Who is the Future of TNA?

It's Damn Real!

The undisputed, undefeated TNA &
Kurt Angle is 44. Rob Van Dam is 41. Devon is 40. Bully Ray is 41. Sting is 53. Hernandez is 39.

When you move down a rung on the totem pole, Jeff Hardy is 35. Austin Aries is 34. Bobby Roode is 35. James Storm is 35. Matt Morgan is 35. AJ Styles is 35. Mr. Anderson is 36.

The list goes on, and it's rather top heavy in guys on the "wrong" side of 35, or rapidly approaching that mark. I use 35 as the marker because across the majority of professional sports that is the age marker in almost every professional league where retirement becomes a very real threat/reality, so why should pro-wrestling be any different? A lot of these guys are probably in worse shape at the age of 25 than an NHL defenseman might be at 35, for example.

But my point is, TNA is banking a ton of their success, and subsequently their future, in older performers who have much clearer, much more visible expiration dates. That's not to say that these performers dont' have value. Just the opposite, in fact, but factoring in their actual age, can they really be considered the "future" of TNA? I could buy an argument for guys like Aries, Storm, Roode and even Morgan despite being near or on the wrong side of 35, but at some point it seems pertinent to put a little more stock in a few more young guns (no pun intended), no?

As far as I'm concerned they have a really nice starting point with a guy like Kenny King (31) and especially Magnus (who's just 26), but when you look up and down the TNA roster it's glaringly devoid of much "young" talent at all. While I'm sure the guys at or near 35 are still likely to have a number of years more to their careers, again, to me it's important to start trying to find a bit more by means of talent young enough to build on for the future.

Aside from guys like Magnus and King, do you see any real potential stars currently on the TNA roster? If so, who, and why, and if not, who do you think TNA should be targeting as potential stars moving forward?
I was going to say Austin Aries because, well the guy is awesome and he hasn't sustained the injuries (as far as I know) of someone like Hardy.

But if we're talking long term ten years or something then Magnus is my pick. The guy has a good look, is a good talker and has time to improve.

I'd hazard Joey Ryan as a suggestion, he's in his early 30s I think. Maybe it's just bias, but I like him, think he's a good talker and good in the ring. I'm sure if given the ball he'd roll with it (providing it didn't slip out because of lubricant)
Crimson is the future of TNA, People crapped all over his winning streak but the guy was solid all around. His ring work was solid as was his mic skills. The guy is 6'6 260 and can move, He's also well versed in MMA. He's the future, 26 years old and he's only going to get better.
Since you said aside from Magnus who would have been my pick I'm going to say with a different gimmick a guy like Robbie E could have potential to be a future star in TNA. A lot of people don't really like him but he's not as bad in the ring as people say. I think people just can't get around his look and I don't blame them. He is dedicated to wrestling and if the company were to invest time in him I think it would be good for both sides.

Jesse Sorensen looks like he has beefed up quite a bit since he's been out with the injury so it will be interesting to see what he's like when he comes back. He already had a decent look and wasn't terrible in the ring.

Zema Ion is one of the future stars of the X division. I really don't get why people don't like him. He's not the greatest in the ring but he's far from the worst. I like his attitude. I think he makes for a great heel. He's one of those people you want to see get beaten up. I feel like he definitely has a bright future ahead of him.

Crimson as mentioned above is still young and should only get better. He already has had a great start to his TNA career. He still has time to improve and that can only mean good things for him.

So at the core I think TNA has at least 6 wrestlers who have the potential to have a good career ahead of them.

Kenny King
Robbie E
Jesse Sorensen
Zema Ion

I'll need to see some of the gut check wrestlers again, aside from Christian York who is too old to be the future, and check out some OVW talent to see who they have there that they could bring back.
Don't know who the future is...but, they've got a lot of guys who should be in the prime of their careers right now. That whole list of 35'ers. Problem is the 40+'ers are still there. They should be finding a handful of newcomers to mix in. They've tried Garrett, Gunner, Crimson, Magnus, Zema Ion, Jesse Sorenson, and Robbie E. None have made the "impact" they're looking for.

