Who is the greatest canadian wrestler since Bret Hart?

Lane Storm and Chris Benoit (if he was living) they had the real technical skills minus the mic skills and charisma. But the question is GREATEST CANADIAN WRESTLER not ENTERTAINER...
Thank you for coming back to earth Terry. If I had a "top 5" in canadian wrestlers. Then they would have to consist of...

5. Christian
4. Owen Hart
3. Chris Benoit
2. Edge
1. Chris Jericho

They would be in my top 5 for life.

I gave you the part about SINCE considering I was splitting hairs with piper because I was splitting hairs (even with Abdullah) and I will admit that.

If we are talking all time I still think no one on that list can touch what Piper did for this business and I think Piper is head and shoulders better than all of them as wrestling encompasses both the wrestling and entertainment.

When I say that I mean no disrespect to Jericho, I think he's awesome but his fingerprint on the industry isn't as big as Pipers. For me I think the mark a person makes on wrestling should measure greatness, that's why I would put Hogan, Austin and Rock at the top of the Greatest of all time list, their mark on wrestling is something that will never be washed away. Bret's mark worldwide was massive as well and Piper's mark on wrestling is much bigger than the top 5.

Greatness is a loose term and hard to measure, people often measure it differently.
I think it's honestly too early to claim Jericho won't have as large of an impact on the Wrestling industry as Piper has. Piper (while he has had that push you were talking about) has essentially been retired from wrestling for over a decade. Jericho is still an active contributor to the business.

It's hard to say what his impact will be 10 years down the road.
I think it's honestly too early to claim Jericho won't have as large of an impact on the Wrestling industry as Piper has. Piper (while he has had that push you were talking about) has essentially been retired from wrestling for over a decade. Jericho is still an active contributor to the business.

It's hard to say what his impact will be 10 years down the road.

At this point in time however I think its safe to say Jericho's impact cannot touch Piper's.

It's true that maybe in 10 years Jericho could eclipse Piper but he has A LOT of ground to cover before he gets close to what Piper accomplished in wrestling. Not only that even though Jericho is active I would say he has about 2 years tops of wrestling before he retires, there is even a chance he is done with wrestling, he hasn't been in the ring or hired for over a year.

If Jericho retired today Piper would without a doubt be considered greater in the annals of wrestling, everything he did eclipses Jericho's accomplishments.
If you really think World titles, King of the Rings and Royal Rumbles measure greatness then you really have NO clue on what wrestling is and what makes a wrestler great.

Pipers status as a wrestling icon and the fact that he transcends generations automatically makes him better than Jericho or Edge. Piper will be more revered and remembered in the future than Jericho or Edge EVER will. Piper may not have world titles or royal rumble wins, but that's because he never NEEDED to be champ to get to that next level. The reason Jericho was first undisputed champ was because they wanted to make Jericho a main eventer, Piper was a main eventer simply by walking in the door, he was a main eventer in WWE before wrestling his first match for the company.

The reason Jericho and Edge won all of those accolades is because without them they would have been mid carders for life, Piper could lose every match and be more remembered and revered then Jericho or Edge ever will be because he was THAT good. Piper didn't need a title to be over and is remembered regardless of him never winning a title.

The truth is Piper's pit will be more remembered throughout the history books than Jericho's title reigns or Edges 10 world titles, Royal Rumble and KOTR and that's a fact. People will forget Edge even won a RR or KOTR in 10 years. Piper started the pit 27 YEARS ago and its still fondly remembered.

Piper the wrestler or piper the gimmick that will be remembered? Comparing a wrestler in an era where the gimmick defined the wrestler and wrestlers from an era where the individual have to rely on less cartoonish caricatures to stand out is impossible. Using the titles as props as a knock on the other two is unfair as that is the norm of the era they are wrestling in.

