Who is/was John Cena's greatest rival?

CM Steel

A REAL American
WWE poster child John Cena has been with the WWE for 10 solid years this week. And John Cena has been in epic feuds for the last 10 years against the likes of...

-Kurt Angle
-Randy Orton
-The Big Show
-Triple H

But who is/was John Cena's greatest rival with in the WWE in the past 10 years?
For me it's Edge. Edge always brought the best out of Cena. I've never seen them put on a bad match. And Their TLC match at Unforgiven 2006 was epic. Close runner up would be Randy Orton. Again tons of memorable matches. But Edge will always be John Cena's ultimate nemesis.
John Cena has only had two solid feuds, one against JBL and one against Edge. The Randy Orton feud was okay. Batista was okay as well. The rest were subpar.
I know most people will either go with Edge or Randy Orton. But i honestly believe Triple H. The matches between them in my opinion always felt like they had more to prove. Like they legitimately wanted to prove who was the better of the two; Kind of like John Cena and The Rock. But as we know Triple H and John Cena feuded multiple times. Just some big moments to mention, their match at Wrestlemania 22, John Cena eliminating him to win the Royal Rumble, Triple H defending the title against him at Night of Champions. All of these matches meant something. The quote "Until you beat me...you're nothing" or something along those lines made the audience feel like that was the real deal. You had people rooting for John Cena to win back the championship. You had people rooting for Triple H who they felt was more deserving and to prove that he could beat Cena. So i think the Edge and Orton feuds were better, but going on just as rivals i think Triple H was his biggest and both were the biggest threat to each other. Those two guys were at the top of the game and felt like a huge matchup. They seemed more even then the others.
My personal fav of all time Edge. Why? because he can do what no other heel can do today which would be stand a chance against cena. No matter how overrated cena is he always finds a way. #EdgeHead
seems it's gonna be a clean sweep so far. but i'm gonna vote with LeviCook and say Triple H and HBK, 2 of the biggest stars in WWE history and both of them made Cena look like gold on the grandest stage of them all twice and in other matches too..

I will say though he had some of his best matches with Edge and Edge was also elevated but to me they weren't as memorable as Triple H tapping out to Cena.
The Edge/Cena matches were great and had enough back and forth in them not to be considered total domination by Cena. I thoroughly enjoyed how Edge got alot of mic work in and he and Cena worked well together. You could tell both guys had alot of mutual respect for each other and wanted to have great matches together.
It's Edge for wrestling, but imo it's JBL for mic skills. That back and forth when Cena was challenging for his first title was perfection. I was into it every minute.
Edge would have to be number 1. Being 2 totally different people gave them the chemistry it takes to have fantastic matches. Cena being the hip-hop guy and Edge being the Rock and Roll guy made the fued and every match they had interesting. It will definitely go down as one of my favourite fueds of all time. Triple H v Cena at WM22 was amazing, and so were the 2 matches he had with HBK. Orton/Cena never really got to the heights of the others but was still good, same with Batista. If Cena and Punk had gotten the proper opportunities they could have had the best fued of the decade, but it was not to be and we only got 2 matches.
Im surprised nobody has said CM Punk. During the Summer of Punk angle CM Punk was like everything Cena was not ( anti pg anti corporate) which made him a perfect rival for Cena not only that but Cena has never beaten CM Punk and they put on one one the greatest matches of all time at the 2011 MITB and at Summerslam 2011
Edge, their styles complimented each other and their persona's were polar opposites.
They had many bouts with Cena always winning the tv matches but when it came to ppv Edge always somehow prevailed as the winner.

Angle and Cena had some decent matches, same with JBL/Cena (I quit/New York City Street fight).

