Who put Orton over more: Foley or Benoit?

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Dark Match Jobber
I saw a promo the other day of randy orton and his carrer and It made me think, when did he become a star? Backlash 2004 or Summerslam 2004?


Their feud started at the Royal Rumble and went on to Wrestlemania XX in a 3 on 2 handicap match between evolution and the rock and sock sonnection. The month after that Randy Orton was in what most people call his carrer definining moment and where he really lifted off to become a star in an extreme rules match with foley.


Randy Ortons first ever title win, he became famous in a night for becoming the youngest world champion ever and still holds that record. Another fantastic match at Summerslam 2004 between 2 great wrestlers where orton came out on top where he got cheered. It reminded me of Brock Lesnars first title win as he was a heel getting cheered for winning. At the end of the match, instead of Benoit leaving the ring, he turned back toward and offered a hand shake which Orton hestantly accepted.

This decision was a hard one for me. But I think for the pure sake that it is still in the record books, Benoit put orton over more as the handshake at the end really did make orton look like a man, and a champion.

Tell me what u think :):)
i'd sayFoley. i remember the Foley match more then the benoit match.. im not saying the benoit match was bad but i remember the foley match alot more.....
I'd personally go with the Foley fued as well. If i recall, there was very little interaction between Benoit and Orton during their title match build up, and it was just, 'Yeah, Benoit'll lay down.' end of. Whereas his fued with Foley took him from being random kid following HHH and Flair around, to guy who took out Foley, had an uber long IC title reign, took out even more legends as time went on, and then had a series of matches with Foley where he proved he belonged in the Main Event.

With Benoit he seemed to just turn up and win and got a handshake at the end for not cheating to get the victory. Foley did everything in his power to help us hate Orton, whereas Benoit just did the job for the title.

Not taking anything away from Benoit, i'm speaking more about the way each angle was booked, and while i realise you're asking about specific matches, my view, is that a build up to match is just as important as the match itself. 6 month Foley fued (because it started wayyyyyyyy before the Royal Rumble Edgy2Ortonfan) with several matches compared to one Benoit/Orton match for the World Title. Yeah, i'll stick with Foley.
Has to be Backlash, which is probably the night he really won the title. Without the Foley match Orton doesn't end up winning the title at Summerslam, it's the match that gave him main event credability.
It was Foley and it wasn't even close. Orton was nothing before facing Foley. Orton was killing weak legends who were like 90 at the time. Foley came around took a bleeding and he laid down for Orton. Foley did what he was known to do. He was taking big spots putting Orton over in the process. In my opinion if it wasn't for Foley there wouldn't be Orton. Benoit didn't do shit for Orton. He got beat. That's it.
the foley feud turned orton from nobody into a main event name, all benoit did was drop the title to him, his feud with taker did more for him than his feud with benoit
I would say Foley because it was Foley who made Orton move from the least important guy on Evolution into a very important person on the Raw roster. From here he would be ABLE to feud with Benoit in the first place. Unfortuantely everythin Benoit did was erased by Ortons poor show as champion, and Triple H.
Foley a hundred times over. Benoit did a good job with Orton in that match and I won't forget that. Orton didn't do anything much with the Intercontinental title until he started feuding with Foley. That Backlash match really elevated Orton and he began having great matches with Benjamin and Edge. Orton needed that something to get him over the top as a decent midcarder and Foley did just that.
I'll go with the consensus and say Foley as well. They had a fantastic match at Backlash that really made Orton look fantastic. There was some great spots in that match and putting Orton over someone like Foley in a hardcore match really shows how much the WWE thought of him.

There was nothing particularly wrong with Benoit/Orton, but much like Benoit's whole title reign, it was merely forgettable. If you want to sound like a wise ass, you could say Orton actually won his first World Title at Backlash, not Summerslam.

Benoit did good with Orton but asides from dropping the title to him at Summerslam 04 what else did he do? Foley let Orton get major heel heat by feuding with him for months and months. Foley comes back at RR 2004 to beat down Orton, Orton spits on him, kicks him down a flight of stairs, various beat downs and ect. All culminating to a vicious fight at Backlash, a classic imo. I didnt think Orton would take the tacks but after he did I gave him kudos.
If it's between Foley and Benoit only, then the answer is Foley.

Orton and Foley had some outstanding matches and Foley really made Orton look golden. It was really fun to watch.

Then HHH buried Orton after he got the title from Benoit, So......

That takes us to the almighty, the legendary, the Phenom, THE UNDERTAKER! It was really 'Taker that Orton has had his best series of matches with and it was 'Taker that help to build Orton back up from the bottom after HHH stole his thunder. Yes folks, you can praise Foley or Benoit all you want but it was 'Taker that really solidified Orton.
Obviously Mick Foley, Orton was shit hot during that time, he was playing his character so naturally and effortlessly (more so than now), and you actually thought he was a prick - his IC title reign was massive and the amount of sympathy that Foley can generate (I mean come on, he's a "lovable" old, out of shape wrestler who's put his body on the line for us) helped him become even more hated.
I would say Foley. Benoit just dropped the belt to Orton and nothing else. Foley made Orton the hottest heel in 2004, even I couldn't help but like the guy. Watching Foley put Orton through hell in the hardcore match, and Orton kicking out of everything, really made Orton look like a main eventer. Foley put Orton over for a year.. let him spit on his face, put him over in a couple matches and segments, ect.. Benoit just dropped the belt to Orton.

That takes us to the almighty, the legendary, the Phenom, THE UNDERTAKER! It was really 'Taker that Orton has had his best series of matches with and it was 'Taker that help to build Orton back up from the bottom after HHH stole his thunder. Yes folks, you can praise Foley or Benoit all you want but it was 'Taker that really solidified Orton.

No he didn't. I know you are a big Taker mark, but Taker made Orton look terrible. Think about his feud with Foley. Orton was arguably the hottest and most popular heel in the company at that time. After Foley put him over, he went on to win the world title. After Taker buried Orton, Orton went on to become Booker T's bitch in the Booker T/Benoit feud. Taker did nothing.
No he didn't. I know you are a big Taker mark, but Taker made Orton look terrible. Think about his feud with Foley. Orton was arguably the hottest and most popular heel in the company at that time. After Foley put him over, he went on to win the world title. After Taker buried Orton, Orton went on to become Booker T's bitch in the Booker T/Benoit feud. Taker did nothing.

Actually he is quite right. Orton was comiing off a failed face when Undertaker feuded with him. It took Taker nine months to bring Orton back up and he did a damn good job. You tend to forget that Orton won the U.S. Title for Booker T and went on to challenge for the WHC at Wrestlemania. Taker in no way shape or form buried Orton and I would love to hear how you disagree.
In my opinion definately foley his first real fued and the hardcore match is ortons best match too date and definatley cemented ortons name as the next guy and was one hell of match to say the least and put orton over HUGEEE.....
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