Who is/was the most CRAZY wrestler in the history of wrestling?

CM Steel

A REAL American
For the past 60 something years we've seen the most out of their mind wrestler's come & go. But who in your opinion is the crazy in all of wrestling history? A wrestler so crazy that whenever you seen that person in action in the ring you just had to go, "that guy/girl right there is one crazy son of a bitch!". In my own opinion that award would have to go to WWE hall of famer mr. Terry Funk!

That legend lived crazy like it wasn't no thang! He just might be that crazy in real-life? But really, who is/was the most CRAZY wrestler in the history of wrestling?
This thread's on its last legs, but I'll do my best to try to save it from the trash...

When you talk crazy, you have to mention Brian Pillman.

After his accident, he was unstable and a true 'Loose Cannon'. He hated authority and didn't feel he was treated well by management in WCW and the WWE - so he went off the deep end and eventually ended up losing his life over it.

Benoit was crazy, but nobody knew the depth of crazy he had. People were aware of how nutty Pillman was.
New Jack is the craziest wrestler of all time, maybe even the craziest human being the whole world over. He's done some pretty insane and disgusting things in the ring, not to mention some of the wacky things he has claimed he's done outside wrestling.

The Danbury Fall with Vic Grimes and their subsequent rematch in XPW where Jack claimed he threw Grimes off the scaffold to miss the tables on purpose were hair raising moments. The Mass Transit Incident, his match with Gypsy Joe and the match where he stabbed some dude 14 times are probably the hardest to watch wrestling matches I've ever seen.

His shoot interviews are infamous and many of the claims he makes are proven to be untrue, but he still comes across as somewhat of a likeable crazed maniac. All I can say is, I'm happy he's retired so I don't have to scare myself watching another of his maniacal matches!
An honorable mention for the most crazy Wrestler of all time must go to the Original Sheik!
Back in the 50's and 60's, this maniac would genuinely have audiences panicked and shocked.

Another name that springs to mind of course is Atsushi Onita! His blood soaked battles over the years and punishment he inflicted upon himself left one to assume he truly was out of hid mind...I mean, actually wrestling a real life Alligator/Crocodile even if it was drugged up to the eyeballs is insane.

However, In my opinion Bruiser Brody takes the cake! This guy would literally hop the guard rail and wale upon anyone who stood in his way! Guys that shared locker rooms over the years with Brody never quite knew of he was working them or if he just lived his character.
It depends what you mean by crazy. In the ring there are several contenders.

Sabu, Mick Foley, Jeff Hardy, Edge and others are contenders.

If we're talking gimmick again there are numerous contenders

Raven, Goldust, Undertaker, Sting, Brian Pillman etc.

If we're talking just insane in general guys like Iron Sheik, New Jack and some other guys seem to be in that category.

I think you need to refine your definition before people can give an answer
Al Snow.

Every time I saw that damn doll's head sitting in the ring corner with the words "help me" etched on it's forehead, I wondered how the guy ever managed to come up with that....or whether someone thought of it for him. After watching Snow for a long time, I decided it was his own idea....because he seemed certifiably nuts. He did the "demented" act better than everyone I'd ever seen.....and this was even after knowing he was the guy who earlier had played Lance Cassidy. Even as a friendly cowboy-type, I figured Snow was crazy.

Still convinced of it.
Yes, there needs to be a better context for the term "crazy"

In-Character - Goldust in 97/98 during his "The Artist Formally Known as Goldust" was insane. His outfits of which were a parody or people like Chyna, Marilyn Manson, and a few orginals were about arguably the craziest in wrestling history.

In-Character - The intial run of Mankind was crazy in the sense of being delusional. He would sit in the corner and rock incessently.

In-Character - Brian Pillman truly was the "loose cannon" as you never really knew what he could ever do. His manic laugh and bi-polar personality was so perfect.

In-Ring - Sabu / Terry Funk gave both very lil regard to their bodies. Which is crazy.

Out of Character - The stories of New Jack are pretty legendary. He is legitimately dangerous crazy.

