Who needs a face or heel turn right now?


Mid-Card Championship Winner
Before anyone says Cena, this would be a bad time for him to do so. For a heel turn to work, he'd have to play the role of the main villain, which would get in the way of Rollins' reign. Kane might be an obvious choice as well, as he has grown stale as a heel and his 'face-teasing' has made him more interesting in the last few weeks than he has been throughout the last year.


I suspect this is a Big Red Herring and Kane will ultimately support Rollins at Extreme Rules, screwing Orton in the process. While I don't like this and it's still possible it will lead to a face turn as Kane interfering on Rollins' behalf would only feed into Kane's issue with Rollins, I don't really want a Rollins/Kane program. It might be entertaining and would at least be different for Rollins if Kane puts on the mask, but...It's Kane...The only other option would be Kane going after the Big Show (nah) or somehow having a feud with Brad Maddox...which would make sense, but no one would care. I also don't want to see Cesaro or Kidd turn face quite yet, as their smugness works so well together. It would be a strange pay-off considering how abusive they are to poor Nattie.

I do think Bray could use a face turn...Although I'd rather a new Family. I'd love to see him take on the Authority, if even as a tweener. I think Barrett should become a good guy as well, as he has lost too much credibility as a villain.

As for heel turns....erm....uhhhh...

R-Truth! I think he's more entertaining as the crazy bad guy. I also kind of want to see Ziggler embrace the dark side, but I know that wouldn't stick. I think Rowan would be more interesting as a heel as well, or at least a very dangerous tweener. But what do you think?
Ambrose. His style fits him better as a heel. As for who should turn face, I think WWE should keep the heels as they are, seeing that WWE doesn't really have that many credible heels right now.

He would be a great choice! Personally I love this guy for various obvious reasons including his skills, charisma, hard work, mic skills, connection with the crowd and many other reasons!

He isn't a guy who's supposed to get stuck in the MidCard scene. I want him to turn face after failing to recapture his Intercontinental title back and should feud with the top stars!

His face turn wouldn't be so hard as it would need for any other superstars in the current roster! He just needs to deliver two or three BAD NEWS PROMOS and save either Dolph Ziggler or some other superstar from an assault.

He should win the Money in the Bank this year and feud with HEEL TURNING DEAN AMBROSE who got frustrated after failing to win the Money in the Bank two years in a Row!

Their feud for the MITB briefcase can be really an interesting one and either one can challenge for the WWE World Heavy weight title! These young lads Dean Ambrose, Bad News Barrett and Roman Reigns should be in the Main Event of Wrestlemania 32 somehow!

Ambrose is probably too much of a tweener for a heel turn to fully work. He'd have to align himself with the Authority and neuter his character for it to work and, well that's Seth Rollins gimmick right now.

I'm going to go with Bray Wyatt turning face and challenging the Authority. You could reunite the Wyatt Family during the feud by just saying that Bray always had the ability to call them back to his side when he needed them the most and have them feud with Rollins, Kane and Big Show (though I'd like to see some new members added to the Authority soon, even if it is someone like the Ascension whose primary task would be to be the guys that get beat up instead of Rollins/Triple H). I'd build it to a Summerslam match between Wyatt and Triple H too, have Wyatt go over but have the Authority end the night on top by screwing Brock in his rematch against Rollins. That sets up Rollins v Wyatt as your post-Summerslam feud heading towards Christmas.
Off the top of my head right now, there are a couple of guys I think MIGHT benefit from a turn.

Roman Reigns - Some may see Reigns as THE heir apparent to John Cena, but I'm not one of them. I'm just not at all sure Reigns has the personality, charisma, mic skills, rapport with the fans, etc. to genuinely be the next John Cena. That doesn't mean he can't be a big deal in WWE for years to come, however. While it's true that, as a heel, Reigns was part of The Shield and was covered for by two more talented wrestlers, I'm just not at all impressed with him as a babyface based on what I've seen of him as a singles wrestler. It can be easier to be a heel because you're supposed to act like a prick rather than whatever it is Reigns is doing. He's not really acting like...well anything really, the guy's just flat out bland. Reigns has a great and maybe a badass attitude is what's needed to complete the package; there's no guarantee that it could work, but I don't see how it'd be any worse.

