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who is winning with all the trading

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wp2 4 life

I know it was not a real trade but hell, still just look at it the - WWE GOT (Jeff Hardy) back from us we got (KURT ANGEL) hell I think we won that one Kurt with no legs and no hands is 200 times better then Jeff hardy. Ok so WWE Got one up on us with (CM punk) and (Paul London) and (SABU) but that's ok we got (TEAM 3D and Runt)and Rhino out of it. now this one is a hard one to say who won but let us take a look (CM PUNK) yes he's f-ing awesome and yes the further of ECW, WWE, and of wrestling but not right now. (London) the same sept 4 SmackDown and is one half of the tag champs, (Sabu) one of if not the top guy in ECW now and of all time.OK now 4 us (Team 3D) the best tag team ever in wrestling history. and that's a fact they have won all the tag titels and yes tna's to they just got fucked out of it but they did pick up the 1,2,3.Now as 4 (Runt) WWE had no clue what to do with him, and hell pound 4 pound he is the toughest man in wrestling and look at us we got him doing what he was born to do. AND last (Rhino) come on WWE droped the ball with he even when he was still in the WWE. and hell he is the last ECW CHAMP and TV CHAMP so that make's (BIGShow) a wanna be.gore gore goer.

Then we have (Trinity) damm this one sucked she was hot and could wrestle ok WWE got her we go Jackie Christy Hemme and Gail kim out of that we win, Then we GOT (Kid Kash), (Jimmy Yang) & (Psicosis) all where top X div and now in WWE oh what WWE had no clue what to 2 do with kash they did try ed and now he done with wwe, and now look at (Jimmy wang Yang) the cow boy (WTF) is up with that,(Psicosis) who know's what's up with him and who cairs we all loved (Super Crazy) moreany way.Now we in TNA got (Shannon Moore)(Christian), and (KIP James), OK so shannon more up and jeted on us but when he was in the WWE he suxed and jobed over and over oh what he's back in the WWE and is jobing over and over Again. hell when moor was with us we gave him a awesome look and name and he had a win over AJ are top guy. but WWE seen the new look and said wow why didn't we think of that so the gave him the money and now look he's done not even on tv any more ....ha ha....on to (Christian) tne man on the mic in the ring and wwe droped this one to he was the work horse in all the tag team's he was with in the wwe and if you ask me (EDGE) was champ to make him happy cuz they knew (C.Cage) was going to be champ.On 2 (KIP JASMES) BITCH say what you wanna say about him that he just was not good enough to be at the to ha fuck that I think it was the wwe you droped this one to still tied next to (LOD) THE NEW AGE OUTLAWS where and are the best tag team in history and put billy with any one and give it some time and the tag gold will be on them yes even gilberg would have got more gold.

Now 4 the last few (KAZARIAN) hell his nick name is the Further. him and CM PUNK could have been the further ROCK AND STONE COLD OR THRIPEL H but no they droped the ball again. now back home and in time will be a big time player. Then we have TONY MAMALUKE come on who is this guy now i know him and yes in the ring good and got some skills but he was, is and always will be a nobody. sorry not every wrestler can be a (ROCK) or even a (1,2.3
KID). NOW look we got JIM CORNETT yes he is out dated but puts on a good show and is good on the mic and we got (Scott Steiner) on his worst day is better aand is more of a star then most of the guys wwe got from us. so over all we TNA WIN BIG TIME nad you can thke that to the BANK....... oh and now y2j is comeing what and see.:headbanger:
I think it's pretty obvious that TNA is getting the better end of things. TNA will be signing much more with time. Despite their recent losses, attaining Kurt Angle was probably worth it all. He is the western hemisphere's Kenta Kobashi. He's the guy that you absolutely need to see on this side of the planet if you want to see wrestling
Yeah we got ther better, but there is so much we lost. Sabu should never have happened - an extra 10,000 would have kept him in TNA, WWE didn't wanna pay that much for him at the time (not sure about right now). Paul London and CM Punk should also never have got the chance to leave. They should have got signed long term like Styles and Daniels. The fact that Punk was let go coz he didn't get along with fkn Dixie Carter is bullshit. He could have been on the same level as AJ/Daniels/Joe right now. Super Crazy is just fkn awesome - another one that shoulda got signed longterm. These guys should never have had the chnace to leave. Why couldnt they make room by pissing off SharkBoy and A1 and Norman Smiley and countless others.

