Who Performs the Finisher Better - Randy Orton or DDP?

Which is better?

  • Randy Orton - RKO

  • DDP - Diamond Cutter

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Pre-Show Stalwart
As you are all aware of, DDP in WCW used what is now known as the RKO in the WWE. He was known for hitting it "out of nowhere" and this is what inspired Randy Orton to pick this move up.

But the question is who does the move better?

In my opinion, Randy Orton does it a lot better than DDP. Randy's always looks so smooth and effortless and he can actually hit it from anywhere. I never saw DDP performing it on people jumping at him from the top rope. DDP's also looked a lot less effective in my opinion, which is why I think Randy Orton wins hands down.
I would have to agree that Randy's version looks more effective. I think it's because DDP tends to set up the move from essentially a vertical base, whereas Orton jumps off the mat and pulls his opponent down with a (perceived) greater level of force. The twitchy camera's of today's WWE help make it look more lethal too.

It's nice how they both use it in similar ways. Will it be a surprise cutter outta left field, or will it follow one of their pre-finisher set ups? Either way, they both make it look great.
Orton does it way better. DDPs was good but he set it up usually beforehand as where Orton usually hits it out of nowhere. DDP would hold the opponents head and set it up usually.
I'd have to see some visual evidence, but I don't recall ever seeing DDP botch it while Randy took like a year to learn how to do it properly.

DDP was more creative with the ways he did it, but Orton's certainly looks more effective. As effective as a silly move like that can look, anyway.
Oh my god, I feel so old. I remember watching DDP hitting his diamond cutter out of no where so many times. He's hit it off the top ropes, he's caught people in mid air with it and every other way you can think of. Not sure if you kiddies remember but his saying was always you will never see it coming BANG!!!!!!! I honestly think most of the people voting for randy Orrin only saw DDP on wwe or are just too young to watch DDP in his prime. If you guys remembered correctly everyone used to compare the stunner to the diamond cutter. DDPs diamond cutter came out first in that as well. Any way randy Orton hits the rko ddps been there done that.
For people who don't remember DDP hitting his diamond cutter in cool ways, YouTube DDP hits a diamond cutter off the top rope, it's where he hits big show with it out of nowhere. Or another good example "best diamond cutter ever", its where he hit Eddie Guerrero with it from a powerbomb. The cool part about the diamond cutter, you really never knew when he was going to hit it. Randy Orton with his rko he normally does his little setup for it like pounding the ground.
DDP's diamond cutter was better. He had so many variations and could hit it out of no where. Orton's is good, but looks sloppy at times.
That's just it. When DDP hit the Diamond Cutter, it actually looked like the person was being brought down by Page. That's because DDP actually used both hands, and actually held the opponent. This made the Diamond Cutter look more believable, especially since, if the opponent didn't go into it properly, he was still going down.

Orton, by contrast, only uses one arm, and barely makes contact half the time. It just doesn't look like it should bring anyone down. And, if the timing is off, in any way, the RKO simply doesn't do anything. There are plenty of times where Orton has either missed the move entirely, and had to redo the move, or Orton screwed it up, and the opponent had to sell a phantom move.

Page's is better, because it's a more believable application.
I watched DDP come up from Diamond Dallas Studd's manager and wondered how he could win matches to WCW champion. I also watched Randy Orton start off in Evolution and work his up to WWE and Heavyweight championships. As hard as it is to top DDP's Diamond Cutter, but I'll have to give to Randy Orton. When he reversed Cena's Attitude Adjustment into an RKO, he got my respect. But then when I saw him turn Evan Bourne's Shooting Star Press into an RKO, he overtook the master. No disrespect to DDP but it took a while and a lot of creativity for Randy Orton to do it better.
DDP's move is #1!

Like many have said, it looks more convincing.

Sure, Orton's is 'flashier' because he jumps but it also looks dumb because it means he is also making himself hurt by landing on his back from a higher height.

DDP's just looked awesome. I loved how he had the one leg kick out and he'd fall into the move.