Bad News Barrett - Barrett has, for the most part, spent the past couple of years, when he hasn't been sidelined via major injury, as fodder in WWE's mid-card scene; it's all the more tragic in that the man's been a 5 time Intercontinental Champion and hasn't benefitted at all really. I think Barrett could have potential as a tough, no nonsense, passionate babyface as he's gone as far as he's going as a heel, at least for now. Barrett's a genuinely tough guy, he was a successful bare knuckle fighter with the broken nose and scars to prove it. He has a big 12" scar running over the right upper portion of his back and down to his Triceps made with a knife with an 8" blade. He grew up in a blue collar environment, so has working class roots, and he's proud of that; I think he MIGHT have success if WWE built him up as a courageous, blue collar badass who takes crap from nobody. Barrett has the personality, he's more than competent on the mic and he has the background to give it some legitimacy.
There's more than a few guys I'd like to see WWE "take the plunge with" and turn, because right now there is a lot of good talent that has stagnated.

Dean Ambrose: One poster pointed out that Ambrose would have to neuter his character to pull off a full heel turn but I think just the opposite. This "Lunatic Fringe" gimmick we've been getting lately with Ambrose is childs play compared to what he could or should be doing... I understand it's PG and I'm not even going to go into how good of a heel Jon Moxley was, but if you remember back to the starting days of The Shield, Ambrose was much darker. He needs to go back to that in my opinion.

Roman Reigns: Same kind of reasons as Ambrose. Roman Reigns first got over with the WWE Universe as a heel because he had a great heel look. He didn't talk much, but his attitude and his intensity screamed "I'm going to mess you up," and fans liked that. This smiling, John Cena prototype of Roman Reigns is just not that good, but he could be as a heel.

Dolph Ziggler: Why not, right? Even though this guy is arguably one of the most over faces on the roster, he's not done much since Survivor Series and his momentum has slowly plummeted. I think fans would react to a Ziggler heel turn the same way they reacted to Seth Rollins... shock and betrayal. It might kickstart something for Dolph.

BNB: I hate to say it, but I'm quickly losing interest in him. He's been booked as a chump since his return, and hasn't been allowed to really do anything. His Bad News shtick is okay, but what else is there? There's no passionate promos or intensity coming from Wade Barrett... nothing to really tell me that he wants to be the man, just 10 second Bad News promos followed by smiles. Also, why is this guy a heel? He was the one getting his title stolen from him week after week if I'm not mistaken... he just hasn't been handled very well since his return and a face turn can perhaps win him another IC title reign.

Bray Wyatt: Finally give the fans a reason to cheer the guy. I'd say if WWE were thinking about pushing someone, Wyatt should be that person. Turn him face, put him against The Authority and let Wyatt truly embrace the fans, send him after titles... basically just make him more of a face than tweener like they did with SCSA all those years back. It might work.
Roman Reigns - Some may see Reigns as THE heir apparent to John Cena, but I'm not one of them. I'm just not at all sure Reigns has the personality, charisma, mic skills, rapport with the fans, etc. to genuinely be the next John Cena. That doesn't mean he can't be a big deal in WWE for years to come, however. While it's true that, as a heel, Reigns was part of The Shield and was covered for by two more talented wrestlers, I'm just not at all impressed with him as a babyface based on what I've seen of him as a singles wrestler. It can be easier to be a heel because you're supposed to act like a prick rather than whatever it is Reigns is doing. He's not really acting like...well anything really, the guy's just flat out bland. Reigns has a great and maybe a badass attitude is what's needed to complete the package; there's no guarantee that it could work, but I don't see how it'd be any worse.

I'd agree with that. I also think a heel turn for Reigns would work because, to be frank, he comes across like a complete asshole at times. I don't know the guy so he could be the nicest man in the world but some of his interviews from the Rumble to Mania left the impression of a guy who felt he was entitled to his spot and who didn't think much of the WWE fans. Honestly I'd have reacted worse than him to the abuse he was getting but it still doesn't change the fact he came across as a natural heel. Remember how HBK was pushed in 1996 as a white meat babyface and the fans rejected him? That was because the majority of the audience felt he was probably a real piece of work in real life and that his 'aw shucks' babyface character was phony. I think people have the same opinion of Reigns right now.
Bad News Barret
Just last week when he was in the UK the reactions were Golden probably better than any reaction this year. He is one of the most entertaining talents on the Roster and we have never seen him as a Face it would be a great change.

Curtis Axel

He got so over when he had the Axelmania thing going on he still sorta is Over he finally got a reaction and during his wrestlemania match he got cheered so much and when he got eliminated he thr crowed were pissed which mean he's still over he should turn Fully Face to get his career back on track.

Heath Slater
Bare with me for a second, they shouldn't just turn him face they should Repackage him as Clem Layfield and have JBL and his Manager.

I know he's old but got he was Golden during his Heel run, the fact stands that he was one of the most entertaining most natural heel in a long time, and would do anything to turn him back into the Crazy Heel Guy.

Cesaro and Kidd
Not sure if they're faces or not but if they are they should definetly be faces for the long run no reasons needed.