You say Piper transcends generations and will be revered more than those two is a joke. Tell fans that started watching wrestling in 2000s who they will remember more in the future. Edge with his rated-R gimmick with Lita and ladder matches, or Jericho and his loudmouth antics and his participation in the jump from WCW to WWF or Piper and the run of the mill piper's pit? Who even remembers the pit unless WWE ****es it out like it is the BESTEST THING EVER like they do for everything?

Piper is one of the few that had a talkshow in wrestling but that is saying the person who invented the wheel will forever be better. You cannot reinvent the wheel but you can make it better and more efficient. That is what the other two you are putting down has done and that feat is no less worthy that what you claim Piper has accomplished.
The Rock is the greatest Canadian wrestler of all time. All is accolades combined with Canadian citizenship makes this one a no brainer.
What are you smok'in on?

The Rock isn't Canadian! He has some family in Canada on his dad's side, but that's about it. This is the same guy who on his birthday on RAW who lead us to a U.S.A. pledge of alligence. That isn't something a canadian would do isn't it? And the Rock's outfit at Wrestlemania 27 in Atlanta. Should I say more?
I'm a piper fan too. i believe the man deserved at least 1 run with a world title somewhere (preferably before the abortion of a run he had in WCW) he is great...but there are so many people that have surpassed him in greatness..I think that since Bret Hart the greatest Canadian wrestler is

Sylvain Grenier

:p I KEED. Chris Jericho. Hands down
Piper the wrestler or piper the gimmick that will be remembered? Comparing a wrestler in an era where the gimmick defined the wrestler and wrestlers from an era where the individual have to rely on less cartoonish caricatures to stand out is impossible. Using the titles as props as a knock on the other two is unfair as that is the norm of the era they are wrestling in.

Gimmicks are a big part of wrestling and mean more in the long run than someone being a good wrestler. Take the Undertaker for example, if he was just Mark Calloway he wouldn't have been nearly as popular.

You say Piper transcends generations and will be revered more than those two is a joke. Tell fans that started watching wrestling in 2000s who they will remember more in the future. Edge with his rated-R gimmick with Lita and ladder matches, or Jericho and his loudmouth antics and his participation in the jump from WCW to WWF or Piper and the run of the mill piper's pit? Who even remembers the pit unless WWE ****es it out like it is the BESTEST THING EVER like they do for everything?

You say that people who started watching wrestling in the 2000's won't remember Piper like they do Edge and Jericho? All I have to say to that is bullshit, that's like saying they will remember Jericho more than Hogan. Hogan (like Pipers pit) will always be remembered for the mark he made in professional wrestling. Its like how fans of all generations remember Jimmy Snukas dive off the cage when it happened before I was even born. Hell, I wasn't even alive during most of pipers pit but I heard about them, watched them for myself and now I completely understand why they are as you say ****ed out as a great thing, its because they were. Jericho and Edge BOTH had talk shows like Piper's pit and neither guys show is nearly is good as Pipers was, has nothing to do with Piper being the first, he was also the best.

My girlfriends 10 year old kid remembers pipers pit better than the Highlight reel because of the reputation that show has, and the funny part is I didn't even have to tell her kid about piper's pit, he already knew about it. Yeah WWE talked about it a lot, but its because it was awesome. So much for people who started watching wrestling in the 2000's not remembering.

Piper is one of the few that had a talkshow in wrestling but that is saying the person who invented the wheel will forever be better. You cannot reinvent the wheel but you can make it better and more efficient. That is what the other two you are putting down has done and that feat is no less worthy that what you claim Piper has accomplished.

Pipers show wasn't better because he was the first, his show's better because it was better. Jericho and Edge DIDN'T invent the wheel OR make it more efficient, sure they were good but I don't recall many memorable moments from both and I saw almost all of them. I've been watching wrestling all my life and I remember Piper's pit moments a lot more than any highlight reel episode.

Piper's pit was a big deal and because of it he is fondly remembered as well as being a fantastic heel. Piper's feuds with Hogan and Mr. T will be remembered more than any feud Edge or Jericho had. I'm not even knocking Edge or Jericho's accomplishments, I'm just saying titles don't make a person great. Greatness should be measured by the legacy one leaves behind and I firmly believe Pipers legacy is greater than Jericho's and Edge's.