Medically Crazy - Chris Benoit - Scientifically his brain was so deteriorated that it wasn't functionally correctly.
New Jack is the craziest wrestler of all time, maybe even the craziest human being the whole world over. He's done some pretty insane and disgusting things in the ring, not to mention some of the wacky things he has claimed he's done outside wrestling.

The Danbury Fall with Vic Grimes and their subsequent rematch in XPW where Jack claimed he threw Grimes off the scaffold to miss the tables on purpose were hair raising moments. The Mass Transit Incident, his match with Gypsy Joe and the match where he stabbed some dude 14 times are probably the hardest to watch wrestling matches I've ever seen.

His shoot interviews are infamous and many of the claims he makes are proven to be untrue, but he still comes across as somewhat of a likeable crazed maniac. All I can say is, I'm happy he's retired so I don't have to scare myself watching another of his maniacal matches!

Pillman in a wheelchair scared New Jack off at ECW. What I heard, as it is, its all hearsay when it comes to backstage in pro wrestling.

Can I induct a whole race into this? The fucking Japanese. The stiffest, craziest, malcontent motherfuckers. You could pick one or two wrestler from the West side to say ye that dude is crazy. The Japanese's idea of primetime wrestling was just sordid for a long time. What haven't those guys done?!
Depends on whether you are referring to their characters, or their matches. If you mean their matches, Mick Foley has to be a contender. Every famous snapshot of him sees him performing some sort of career ending stunt that should have killed him. Hell in a Cell, I Quit, First Blood, Hardcore, any match he was involved in that was no disqualification, he didn't mind getting his hands dirty.

In terms of character, my favourite has to be Goldust. He was just so funny and loony at the same time. In the early days when he was "The Artist Formerly Known As Goldust", he would come out in crazy ring gear and perform weird "acts" inside the ring. His promos and interviews were always interesting and his move-set was definately unique. In his latter years with Booker T, he would be everywhere doing some ridiculously crazy. Darth Vader, sleeping in Booker T's bed, his confrontation with Triple H and his meeting with The Rock. He really was funny.

Others like New Jack, Sabu, Al Snow and the Original Shiek were all crazy in their own right. I suppose the most famous "crazy guy" will always be Brian Pillman. Oh how great he was and it is such a shame we lost him so early on. He was "the crazy guy".
Abdullah the Butcher and Mr. Pogo.

The amount of crazy matches these two have put on in their respective federations and careers are worthy of any hardcore fan's time. Blood and shock value +20.
Whenever you have someone talking to a damn mannequin head and the words help me backwards on someones forehead that dude is as crazy as a rat in a tin shit house. Al Snow still that man doesnt look right to this day I be very leery of him. Im convinced that Al Snow may have more than one personality and really might hear voices in his head and talks to them! War Al Snow
There have been more than a few wrestlers who have come across as crazy, be it in kayfabe, or be it an honest to goodness observation from their peers. Among those that I would consider for this category are from an era long since gone by and forgotten by many, or never ever known for real, myself being probably in the latter category.
Fred Khoury Sr., known better as Wild Bull Curry, started his career in the 1930's, and quickly brought an astonishing level of mayhem and violence to his matches. This bona fide hardcore pioneer sold his persona as an unstoppable, maniacal wrestler so well, that his presence has been reported to have incited riots inside arenas. Among some of the reported actions that contributed to his crazy persona were hitting his opponent with a cinder block in the head, leading to his arrest and imprisonment for assault. Having said that, I do understand that not all that occurs in the confines of pro wrestling can be bought into as gospel, but even if it is just an urban legend or a kayfabe occurrence, it contributed to Curry's reputation as a crazy man. Wild Bull Curry maintained this reputation for a thirty plus year span, cementing him as a pioneer of crazy, in ring behavior, and the hardcore style of wrestling.
Into the 1950's and 1960's, wrestlers such as Fred Blassie, and the original Sheik made their niche in wrestling as appearing to be crazy. Blassie was known in Japan as "The Vampire" what with his habit of biting opponents' foreheads, and turning his matches into blood baths. Reports of Japanese fans suffering cardiac arrest at ringside(fabricated or not) contibuted to Blassies' reputation as crazy.
Some more contemporary names have already been listed, so I won't repeat them, but returning to the original question, keeping in the kayfabe manner that I have already been taking, my vote for the craziest would have to be Abdullah the Butcher. Abdullah and his ever present fork have wreaked havoc in wrestling rings for forty plus years, and still occasionally show up, in spite of the fact that Abby is seventy something years old now. This curiosity, this attraction has been a bastion of excessive violence and extreme bloodletting for as long as i can remember, and I personally find him to be, kayfabe wise anyway, the craziest wrestler of all time.
Kevin Sullivan - especially when he had The Great Kabuki and The Purple Haze in his stable. His mic skills when being interviewed by Gordon Solie were fantastic. Scarey looking dude and very believable.