I think Crimson and Magnus are the only two that might have a shot down the road. OVW doesn't really have anyone screaming to come up to the main roster. Sam Shaw, Alex Silva? I don't think so. It's time to find somebody though...
The future of TNA is not currently on the roster, with a few exceptions.

Unless they go to WWE, guys like Styles, Roode, Storm will grow old in TNA and we can expect to see them for the next 10 years. Unless they're good investors what else will they do?

The young crop of guys on the roster are okay, but no one I'd would build the company around. Magnus probably has the most potential of the under 30 crew, but do you see him as a guy who'll carry the company?

It's going to take more then him and the other guys around him currently aren't enough.

TNA doesn't have a game changer among their young talent and unless they can snatch one groomed by WWE, I don't think they're capable of finding one.

Things could change now that they have OVW, but so far I'm not impressed with the talent they've assigned their.

Robbie E, Crimson, Magnus, Joey Ryan, Kenny King, Chris Sabin, Wes Brisco, and Jesse Sorensen are adequate pieces, but not names I'd feel comfortable declaring the future.
Crimson gets a lot of flack from internet fans who demand perfection off the bat, but I see a fuck ton of potential in him. In fact, as I believe I've said before — he's going to be a future World Heavyweight Champion in TNA, without a doubt. His issue is his actual in-ring ability, which is something he can continue to hone in OVW for the time being, but is also the least important of the three integral aspects to making a superstar/world champion: (1) adequate ring work, (2) exceptional verbal skills and (3) great look/gimmick. To me, he's about 1/3 of the way there already based on look, and if his mic work picks up it'll be enough to mask his someone lackluster ring presence. Then again... since when has a lack of "moves" ever stopped a guy from rising to the top? Scott Steiner or Kevin Nash, anyone?

Magnus to me is the real deal — a guy who the company could center around, in fact, once a lot of the older generation still in TNA today exit the show. He has everything you need in a superstar. Great look, great verbal talent and is more than adequate in the ring.

Robbie E I absolutely can buy a future in, if he drops the Jersey gimmick. He's gonna have go have a major overhaul where he shaves his head and comes back better as a serious competitor, not just the guy in a cardigan each week. He actually has all the tools, including exception mic skill, so he's off to a great start.

I don't really see the potential at all in guys like Sorensen (generic, bland), Ion (generic, bland and weak looking) or Gunner though (bland).
The obvious are without a doubt Magnus and Kenny King from the current roster, at OVW they have Crimson that it's being groomed for stardom at TNA without a doubt. However there is a guy that people forgot to mention I think, and it's Jessie Godderz.

Jesse is working with TNA since January now specially at OVW and he's learning his craft. He's also 26 years old and he has a great look in him and a possible good future given that he keeps improving and being somehow relevant for the fans. I don't think the way he debuted was exactly the right way, but things are what they are and we have to learn how to accept those things. King Mo can also be a good character if he actually pursuits more in professional wrestling.

Now there also young guys that simply make me want to kill myself, guys like Wes Brisco, Garrett Bischoff, Sam Shaw... I mean guys that need to work a lot, that need to have a good and interesting character and that's all on TNA's Creative Team. But in perspective TNA can still go at it for the next decade.
I would say that when the bulk of your main event is built around guys in their mid-30s, that is no reason to start really worrying/panicking about the future.

Lets look at Angle- he broke his neck in world class competition in his late 20s before even starting a legendary pro wrestling career, and he's still a high level worker in his mid 40s. Guys like Ray and RVD are still going strong north of 40, despite having worked a career full of matches in an environment that was very dangerous and fully taxing, not just in ECW, but in the WWE as well considering the hardcore gimmick matches that made up alot of their major encounters in the late Attitude Era. Flair was still working matches on a very regular schedule well north of 40, despite coming up in an age where he would often work up to eight 30-plus minute matches a week for fifty weeks a year in his prime as the face of Jim Crockett's promotions.