Wrestling is A LOT more than what happens in the ring.
Gimmicks are a big part of wrestling and mean more in the long run than someone being a good wrestler. Take the Undertaker for example, if he was just Mark Calloway he wouldn't have been nearly as popular.

It is unfair to disregard titles in a legacy while at the same time putting more emphasis on gimmicks when comparing wrestlers from different eras. That's what I am saying since you put down Edge and Jericho who made their mark in the business in a different generation as Piper.

deanerandterry said:
You say that people who started watching wrestling in the 2000's won't remember Piper like they do Edge and Jericho? All I have to say to that is bullshit, that's like saying they will remember Jericho more than Hogan. Hogan (like Pipers pit) will always be remembered for the mark he made in professional wrestling. Its like how fans of all generations remember Jimmy Snukas dive off the cage when it happened before I was even born. Hell, I wasn't even alive during most of pipers pit but I heard about them, watched them for myself and now I completely understand why they are as you say ****ed out as a great thing, its because they were. Jericho and Edge BOTH had talk shows like Piper's pit and neither guys show is nearly is good as Pipers was, has nothing to do with Piper being the first, he was also the best.

My girlfriends 10 year old kid remembers pipers pit better than the Highlight reel because of the reputation that show has, and the funny part is I didn't even have to tell her kid about piper's pit, he already knew about it. Yeah WWE talked about it a lot, but its because it was awesome. So much for people who started watching wrestling in the 2000's not remembering.

You listed one example to prove me wrong? Ask casual fans who they know more about, Edge or Jericho or Piper? The kid probably know about it because WWE has been advertising it as one of the key moments of wrestling. Similar to the beer bath by Austin, it was a great moment but it attained mythical status because of constant WWE shameless plugging.

deanerandterry said:
Pipers show wasn't better because he was the first, his show's better because it was better. Jericho and Edge DIDN'T invent the wheel OR make it more efficient, sure they were good but I don't recall many memorable moments from both and I saw almost all of them. I've been watching wrestling all my life and I remember Piper's pit moments a lot more than any highlight reel episode.

Sorry if I misled you to believe I was saying Edge or Jericho's talk show were better. They were not, and were more likely introduced due to Piper's appearances in WWE in this era as a homage or a heel move towards Piper initially. It was not their thing to begin with but they made it work while being a blatant 'rip-off' per se. What I was saying is both Jericho and Edge made their mark in wrestling too that can considered part of a lasting legacy.

deanerandterry said:
Piper's pit was a big deal and because of it he is fondly remembered as well as being a fantastic heel. Piper's feuds with Hogan and Mr. T will be remembered more than any feud Edge or Jericho had. I'm not even knocking Edge or Jericho's accomplishments, I'm just saying titles don't make a person great. Greatness should be measured by the legacy one leaves behind and I firmly believe Pipers legacy is greater than Jericho's and Edge's.

Wrestling is A LOT more than what happens in the ring.

You claim you are not knocking on their accomplishments yet you posts in this very thread saying they will NEVER be as revered and were meant to be mid-carders for life without titles. Even after they accomplished main event status. You didn't even read the OP correctly when he said best Canadian wrestler SINCE Bret Hart.

Piper will always have his Piper's pit. Jericho will always have the first undisputed champion or the 1001 holds. Edge will always have the money in the bank cash in and tag title runs. All are great to have on the resume yet to claim one is superior to everything else just because of one's feat was accomplished earlier is unfair.

You believe Pipers legacy is greater, well I guess we just have to agree to disagree.
I love Hot Rod, but Piper isn't *since* Bret, and his glory days pre-date Bret's. Also, his gimmick was always Scotish, and not Canadian, and that's a bit of a step down for him: if you mention Roddy to casual fans as a great Canadian wrestler, most of them would start arguing over his birth certificate.

