Who is the greater legend: HBK or Taker??

Who is the greater legend between HBK & the Undertaker??

  • HBK

  • Undertaker

  • Equal

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CM Steel

A REAL American
Before Shawn Michaels retirement from active in-ring action in the WWE. He and the Undertaker were working for Vince McMahon in the WWF/E for a few decades each. They were the few active WWE superstars who were around for the first ever "WWF/E Monday Night RAW".

But ever since Wrestlemania 25 in Texas. Shawn Michaels career in the ring was coming to a close due to the year long storyline rivalry between him and the Undertaker. This year long feud was in the making two years before the Rock vs John Cena! But the Undertaker beat HBK Shawn Michaels two years in a row ending the epic career of HBK at Wrestlemania 26 in Arizona.

Not a peep from the rivalry at Wrestlemania in Atlanta. But at Wrestlemania 28 in Miami, we witnessed "the end of an era" match involving the Undertaker vs Triple H in Hell in a Cell with Shawn Michaels as the special guest ref that night. But in your own opinion.

Who is the greater legend: HBK or Taker??
Undertaker by quite a distance

HBK had pretty much run his name into the ground by the time he left in 1998 (screwjob, flopped as the face of the company, general attitude), and was far, far down the list of legends by 2002, I'd go so far as to say he wasn't considered all that great any more (witness the apathy to his return with the nWo).

He salvaged that and actually enhanced it with his comeback and work in feuds with Jericho, HHH, Angle and Taker however and is now considered one of the greats. That said I struggle to think of anyone who's career he brought to new heights, with the exception of Jericho perhaps (who did need a shot in the arm around that time) and I don't think he'll be held in as high regard 10 years from now as he is today.

Undertaker is 20-0 at Wrestlemania, pretty much has surpassed all the names from Hogan, Macho, Austin, Bret, HBK, HHH, Cena and the Rock as the foundation of Vince McMahon's company and will always be considered one of the major legends of WWE
It is but a mile the Undertaker.

If anything Undertaker is the greatest Legend i think the only question you can ask about who is the greater legend that you might get a diffrent answer is Ric Flair Or Taker
I say neither, they are equal in there own way
Taker and HBK both been around for a similar amount of time, HBK just a couple years longer

Both have been heavily involved in the main event and WrestleMania history

Both have fueded with the best of the best that they could during there runs.

Both are masters of in ring storytelling and at times promo work.

The only real difference for me is

Taker's entrance/music is a better experience

Taker has survived alot longer as far as still being able to compete and has been able to change with the times while still retaining his gimmick

Taker was the number 1 heel next to Vince for most of the Attitude era, something HBK only began b4 having to take a long break.

Taker's WrestleMania streak is the longest running storyline in recent history,

HBK is the best in big match situations and can have awesome matches with anyone.

all personal opinion ofcourse but i call it a tie. Either way they are both going to be in the HOF along with Flair, Triple H, Hogan, Rock, Austin and eventually Cena, think they should really change around and have tiers of the HOF, the above names should be in league of there own compared to say Koko B Ware. but thats another story for a another thread
As everyone else so far has said, Undertaker by a long long way.

Shawn Michaels was just another star until he rejoined DX a few years ago (10?), but how many massive moments has he really had? I can think of 3 easily off the top of my head (not including the Undertaker moments):

1. Montreal
2. DX war with Vince
3. His fights with Razor Ramon (1st ladder match(?)) at WM.

What about The Undertaker?

1. Debut at SS
2. Beating Hulk at SS with a tombstone on a chair
3. Undertaker vs Undertaker
4. The Giant (WM8 I think - the one in Vegas)
5. THE most lethal Hell in a Cell match in history

These were just off the top of my head, there are literally 100's more.

Who has had the best matches? Well thats HBK, but the Undertaker is without any doubt the bigger legend, in fact he is the biggest WWE legend ever.
Shawn Michaels. Hands down. Shawn is known as one of the best wrestlers of all time. He was great on the mic and he was Mr. Wrestlemania. He gave us many great WM performances that I think out weigh a streak (because it is fake). Also he was a part of the Montreal screwjob- which was one of the catalysts of the Attitude Era. He was also one of maybe 3 or 4 guys in the WWF that put themselves on the line in 97 to start leading WWF towards edgier material-which became competition to the seeminlg unstoppable WCW/NWO. DX along with SCSA and the Rock led the WWF into the fight. Shawn also went on to overcome his demons and return to wrestling and had a very successful finish to his career. Prior to the Attitude era the Rockers became a very successful tag-team and when Shawn turned, it was and still is one of the best turns of all time. Past that, Shawn had the ladder match with Razon Ramon, and he was the first guy to enter the Rumble as #1 and win.