Michael Cole

Oh god as much as i like Cole he absolutly sucks a Face and is Completely Limited as Face he should go back as the Voice of the WWE.
I also think a heel turn for Reigns would work because, to be frank, he comes across like a complete asshole at times. I don't know the guy so he could be the nicest man in the world but some of his interviews from the Rumble to Mania left the impression of a guy who felt he was entitled to his spot and who didn't think much of the WWE fans.

While I agree that Reigns comes across as a douchebag, and according to a couple of people I know who have met him, he is. He only talks to fans that support him, and has a lot of disdain for the rest. So much for his, you pay your money, cheer who you want.

On topic I would leave Reigns has he is, I wouldn't turn him heel. He can't carry a match, and that's what heels do. His style of wrestling is to get beat down, hulk up and then brings the offense. Not a heel style of wrestling, he'd have to be on the offensive at all time. This might also come from working limited matches with the Shield. He's more of a hot tag guy and comes in to clean house.

Bad News Barrett

I would turn him face. He's one just about everything he can do as a heel, and while it's worked, he desperately needs a change. With that idiot Sheamus back, there is a perfect feud for the two of them. Both are brawlers, and should be able to put out some good matches. Besides I really think fans want to cheer him, he has a wicked sense of humour.


Kane has been stagnating for a long time now, and with Rollins becoming the proverbial stone in his shoe, I can see Kane snapping. He needs a change, and a face turn would not only do him a world of good, but it would throw a wrench into the Authority's plans.

Bray Wyatt

This guy has become so boring, I literally leave the room when he shows up on TV now. He needs to do something, and taking on the Authority might just be the thing. I disagree that he needs followers, the cult leader character is very off putting, and while it was interesting, that ship has sailed. His two followers have gone as well. Make Wyatt the new face of fear for HHH and Stephanie. Wyatt can be the mastermind that takes down the Authority for good. It's about time the faces start working together to overthrow HHH and Stephanie, instead of walking around banging into walls.
Bad News Barrett: When the company made Daniel Bryan the IC champion in an apparent effort to boost the prestige of the belt, do you wonder what they had planned next for BNB? I did, figuring the awful run he had as titleholder surely wasn't done with the idea of suddenly giving him a successful run in another role.

Now, with Bryan possibly out for an extended period, I wonder if they're thinking of re-installing Barrett as the IC champ. If they do, I would think they'd have to turn him face. After all, his goose is cooked as a heel champion, yet a change in attitude might make him more appealing to fans.

Roman Reigns and Dean Ambrose: I mean, c'mon. Eventually, they're both going bad. If Roman is unable to succeed in this second mega-push as a good guy.....and he has to succeed hugely in order to measure up to the expectations demanded of him.....the company will probably have to send him back to his evil Shield roots. Hell, they know he did that well, and a strong, silent type like Roman fits the "brooding loner" persona so well.

As for Dean, he's effectively been a bad guy masquerading as a face since going on his own. Maybe right now isn't the time to turn him bad, since he's still riding a wave of fan-approval, but that will eventually fade.....and when it does, turn him evil.

Probably, we won't notice much of a difference in his in-ring style, except in how he reacts to the fans.
While I agree that Reigns comes across as a douchebag, and according to a couple of people I know who have met him, he is. He only talks to fans that support him, and has a lot of disdain for the rest. So much for his, you pay your money, cheer who you want.

On topic I would leave Reigns has he is, I wouldn't turn him heel. He can't carry a match, and that's what heels do. His style of wrestling is to get beat down, hulk up and then brings the offense. Not a heel style of wrestling, he'd have to be on the offensive at all time. This might also come from working limited matches with the Shield. He's more of a hot tag guy and comes in to clean house.

Geez :disappointed: I know you're one of the biggest Reigns haters, but to think he is incapable of changing his match style is just plain asinine.

Frankly, a heel turn for Reigns is just what he might need. He's getting way more cheers now than a few months ago, but not as many as he was before his injury. The RR surely threw a wrench in his push, but anyone who thinks he can't wrestle is a blatant moron. A heel turn would finally give everyone one side to be on, leading for the eventual switch later.
Face Turn:

Stardust: Take the mask off, and insert Cody Rhodes in the IC TITLE picture.

Brock Lesnar- Many fans are already in his side, why not completely turn him face and have the entire WWE Universe behind him. He is a likable guy. I'd be intrigued yo see if he can thrive without Paul E. Bring his mouthpiece.

Heel Turn:

RYBACK: Put Heyman with him,challenge Brock, boom career back on track.

