
Ziggler rubbed people the wrong way. Especially his comments in the past towards Randy Orton, WWE, his concussions following his MITB cash in and the criticism from management about his entrance with the championship belt, namely JBL who addressed it on-air at the time. Once nothing materialized from his dominance at Survivor Series '14, topped with his loss to Heath Slater on Monday night it's safe to say his ship has sailed.

I think I agree with his. Even though I have no problem with Ziggler other than that the fact he's kind of acting like a poor man's HBK right now. But main event material no. He should be in the midcard along with other's like Kalisto.

Both are getting TV time and probably a pretty good paycheck to go along with it. Kalisto is a lot fresher and can compete for the US or IC title, plus he's very kid friendly, which is a big thing. He'll for sure get a bit of a push now that Sin Cara is out. Del Rio as far as I'm concerned, good wrestler, but a flop otherwise. If they are going after the Latino crowd Kalisto is definitely the best out of the two .
I feel WWEs intentions were to give the attention Kalisto is garnering to ADR. And Kalisto is receiving the push that the original Sin Cara would have received a few years ago. I could be wrong. But I think an ADR/Kalisto matchup at WM would be an epic battle - especially if ADR carries the strap until then.
I love Kalisto, but every time I hear him speak all I can see is Rey Jr.

I would certainly be onboard with putting a midcard belt on him, he is exciting and never fails to pop the crowd. But all men's single titles on faces? Umm, no. Let's get the strap back on KO or Shea....no, let's go with KO.

However, I know I am in the minority but I really like ADR. He is charismatic on the mic and really works the heel persona well. His inring work is smooth and honed, I just wish he'd stop with that contrived double stomp.
I feel WWEs intentions were to give the attention Kalisto is garnering to ADR. And Kalisto is receiving the push that the original Sin Cara would have received a few years ago. I could be wrong. But I think an ADR/Kalisto matchup at WM would be an epic battle - especially if ADR carries the strap until then.

I used to be against adding another singles title but they may need to bring back the Cruiserweight/Light Heavyweight title and unify the US and IC titles. It seems like when Cena is champ it's a big deal, you got more faces in the title picture but as we seen ADR as champ since October, the belt is just him and whoever he faces and whenever he defends it.

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