In light of that, I'd say guys like Aries, Hardy, Styles, Storm, Roode, Kaz, Ryan, Morgan, Anderson, EY and Joe all(or most) have a good 5-10 years left on their bodies, and possibly even more in some cases.

With that said, the likelihood is that the guys who will be the next major wave of TNA main event stars once the majority of the current guys decline are probably not even on the roster yet.

Yes TNA has some guys like King and Magnus who you mentioned IDR who can be transitioned to big stars going forward, as well as guys like Shiima Zion, Chris Sabin and Jesse Sorenson. But the best bet may be to look onto the Indy circuit for the future faces of the company.

There are lots of top Indy stars still in their twenties who may have no mutual interest either way with TNA at this point, but down the line once they have accomplished everything they desire on the independent circuit, and have been passed up by the WWE enough times, TNA may become an option for them. Especially if TNA continues to grow as a company and can start to offer more monetary security than touring the country on an independent level can offer. ROH alone has a multitude of guys still south of 30, like Micheal Elgin, Adam Cole, Kyle O'Reilly, Eddie Edwards, Davey Richards, The Briscoe Brothers, Rhett Titus, Cedric Alexander, Roderick Strong, and so on who could one day fit that mold of a guy wanting to try new waters, much like Aries did a couple years back. That's not even to mention all the other 20-something aged guys in Chikara, PWG, Dragon Gate or other places on the Indy circuit who could one day fit like Sami Callihan, Willie Mack, Brian Cage, etc. Or maybe future returning guys like The Buck's or Tony Neese. The Indy circuit is full of the guys who will one day fill out TNA's(and even WWE's) main roster when we approach the year 2020.
The obvious are without a doubt Magnus and Kenny King from the current roster, at OVW they have Crimson that it's being groomed for stardom at TNA without a doubt. However there is a guy that people forgot to mention I think, and it's Jessie Godderz.

Jesse is working with TNA since January now specially at OVW and he's learning his craft. He's also 26 years old and he has a great look in him and a possible good future given that he keeps improving and being somehow relevant for the fans. I don't think the way he debuted was exactly the right way, but things are what they are and we have to learn how to accept those things. King Mo can also be a good character if he actually pursuits more in professional wrestling.

Now there also young guys that simply make me want to kill myself, guys like Wes Brisco, Garrett Bischoff, Sam Shaw... I mean guys that need to work a lot, that need to have a good and interesting character and that's all on TNA's Creative Team. But in perspective TNA can still go at it for the next decade.

Godderz is an interesting cat. His look is tremendous, as he's in phenomenal shape, and that alone can carry a guy far (hi, Rob Terry), but Jesse is gonna need to show me a little more in a higher profile feud than taking chest slaps from ODB for six straight minutes before I can adequately make a judge on his character, or his future.

I dig the narcissist foundation to his character, and his look and verbal skills are passable, if not better than average, but it's his ability (or failure to) transfer that into feeding a feud that actually grows because of it that'll determine his true value. I think the jury is still out on him, as it's way too early to judge. Same with Crimson, really.
It's an interesting question, but a somewhat unfair one, simply because the mid 30's may spell imminent retirement for professional athletes in "real" sports, but in the world of professional wrestling, 35ish is nowhere near the end of the road. So truth be told, TNA is likely woefully unprepared in regards to replacing the current crop of superstars. Truth be told, they really don't have any promising star, any diamond in the rough, at this stage of the game. That's not a slam at TNA, because WWE really isn't much better in terms of budding superstars. It's indicative of the state of affairs in pro wrestling as a whole, as opposed to a TNA problem or a WWE problem.

TNA still has a promising future because they have a core of talent in their mid 30's, the guys already mentioned in the OP. They have a true gem at their disposal in AJ Styles. Assuming, of course, they ever intend to use him in a meaningful way, something which was absent for most of 2012. But frankly, once you get beyond Hardy, Roode, Storm, Aries, and these guys, the talent pool drops off dramatically. I didn't realize Magnus was as young as he is, and of course I've always liked Crimson more than a lot of the guys on here. Sorensen might be good if he recuperates physically and grows a personality. Beyond that, I got nothing.