Yeah we've come out on top overall, but we should be a lot further ahead. If I were Jeff Jarrett right now, I would go to Dixie and tell her to fuck off Sting and use his paycheck to steal back all these guys.
I tried reading your post, and I think I got through half of it before realizing I have no idea (what you are) talking about....

Anyway, I think in the long run, TNA got the better deal. You have to remember though, Punk wasn't in TNA for long, neither was Super Crazy, or even London. I think Crazy only made like, one, maybe two appearances. Same goes for London. I know Punk was part of a group that was fighting Triple X, but still....wasn't in there for long.
I like the fact that you're comparing the guys who have jumped ship, however, you were a little biased on a lot of your remarks (specifically when you said that kazarian & cmpunk could've been like stone cold and rock). Anyways here's how I look at things:

TNA got:
Christian Cage: Possibly the best heel ever on the microphone and he's a great in-ring worker who can make pretty much any match look good.
Kurt Angle: To some people he is the best wrestler in the world today. I think he's the second best behind only Samoa Joe. He's completely going to change TNA for the better and make them a threat in future years.
Kazarian: He's not really being used much right now, however, I do believe that he will be used more in the future.
BG James & Kip James: They're not the most talented guys to ever wrestle, but they still somehow always manage to put on a good fight and make everyone of their opponents look good. This was a huge pickup for TNA at the time when they got them, but I don't think that they're adding much to the ratings nowadays. They're just keeping people tuned in.
Team 3D: Huge pickup. This gave TNA more ECW fans watching the show. They are arguably the best tag team ever and they're keeping the fans tuned in and even brought in fans when they first came.
Brother Runt: Not really anyone that keeps people watching the show or gets people to start watching the show, but he does provide better quality hardcore matches. It's really fun to watch him wrestle.
Raven: Same thing goes for him as I said about Runt.
Ron Killings: Same thing goes for him as I said about Kazarian.
Gail Kim, Jackie Gayda, and Christy Hemme: Christy Hemme just lowered ratings I think. When people see her talk, her hotness isn't enough to take away from how annoying she is and how bad she is as an announcer. Gayda isn't seen much and Kim isn't seen much anymore either.
Scott Steiner: He's not much of a ratings guy, but he does help the wrestlers become better by getting them over in matches and teaching them behind the scenes.
Rhino: Added tons of ECW fans to TNA. He also keeps people watching and tuned in. Great pickup.

WWE got:
CM Punk: One of the best wrestlers in the world today. ECW is doing bad as it is, without him WWECW may not even be around.
Sabu: He's not all that talented, but he fights great in hardcore matches (which never happen on ECW). But, he's a big name from ECW and without him WWECW may not have survived.
Shannon Moore: He's really talented and I don't think it will be long before his contract runs out and he comes running back to TNA. WWE just can't use him right. TNA management said it when he left that WWE misused him before and it's just a matter of time before he's not fighting again.
Jimmy Yang: I'm not sure about him as I never watch ECW ever and I've never seen the guy wrestle.
Tony Mamaluke: Trash who does nothing for any company he's at.
Kid Kash: Great wrester, but underused of course by WWE. I think he'll come running back to TNA as well, but I'm not sure if they'll let him come back since he left because of attitude problems in the first place.
Paul London: Huge role on smackdown. He's doing very well there and is one of the few guys that keeps smackdown from completely going under.
Psicosis: Not being used. He was never good in the first place.

In my opinion, WWE didn't benefit from much of their pickups apart from London, CM Punk, or Sabu. TNA on the other hand brought in ratings with Rhino, Christian, Angle, and Team 3D. Out of it TNA got one of the best wrestlers today in Angle, the best heel of all time in Christian, the best ECW wrestler of all time in Rhino, and the best tag team of all time in Team 3D. TNA wins by a long shot.
Well WWE releases guys like crap coming out of Vinces ass (or falling on him) so TNA basically has got a good rostere but if they keep getting big time stars well they might go under budget (not PE but TNA itself) also Jeff wanted to come back for a chance to work with his brother and of course the money
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