The Undertaker has been loyal to the WWE, but his top moments are fewer and far between. He has a streak at WM which is more famous than any of his matches. While the Undertaker is one of the greatest of all time, its hard to compare his career to that of HBK.
As everyone else so far has said, Undertaker by a long long way.

Shawn Michaels was just another star until he rejoined DX a few years ago (10?), but how many massive moments has he really had? I can think of 3 easily off the top of my head (not including the Undertaker moments):

1. Montreal
2. DX war with Vince
3. His fights with Razor Ramon (1st ladder match(?)) at WM.

What about The Undertaker?

1. Debut at SS
2. Beating Hulk at SS with a tombstone on a chair
3. Undertaker vs Undertaker
4. The Giant (WM8 I think - the one in Vegas)
5. THE most lethal Hell in a Cell match in history

These were just off the top of my head, there are literally 100's more.

Who has had the best matches? Well thats HBK, but the Undertaker is without any doubt the bigger legend, in fact he is the biggest WWE legend ever.

You forgot you a few things about Shawn.
1. The Barber Shop segment where he threw Marty threw the window. Pretty groundbreaking shit for the time.
2. Wrestlemania 14. The Austin era didn't start by Steve wrestling a jobber. Shawn had just as much to do with that as anyone else involved.
3. DX - That group would have never gotten over without someone with real star power.
4. The Kliq / Curtain Call
5. "Lost my smile"
6. The awesome oversell to Hogan at Summerslam
7. Ric Flair retirement match
8. The angle with Jericho afterwards.

Just a few off the top of my head, but I would say that HBK provides just as many examples as the Undertaker in this argument. If you think about the last few times either of them were on RAW, Shawn had the bigger pop. They even "what"ed Taker during one of his promos.

Both dudes are at the top of the list, but I think HBK has a bit more appeal than Taker.
As everyone else so far has said, Undertaker by a long long way.

Shawn Michaels was just another star until he rejoined DX a few years ago (10?), but how many massive moments has he really had? I can think of 3 easily off the top of my head (not including the Undertaker moments):

1. Montreal
2. DX war with Vince
3. His fights with Razor Ramon (1st ladder match(?)) at WM.
4. Iron man match with Bret
5. Retired Ric Flair
6. The DX promo about the letter from the tv station
7. His split in the barber shop from The Rockers

What about The Undertaker?

1. Debut at SS (Not sure why this can be a memorable moments separate from your number 2)
2. Beating Hulk at SS with a tombstone on a chair
3. Undertaker vs Undertaker ( You include this but leave out the moments I listed for HBK)
4. The Giant (WM8 I think - the one in Vegas)
5. THE most lethal Hell in a Cell match in history
6. Hanging the big boss man
7. The streak

These were just off the top of my head, there are literally 100's more.

Who has had the best matches? Well thats HBK, but the Undertaker is without any doubt the bigger legend, in fact he is the biggest WWE legend ever.

Fixed some of that up for you mate.
You clearly want to show it's taker the way you compiled that list HBK has had many memorable moments in WWF/E that you left out. If you want to say Taker that's fine but don't do it by diminishing the memorable moments that HBK has given to the fans.

I would say they are about equal. Taker will always be remembered for his streak and for the gimmick he has kept. HBK will be remembered for being "The greatest in ring performer" and Mr. Wrestlemania (a title that could easily have been given to taker other than the fact it wouldn't fit his gimmick at all). Both have left behind them great legacies.
na they are equal, HBK and the undertaker are both has good as each other. No one can say the undertaker was miles better, because HBK was so damn brilliant in the ring, and HBK was brilliant on the mic, and forged and was of the founding members of the funniest edgiest stables ever in DX. Undertaker being the heart and soul of all 3 era's of golden era, attitude era, and ruthless aggression era, does help the undertaker. But they are both some of greatest legends in WWF/E history.
HBK. I'm not a massive fan of either in all honesty and Takers longetivity and consistency has been great but he doesn't match HBK.

