Who misses the name WWF

WWF Wrestling Fan

Pre-Show Stalwart
you know its been 7 years sence the WWF had to change to WWE and to this day seening as i am a die hard wrestling fan I stiil refer it as WWF not WWE so the topic is simple who misses seening the name WWF instead of WWE because I sure do.
Dude it was so unfair that they had to change it. I'm sure the WWF got more hits on the World Wildlife Fund website than the endangered polar bear did.

It's not like the animal group has been around for 150 years. It has been around since the mid 70's. It was established like six years before the WWF took the name, and it was the WWWF beforehand.

WWE just sounds stupid to me. It work for Vince, as he's trying to not be a sport, but the name change seemed rush, and still sounds stupid and unnatural.
I for one wish it didn't get changed.

WWF just sounds so much better and also reading books and watching things where they referer to it as WWE when it was WWF at the time seem so..just lame. Like reading Eric Bischoff's book and seeing him say "going up against WWE" is like...meh..it's WWF...but NOOOOOOOO we can't do that because we had to change the name or these poor little Panda's might die...the money the World Wildlife Fund spent on this whole deal could have went towards helping animals and what not. So like FTS it was unfair they had to change it and I say it was dumb also.
I dislike it. It was a ridiculous thing, because whenever someone ever, ever said WWF, people immediately though of wrestling. Thats what it was associated with, not pandas.

What makes it worse is that the WWF are bastards and complete nazis in terms of its use. Every logo in every tape had to be blurred so viewers wouldnt make that association. Makes watching old matches really annoying.
It's just a name why the fuck do you care a name so much ? If WWE's name were IJKLMNW would something change from the product ? Hell no. So don't give a shit about names so much and for me WWE is much more better even though WWF sounds more cool because the promotion is not only a wrestling federation it's the entertainment form of wrestling so it fits more for the current product.

For me I don't give a shit about what their name is WWF sounded cooler and was easier to spell but thats it.
It doesn't make sense tbh - when someone says "I'm the best wrestler in the whole of the WWE" he's saying "I'm the best wrestler in the whole of the World Wrestling Entertainment" - it sounds stupid.
I miss the name WWF as well. I too grew up with that name, and I still remember the day it changed, going to WWE.com and being totally flabbergasted. I remember I was in the library, and just couldn't believe what I was reading. I looked up the World Wildlife Fund and was very, very pissed.

I remember it was just SO damn weird saying "WWE" for like that first year or two, it felt unnatural and strange after so many years of calling it the WWF. I still call it the WWF accidentally sometimes.

It's not that big of a deal, but I always thought that WWF sounded more "official" than the WWE. Makes the championship titles sound more impressive in my opinion when the word "Federation" is attached to them rather than "Entertainment".
It did suck. But I don't altogether miss it. Things change, I just rolled with the changes. I don't mind calling it WWE. I'm used to it now, if they reverted back to WWF i'd be calling it the WWE all the time. It's no big deal to me really.
Not only does WWF sound better, it makes a whole lot more sense than World Wrestling Entertainment. To me, World Wrestling Entertainment sounds more like a way to describe the company rather than a name. A federation sounds so much cooler!
I Started Watching In 2004 So it doesnt really phase me though WWF does Sound better
And its easy to say becuase sometimes i mumble while saying WWE
I hate the name change because everytime I watch an old WM anthology dvd, I have to see WWF edited out!!! WWF will always be its true name!!
It's just a name why the fuck do you care a name so much ? If WWE's name were IJKLMNW would something change from the product ? Hell no. So don't give a shit about names so much and for me WWE is much more better even though WWF sounds more cool because the promotion is not only a wrestling federation it's the entertainment form of wrestling so it fits more for the current product.

For me I don't give a shit about what their name is WWF sounded cooler and was easier to spell but thats it.

Almost exactly as I feel (with the exception of the "easier to spell" part, which I don't quite get). I grew up with the "WWF" so the name change was hard to adjust to at first, but it's been so long that it's something I rarely even think about anymore. I also agree with the point that "WWF" is more pleasing to the ear, while "WWE" is a more appropriate name for the product.

As far as the censorship some of the of the other posters have touched upon, it is definitely annoying. However, those blurs are most prevalent in matches from the Attitude era with the "scratch logo" and I think that if you really love that era (as I know a great many of us do) it's pretty easy for those blurs to fall in the background of your consciousness as you become absorbed into the characters and matches.

FTS said:
Dude it was so unfair that they had to change it. I'm sure the WWF got more hits on the World Wildlife Fund website than the endangered polar bear did.