Daniel Bryan- This may seem crazy being he is the most over superstar since The Rock and Austin. With his injuries preventing Jim from regaining his former stature, a heel turn could give him the excuse to change his style and hopefully last longer. His injuries could be a reason for the turn. The inspiration turned to the negative nelly.
Before anyone says Cena, this would be a bad time for him to do so. For a heel turn to work, he'd have to play the role of the main villain, which would get in the way of Rollins' reign. Kane might be an obvious choice as well, as he has grown stale as a heel and his 'face-teasing' has made him more interesting in the last few weeks than he has been throughout the last year.


I suspect this is a Big Red Herring and Kane will ultimately support Rollins at Extreme Rules, screwing Orton in the process. While I don't like this and it's still possible it will lead to a face turn as Kane interfering on Rollins' behalf would only feed into Kane's issue with Rollins, I don't really want a Rollins/Kane program. It might be entertaining and would at least be different for Rollins if Kane puts on the mask, but...It's Kane...The only other option would be Kane going after the Big Show (nah) or somehow having a feud with Brad Maddox...which would make sense, but no one would care. I also don't want to see Cesaro or Kidd turn face quite yet, as their smugness works so well together. It would be a strange pay-off considering how abusive they are to poor Nattie.

I do think Bray could use a face turn...Although I'd rather a new Family. I'd love to see him take on the Authority, if even as a tweener. I think Barrett should become a good guy as well, as he has lost too much credibility as a villain.

As for heel turns....erm....uhhhh...

R-Truth! I think he's more entertaining as the crazy bad guy. I also kind of want to see Ziggler embrace the dark side, but I know that wouldn't stick. I think Rowan would be more interesting as a heel as well, or at least a very dangerous tweener. But what do you think?

BNB - He's been a heel his entire WWE career and he really hasn't done anything. Maybe a face turn can help. Fans seem to like his gimmick.

Bray Wyatt - He's nothing more than Kane in the Attitude Era. Someone who gets build up just to never win the big one. Fans seem to get behind him when he was feuding with Cena but WWE didn't take advantage of it. Maybe turning him face may be the right move for him.

Dolph Ziggler - His career is in a standstill. I think he's done all he can as a face. Might as well turn him heel.

Erick Rowan - He's a face that always loses. His theme song sucks. Might as well turn him heel and have him tag with Harper again.

Jack Swagger - Another face that always loses. He seem to have something going for him when he first paired with Zeb.

The Ascension - The heel run didn't work. Try them as face.

R Truth - He's too talented to be a comedy character. Turn him heel.

Zack Ryder - Turn him heel. He's a joke as a face.
Cesaro: He really should've turned face this time last year but instead was paired with Heyman shortly before being forgotten about. I don't see him & Kidd holding the Tag Titles much longer & I don't think Kidd would work well as a face right now. I'd actually have Cesaro turn this Sunday since they'll already be working face. They could lose the titles to The New Day in some SUPER cheap way & then Kidd can blame it all on Cesaro & attack him/turn on him.

Stardust: Although I do think the Stardust gimmick works best as a heel, I wasn't a big fan of it from it's inception & the constant Cody chants are clearly leading towards a gimmick change of sorts. Possibly back into the face Cody Rhodes that was getting pushed prior to Goldust returning but apparently WWE didn't see that Cody as profitable, so who knows?

The New Day/The Prime Time Players/The Ascension/Los Matadores: I'm grouping all these tag teams together because they all need a change & the division as a whole needs to be fixed up. The New Day are already on the change but I'd like to see them as full blown heels, not Bo Dallas-type heels where they're just getting booed becuase they're overly positive. Same thing with PTP, starting to change for the better but I'd like to see even less heel-isms & a full face turn. The Ascension are just complete duds as heels & should try really destroying people in matches & then maybe people will actually like them. & Los Matadores are just lame as faces, they should continue the idea of being hyper-parodies of themselves but be mean heels about it & then El Torito could take Hornswoggles place & become the little annoying jerk.

R-Truth: Terrible face, solid heel. Simple as that.

Jack Swagger: Swagger only turned face because of Rusev & the USA chants. He get's a very confused reaction unless he's facing a mega-heel like Rusev, not to mention I want to see Zeb back.

Curtis Axel: He got Axelmania over & has yet to be a babyface on WWE TV before unless I'm mistaken, so why not turn him face & see what he does with it?

Erick Rowan: He just hasn't done anything, much less get himself over as a babyface. As much as I personally enjoy Luke Harper as singles star, I'm thinking a Wyatt Family reunion may be in order. Rowan is a nobody on his own & Bray really isn't any more dominant or impressive as a singles star either. I think their break-up came a little too soon.

I also don't care for Randy Orton as a face but he just turned recently so it'd be stupid for him to just turn back for no reason *cough* Big Show *cough*. Also I'd be okay with a Bad News Barrett face turn but I don't know how well it'd work, especially since his name & gimmick are BAD News.

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