Of course, no need to worry about the future. There's always Hogan, weaved amongst the fabric of all existing storylines, and he's not going away anytime soon.
There is no reason, physically, for a wrestler to retire in his early fifties, or even beyond that. Many wrestlers started working matches after their pro football careers were over, so comparisons with "real sports" are not relevant.

There are several wrestlers right now who are actively competing and are older than flair or hogan. Jimmy snuka, greg valentine and sergeant slaughter come to mind. And in case you are thinking that "those guys are too old to work, but they get booked anyway" please keep in mind that frank gotch was wrestling "take all comers, you win $250 if you can last fifteen minutes with this old man" matches through most of his seventies, and never had to pay once. And that was all comers. Anybody who wanted a shot and could pay ten bucks.

Wrestler retire for two or three reasons. Injuries, loss of marketability, or they made enough to retire.

That does not mean that TNA can surge forward with no regard to the future roster, but they have some time.
Crimson gets a lot of flack from internet fans who demand perfection off the bat, but I see a fuck ton of potential in him. In fact, as I believe I've said before — he's going to be a future World Heavyweight Champion in TNA, without a doubt. His issue is his actual in-ring ability, which is something he can continue to hone in OVW for the time being, but is also the least important of the three integral aspects to making a superstar/world champion: (1) adequate ring work, (2) exceptional verbal skills and (3) great look/gimmick. To me, he's about 1/3 of the way there already based on look, and if his mic work picks up it'll be enough to mask his someone lackluster ring presence. Then again... since when has a lack of "moves" ever stopped a guy from rising to the top? Scott Steiner or Kevin Nash, anyone?

Magnus to me is the real deal — a guy who the company could center around, in fact, once a lot of the older generation still in TNA today exit the show. He has everything you need in a superstar. Great look, great verbal talent and is more than adequate in the ring.

Robbie E I absolutely can buy a future in, if he drops the Jersey gimmick. He's gonna have go have a major overhaul where he shaves his head and comes back better as a serious competitor, not just the guy in a cardigan each week. He actually has all the tools, including exception mic skill, so he's off to a great start.

I don't really see the potential at all in guys like Sorensen (generic, bland), Ion (generic, bland and weak looking) or Gunner though (bland).

I'm sorry, but I'm not buying the Crimson argument and that's because her fits ZERO of your criteria. He doesn't have a good look at all. He's too thin for a "muscle guy" and his legs are skinny as sticks. He's in a weird position where his demeanor says "muscle guy" but his body simply isn't big enough. You can see the difference when comparing him to Ryback. One is 300 pounds and look physically intimidating as every part of him is big and he can do things to people that only crazy strong people can do. Then there's Crimson who is 50 pounds lighter and can't do most power moves because he isn't strong enough. Thus, his look doesn't work and that hurts the rest of him because if he were to try to be a different kind of wrestler, one that talks more, he'll fail (he already has). Plus, he just doesn't seem to have any sense of charisma. I don't see it in him and I likely never will.

Now, Magnus could be good, Eckos could be but you're right, he needs to drop the stupid gimmick, and I do see something in Ion which I know you don't. He has real charisma and is really beginning to start understanding his character. That could and should bode well for him. Not sure if he's chapmionship material, but he's a fuckload better than Joey Ryan.
I'm sorry, but I'm not buying the Crimson argument and that's because her fits ZERO of your criteria. He doesn't have a good look at all. He's too thin for a "muscle guy" and his legs are skinny as sticks. He's in a weird position where his demeanor says "muscle guy" but his body simply isn't big enough. You can see the difference when comparing him to Ryback. One is 300 pounds and look physically intimidating as every part of him is big and he can do things to people that only crazy strong people can do. Then there's Crimson who is 50 pounds lighter and can't do most power moves because he isn't strong enough. Thus, his look doesn't work and that hurts the rest of him because if he were to try to be a different kind of wrestler, one that talks more, he'll fail (he already has). Plus, he just doesn't seem to have any sense of charisma. I don't see it in him and I likely never will.