If I had to go for greatest Canadian pre-Bret, it'd be Kiniski, then Whipper Billy, and then Piper. Gene and Billy were household names in Canada in the 50s and 60s, and really helped to shape it in the national media. (And Gene was a motormouth that would give Hot Rod a run for his money). Of course, Stu Hart is a legend in Calgary, and his family played a huge role in the sport beyond its borders in its current wave of popularity.

As for best *since*? Benoit, despite the immeasurable tarnish of what happened at the end, then Jericho, then Edge or Owen.
Edge would be the obvious choice because of all those pretty gold things he won. But Chris Jericho won a ton of them, has always had a cult following,and has always been able to deliver in-ring and on the mic. Most importantly as a great wrestler, you should always know when it's time to take a break and reinvent yourself. Which is exactly what Jericho did. he stepped away and came back better than ever, and might be poised to do it again. Therefore, Jericho is the best Canadian wrestler since Bret Hart.
Chris benoit was the best, then jericho and owen hart. Thats my top three after the hitman. Loved benoit throughtout entire career never seemed to give less than he could.
Chris Benoit. Shouldn't even be a question. He is easily the most talented pro wrestler during the 90s and only Kurt Angle (an American) is equal or better during the 00s.
I would also say Jericho too, he's absolute greatness on the mic and in the ring, but I'm gonna go with Trish Stratus.

For her to go from where she was when she debuted and get to where she got in such a short time is awesome and she had the greatest run a Diva could have and is the greatest among them. Trish's accomplishments and career isnt far behind really considering both were total packages in their respective divisions just one (Y2J) was held down and underrated earlier on before finally getting the run he deserved.

Trish is the greatest female to come out of Canada so that can put her right behind Bret in my opinion, but to be honest I see Jericho as being better than Bret at this point in his career. I really think he's done so. Edge had a better final 5 or so year run of the Rated R gimmick than Bret's entire career, as good as it was and Bret wasnt much of a great talker as others out of Canada as Y2J is, if we are talking the best since Bret I'll say Trish on the grounds that Jericho just fucking surpassed him to be honest.

To me that's the greatest male Canadian performer in the history of the business, Chris Jericho, so quite frankly I dont think Bret Hart is the measuring stick as Jericho has a bit more than Bret overall as a complete star
I'd say Chris Jericho. Alive today, there's nobody in the business better that came from Canada then him. I know this is a short post an all, but at the same time this is a man that doesn't need an introduction.
Edge and Chris Jericho are the only two competing for this spot in my opinion. If it were totally up to my preferences, Chris Jericho takes the cake. But he's my favorite wrestler, so that's a little biased... Let's look at some facts then, mixed in with my opinion of said facts:

WWE Career: 1998 - 2011 (13 years)
PWI Awards: 7
Triple Crown Champion
-World Heavyweight Champion (7)
-WWE Champion (4)
-Intercontinental Champion (5)
-United States Champion
-Tag Team Champion (14)
King of the Ring
Money in the Bank (2)
Royal Rumble winner

Chris Jericho
ECW/WCW/WWE Career: 1996 - 2005, 2007 - 2010 (12 years + TBD)
PWI Awards: 6
Grand Slam and Triple Crown Champion
-ECW World TV Champion
-WCW World TV Champion
-WCW Cruiserweight Champion (4)
-Undisputed WWF Heavyweight Champion
-WWE Intercontinental Champion (9)
-World Heavyweight Champion (3)
-Tag Team Champion (7)
-WWF European Champion
-WWE Hardcore Champion

Both men are indeed greats in the industry. Jericho established himself in WCW first, while Edge was a WWE guy from beginning to end. Maybe that's why he has 11 World title reigns under hist belt (pun intended) while Jericho only has 3? Edge has also won Money in the Bank (twice), the Royal Rumble, and has been King of the Ring. All accomplishments Chris Jericho has yet to attain...