Shawn Michaels alongside Bret Hart was the face of the company in the mid 90's alongside Bret Hart, something Taker can never claim to have done.

When thinking of Takers legacy people tend to put too much emphasis on his WM streak, which has become a great sideshow attraction no doubt but has very rarely been the real selling point of a Wrestelmania. Many of the matches have been pretty substandard and boring, against guys like Giant Gonzalez, Mark Henry and Sid. By contrast Shawn Mihcales has consistently stolen the show at mania and provided the best match of the evening. His matches with Angle, Jericho and Bret Hart immediately spring to mind and will be catalogued amongst some of the greatest mania matches of all time.

He was also responsible for introducing arguably WWE's greatest ever faction in DX (despite the fact I preferred the later version without him) and brought an edginess to WWE programming which helped pave the route towards the attitude era. Indeed his match with Austin at WM is seen by many as the final launchpad which ushered in the greatest era of pro-wrestling. This and his legendary fued with Bret Hart were absolutely massive angles which will always be remembered and carried WWE programming at a time in which it was struggling to stay afloat. I don't think Taker for all his merits has ever been involved in a storyline of this significance or magnitude.
Typically, I'd go with the character over the in-ring performer in this argument and not give it a second thought. The WWE has created a fan base that is more likely to remember the character - and hold it in higher regard - than the stud in-ring performer.

Look at the WWE legends of the past 25 years... We remember characters like The Ultimate Warrior over stud performers like William Regal. We saw Eddie Guerrero as just another guy before he took on the Latino Heat persona. Many fans under the age of 25 forget - or are't aware - that Steve Austin was one of the top-10 in-ring performers in the industry during his time as Stunning Steve Austin but consider the punch/kick Stone Cold Steve Austin as the best of all time.

Hell, look at Bret Hart. Many thought was the best wrestler in the world throughout the 90's - even better than HBK. In the 12 years since he last wrestled a real match, the opinion of Hart has shifted from possibly the best ever, to just another legend, to one of the better wrestlers of his generation, to overrated and now some people have even gone so far as to question what his appeal was...

Sure, HBK was able to combined his once in a generation ability with off the chart charisma, but the character he portrayed was nowhere near as memorable as The Undertaker's. People won't need to be reminded about the chills they got whenever the lights went out and they heard the gong strike. Fans from the early 90's will tell their children about the feeling they had whenever The Undertaker rose up from the mat like he couldn't be hurt. His character was unique and unlike anything we'd ever seen before... and that he's been doing it for 22 years now only adds to the mystique.

The only thing that gives HBK a chance in this argument - the only reason I hesitate to the say that it's The Undertaker by a mile - is because of how I imagine the next 20 years playing out. The Undertaker comes off as a guy that will stay out of sight and out of mind when his wrestling career is finished. I can't imagine the WWE holding an Undertaker Appreciation Night after he retires. I don't see The Undertaker coming back to manager another wrestler, to do a one-time appearance to put over a young wrestler or to ever don a striped shirt and serve as a special guest referee. As far as The Undertaker is concerned, when he retires, that's it.

Meanwhile, HBK will continue to show up on TV a few times each year. Every time we see him, we will constantly be reminded by the announcers and video packages that he was the best in-ring performer of all time... We'll forever be shown highlights of HBK. His relationship with Triple H and VKM will ensure that Shawn's legacy lives on, and that he is forever revered as the best ever.

But that The Undertaker won't need the hype to stay in our memory tells me that he's the greater legend.
Originally Posted by slothmister
As everyone else so far has said, Undertaker by a long long way.

Shawn Michaels was just another star until he rejoined DX a few years ago (10?), but how many massive moments has he really had? I can think of 3 easily off the top of my head (not including the Undertaker moments):

1. Montreal
2. DX war with Vince
3. His fights with Razor Ramon (1st ladder match(?)) at WM.
4. Iron man match with Bret
5. Retired Ric Flair
6. The DX promo about the letter from the tv station
7. His split in the barber shop from The Rockers
8. His entire amazing comeback after back surgery
9. Hell in a Cell - The original against The Undertaker
10. WM 19 against Jericho
11. Summerslam 2002 against HHH
12. Elimination Chamber 1
13. Putting Austin over at WM 14 with a broken back and putting on a great performance

What about The Undertaker?

