Who should be the man to finally beat Rusev?

Who will end Rusev's winning streak?

  • John Cena

  • The Rock

  • Ryback

  • Roman Reigns

  • Ceasaro

  • Daniel Bryan

  • other

  • He will remain undefeated for his whole career

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Total Degenerate
Rusev is the new monster heel in town and has beaten all who have faced him, taking the U.S title and generally pissing off Americans at every turn.

I want to know who is the popular choice to break his impressive win streak?

Iv seen a lot of threads that call for John Cena to be the USA's hero and beat Rusev for the U.S Title at wrestlemainia, but that falls under the WWE specialty subject of Cena not putting new talent over (see Cena v Wyatt WM 30) I dont think this is Cena's fault its just how things get booked.

Rusev has "crushed" Swagger, Big E, Mark Henry, Big show and now sheamus to name a few heavy hitters, so who could be up for the challenge?

I wont count the survivor series 5 on 5 if Rusev participates, really im looking for a one v one winner
Dean Ambrose. He is very popular, but he hasn't had many big wins yet. He's a guy who is over, and could get even moreso with some big wins. A win over Rusev would fit the bill.

John Cena should absolutely NOT beat Rusev. In fact, I hope that feud doesn't happen. Every time one of these new heels gets a monster push they get fed to Cena, are never the same, and become comedy jobbers. DO NOT FEED RUSEV TO CENA. It's so pointless.

Cena is bulletproof and could absorb losses. But they won't want to do that. So just don't have them wrestle or feud.
I still feel like Jack Swagger should get that honor. They have plenty of time between now and Mania for them to build him back up as a credible threat, and this time it would be as the American hero that keeps getting back up, and is back to reclaim the U.S. championship
I will list a top 5 here, even though I am not sure if any of these guys will beat Rusev.

5) Big Cass - Enzo gets injured and Cass has to fend off on his own, accidentaly stumbling into the big time. He wanders back stage into Rusev and Lana. Lana makes fun of his American heritage , Cass calls them SAWFT. Bam, a new star debuts and a new feud, new US champ defeating the long time undefeated champ. This should happen after Mania

4) Damien Sandow - Face turn, defeats Miz for the IC title (yes Miz wins it back from Dolph) Unifies the IC and US titles against Rusev

3) Cesaro - This would be a beast feud. WWE let this happen

2) Jack Swagger - He comes back and admits that he let the US down, and after months away training he is back better than ever

1) Dolph Ziggler - A unification bout, if my Sandow scenario doesn't work out

Honorable mentions : Dean Ambrose, Bray Wyatt , John Cena. These may be more likely than my scenarios, I just don't want them to happen
I voted for Roman Reigns because he is one of the only guys on the list that could actually use a big win against a guy like Rusev & it wouldn't completely destroy all of Rusev's momentum. The only others would be Cesaro, who is also a heel right now so that wouldn't really work unless it was a double turn or something, & Ryback, who really isn't on that level again yet.

I think Dean Ambrose is another really good choice as well. Basically whoever beats Rusev should be about as equally over as he is right now because if they're too over & don't even need the win then it just looks like he is being fed to the wolves & can't hang with the big boys. & on the flip side, losing to someone even lower on the totem pole is generally even worse.
Ryback. Think about how it will enhance Ryback's monster babyface career, also this goes in to mind that Rusev is one of the top heels in WWE.
I think most people want to see Ryback beat Rusev. I wouldn't mind it myself. Cena, Rock, Reigns and Bryan are bigger than US title so beating Rusev wouldn't give them a boost like it would for Cesaro and Ryback.

I'd go with Ryback since he's a dominant face. It could be like what Henry vs. Ryback was supposed to be at WM 29.
I think it should be Jack Swagger.

As many have already said, it'd be great to see the Real American come back to take the US Title from Rusev and bring it home at Wrestlemania 31.

I wouldn't be using the coming months to build Swagger up, however. I'd have him mysteriously stop showing up on TV (shouldn't be too hard seeing as he and Zeb have nothing to do right now).