On the flip side, Jericho was higher up the card way before Edge was, winning the Undisputed Championship and being involved in matches with Triple H, the Rock, etc. But Jericho would eventually fall back down the card, working with the IC title for most of his WWE career. While Jericho was busy becoming one of the best IC Champs of all time, Edge stayed on top once he finally got there, and went on to win the World title a hell of a lot of times.

Edge's heel character was at its best with John Cena, in my opinion, and his work with Lita was probably the best of his entire career. Beyond that he had great feuds with the Undertaker and he put life into the title of both "Rated-R Superstar" and "Ultimate Opportunist". Edge was never a wrestler with a nickname, he was a CHARACTER no matter what he was doing. He is also one of the best tag team workers in the history of the industry. Jericho has done his time in the tag team division, but his influence is limited at best. But Jericho had a much better mid-card career than Edge, both in the WWE and in WCW! It's such a tough call...

In my opinion, had Jericho not come back in 2007, Edge would have won this hands down. But the heel character Jericho played, mostly throughout 2008 was what made him my favorite wrestler. Keeping in mind that he may very well return and have a few more successful years, I have to give this contest to Y2J. But just by a hair, and only because of his last few years in the WWE...
Chris Benoit. Shouldn't even be a question. He is easily the most talented pro wrestler during the 90s and only Kurt Angle (an American) is equal or better during the 00s.
That is an incredibly bold statement to make. EASILY the most talented pro wrestler during the 90s? I don't know what you define as easy, but there are dozens and dozens of other guys in contention for that spot. I don't even think he's the best Canadian, let alone the BEST OF THE 90s! I get liking the guy, and a great case can indeed be made for him...but "easily"? Really?

Both Ricky Steamboat and Randy Savage wrestled well into the 90s. Edge and Jericho came out of the 90s... Eddie Guerrero? Sting? The Rock? Shawn Michaels? Just to name a few...

Chris benoit was the best, then jericho and owen hart. Thats my top three after the hitman. Loved benoit throughtout entire career never seemed to give less than he could.
Edge isn't above Owen? Really? If you say so, but I always thought Owen's death greatly exaggerated his career...
Well as far as being the greatest "wrestler" as a canadian then besides brett, it has to be chris jericho cause he's a complete wrestler and wrestle many many great matches. Now i read some here saying chris won more titles, and so on and so on but would chris be that successful in hogan's prime era?
Chris Jericho, that's a no-brainer and doesn't really need a big explanation. I would go as far as to say his career has been better than Bret Hart's. A success on a lightweight level as well as heavyweight level - plays the heel/face role superb and is excellent on the mic.
Chris Benoit. Shouldn't even be a question.

That. In fact that x1000.

I'm confused, and even dumbfounded to the point of being insulted as a wrestling fan that Benoit has been so rarely mentioned in these replies.

There is not a better technician in the history of the sport. No not even "the excellence of execution" or whoever else you want to mention. Benoit was as purely perfect at his craft from bell-to-bell as anyone the industry has produced in my over thirty years of life.

He wrestled the greatest live match I ever saw- it was against Regal at a Pillman memorial event, anyone who wants to see technical wrestling performed at the highest level humanly possible should check out the match...


There have been other great canadian performers, but none as good as Benoit. He was a Hart Dungeon survivor, a world champ, a horsemen, and he was a huge star in ECW, WCW, WWE, and worldwide- the only other Canadian who comes close is Jericho. He was respected by literally everyone, everywhere who had any real knowledge of the business. He was one of the true all time legends of the sport.

No one should let the tragedy that ended Benoit's greatness effect their interpretation of how truly and mind-blowingly gifted he was as a pro wrestler, and how great his career and accomplishments were. His life may have ended under a black cloud, but his career was a shining star.
EDGE not jus the fact tht he is my fav but well hes been there dont that i have to admint christian and jerricho with a mention but edge was what it was about even thou he had a injury and still came back, he changed it when he started that first feud with cena and had all the back ground of tag team and intercontinental champ behind him with wwe well confident in him tht he could run with this besides his cena feuds and rated rko, by far the year other than shawn michles i reallly though edge could win at WM vs taker

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