I'm glad current generation of wrestling fans probably got to see DDP hit his Diamond Cutter on Heath Slater. It looked good then and it's looked even better before!
I'd probably go with Orton. I prefer the Orton's leap into the move. That being said I actually prefer "Machine Gun" Karl Anderson of New Japan's version. He calls it the Gun Stun. Check it out on Youtube
DDP's was better. He was able to hit it more consistently, more believably. Here's a great video of Page through his career hitting Diamond Cutter's on pretty much everyone. From standing, running, any rope, Fireman's Carry Diamond Cutters that make Lesnar's F5 look like Hogan's Leg Drop, leaping opponents, reverses and even a Power Bomb Diamond Cutter to I think Eddie Guerrero.

You never saw it coming, and it only took a second. Self High Five!
Both aren't the same moves to be honest, the fact that DDP always did it from a standing point and Orton always jumped from from the mat.. It does make a difference, both look effective, DDP pulling his opponents down with him and then you have Orton who puts in that extra with the jum to make it look impressive..

Anyway, I'm going with Orton, because we've seen a few good spots with it e.g. Airbourne into RKO..
I have to go with DDP.

You almost never saw it coming. Johnny Ace may have created the cutter, but DDP made it greatness. And no disrespect to Orton, because he has hit it rather creatively, but The Diamond Cutter was a straight up cutter where as RKO is a leaping one. The leaping takes a few points away.

Also, I just went and watched the Airbourne RKO and he barely even touched him. While it was impressive timing, the move was barely even hit at all. It was more on Evan Bourne than Orton.
I voted for DDP. Not only do I like Page more than Orton, I always liked the Diamond Cutter as a finisher. It's one of my all time favorites. And people saying they don't remember DDP doing leaping Cutters, what about his off the rope version. He'd whip someone into the rope or they'd just run and bounce off the rope and he'd throw them up in the air and catch 'em in a Cutter. Cool stuff.

Should have probably added Johnny Ace (Ace Crusher) and Matt Hardy (Twist of Fate) to this list. I'd still choose DDP though. :)
Gunna have to go with Diamond Cutter, to me it looked like it made more of an impact and without the leap it looked more painful, when you watch the RKO it looks like the opponent just lands on top of Orton which doesn't give it as much believability that the opponent is hurt.
Nowadays it is all about the flash. I like the matches that Orton actually hits a surprise RKO instead doing the massive build up to it. That is why I went with DDP, while he did telegraph it sometimes most if the time it was out of nowhere as a counter to a move you would never expect it to come off of.
I see many people here saying ddp wasnt as creative as orton it actually makes me laugh, he diamond cutterd eddie from a power bomb position, reversed big shows chokeslam into a dimaond cutter honestly how much more creative can you get. ortons one arm grab actualy seems lazy and the opponent lands flat horizontal where as ddps opponents most of the time they land on 45 degree angle head first. ddp's is alot better in my opinion
Personally, I've always enjoyed the RKO more than the Diamond Cutter, and as people have mentioned, in today's product, it's more how flashy you are... and the RKO definitely has more flash, the leaping one armed cutter. I don't know, other cutters like the Diamond Cutter and the Bubba Cutter always looked sort've awkward to me and seems very easy to reverse while as with the RKO you have to be quick and swift to get out of it. My vote goes to the RKO, both are pretty good moves though.
hows is the diamon cutter easier to reverse he uses two arms and pulls u down, u didnt see ppl pushing him like they do orton , orton gets rko reversed 2 sometimes v 3 times in the majority of his matches before he lands the rko, his jumping motion makes it easier for ppl to push his momentum, and awkward moves usually inflict more pain then a nice smooth finisher
hows is the diamon cutter easier to reverse he uses two arms and pulls u down, u didnt see ppl pushing him like they do orton , orton gets rko reversed 2 sometimes v 3 times in the majority of his matches before he lands the rko, his jumping motion makes it easier for ppl to push his momentum, and awkward moves usually inflict more pain then a nice smooth finisher

It's a bit slower of a move than the RKO, that's what I meant when I said "easier to reverse", it probably isn't but it looks that way. Plus, as I've already mentioned, it's how good it looks when it's executed that matters... that's all wrestling companies care about today, they'd rather have something come off as less painful, more showy, than less showy, more painful.

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