1. Debut at SS (Not sure why this can be a memorable moments separate from your number 2)
2. Beating Hulk at SS with a tombstone on a chair
3. Undertaker vs Undertaker ( You include this but leave out the moments I listed for HBK)
4. The Giant (WM8 I think - the one in Vegas) (I wish I could strike this out)
5. THE most lethal Hell in a Cell match in history (I assume you mean Mick Foley?)
6. Hanging the big boss man
7. The streak
8. The Original Hell in a Cell against HBK
9. The Casket Match against Yokozuna where like 10 guys had to beat him down

I added some to the add-on lol.

It's hard to say really. If Undertaker's legacy was so much greater, why wasn't he the face of the company in 1995/1996 when WWF was so desperate for stars, they brought back Ultimate Warrior, washed up Jake The Snake Roberts, and Sid? Why does HBK get all the blame because WCW exploded and the NWO revolutionized the business? Do you realize if HBK hadn't broken his back in 1998, he would've been instrumental to the Attitude Era? With Steve Austin, HBK (and DX in general) took the wall and destroyed it bringing the Attitude Era into full effect. Austin cursed a lot on TV and beat people up, but who was the arrogant heel who was the most raunchy guy on TV? HBK was.

Here's the thing: Both guys had lengthy careers, Michaels has put on some of the greatest matches in wrestling history (Undertaker has as well, but he couldn't make everyone look good. See: Gonzalez, Giant) I think it's HBK overall, but he definitely gets the brunt of the blame for the WWF struggling.
Shawn Michaels.

Shawn Michaels has had more 5-Star matches, more time at the top than the Undertaker. Undertaker was only good from 2000 to 2003 when he was "The American Badass".

Some poster above said Shawn Michaels needs hype. Really ? Undertaker is more hyped than anyone else on the roster besides John Cena. Every time Undertaker's entrance happens announcers start singing his praises that how iconic his "entrance" is or the other supernatural bullshit. His streak is the most hyped thing at Wrestlemania and is even considered more important than title matches.

Shawn Michaels didn't needed that hype everytime he put a top notch performance against Kurt Angle, HHH, etc. Shawn Michaels even made Cena look good in the ring at Wrestlemania 23.

Overall Shawn Michales is the better Pro-Wrestler.
If Undertaker's legacy was so much greater, why wasn't he the face of the company in 1995/1996 when WWF was so desperate for stars, they brought back Ultimate Warrior, washed up Jake The Snake Roberts, and Sid? Why does HBK get all the blame because WCW exploded and the NWO revolutionized the business?

The Undertaker couldn't be the face of the company in 1995-96 because of his character. Back then, the WWE was still about kayfabe and having The Undertaker do interviews with the mainstream media while in character didn't exactly make for compelling television or radio... I can remember one mainstream interview The Undertaker did with Regis and Kathy Lee in 1991 to promote WrestleMania VII. It was very awkward since 'Taker just stood silently on stage in his full dead man attire while Paul Bearer shrieked about his supernatural abilities. The faces of the company in 95-96 (Hart and HBK) didn't have that same problem when doing interviews in character.

As for HBK, he takes a lot of the heat from the mid-90s for a few reasons. The most important reason is because the face of the company is expected to push the business and sell tickets; that's why they're the face of the company. The success or failure of a guy in that role is based solely on the success of the business during his time on top.

HBK isn't the only one to get criticized for doing poor business as the face of a company. Sting gets this same criticism due to his time as the face of WCW from 1990-94 ... Cena gets the same criticism today with business being down from where it was during The Attitude Era. On the inverse, Rock and Austin receive the credit for the success of The Attitude Era even though guys like Foley, 'Taker, Trips, Angle, Jericho, the Hardys, Dudleyz and Edge & Christian played huge roles in the overall success.

The other reason people criticize him is because he walked out on the company when they needed him most. With the WWE nearing bankruptcy in early 1997, Michaels refused to wrestle Bret Hart at WrestleMania. A re-match would've helped business tremendously, but Michaels didn't want to work with Hart. Instead of giving the WWE a potential big-money match when they desperately needed it, he backed out and cited a knee injury that most wrestlers believed wasn't as severe as he claimed.
The way many of us seem to be misusing the word "legend" implies that we're really trying to decide who will be more frequently remembered.