Cena gets his balls busted for being dull but the guy reminds me of HHH, his standard matches were pretty dull I can't remember one normal match he had that was a classic but I can remember A LOT of his gimmicked matches that were epic.
If I have to stay with your list, then yeah, Edge. If I can go off on my own for a minute though, I cant believe noone has brought up The Rock. The match at this years WM has had the biggest build, and thus far in his career, is John Cenas biggest, grandest match. To me, thats what makes a great rival, what will people be talking about when your career is over. People will be talking about Cena Rock. Just like they talk about Rock Stone Cold. So, for Cena, its gotta be the rock.
I have to agree with the majority here and say Edge. I thought their feud was great, all their matches were at the very least, good. I believe they both made each other better as well.

Next best rival is really close between JBL and Randy Orton but I'd go with Randy Orton.
His feuds with Randy Orton got overplayed, but I think they were the greatest rivals, as they both were #1 and 2 guys for their generation, and the feud encased the WWE for nearly a full year, in a time when the product was already stale and lacked star power, these 2 were the only thing going on.
I would have to say John Bradshaw Layfeild was his greatest rival there rivalry stretched from No Way Out 2005 to the Bash 2008 and it included some epic matches like the I Quit Match at Judgement Day 2005 and the Parking Lot Brawl at The Bash.
Edge imo was Cenas best rival. There rivalrys were always interesting, eventhough they fueded for a very long time in '06. Not to mention Cenas superman character was semi fresh, and not stale. This was before Cena never lost, before everything he said on the mic was repetitve, and before a vast majority booed him out the building.

On the other side we have Edge. Edge freshly arrived to the main event scene by winning his first WWE Championship outta nowhere by cashing in the 1st MITB briefcase on Cena. Edge played an excellent heel in that rivalry.
I will also have to say Edge. Their rivalry was epic and will go down as one of the best in the WWE. Cena and Edge had great chemistry together in the ring and their promo work was top notch especially Edges. It really looked like they enjoyed working together which led to some great matches. Another good thing in their feud was the fact that you didn't know who was gonna win and it was interesting to watch.
JBL no question about it. Cena was young, JBL was old. Bush was president.

Cena/Punk 2011 is a close second though.
I think his biggest rivalry has been with edge. The Rock-Cena thing was more personal but I think the match was awful and they should have had a bigger build-up.

Any who, while Edge was in the minor divisions, Chrisitian had come to TNA as a main eventer. They had no choice but too push him and be fair. So what made him big was the feud with cena. He won the MITB and quickly cashed in against cena. This got personal, was controversial as people booed cena and the matches were great. There's even a Frikin wiki on it! Edge made Cena lose the belt and allowed ECW to take the belt.

This was one of the best feuds after the austin-mcmahon beef.:worship:

This is where the Rated R superstar actually began.:)
Im surprised nobody has said CM Punk. During the Summer of Punk angle CM Punk was like everything Cena was not ( anti pg anti corporate) which made him a perfect rival for Cena not only that but Cena has never beaten CM Punk and they put on one one the greatest matches of all time at the 2011 MITB and at Summerslam 2011

Dude, you actually beat me to it! CM Punk is his best rival to me. He made "The Champ" look good in the ring and also, he's also the only guy who can out-talk Cena on the mic. CM Punk always stumps Cena when they're jaw jackin' and then takes him to school in the ring. So I'm going with Punk. I also enjoyed his feuds with Randy Orton. They always seemed so personal.
It comes down to Orton and Edge. He has had some solid matches with HBK, HHH, Batista and Punk also, but the long-running feuds with these two make them the only realy candidates.

For me, it is Edge. Cena helped launch Edge to the stratosphere and Edge gave it right back. They had solid matches, fantastic feuds ... got involved in each others "other" feuds. Just perfect stuff.

Honestly, if Edge came out and speared Cena on RAW next week and walked off ... I would be like ... "Duh ... that is what Edge does ... Spear Cena."
I really liked the idea of it being HHH, but I also have to go with Edge. They brought out the best in each other. Edge really took off from this feud as well. When he went up against Cena you actually believed he could win. Just a great feud from start to finish.

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