I'd have Rusev enter the Royal Rumble around #10 and start cleaning house. A few more entrants could follow him, and I think by the time the countdown for #15 starts the ring should be cleared out completely. Have Swagger be a surprise returning entrant and throw Rusev over the top and the roof will blow off the Wells Fargo center. I'd have Rusev flip out and illegally re-enter just to throw Swagger out, reigniting the feud.

At Fast Lane or whatever they're calling it, I'd have Swagger win a #1 contenders match to earn a US Title shot at Mania. The next night on Raw, I'd have a gimmicky U.S.a. vs. Russia challenge between the two to determine who gets to pick the stipulation for the match (I'm thinking a modified beat the clock challenge where Swagger has to get his opponent to tap out to the Patriot Lock before Rusev gets his opponent to submit to the Accolade). Swagger wins, and picks a lumberjack match.

At WM, I'd have Swagger announce he's brought a team of Real American Lumberjacks to make sure Rusev can't cheat his way to a win. I'd have Hacksaw Jim Duggan, Dusty Rhodes, Hulk Hogan, and JBL (I'm probably missing a few names but the theme would be characters with Americanism as part of who they are). I think those guys getting introduced followed by Swagger would bring the house down. And obviously at WM31 Rusev taps out and Swagger wins.
Who it should be and who it will be are two different things. Should be a guy who could use the push up the ladder, not someone on solid ground. You have the underdog angle with little man dolph facing off against the monster Rusev, WWE loves this angle as evidenced by pushes for Rey Mysterio and MANY bigger names. Swagger got tossed to him too early unless the intent was for him to come back and be the redeeming hero. The likely candidate is John Cena which is a shame but I see Cena being busy somehow close to the title picture if not directly in it.
I'd have Cesaro do it. His abilities and the kind of overness he got from them before would be multiplied tenfold if he did the Swing on Rusev and Lana.

Just have Rusev win the AtGBR at Wrestlemania 31 and then start the Cesaro babyface push thereafter by pitting the first 2 winners of the AtG Trophy vs each other. That Rusev might also be US Champion at the time would be an added bonus to kick start the earlier rumoured big push for Cesaro which is clearly on pause at this time.
The only time Rusev should lose the championship is at Wrestlemania.
The wildcard would have to be Wade Barrett.
These should be the only people who should make for legitimate threats.
I'd behave like a child if Kurt Angle returned to fight him at WrestleMania. Although from what I've read, Angle's negotiations with WWE have ended and he'll finish his career in TNA.

It looks like Cena/Lesnar 4 will be at TLC rather than the Rumble, since Brock is advertised for the TLC go-home show as well as a subsequent December date. The plan is apparently for Rusev to cost Cena the title, so that would make Cena/Rusev at the Rumble, logical. I can't deny it: I'm hoping WWE are working the sheets and that Angle will be at WrestleMania.
rusev is a current version of umaga. May be lost with a new superstar from nxt with the help from big show. Remember santino beat umaga for ic title.
Otherwise my choices are
roman reigns - future big superstar.
John cena - current big superstar. Hogan called cena.
Hulk hogan - at wm he beat rusev and end his carrier with high note in wwe and retire us title.
The rock - why not? Similar to brock beat taker in a surprise manner.
Roman Reigns should beat Rusev at Wrestlemania.

I think the WWE needs to be very wary of pushing Reigns too hard, too soon as we already heard some backlash in arenas before his injury. A world title win at Mania against Lesnar could really work against the guy so instead I'd give him a big win in the midcard at Mania over Rusev and build him from there to winning the WWE Title at Summerslam.
Wade Barrett? Noo, he's British, don't be stupid.

Honestly, Roman Reigns is such a good idea. Any scenario that keeps Reigns away from the main event is a good idea, let's face it. I'm not saying he'd put on a perfect match against Rusev, but Reigns winning the US Title from him, rather than the WWEWHC from Lesnar, is such a better idea. Reigns has had too much of a push that's only started working against him. His injury also hasn't helped him at all (much like D-Bry). Now, when we look at it, Reigns hasn't proved that he's main event status. Being a big guy that has some power moves doesn't mean that you're a main event star. Rollins & Ambrose have proven they deserve to move up a lot sooner than RR.