In order for either Taker or HBK to be greatly remembered, they have to be greatly memorable. One easy way to be considered a memorable wrestler is to have an outstanding accomplishment that places you above the rest in the business. Another way would simply be an obvious uniqueness about the character.

The legend of HBK does not include an outstanding accomplishment that no one was able to replicate to some worthy degree. Also, HBK does not have an obvious uniqueness about himself that wasn't already existing or successfully mimicked by someone else.

Alternatively, one could argue that Taker's character is not so unique as well. There have been many dark, brooding, wrestlers since he's made his debut, most notably his kayfabe brother, Kane. However, the difference is that his character noticeably contrasts with most of the opponents he's faced during his career. Thus making him very unique in most of the instances he's seen. And in regards to outstanding accomplishments, Taker has been involved with the most Hell in a Cell matches and is undefeated on wrestling's grandest stage.

I think that with all of HBK's matched-accomplishments and matched character charisma, he will be less remembered than Taker down the road. (If even only slightly) Thus he'll be unable to surpass Taker as the greater legend.
This is a solid thread. I think people who are saying Taker by a mile are absolute lunatics. I also think you would have to be a loon to say HBK by a mile.

Both of these guys would have a legitimate claim to top 5 WWE stars of all time ... but in the end, my vote goes with Shawn Michaels.

He was put the entire company on his back at its lowest and kept it afloat. Everyone wants to credit Austin and The Rock for toppling WCW, but Michaels laid the groundwork with the creation of DX. His attitude really launched the most profitable era in wrestling history.

Combine that with his unheard of comeback and his show-stealing performances night in and night out ... I put him near the top of the pack. I love Taker ... I think his appeal and his gimmick are fantastic ... but he simply is not Shawn Michaels.
Not sure which one but i guess their pretty even with whc reigns.
undertaker is still putting on a good show every year.
i feel shawn is in better shape to wrestle every year too
This is a tough call. My personal feelings are screaming to shout Taker, but in reality it's almost impossible to really claim one as better then the other. So I am going to narrow it slightly. The original question was which is a better legend. So ignoring everything else, and going only by 'legend' status, I have to give the edge to Taker. Not because of their careers but based on the role of legend.
HBK makes more public appearances and in a lot of ways this dilutes his appeal. If you know you're going to see him fairly often, then it's not as much of an impact when he shows up. But Take, and especially last two years when he only does Mania has a bigger draw and appeal. From January on, you rarely know when he will make a few appearances to lead up to Mania and each time it happens it's a thrill throwing back before the ICW existed and spoiled so many returns/ reveals. So for that alone, Taker is the better legend, but overall, they are pretty much equal in their careers.
This question is really tough to answer because you're comparing two completely different people. The Undertaker character is one of, if not THE greatest character in the history of pro wrestling. Taker has also been in many great matches and historic feuds. When it comes to characters he's in a league all by himself.

Then you have HBK. Perhaps the greatest in-ring performer of all time. To say he's not only the polar opposite of Taker and the way their careers were shaped is a huge understatement. HBK had to scratch and claw his way to the top. He did that by having great matches and working his tail off to get noticed. Whereas the Undertaker....the second he walked through the curtains as the Survivor Series he was a main event star. The benefit of having a great character.

I don't want to take anything away from Mark Calloway, the man. He's an unbelievable talent...but if anyone benefited from having the perfect character it was him. HBK made a name for himself by pretty much being himself. He had an attitude off camera and it carried over onto TV.

Shawn Michaels has accomplished everything in this business. He could be a great heel or face. He had some of the most memorable matches and feuds in history. He could get people to cry, laugh and swear at him. He pulled every single emotion out of you....and in sports entertainment that's what it's all about. Drama with athleticism. Nobody combined the two better than HBK.

