talents. Its just too early to predict things like that in that much span of time. :)
I rather "what should be the new formula of WWE?"

WWE hasn't had competition so they never changed their gameplan. As far as the next face of the company, I don't want one. I don't need to see some guy give my mediocre matches day in and day out and win most of the time for 10 years+

I'm much more interested in who will be the "heel" of the company and I think that spot belongs to Dean Ambrose at the moment. People can argue Cena, Bryan, Reigns, Orton, Balor, Ziggler all day about the face of the company, but who would challenge Ambrose for top heel?

Bray Wyatt can't do it. We know Orton can't and if he were, how stale would that be.
Ambrose can talk anyones socks of and give a great match anytime he goes out there like Flair. I don't even care to see Ambrose as the face of the company because I believe he's meant to be that agent of chaos WWE needs.
Assuming they're going to turn Ambrose heel in the near future. Right now they appear to be grooming Rollins to be the top heel.

Rollins is a great heel, but he needs so much help from other's to keep it going. If he wasn't aligned with the Authority, where would he be today? It's other's like Kane, Orton, Mercury, Noble and HHH who have got him to where he is.

Now i'm not saying that Rollins himself didn't work his butt off, but for him to be believable he needed that stable. The one who put the most heat on him was Dean Ambrose.

Ambrose got himself over and put huge heat on Rollins when he went after him after the Shield broke up. Reigns did nothing for Rollins at all, it's like he totally forgot about him, even though he said he was coming for him when he came back. Still scratching my head over that one.
Rollins is a great heel, but he needs so much help from other's to keep it going. If he wasn't aligned with the Authority, where would he be today? It's other's like Kane, Orton, Mercury, Noble and HHH who have got him to where he is.

Now i'm not saying that Rollins himself didn't work his butt off, but for him to be believable he needed that stable. The one who put the most heat on him was Dean Ambrose.

Ambrose got himself over and put huge heat on Rollins when he went after him after the Shield broke up. Reigns did nothing for Rollins at all, it's like he totally forgot about him, even though he said he was coming for him when he came back. Still scratching my head over that one.

Well you might say the same for Rock in 1998 during his initial heel run. If he didn't have the Nation and later on The Corporation with Vince and Shane backing him in a similar role as Rollins now, where would Rocky be? Rock got the heat on him by being the foe to the universally popular babyface Steve Austin and eventually got enough star power on him to venture out on his own and be a singles star.

Now obviously, Rollins is no Rock. But we can see a little similarity between the 2 heel pushes. Rock had the Nation, Rollins had Shield. Rock was presented by the Corporation as their champion and flag-bearer, Rollins has the Authority proclaiming him to be the future. We didn't know in 1997 and 1998 if Rock would become this great mic-worker and huge star and it did take him a while to get there. Right now also, we don't know if Rollins has it in him to carry the company in the future but I believe out of all the members of the Shield, he has made the most improvements and is fast ascending to the top.

Rollins is beginning to get heel heat on his own and carry a segment. Look no further than his promo at the last Raw when he threatened to cripple Edge. It was ALL Rollins in that segment and he came off pure evil.

In response to the OP, well, how can you really say who will be where in 10 years time? That's predicting the future. It's impossible to say. We don't know if there will still be a WWE in the way,shape or form as we know it. What we can think about is the near future and for that, my picks are Bryan, Ambrose (top faces) and Rollins and Wyatt (top heels).
Rollins is a great heel, but he needs so much help from other's to keep it going. If he wasn't aligned with the Authority, where would he be today? It's other's like Kane, Orton, Mercury, Noble and HHH who have got him to where he is.

Now i'm not saying that Rollins himself didn't work his butt off, but for him to be believable he needed that stable. The one who put the most heat on him was Dean Ambrose.

Ambrose got himself over and put huge heat on Rollins when he went after him after the Shield broke up. Reigns did nothing for Rollins at all, it's like he totally forgot about him, even though he said he was coming for him when he came back. Still scratching my head over that one.

You can say that about the vast majority of top heels throughout wrestling history: It's classic heel work. One of the complaints I've heard about the WWE in recent years is that nobody really wants to play the heel anymore, they all want to play the badass "cool heel" which is more of a tweener than anything else. Heels are supposed to be chickenshits hiding behind someone else's skirts. "Cool heels" just muddy the waters and screw up the face/heel dynamic.
This is easier said than done. There is nobody even remotely close to the level of John Cena right now. When he is at an event...people stand up and have their cameras on to see his entrance. They don't do this for anybody (with the excpetion of Undertaker at WM). Cena is a not only a savior to kids, he touches handicapped people in a way that leaves them in tears. Say what you want about his lack of move set...the guy is the MAN and there is no comparison. With the exception of Daniel Bryan, nobody is even close. Roman Reigns? You have seriously got to be joking.

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