So, I think Reigns taking the US Title from Rusev would be perfect at Wrestlemania 31. After that, give him a lengthy reign, even potentially up until he loses at WM32. Could be a pretty good idea.
Yes, a lot of people will go beserk if John Cena is the man to turn the trick, but I believe Rusev is headed high enough in the rankings that it will take one of the absolute top people in the company to finally defeat him.

Cena is the guy I'd like to think will get it done, using the nationalistic fervor that is building and building (dropping that Russian flag is a sure sign of where they're going with this)....and I can't think of a better American to do the job.

Other possibilities.....Since it's going to take a good guy to finally beat Rusev, Randy Orton's face turn might have proved successful enough by that time for him to end the Russian menace. By the same token, Roman Reigns and Dean Ambrose are good guys (for the time being) and if WWE management is still as emphatic about their pushes by the time Rusev ascends to main event level, it could be one of them that takes the measure of Rusev/Lana.

But I pick John Cena. When Rusev has proven he's better than anything America has to offer, I'd like to see Cena disabuse him of that notion.... more than I'd want to see anyone else do it.

As to those of you who will be furious if Cena defeats Rusev (because you "hate" Cena so much, or are "bored" by him).....Cena might be champion by that time and Rusev might very well win the title from him.....which will make Cena's ultimate triumph that much more satisfying.
I also agree with swagger. Really deserves it. Usa championship rusev vs swagger one on one with swagger getting the win just.Them bump both superstars into the main event seen. Plenty of use and future fueds for both superstars. Can see rusev vs cena, ryback, reigns in the future. Swagger as a face is the way to go. But if you really want to keep rusev strong. This is my opinion. WWE would not do it though. At mania 31 id have rusev defend his usa belt in a 6 man elimination where superstars only can be eliminated by submitting or passing out. Id have rusev vs cena vs Bryan vs sheamus vs miz vs swagger. Id have rusev eliminate miz and sheamus. Then have cena, Bryan and swagger all apply their submission on rusev at the same time with rusev tapping or passing out. It would make him lose but still look super strong for fueds post mania. Just my opinion though. I'm guessing wwe will put rusev in a one on one at mania 31 against either cena, ryback or the rock
Yes, a lot of people will go beserk if John Cena is the man to turn the trick, but I believe Rusev is headed high enough in the rankings that it will take one of the absolute top people in the company to finally defeat him.

Cena is the guy I'd like to think will get it done, using the nationalistic fervor that is building and building (dropping that Russian flag is a sure sign of where they're going with this)....and I can't think of a better American to do the job.

Other possibilities.....Since it's going to take a good guy to finally beat Rusev, Randy Orton's face turn might have proved successful enough by that time for him to end the Russian menace. By the same token, Roman Reigns and Dean Ambrose are good guys (for the time being) and if WWE management is still as emphatic about their pushes by the time Rusev ascends to main event level, it could be one of them that takes the measure of Rusev/Lana.

But I pick John Cena. When Rusev has proven he's better than anything America has to offer, I'd like to see Cena disabuse him of that notion.... more than I'd want to see anyone else do it.

As to those of you who will be furious if Cena defeats Rusev (because you "hate" Cena so much, or are "bored" by him).....Cena might be champion by that time and Rusev might very well win the title from him.....which will make Cena's ultimate triumph that much more satisfying.

Totally agree, if you look at it from a logical booking standpoint, Rusev should continue down this line. And continue to get more confident and then have a big promo.

Have Lana come out talking about all that Rusev's done, becoming US champion, destroying the american champions, but his favorite moment in the WWE is when he took one of our weak feeble soldiers and crushed him with Russian might. Have Rusev laugh about that and cue the Cena music.
The title of the thread and the title presented with the options aren't exactly the same. As to who WILL end Rusev's streak of being unbeaten via pinfall or submission, it's easy to understand why John Cena has the most votes. There's a very good chance that it'll be Cena.