So in conclusion, I'm not going to say "HBK by a mile," because like I said it's hard to compare two completely different people. In my mind he is the greater legend....whereas the Undertaker benefited from having the greatest character.
Good Topic! Although HBK had many 5 star matches, I think Undertaker is head and shoulders above Shawn as far as greater legend. He's 20 and 0 at 'mania and these matches would not exsist if not for the "Dead Man"...
1.Hell in a cell
2.casket match
3.Inferno match
4.Buried alive
5.Boiler room match
6.concrete crypt match

While HBK got better with age, Undertaker evolved and adapted better to his opposition more so than anyone. He's able to change his style and approach to matches to great success. Undertaker transcended what a "Big Man" is with his amazing agility and athleticsism. He is definitely the measuring stick for future "Big Men". His ring psycology is only second to Jake Roberts.

I love Shawn. Nobody tells a better story inside the ring tha HBK. Nobody puts as much emotion into matches and storylines more than HBK. In my opinion, HE is what made the Hell In A Cell match at 'mania this year a classic, ironically enough, with his raw emotion. He's the only guy that can look good losing. Also, Shawn isn't given enough credit for his ability to absorb unbeliveable amounts of pain and still crank out classic bouts. His bad matches (and ther isn't many) are better than most guys greatest matches.

But in closing, I think Undertaker meant more to the buisness than HBK, and that's with all, all due respect to "The Show Stopper"!:worship:
I had to vote equal on this one. I mean they both accomplished everything they could accomplish. HBK and Taker's careers paralleled in so many ways. Both were loyal to Vince when no one else was. Both have held a lot less titles that some of the stars of today that came along way after them, and most importantly both have had some of the most memorable matches in WWE history. I just can pick one over the other.
I believe that Undertaker is the greatest professional legend of all time...

Now, I may have a different definition of legend than others...
My personal explanation of a 'legend' is somebody whom posessed all the qualities that takes one from being great, to an icon. The Undertaker is not the greatest professional wrestler of all time (Flair, Gotch, Thesz, ect.), but when you combine his work-rate, longevity, gimmick, loyalty, attitude, entrance, promos, and more, perhaps he is the greatest wrestling legend of all time. The Undertaker is truly a legend, as he has grown better within the past 20 years, and as adapted in order to appeal to modern fans. I also very much appreciate his attitude towards young talent and the business.

Shawn Michaels is the greatest in-ring performer ever! Period! Like Taker, he only grew better with age and provided fans with some of the most memorable moments and matches ever! However, again, 'legend' is not quite the word I would use to describe Shawn Michaels... By 2000, Shawn had basically tarnished his career due to backstage politics and an absolute terrible attitude, does that make a legend? Granted he came back in 2002 a man of faith and completly changed his life around. But incidents such as Montreal & "MSG Curtain Call" aren't necessarily high points in the professional wrestling industry... Shawn probably is a better 'wrestler' and 'promo man', but Taker just has to been a better 'legend' in my opinion.

To anybody who says Shawn Michaels is a better legend, or that their equal, I have no argument, as I myself could make a very solid arguement for Shawn & "equal" too... I just have to go with Taker

Undertaker (Memorable Moments & Matches)
SS Debut
Royal Rumble 1994
WM 20 Return
Buried Alive 96' (where his hand arose from the grave)
vs Fake Undertaker
vs Shawn Michaels (HiaC)
vs Mankind (HiaC)
vs Michaels (WM 25)
vs HHH (WM 28)

Shawn Michaels (Memorable Moments & Matches)
Barber Shop w/ Janetty
"Lost my Smile"
Montreal Screw-Job
vs Razor Ramon (WM 10)
vs Bret Hart (WM 12)
vs Angle (WM 21)
vs Flair (WM 24)

Quite honeslty, I believe that both of them are the greatest WWE stars ever!!! Hogan, Austin, Rock, Hart, ect. are all up there, but these 2 are the absolute greatest WWE legends in my opinion...
I voted taker, and by doing so I'm not taking anything away from Shawn at all.... HBK was the best in ring performer of all time hands down... HBK could wrestle a burlap sack and make it interesting and was involved with tremendous angles and specific matches that will always be remembered... I will however deduct points for the time off (albeit injury related) and deduct points for his attitude early in his career...

