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Dark Match Jobber
Who is the most overrated no talented wrestler to ever get pushed to the moon? Give names more than one less than five if you want, and give reasonings why you feel this way and feel free to debate over each others choices. My pic is Lex Luger, dude had the look but I really didnt think he could cut the mustard yet he always seemed to be a big deal.
Not the most overrated or the least talented but the one that got most on my tits. In a company with Robert Roodes and James Storms exhibiting all the signs of a main eventer, it was Kaz that got the push they should have had; they'd have done more with it too. Christian made him look like absolute gold in the ladder match they had, and Angle made him look nearly as good the following show when he got one of several undeserved title shots. Kaz was pushed schizophrenically before he was "released" - further proof of the lack of consistency in his later TNA run, surely?

But that's not nearly my entire problem with Kaz. My problem is this - he's nothing. He gets a good pop, but who doesn't? You want to bring up a cruiserweight, choose Alex Shelley. He's solid gold on the mic and he offers something unique in the ring. Don't push and then de-push Kookie Kutter Kaz, the most generic cruiserweight perhaps ever and with less charisma than a stick.
bobby lashley he had little to no talent they made him out to be some superman that can win four matches against reasonable oppents in a row, plus i dont no if its just me but his matches were boring as hell and wasnt good on the mic
I will go with Mr.Kennedy....the guy can talk circles around 90% of the roster, but can he wrestle.....no. Sure he can throw a headlock on someone quicker then a hiccup, but having one spin kick to the face doesn't make him KENTA in the ring. MRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR......RESTHOLD....

Number 2 will come from TNA since I chose WWE for the first one. If I must I will say, now, not about 15 years ago, but now, Sting. He was my favorite when I was a tiny little lad, but now he is a shell of his former self. He wrestles for the money, not the fans anymore...Hell atleast useless Kevin Nash shows up (walks out sometimes) but atleast shows up for work. Sting can be good if put in the ring with Joe or Angle but otherwise, snoozefest. A prime example, Sting vs Abyss...I rest my case......the crowd goes wild.....O-VER-RATED clap clap clap
Sid Vicious/Justice whatever you want to call him. Wasn't amazing in the ring or on the stick but was pushed to the moon wherever he went. I still liked him though for some reason.
No one has mentioned Kali! He should NEVER had been even near a ring. He sucks so bad that it hurts. It just goes to show how great HHH is that he managed to get a decent match out of Kali. And now with his bad knees maybe we will finaly see the last of him. He has put a stain on the world championship that will take some time to git rid of.

Other shmuk that is horrible is JBL. He is so bad!!!! How in hell was he given a title shot and then alowed to keep the title for so long!!!! I will be glad when he retires again!
With JBL it has to be his mic work. Heels can suck terribly but as long as they can get you to truly detest them then they succeed. I know, i know Khali is the exception to that logic, but he has that uber heat purely because he's terrible, but while Vince gets all googly eyed and drooling when he sees him, he'll continue to get pushed.

I think JBL got the title for very much the same reason people think Edge did. He's been with the company some 12 years now, in the New Blackjacks and then the Acolytes/APA and then Ron Simmons retired and they decided not to just lumber him in another tag team.

You can't argue that he gives a great promo, and i personally loved him as an announcer (when he wasn't just shouting at Michael Cole, fine the guy is terrible and stupidly biased towards faces but repeatedly screaming at the guy instead of an intelligent remark was incredibly tedious. Thankfully he got better as time went on)

But yeah, Khali was the worst guy to get a push this decade
I think JBL got the title for very much the same reason people think Edge did. He's been with the company some 12 years now, in the New Blackjacks and then the Acolytes/APA and then Ron Simmons retired and they decided not to just lumber him in another tag team.

I agree that JBL is one of the worst main eventers in years and definitely one of the most boring. But I disagree with the comparison to Edge here. JBL was only ever really over with the APA. Edge has pretty much always been over and the guy is one of the most talented in-ring and on the mic in the entire company. He is by far WWE's top heel right now, a guy that we love to hate but he is also one my favorites and is a great champion.
JBL on the other hand is just repetitive, out of shape, and boring to watch. He doesn't get heel heat because he is as good as Edge, he gets it because people genuinely hate him and wish he'd go him...similar to Vickie Guerrero. And he is even worse now after his comeback, that's the worst part. He should have never come out of retirement; he is a pretty good announcer and may have a future in that as the classic heel announcer, and I hope that he goes back to that before long.

Khali is clearly another one in my book. The guy has no ring skills and his act too got old quick. Even Undertaker or Michaels could never pull a good match out of him. HHH got a decent match with him, much better than most of Khali's matches, but not on par with dozens of HHH's best. Why they continue to use him in such a way instead of pushing a talented big man like Big Show is beyond me. Hopefully with those knees though it won't be for much longer.
I honestly don't think Khali can be included in this topic. When you look at it, he was never really pushed beyond what you would expect for someone his size. He held the title once for a little while and that was about it. The people he squashed when he first showed up were only to build him up enough so that now when people like Trips, Cena, Batista, etc beat him it looks better. Khali is a side show who draws heat for being a monster and is there to put actual main eventers over. When was the last time he beat somebody good?

As far as this list goes I gotta say Jeff Hardy. He has a few high spots he always hits but is horrible on the mic. He's like Mick Foley minus the charisma and about 150 lbs. Not to mention the ridiculous amount of pushes they have given him despite how many times he's fucked it up. The guy is somewhat entertaining but doesn't deserve to be anywhere past the upper mid card.

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