Why are you comparing Ryback to Crimson?

1. I know fuck-all about Ryback. You know this. I don't watch WWE. You also know this.

2. Isn't Ryback supposed to be a destructive monster-type? Pretty sure Crimson isn't. They gave him an undefeated streak, but you're hinging too much of your opinion on that angle, which is in the past. Unless you want me to bring up Skip Sheffield, that is. What was that saying? Yup Yup Yup? ;)

From what I understand, they've changed Crimson's gimmick quite a bit in OVW since the streak ended anyways, so when he does make his return it's highly unlikely he'll be coming in as an unstoppable monster again. Those days are over.

I'm having a really difficult time taking you serious when you're insinuating that he has toothpick legs too. You wanna see toothpick legs? Go talk to Cody Rhodes, or Alex Silva. Those guys have tiny legs. Crimson's build isn't monstrous, but he's well toned. Muscle mass is also something, as you can obviously tell from his already fantastic physique, that he won't have trouble adding if they ever want him to either. But again, none of this matters so long as TNA drops the unstoppable monster angle. Humanize him a bit, but make him an angry son of a bitch and you've got a recipe for success, because again, he has what you need to build a star already. Hell, he even has a logo — something not a lot of wrestlers can attest to.

This is a great look for a bad-ass type:


Now, Magnus could be good, Eckos could be but you're right, he needs to drop the stupid gimmick, and I do see something in Ion which I know you don't. He has real charisma and is really beginning to start understanding his character. That could and should bode well for him. Not sure if he's chapmionship material, but he's a fuckload better than Joey Ryan.

Magnus yes.
Eckos definitely.
Ion, no way, but I could be wrong there, though I don't think I am, because he sucks :).

Joey Ryan is well on his way to being the most overrated guy on the roster. I was really high on him coming out of Gut Check, but holy fuck is he absurdly bad on the mic. The moment he picks it up and starts talking, anything that was there goes out the window. I actually think he cuts his own legs out from under him every time.
I think that there have definitely been a few guys mentioned here that could have solid careers and be good for TNA ... but for those around these parts that are saying they think Joey Ryan and Eckos could be guys to be top dogs in the company I think they are sorely mistaken.

Both could have solid careers, but they will never approach anywhere near the status of Roode, Storm and Styles in my opinion. As Roode would say, they just lack that "IT" factor.

Now ... performers like Crimson and Magnus? We may have something there. They both are still relatively young and have a solid look and a lot of positives that can be said about them.

I think Magnus could really blossom into a star. He really has the look, the charisma and the ring work to take it to the next level.

One of my problems overall with this though is that guys like Styles, Hardy, Anderson, Aries and Storm could EASILY be around another 10 or more years ... I definitely would not be shocked to see three or four of them still at main event level for another 7 or 8 ... so Magnus, Crimson or whomever needs to be able to elevate WITHOUT waiting around for the top dogs to go by the wayside.

And I think both of those guys could possibly do that ... but it won't come easy.
Joey Ryan is well on his way to being the most overrated guy on the roster. I was really high on him coming out of Gut Check, but holy fuck is he absurdly bad on the mic. The moment he picks it up and starts talking, anything that was there goes out the window. I actually think he cuts his own legs out from under him every time.

I doubt I could count the number of ways that I disagree with this statement.

As someone who has been exposed to Ryan's work for some years now, I've always felt that he was one of the better and funnier promo guys on the independent circuit.

From a perspective of staying in, and selling his character, I've always found Ryan to be a very high-level mic worker.

One drawback may be that his best promo work probably isn't very suitable for broadcast televsion.
I doubt I could count the number of ways that I disagree with this statement.

As someone who has been exposed to Ryan's work for some years now, I've always felt that he was one of the better and funnier promo guys on the independent circuit.

From a perspective of staying in, and selling his character, I've always found Ryan to be a very high-level mic worker.

