Who Misses J.R.? Vote!

Do You Miss Jim Ross?

  • I Miss J.R./I Want Him Back

  • I Don't Miss J.R./It's Fine That He's Gone

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The Cerebral Assassin
Pretty simple thread here. I have a feeling that the overwhelming answer will be that we miss J.R. as an announcer on WWE TV, but I just wanted to put this poll up to see the extent to which he is missed, or see how many people don't miss him and like Cole better (somehow)/don't mind him moving on.

I miss him a lot, I'd enjoy Raw SO much more if Cole was gone and J.R. was there. Make Cole a manager, fire him, let him set up the ring, IDC, I just want J.R. back announcing Raw. Am I the only one??

Vote! And feel free to discuss.
I miss him but I don't want to see him on raw or smackdown every week. I think he's a legendary commentator and they should just use him for the big PPV's. He'd make every PPV match better with his exaggerations and the PPV's would actually seem better than the weekly shows.
i personally would not want to hear j.r. talking not just in wwe, but also not in any others company. to me, he is the most boring commentator ever, after that sid guy from ring ka king.
JR was great. JR isn't what he once was at this point and there are health considerations involved in him not regularly commentating. People need to move on. I am sure people will still be clamoring for him to work full time when he is in a current Dick Clark state though.
i personally would not want to hear j.r. talking not just in wwe, but also not in any others company. to me, he is the most boring commentator ever, after that sid guy from ring ka king.

Most boring commentator ever? I've never heard anyone say that before about J.R. I hope you're joking?
JR was great. JR isn't what he once was at this point and there are health considerations involved in him not regularly commentating. People need to move on. I am sure people will still be clamoring for him to work full time when he is in a current Dick Clark state though.

Health concerns about sitting behind a desk for two hours a night doing what he loves? If anything, even he has stated that he's gotten much healthier since his medical flairup from a little while back, and obviously wants to be back. He would only have to travel to one city per week, he wouldn't have to go to house shows, Smackdown, or anywhere else. Just to Raw each week. Even if he had to take a week off here or there, I'm sure we'd all understand. I think he still has a while before he gets to "Dick Clark" state, which is why I think WWE is squandering his talent right now. I would say he has a solid 3-5 years left as a capable announcer. Heck, some announcers kept doing their jobs at a very advanced age: Heenan, Monsoon, Solie, etc. J.R. was the voice of our wrestling generation, and he still could do it. It's upsetting he's not given the chance.
I don't really miss JR. The thing that I miss, a person that actually pays attention to and calls a wrestling match. I know, it's a pretty foreign concept and all. Who actually cares about knowing the moves when there are pay per views to sell and Twitter Trends to report?
I don't miss JR, or at least I don't wish he was back. He's old generation. I've heard enough of him calling matches. If the WWE can't drop him for good and let him go, no other announcer will be able to step up and represent the new generation. Let the past be in the past. Let JR go on to whatever he wants to do.
I don't watch WWE anymore, but here's my thoughts on J.R. I'm a huge MMA fan and to me, the UFC wouldn't be the same without Joe Rogan. I think he is the best commentator the sport has and nobody is even approaching him in terms of ability, in my opinion. I don't think the UFC is the same without him. That's how I feel about the WWE and J.R. only even more so here. I think J.R. is the greatest non-wrestling personality the WWE has ever had. He has something about him that makes matches endlessly more entertaining. Without him, I would not have been as big of a wrestling fan as I was. I hate the current wrestling product, can't watch it. If there is one thing I have to choose to make me begin watching again, it'd be J.R. commentating every single match. That's how much respect and love I have for him.
I miss Jim Ross' announcing, I'm sure if WWE could produce a decent replacement I wouldn't really care, that being said I don't necessarily want him back. Much like Gorilla Monsoon did, Jim Ross went out being a great commentator still being able to get behind the table when called upon, as he did for a brief stint last year. But he has to move on sometime, and even though Michael Cole is a lackluster replacement, he is the replacement whether people like it or not.

If we could get JR back for Pay-Per-Views alone or something, I'd be happy with that. Michael Cole doesn't bring a big match atmosphere to the commentary table, Jim Ross does. That is really my main complaint with his absence, but I do realize that there has to be a point where we move on.

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