It's not like the animal group has been around for 150 years. It has been around since the mid 70's. It was established like six years before the WWF took the name, and it was the WWWF beforehand.

When the name change happened I was really annoyed at the Fund. I remember thinking- "How does the existence of Vince's 'WWF' negatively affect you? The acronym is about all you share so I can't imagine people are confusing the two entities very often." However, since then I've had time to reflect on this more realistically.

First off, number of website hits is wholly irrelevant in this issue. Second of all the World Wildlife Fund was founded in September 1961 predating not only the name change to the "World Wrestling Federation" in 1979, but also predating the founding of the WWWF. In 1994 the two organizations entered into an agreement whereby Vince and company agreed to not use the initials in international markets, but to refer to the company only as the "World Wrestling Federation." In 2000, the Fund sued Vince because of violating this agreement vis a vis merchandise available internationally carrying the "WWF" name as well promoting international tours as "WWF tours" despite the agreement that restricted them to only using the full name. Therefore, a lot of the blame for the name change lies at the feet of the decision-makers in Stamford as Vince and his cadre of lawyers and executives should have covered their asses better.
Add me to the wish they didn't change though it makes no difference now. IMO WWF was a better product period the name felt better to say and since they changed to WWE the product has steadily gone downhill or stale at best for the most part.

not that that coincided with the death of WCW and the loss of there biggest competition at all LOL

when WWF was in between with the get the F out it was good but soon as the E was added the wrestling went south no pun intended.

I was watching since 1984 b4 Hogan won his first title and haven't stopped since, so i like alot of people have lived through now onto 5th generation of stars and a huge amount of change in the WWF though some things stay the same.

Who from the early days can forget on every coliseum home video and PPV the line

"The WWF, what the world is watching"

Name dispute
In 2000, the World Wide Fund for Nature (also WWF), an environmental organization, sued the World Wrestling Federation. The Law Lords agreed that Titan Sports had violated a 1994 agreement which had limited the permissible use of the WWF initials overseas, particularly in merchandising. Both companies used the initials since March 1979. [14] On May 5, 2002, the company quietly changed all references on its website from "WWF" to "WWE", while switching the URL from WWF.com to WWE.com. The next day, a press release announced the official name change from World Wrestling Federation Entertainment, Inc. to World Wrestling Entertainment, Inc., or WWE, and the change was publicized later that day during a telecast of Monday Night Raw, which emanated from the Hartford Civic Center in Hartford, Connecticut. For a short time, WWE used the slogan "Get The 'F' Out."[15] The company had also been ordered by the Lords to stop using the old WWF Attitude logo on any of its properties and to censor all past references to WWF, as they no longer owned the trademark to the initials WWF in 'specified circumstances'.[16] Despite litigation, WWE is still permitted use of the original WWF logo, which was used from 1984 through 1997, as well as the "New WWF Generation" logo, which was used from 1994 through 1998. Furthermore, the company may still make use of the full "World Wrestling Federation" and "World Wrestling Federation Entertainment" names without consequence.

and it took them 20 yrs to complain?

and lastly since that time how many times have we seen/heard anything about the World Wildlife Fund in terms of promoting themselves. maybe a handful of promotions in that 20yrs

Still when i have heard or seen the ads i still think WWF thats not the World Wildlife Fund, thats the World Wrestling Federation.
As far as the censorship some of the of the other posters have touched upon, it is definitely annoying. However, those blurs are most prevalent in matches from the Attitude era with the "scratch logo" and I think that if you really love that era (as I know a great many of us do) it's pretty easy for those blurs to fall in the background of your consciousness as you become absorbed into the characters and matches. .

However in the redistributions of WWF media onto DVD they changed 75% of the music too due to copyright they didn't want to pay for aswell and using mute anytime someone mentions WWF both these things ruin the memories of those matches as they were in there hayday.

I do agree though as i siad in my other post that the name change means nothing now but at the time it was like the death of a huge part of my life
When the WWF changed to the WWE, it took something away from me as a fan. Name association is everything with some people and many remember the WWF and not the WWE of today. When the WWF name was around, it had some power around it. It made it sound as if it was a legit sports company, not an entertainment service. Now, with the WWE, it sounds like a *****fied opera of sorts. It may have been all along, but the WWF was a strong name and was associated with Hogan, Piper, Savage, and others.

The name change sucks and the World Wildlife Fund sucks also. Because no one knows them anyway.
As much as I prefer the name WWF to WWE, The fact of the matter is that the WWE product is soooooooo bad right now I would rather not associate the great WWF years with it.

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