Also The Sheik (the original one), Abdullah the Butcher and Raven
My vote goes to Shane-o Mac. The guy had it made, he was a multi-millionaire who never had to lift a finger if he didn't want to, but he made the conscious decision of his own free will, to take INSANE bumps like that one against Big Show at Backlash in 2001.
I'm surprised no one has mentioned Sycho Sid Vicious. If you watch some of his old promos he would whisper and then scream at top of his lungs, he also had the maniacal laugh. He always looked like he was on the break of insanity. It doesn't hurt that he looked like a scary dude at 6'9 300 lbs. Sid rules the world!
One of the craziest in charactor wrestlers i can remember being truely scared of is

luna who remembers that crazy chick she had that wild makeup and shit scarred the hell out of me when i was a kid.

as far as the all around craziest in charactor or not is hands down new jack.this dude stabbed a guy for stiffing him.hes a legit badass.
Abdullah the Butcher and Mr. Pogo.

The amount of crazy matches these two have put on in their respective federations and careers are worthy of any hardcore fan's time. Blood and shock value +20.

Can't believe it took this long for someone to name Abdullah. The first time I saw Abdullah he was using a fork to literally carve up Dusty Rhodes forehead. As a child that scared the crap out of me.

Honorable mention goes to the Sheepherders. Not only for their matches but their crazy ass look too.
Vince McMahon, he's the real king of hardcore as Terry Funk said to Foley as they watched him get multiple stitches in his head from a chair shot. Vince is not a pro wrestler and started taking beatings and bumps at 52 years of age to get the angle with his main new star over, fast forward 16 years as he approaches 70 years of age and the near billionaire took an F-5 just to set up an angle for Mania.

The rest of these guys have crazy acts and do some crazy stuff to make their money, Vince is really just flat out crazy.
Its nice to see Abby and Brody get remembered, but I'm gonna throw 3 more names out there that haven't been said yet.

First being Stan Hansen. Anybody catch the match he had with Vader in Japan where he popped Vader's eye out of the socket?

Second would be The Ultimate Warrior...... well, for obvious reasons.

And lastly and probably the most crazy person yet to be named is The Iron Sheik. Just listen to him ramble on and you'll see first hand how bat shit crazy he really is.
Abdullah the Butcher, Bruiser Brody, Terry Funk, Stan 'The Lariat' Hansen, New Jack and Mick Foley (not the nice guy jerk off he has been for the last ten years.) There are many more, but these guys would have to be right towards the top of the crazy list!
New Jack is the craziest wrestler of all time, maybe even the craziest human being the whole world over. He's done some pretty insane and disgusting things in the ring, not to mention some of the wacky things he has claimed he's done outside wrestling.

The Danbury Fall with Vic Grimes and their subsequent rematch in XPW where Jack claimed he threw Grimes off the scaffold to miss the tables on purpose were hair raising moments. The Mass Transit Incident, his match with Gypsy Joe and the match where he stabbed some dude 14 times are probably the hardest to watch wrestling matches I've ever seen.

His shoot interviews are infamous and many of the claims he makes are proven to be untrue, but he still comes across as somewhat of a likeable crazed maniac. All I can say is, I'm happy he's retired so I don't have to scare myself watching another of his maniacal matches!
This says it all. Stabbing a dude in the ring (and getting away with it, for the most part) is about as crazy as it gets. Some people GO CRAZY due to roids or whatever (like Benoit), but New Jack was, and always will be, a crazy/disgusting human being.

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