One drawback may be that his best promo work probably isn't very suitable for broadcast televsion.

He seems so forced to me, just like Kazarian. Watch last weeks' IMPACT when he comes out and tells Christy Hemme to get him a sandwich and you'll see exactly what I'm talking about. Maybe it's just his delivery, but he doesn't seem all that competent a public speaker at all. He's basically in line with a guy like Christian York, or Zema Ion. He can say what he wants to say, and even make sense, but the delivery of it isn't believable and sounds forced or scripted. That, to me, takes a guy way down on the totem pole, because it tells me that the personality isn't there — rather that it needs to be told to be there, which is just fake, and something I pick up on every time.

I'm open to being wrong, same as with Ion, but it's gonna take a lot of improvement before I can really buy into him. A better feud would certainly help too.
He seems so forced to me, just like Kazarian. Watch last weeks' IMPACT when he comes out and tells Christy Hemme to get him a sandwich and you'll see exactly what I'm talking about. Maybe it's just his delivery, but he doesn't seem all that competent a public speaker at all. He's basically in line with a guy like Christian York, or Zema Ion. He can say what he wants to say, and even make sense, but the delivery of it isn't believable and sounds forced or scripted. That, to me, takes a guy way down on the totem pole, because it tells me that the personality isn't there — rather that it needs to be told to be there, which is just fake, and something I pick up on every time.

I'm open to being wrong, same as with Ion, but it's gonna take a lot of improvement before I can really buy into him. A better feud would certainly help too.

Thing with Joey Ryan is since being signed he hasn't had much to go on. Teaming with Morgan and having the odd match isn't much to go on. His fued with the Gut Check guys was good in my opinion. If he was to have a fued with someone like Austin Aries or Daniels or someone like that I'm sure he'd be able to impress.
He seems so forced to me, just like Kazarian. Watch last weeks' IMPACT when he comes out and tells Christy Hemme to get him a sandwich and you'll see exactly what I'm talking about.

I actually agree with you here IDR. I also hated the delivery of that specific line.

I think alot gets lost in translation. The PWG Joey Ryan would have probably made a very crude sexual inuendo in place of that sandwich line, but now that he has to adapt to cable TV, there seems to be a bit of a "learning-curve" or a toning/dumbing-down of his usual persona.

Maybe forced is right for the time being, he is trying to force himself to work in an environment where restrictions exist, which is not an environment he is used to. I do expect that with time though fitting the Joey Ryan character into the "suitable for spike TV" box will become more natural. I mean atleast he's not having to convert to WWE-style PG restrictions that would completely strip the character of its essensce.
I'd like to see Crimson rise to the occasion, but I don't know if he's ready. Some of the OVW guys are really intriguing. My fav of the group is Mohammed Ali Vaez. He has amazing charisma and a good character. I think he could become the "next Austin Aries Type Guy", who is cocky yet a good wrestler.

Jesse, I see him kind of a jacked up Miz. His drive is going to make or break him. I think the Tara Boy Toy thing is ok, but they failed it with The Young Bucks, but maybe it was the fact the Bucks looked like 13 year old boys who fell into their 18 year old's brother's wet dream, or the fact they have ZERO charisma. Anyways this is where Jesse needs to be at this point.

Kenny King, when he was in The ANX with Rhett Titus, who I think TNA should sign btw, he was a cocky, loud mouth, primadonna who had the TALENT to back it up. Much like Joey Ryan, they have toned K.K down alot. I think if they let K.K be himself he could have even more potential than anyone on the roster.

Joey Ryan is intresting, because living on the west coast I know the TRUE Joey Ryan, and this version of him, sucks horribly. But if they gave him possibly the "Mr. Anderson gimmick", I'd like to see what he could do with that.

In conclusion, OVW does have some up and comers, but they might have to make a big signing or two to keep it fresh.
No ion is a great wrestler just because he is still a heel that is why you havent seen his abilities yet
I would love to see what someone like John Silver or Mr 450 could do with the national exposure TNA could provide, as well as Isaias Velasquez, Nooie Lee and Brandon Gatson. Each one mentioned is an awesome in-ring talent, which of course is the first and most important factor in a potential roster prospect. Additonally, each prospect can develop a good relationship with the spectators based on that wrestling ability and if something more substantial comes from that, then TNA will have caught fire and found a star for the future.