Taker is someone who transcends the wwe... He's someone who is respected throughout the wrestling world... It's my belief if you have the respect of your peers, and you have worked as long in the wrestling business as taker has, and NO ONE has anything bad to say about you, you are a legend among legends... I don't think I've ever read, in biographies or on internet sites like this, any negative thing about the undertaker ever... He not only was a great performer (with a gimmick that is unmatched), but was a decent to great promo guy, and who evolved his character to suit the times he was wrestling in better than almost anyone else... He's been the backbone of the WWE for so long that he can get by wrestling 1 match a year, and still churns out a damn good quality match (again helped by his opponents)...

Years from now we'll remember HBK as a damn good performer, but we'll remember taker as a phenomenom...
Good Topic! Although HBK had many 5 star matches, I think Undertaker is head and shoulders above Shawn as far as greater legend. He's 20 and 0 at 'mania and these matches would not exsist if not for the "Dead Man"...
1.Hell in a cell
2.casket match
3.Inferno match
4.Buried alive
5.Boiler room match
6.concrete crypt match

While HBK got better with age, Undertaker evolved and adapted better to his opposition more so than anyone. He's able to change his style and approach to matches to great success. Undertaker transcended what a "Big Man" is with his amazing agility and athleticsism. He is definitely the measuring stick for future "Big Men". His ring psycology is only second to Jake Roberts.

I love Shawn. Nobody tells a better story inside the ring tha HBK. Nobody puts as much emotion into matches and storylines more than HBK. In my opinion, HE is what made the Hell In A Cell match at 'mania this year a classic, ironically enough, with his raw emotion. He's the only guy that can look good losing. Also, Shawn isn't given enough credit for his ability to absorb unbeliveable amounts of pain and still crank out classic bouts. His bad matches (and ther isn't many) are better than most guys greatest matches.

But in closing, I think Undertaker meant more to the buisness than HBK, and that's with all, all due respect to "The Show Stopper"!:worship:

Boiler Room wouldve existed anyway, Inferno Match was Kane's but can be credited to him because there'd be no Kane without The Undertaker and his story

But you could add Taker's least talked about and least known match- Body Bag Match

Coffin Matches too which are different than Casket Matches as you have to pin your opponent first before putting them in the coffin to win, whereas in a casket match you just throw them in and shut the lid and caskets and coffins are two seperate things as well. People just confuse the two.
As everyone else so far has said, Undertaker by a long long way.

Shawn Michaels was just another star until he rejoined DX a few years ago (10?), but how many massive moments has he really had? I can think of 3 easily off the top of my head (not including the Undertaker moments):

1. Montreal
2. DX war with Vince
3. His fights with Razor Ramon (1st ladder match(?)) at WM."

OK - First, my pick is Undertaker - he's had a better overall career and has done more for the company. HOWEVER, you picked Montreal, DX vs Vince, & The Ladder Match as the only truly big moments of HBK's career ????

What about the Iron Man Match vs Brett Hart or Steve Austin's 1st World Title Win ?? The retirement Match vs Ric Flair ?? Heck, the original DX angle WAS WAY BIGGER than the nostalgic reunion and brief fued with Vince & those cheerleader dudes. In fact, any of those moments eclipse both the Ladder Match and the DX reunion for their impact, popularity, and historical significance, not too mention finacial success.

Now, I do pick Undertaker here - greatest character of the last 30 years, hands down, has been extremely effective as both a good guy and villain, has main evented against pretty much a who's who of the biggest stars of the past two decades...Hogan, Flair, HBK, Brett Hart, Randy Orton, Batista, Triple H, Austin, Rock, Edge, Foley...other than Randy Savage it's hard to think of truly big time main eventer post 1990 that Taker hasnt had a money making successful run against, win or lose.

I do believe if HBK wasnt injured in 1998 that he would have had a better career, he lost four years in his prime due to back ailments and was never the same when he returned 2002 onward. Even still, limited by past injuries and getting close to 50 he still turned in some pretty impressive matches, winning Pro Wrestling Illustrated Match of The Year 3 consecutive years at one point 2008-2010. Taker has remained remarkably healthy despite wrestling a very physical style, and it has to be mentioned that Michael's historically bad attitude in the mid to late 90s doesnt help his cause. Much of that is pushed to the back because of how hard he worked to make amends during his comeback in the 2000s but it's a part of the story.

Still, when I think of HBK moments that were really popular, etc... I can think of numerous ones, it's not hard, and quite frankly DX reunion vs Vince & The Cheerleaders isnt one of them.

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