As to who SHOULD be the man who ends Rusev's streak of being unbeaten via pinfall or submission, I'm personally leaning more towards Cesaro. With the exception of Ryback, I don't really see anyone on the list besides Cesaro who has a lot to potentially gain by going over Rusev. Cena's beaten everyone, The Rock probably won't wrestle because of concerns of being injured jeopardizing his film career & it'd be a waste of an expensive hired gun like The Rock taking down a mid-card champion, Roman Reigns is heading to the WWE World Heavyweight Championship match at WrestleMania against Brock Lesnar if the various reports that've been released the past few months are accurate, Daniel Bryan's beaten Cena for the WWE Championship and he's beaten Triple H, Randy Orton & Batista at WrestleMania XXX in two separate matches. So, this leaves Ryback & Cesaro by default.

When it comes to who I'd prefer out of the two, I'd prefer Cesaro. I think he's an infinitely more talented guy inside the ring, he works his ass off to promote WWE without complaining, as Ryback has been rumored to do and while he might not be a dynamo on the mic, neither is Ryback.
I would like it if rusev becomes a powerhouse and never loses and the only times he loses are in tag team matches and over the top rope matches, but if someone has to beat him then perhaps cena? I don't want it to be like the shield where they were undefeated but then lost for the first time on an episode of smackdown vs Randy Orton, Daniel Bryan and Kane...
I feel like he wont suffer a one on one loss until wrestlemania. I see him being involved in a program where he enters the royal rumble around 8-14. clears the ring then eliminates the next person. Then either a Returning baby face (daniel bryan, Reigns) enters. Some of of rusev beat down then he takes an unlucky spill. top rope pulled down something like that. Then in a rage re-enters the ring beats down the baby face. Gets insane heat. Then you lead into fast lane or whatever it will be called. Have a close match where it looks like rusev will lose. For the 1st time lana can get involved in a match, distract the ref. Lead to the classic baby face chasing the heal manager. Rusev his the side kick then we see a tap out. Leads to a solid match imo for wrestlemania where the baby face can go over clean, then in the long run drop the title back setting rusev up for a massive push to the upper card. This is similar to the Shawn Michaels/Kurt angle situation from 2005 which i thought was a great program.
well, this is a very interesting question.

I agree with most of you that we DONT WANT to see Cena vs Rusev, but I think is the most probably option.
It all depends, imho, when the other two big babyface will return.

With Daniel Brian or Roman Reigns involved in the main event for the World Heavyweight championship, Cena NEEDS another big spot: what is easiest then the Us title against the russian unbreakable monster?

My personal choice is Reigns, second option Ryback. We alla know that mr McMahon loves big guys. But fight Rusev will not be a main event... the main event is to fight Brock Lesnar. The man who will face Lesnar at WM31 will be the new top baby face. One of the other have to fight Rusev. Rusev is a "second choice heel", no doubt. And... who want to be the second choice baby face?
I went with Cesaro as well. Rusev has been built up as this monster heel, virtually unstoppable. Well everyone has their end game at some point in time, and Cesaro has the skills, speed and strength to take Rusev out. Not only that he needs a big win to get him back on track.

It's obvious by the match between Rusev and Sheamus on last night's RAW that he is vulnerable. And we he's in a match with someone with equal size and power he has a problem. When he fought Reigns a few months ago, it ended in a DQ.

Not a fan of Rusev's personally, I find him extremely boring in the ring and don't really understand what people see in him. He's gimmick has a limited shelf life, and the Putin stuff is just a little ridiculous now.

Everyone says he has to keep winning to stay pertinent, so what happens when he loses? He disappears off the roster, no he'll stick around just like all the other heels do and get involved in another feud.
I think they should let him continue on his winning streak then let a debutant beat him. Kinda of like the Santino situation when he won the IC title only dont have the guy that goes over Rusev a comedy character. I would love to see Kevin Steen debut this way.

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