Dark Match Jobber
I saw a promo the other day of randy orton and his carrer and It made me think, when did he become a star? Backlash 2004 or Summerslam 2004?
Their feud started at the Royal Rumble and went on to Wrestlemania XX in a 3 on 2 handicap match between evolution and the rock and sock sonnection. The month after that Randy Orton was in what most people call his carrer definining moment and where he really lifted off to become a star in an extreme rules match with foley.
Randy Ortons first ever title win, he became famous in a night for becoming the youngest world champion ever and still holds that record. Another fantastic match at Summerslam 2004 between 2 great wrestlers where orton came out on top where he got cheered. It reminded me of Brock Lesnars first title win as he was a heel getting cheered for winning. At the end of the match, instead of Benoit leaving the ring, he turned back toward and offered a hand shake which Orton hestantly accepted.
This decision was a hard one for me. But I think for the pure sake that it is still in the record books, Benoit put orton over more as the handshake at the end really did make orton look like a man, and a champion.
Tell me what u think
Their feud started at the Royal Rumble and went on to Wrestlemania XX in a 3 on 2 handicap match between evolution and the rock and sock sonnection. The month after that Randy Orton was in what most people call his carrer definining moment and where he really lifted off to become a star in an extreme rules match with foley.
Randy Ortons first ever title win, he became famous in a night for becoming the youngest world champion ever and still holds that record. Another fantastic match at Summerslam 2004 between 2 great wrestlers where orton came out on top where he got cheered. It reminded me of Brock Lesnars first title win as he was a heel getting cheered for winning. At the end of the match, instead of Benoit leaving the ring, he turned back toward and offered a hand shake which Orton hestantly accepted.
This decision was a hard one for me. But I think for the pure sake that it is still in the record books, Benoit put orton over more as the handshake at the end really did make orton look like a man, and a champion.
Tell me what u think