That being said, there is so much talent on the indy circuit that hasn't been exposed yet, so it's hard to say who the future of TNA is going to be, for TNA's lucrative future may revolve around a slew of wrestlers. In any case, I can't wait to see who steps into that spotlight and truly shines.
There are a few on TNA's roster who have alot of potential but if I had to pick one man to be the future of the company it would be Magnus

I think he would have to change his ring name, as I have never liked "Magnus", but the man has all the tools you need to be a top star in wrestling. He can put on a good match, he is brilliant on the mic as well as having the British accent and he has a phenomenal physique, I was shocked when I found out he was only 26 years old, I would have guessed at 30-31.

He has the potential to go all the way in TNA, and I would like to see him with the TV title in the near future and him having a good run with it, against some decent name wrestlers. Beating these guys and looking goo while doing it would help to get him ready for the future main event push.
There are a few on TNA's roster who have alot of potential but if I had to pick one man to be the future of the company it would be Magnus

I think he would have to change his ring name, as I have never liked "Magnus", but the man has all the tools you need to be a top star in wrestling. He can put on a good match, he is brilliant on the mic as well as having the British accent and he has a phenomenal physique, I was shocked when I found out he was only 26 years old, I would have guessed at 30-31.

He has the potential to go all the way in TNA, and I would like to see him with the TV title in the near future and him having a good run with it, against some decent name wrestlers. Beating these guys and looking goo while doing it would help to get him ready for the future main event push.

I said the same a while back, I think around or just before he began his program with Joe, as they were a tag team. To me, "Magnus" is the last remaining remnants to his failed gladiator gimmick — it's time to bail on it and let Nick Aldis run with the ball. Hell, just tweak his name the way we've seen done with Batista, Flair and others in the past — call him Nick Adonis. Perfect, IMO, because he has the body and the "looks" to pull off an Adonis gimmick perfectly, as we started to see with his playboy work when he was tagging with Desmond Wolfe.

Adonis is the god of beauty and desire. If you don't think that'd work for Magnus, I dunno what to tell you.
I said the same a while back, I think around or just before he began his program with Joe, as they were a tag team. To me, "Magnus" is the last remaining remnants to his failed gladiator gimmick — it's time to bail on it and let Nick Aldis run with the ball. Hell, just tweak his name the way we've seen done with Batista, Flair and others in the past — call him Nick Adonis. Perfect, IMO, because he has the body and the "looks" to pull off an Adonis gimmick perfectly, as we started to see with his playboy work when he was tagging with Desmond Wolfe.

Adonis is the god of beauty and desire. If you don't think that'd work for Magnus, I dunno what to tell you.

Yes, he definitely needs to bail on the name. How many british guys are named "Magnus" anyway? Nick Adonis or even Nick Aldis seem fine enough to me. I might actually like Aldis or a regular name better, then any gimmick because he seems to do his best just being him. When he was with Wolfe, he kind of seemed like he wanted to portray a cocky Hugh Jackman, but I think Nick/Magnus has enough of his own personality that if he amplified it, he'd be golden. Perhaps he's doing it already. This Magnus/Nick Aldis to me is who I think he should be.

He shows up at 17:15

Now a guy I would not by stock in is Jesse Godderz. I knew it already, but last night should of shown people that he's a below average wrestler. It's clear that Jesse only knows basic moves/bumps and tries to make up for it by taking chops. Half the match he was tripping over himself and a lot of his punches/kicks were unconvincing/missing by a mile and what makes it worse was that the show was edited.

In my opinion, he's in wrestling for the wrong reasons and a guy like that will never improve dramatically in the ring. It's going to be a balancing act for TNA to use this guy since he has a good physique, but he's only 5'8 and not cut out for the X Division.

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